cloud 异步远程调用_异步远程工作的意外好处-以及如何拥抱它们

cloud 异步远程调用

In this article, I'll discuss the positive aspects of being a little out of sync with your team.


So you’ve started working from home.


There are a multitude of recent articles giving advice on setting up your work environment, making sure you take breaks, and making sure you eat. This isn’t one of them.

最近有大量文章为您提供有关设置工作环境,确保您休息和确保饮食的建议。 这不是其中之一。

I’ve spent the last several years working remotely as a contract software developer, and now as a full-time senior engineer. I thought I’d share some things I’ve learned about benefits you may not have expected to find in this brave new temporally-syncopated world.

最近几年,我以合同软件开发人员的身份进行远程工作,现在是一名专职高级工程师。 我以为我会分享一些我所学到的好处,这些好处可能是您在这个勇敢的,新的,时间短暂的世界中可能无法期望的。

If you’re feeling a little out of touch with your colleagues, here’s my perspectives on why some asynchronicity can actually be beneficial to your work-from-home life.


异步团队在最佳状态下工作 (Asynchronous teams work when they’re at their best)

It’s common for remote-working folks to feel compelled to be 100% available during work hours. Chat-style work tools mostly encourage this compulsion.

远程工作的人们通常感到在工作时间内必须100%可用。 聊天式工作工具通常会鼓励这种强迫性。

If you work with a team that actually states, in writing somewhere, that you must instantly respond to any chat messages, I suggest that the team could stand to re-evaluate some priorities. Remote work offers the immense advantage of working asynchronously.

如果您与一个在某处以书面形式实际声明必须立即响应任何聊天消息的团队一起工作,我建议该团队可以重新评估一些优先级。 远程工作提供了异步工作的巨大优势。

It makes sense for a team to keep a schedule that allows for a few hours of overlap. This facilitates speedy decision-making and necessary team bonding over voice chat or video calls. A team that fully embraces asynchronous work, however, will mostly tell you to work when you are at your best.

对于团队来说,保留一个可以重叠几个小时的时间表是很有意义的。 这有助于通过语音聊天或视频通话进行快速决策,并促进必要的团队联系。 但是,一个完全支持异步工作的团队通常会在您处于最佳状态时告诉您工作。

Some people are at their best and most ready to work at 05:00, just after they’ve finished their morning exercise. Other people are most productive between 20:00 and 01:00 each day.

完成早操后,有些人会在最大的时候处于最佳状态,并准备在05:00工作。 在每天的20:00至01:00之间,其他人的生产力最高。

Working when you’re at your best can mean a consecutive eight-hour day, or chunks of hours with a siesta or two in-between.


Working asynchronously allows each person on your team to perform when they are most ready to perform, and thus most productive, instead of when they are required to conform to a schedule. This is an especially pragmatic strategy in stressful or uncertain times.

异步工作使团队中的每个人都能在最准备执行并因此最有生产力的时候执行任务,而不是在需要他们遵守时间表时执行。 在压力大或不确定的时期,这是一种特别实用的策略。

Teams transitioning to remote work from 09:00 to 17:00 onsite days sometimes have concerns about asynchronous schedules, usually along the lines of, “How do I know my employees are actually working, and not goofing off?”


To that, I humbly suggest: if you’ve hired a team that you would not trust to care enough about the business to want to get things done without you looking over their shoulder, you may first benefit from rectifying that issue.


In other words: hire people that you’re willing to trust with the future of your business. Look at what they do, not when they do it. I don’t mean to imply that’s a simple task – but that’s another article.

换句话说:聘请您愿意为您的业务未来信任的人。 看看他们在做什么他们这样做不是。 我并不是要暗示这是一个简单的任务,而是另一篇文章。

异步工作需要认真习惯 (Asynchronous work necessitates conscientious habits)

If you’re new to working on your own schedule, one of the first things you’ll likely discover is the necessity of taking good notes.


Write down thoughts, ideas, and questions when they occur – this won’t always be when the person you’d like to share them with is available.


With people on different schedules, progress happens out of sync. This can take some getting used to, but it also helps to build useful conscientious habits.

当人们的时间表不同时,进度就会不同步。 这可能需要一些时间来习惯,但也有助于养成有用的认真习惯。

If part of your livelihood depends on having ideas, you may be familiar with the brilliant, world-changing app concept you came up with that one time and carefully recorded in a one-word scribble. You’re probably familiar with it because you woke up the next morning, looked at your notepad, and had absolutely no idea what “” was intended to remind you of doing, and then spent the morning metaphorically kicking yourself. If you haven’t yet had this experience - trust me, any day now.

如果您的生计部分取决于想法,那么您可能会熟悉一下您一次提出的出色,变化世界的应用程序概念,并仔细记录在一个单词中。 您可能很熟悉它,因为您第二天早晨醒来,看着您的记事本,却完全不知道用什么“”来提醒您这样做,然后在整个早上隐喻地踢自己一脚。 如果您还没有这方面的经验,请随时相信我。

Thankfully, these metaphorical bruises can be mitigated by building conscientious habits. Take useful notes by giving them some context. What were you doing when you had this thought? Who do you intend to mention it to? What pain point or question do you think it will address?

值得庆幸的是,可以通过养成认真的习惯来减轻这些隐喻的瘀伤。 给他们一些背景来做一些有用的笔记。 当你想到这个时你在做什么? 您打算向谁提及? 您认为它将解决什么痛点或问题?

Not only will context like this help you to remember what “” means, it will help you further consider the thought itself. Is this idea relevant to the problem? Am I thinking of bringing it to the right person? How should I frame it? How might it be received?

这样的上下文不仅可以帮助您记住“”的含义,还可以帮助您进一步考虑思想本身。 这个想法与问题有关吗? 我是否正在考虑将其带给合适的人? 我应该如何构架? 如何收到?

Questions like these encourage you to develop your ideas, examine them, and bring more well-rounded ideas to your work.


您可以在互动量上提供互动价值 (You can provide interaction value over interaction volume)

Working asynchronously offers the opportunity to increase the quality of your interactions with your team.


A team embracing asynchronous work is not expecting you to respond instantly to their messages. If ten minutes of reflection or Google would enable you to provide a more thoughtful, useful, kind, or relevant response, you can spend the ten minutes. Heck, spend twenty just to be sure.

进行异步工作的团队并不希望您立即响应他们的消息。 如果十分钟的反思或Google可以使您提供更周到,有用,友善或相关的回答,则可以花十分钟。 哎呀,花二十来只是为了确定。

Every question or request is an opportunity to reflect or research, choose the right words, and provide high value to your teammates. It’s a chance to eliminate any knee-jerk reactions and foot-in-mouth moments, and present your most conscientious self every time.

每个问题或要求都是反思或研究,选择正确词语并为队友提供高价值的机会。 这是消除任何膝跳React和口蹄相传的机会,每次都展现出自己最尽责的自我。

It’s okay to take your time to do it. It’s better to take your time to do it, both for yourself and for the collective benefit of your team.

可以花一些时间来做。 最好花点时间为自己和团队的共同利益做这件事。

No one remembers that you took seventeen minutes and thirty-four seconds to respond. Everyone will take note of what you responded with.

没有人记得您花了十七分钟三十四秒来回应。 每个人都会注意到您的回应。

既然没有地方,很快 (Since it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon)

If you have the good fortune of now working from home - many don’t, and they deserve our kudos and respect - you can expect that remote work is generally here to stay.


Though it may feel a little strange at first, taking advantage of being a little out of sync can offer some unexpected benefits in your career.



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