
by Dheeraj Joshi

通过Dheeraj Joshi

您可能在2017年期待JavaScript会议 (JavaScript conferences you can look forward to in 2017)

Conferences are a great way to make friends and learn from experts. You can even try your hand at presenting on a topic.

会议是结交朋友并向专家学习的好方法。 您甚至可以尝试介绍一个主题。

Here are some JavaScript conferences to look forward to in 2017.


布达佩斯NodeConf:1月19日至20日在匈牙利布达佩斯 (NodeConf Budapest: January 19–20 in Budapest, Hungary)

NodeConf Budapest is a one-day, single-track conference with a laser focus on what people need to know about Node.js. There’s also a special NodeSchool event the day before.

布达佩斯NodeConf是为期一天的单轨会议,主要关注人们对Node.js的了解。 前一天还有一个特殊的NodeSchool事件。

特工会议:1月20-21日,奥地利多恩比恩 (Agent Conference: January 20–21 in Dornbirn, Austria)

AgentConf is the first alpine conference about JavaScript and software engineering. Experts and core contributors will come to showcase their work in ReactJS, ReactNative, Node, and more.

AgentConf是第一次有关JavaScript和软件工程的高山会议。 专家和核心贡献者将来展示他们在ReactJS,ReactNative,Node等中的工作。

Script'17:1月27日在奥地利林兹 (Script’17: January 27 in Linz, Austria)

Script’17 is a one-day event focused on JavaScript.


开发人员周:2月13日至15日在加利福尼亚州旧金山 (Developer Week: February 13–15 in San Francisco, California)

This is the first time that DeveloperWeek will feature a JavaScript conference. It’s 3-days of workshops and industry talks about JavaScript.

这是DeveloperWeek首次举办JavaScript会议。 为期3天的研讨会和有关JavaScript的行业讨论。

React London:3月28日在英国伦敦 (React London: March 28 in London, UK)

Red Badger is launching a new conference focused on React in London for 2017 called React London 2017.

Red Badger正在启动一个针对2017年伦敦React的新会议,称为React London 2017

EmberConf:3月28日至29日在俄勒冈州波特兰 (EmberConf: March 28–29 in Portland, Oregon)

EmberConf features sessions, activities, and good times with the Ember Core Team and community members from around the world.

EmberConf与Ember Core团队和来自世界各地的社区成员一起举办会议,活动和美好时光。

渲染:3月30日至31日在英国牛津 (Render: March 30–31 in Oxford, UK)

Render Conf is a 2-day conference for front-end developers. It’s the successor to jQuery UK, returning to Oxford for its second year in 2017. It’s a single-track conference.

Render Conf是为期2天的前端开发人员会议。 它是jQuery UK的继任者,于2017年重返牛津大学第二年。这是一次单轨会议。

SmashingConf:4月4日至5日在加利福尼亚州旧金山 (SmashingConf: April 4–5 in San Francisco, California)

SmashingConf features focuses on UX and front end development.


ng-conf:4月5日至7日在犹他州盐湖城 (ng-conf: April 5–7 in Salt Lake City, Utah)

ng-conf is the world’s original Angular Conference.


React Amsterdam:4月21日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹 (React Amsterdam: April 21 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

React Amsterdam is a full day two-track conference on all things React.

React Amsterdam是关于React的所有内容的全日两轨会议。

有效成分:4月28日在加利福尼亚州旧金山 (Active Ingredients: April 28 in San Francisco, California)

Active Ingredients 2017 is the world’s first conference that is focusing on JAMstack. Spend a day learning from some of the most prominent people in web development.

Active Ingredients 2017是全球首个针对JAMstack的会议。 花一天的时间向Web开发中一些最杰出的人学习。

JSConf欧盟:5月6日至7日在德国柏林 (JSConf EU: May 6–7 in Berlin, Germany)

JSConf EU is the labor-of-love conference for the JavaScript community in Europe.

JSConf EU是欧洲JavaScript社区热爱的会议。

意大利JSDay:5月10日至11日在意大利维罗纳 (JSDay Italy: May 10–11 in Verona, Italy)

From the organizers of the phpDay, JSDay is the first international conference on JavaScript in Italy.

在phpDay的组织者看来, JSDay是意大利首个关于JavaScript的国际会议。

欧洲行动:5月18日至19日在法国巴黎 (React Europe: May 18–19 in Paris, France)

ReactEurope will explore new ways to use tools like React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Universal apps, Webpack, inline CSS, and more.

ReactEurope将探索使用工具的新方法,如React.js,React Native,GraphQL,Relay,Universal应用,Webpack,内联CSS等。

Front-Trends focuses on front-end development.


ng-cruise:5月29日至6月2日在佛罗里达州迈阿密 (ng-cruise: May 29-June 2 in Miami, Florida)

The first Angular cruise conference. The cruise departs from Miami and heads to the Bahamas.

第一次Angular巡航会议。 邮轮从迈阿密出发,前往巴哈马。

流利:6月19日至22日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞 (Fluent: June 19–22 in San Jose, California)

O’Reilly Fluent will focus on the web development and more.

O'Reilly Fluent将专注于Web开发等等。

VueConf:6月21日至23日在波兰WROCŁAW (VueConf: June 21–23 in WROCŁAW, POLAND)

VueConf is the first Official Vue.js Conference in the world.


AngularCamp:7月在西班牙巴塞罗那举行 (AngularCamp: July in Barcelona, Spain)

AngularCamp Conference is a one-day, single track conference with amazing talks by internationally renowned community speakers.


前端会议:8月31日至9月1日在瑞士苏黎世 (Frontend Conference: August 31-September 1 in Zurich, Switzerland)

The Frontend Conference in Zurich is Switzerland’s conference on front-end and UX techniques.


NordicJS:9月7日至8日在瑞典斯德哥尔摩 (NordicJS: September 7–8 in Stockholm, Sweden)

Nordic.js is a two-day JavaScript conference.


AngularConnect:11月7日至8日在英国伦敦 (AngularConnect: November 7–8 in London, UK)

AngularConnect is a 2-day, multi-track conference with a variety of Angular expercts, including the core Angular team at Google.


HalfStack 2017:11月17日在英国伦敦 (HalfStack 2017: Nov 17 in London, UK)

HalfStack is a one-day, single track JavaScript conference that actually takes place in a pub.


Recently, I’ve had a few opportunities to attend and speak at amazing conferences on JavaScript Security. You can read about my experiences and follow me on Twitter.

最近,我有一些机会参加有关JavaScript安全性的精彩会议并发表演讲。 您可以阅读我的经历在Twitter上关注我

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/javascript-conferences-to-attend-in-2017-b46b288a5df0/





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