电脑棒安装linux_为什么要使用Linux? Linux很棒的11个理由


In this article, we'll look at some of the things developers love about Linux so you can decide if it's right for you.


持续有效的改进。 (Constant and efficient improvements.)

Linux updates happen through the global collaboration of developers. Bugs are documented and resolved much quicker with this type of support. Also, since the developers are also the end-users they have the proper motivation to make sure it meets user’s needs and that it is designed to run well.

Linux更新是通过开发人员的全球协作进行的。 使用这种类型的支持,可以更快地记录和解决错误。 另外,由于开发人员也是最终用户,因此他们有适当的动力来确保它可以满足用户的需求,并且设计良好。

风险较小。 (Less risk.)

Software is only as good as the support its given. Imagine this: a piece of software is created by the company XYZ and later down the road, they go bankrupt or get bought by another company that decides to cut its support. The software would never see improvements or fixes and therefore its usefulness would inevitably erode and die. Linux is owned and operated by no single entity or company, so this situation cannot happen. More than that anyone is free to pick it up and contribute as well. The risk of losing support for Linux is very unlikely due to its overwhelming popularity and use.

软件仅与其提供的支持一样好。 想象一下:一个软件是由XYZ公司创建的,后来又破产了,或者被决定削减支持的另一家公司收购。 该软件永远不会看到改进或修正,因此其实用性将不可避免地被侵蚀和消亡。 Linux并非由单个实体或公司所有和运营,因此这种情况不会发生。 不仅如此,任何人都可以自由选择它并做出贡献。 由于其压倒性的普及和使用,失去对Linux支持的风险非常不可能。

轻巧。 (Lightweight.)

Linux’s requirements for running on a system are much lower than that of Windows or Mac. With the right Linux distribution a user can have a modest setup and Linux will give the system value. Disk space and memory footprint can also be lower too. Some distributions are suitable for CPUs dating back to the Pentium family, others have a requirement of as little as 128MB of RAM and around the same amount for disk space!

Linux在系统上运行的要求比Windows或Mac低得多。 使用正确的Linux发行版,用户可以进行适当的设置,而Linux将为您提供系统价值。 磁盘空间和内存占用空间也可以更低。 有些发行版适用于可追溯到Pentium系列的CPU,另一些发行版仅需要128MB的RAM,而磁盘空间却差不多!

大量文档供初学者和高级用户使用。 (Heavily documented for beginners and advanced users alike.)

Linux has an active community of those willing to share their knowledge and help (much like FreeCodeCamp!). There are command line utilities built into Linux that provide documentation on commands, libraries, standards, etc. (Man pages and Info pages), and there is documentation available on the Internet in a variety of formats including The Linux Documentation Project, LinuxQuestions, ServerFault, and The Arch Wiki.

Linux拥有一群愿意分享知识和帮助的活跃社区(非常类似于FreeCodeCamp!)。 Linux内置有命令行实用程序,可提供有关命令,库,标准等的文档(手册信息页 ),并且Internet上具有多种格式的文档 ,包括Linux文档计划LinuxQuestionsServerFaultThe Arch Wiki

In addition to documentation, there are plenty of helpful and welcoming communities for newcomers to ask questions such as Ask Ubuntu and Reddit’s r/linuxquestions.

除了文档之外,还有许多有用且欢迎的社区,供新手提出诸如Ask UbuntuReddit的r / linuxquestions之类的问题

There are self-paced certifications that can be taken that are recognized in the IT industry (CompTIA’s Linux+ and LPI’s LPIC tests). Although not required, learning C) gives the ability for a user to review the Linux code to see what they are running.

可以采取在IT行业中认可的自定进度的认证( CompTIA的Linux +LPI的LPIC测试 )。 尽管不是必需的,但学习C )可以使用户查看Linux代码以查看其运行情况。

贸易支持。 (Business support.)

The world depends on Linux supporting critical systems so the demand is not going away. This is important not only to those that help contribute to Linux, but also to those who support it (Jobs!). Linux support becomes more critical in IT, but also having that knowledge as a developer will make them more rounded and useful (i.e. Full stack developers).

世界依赖于Linux支持关键系统,因此需求不会消失。 这不仅对那些有助于Linux的人很重要,而且对支持Linux的人也很重要(工作!)。 Linux支持在IT中变得越来越重要,但是作为开发人员拥有该知识也将使它们更加全面和有用(即Full stack开发人员 )。

与其他操作系统的互操作性。 (Interoperability with other Operating Systems.)

Linux has driver support for NTFS and HFS+ filesystems (used by Windows and Macs) and also Samba for file/print service support on Windows machines.

Linux对NTFS和HFS +文件系统(Windows和Macs使用)具有驱动程序支持,还对Windows计算机上的文件/打印服务支持提供Samba

更好的硬件支持。 (Better hardware support.)

For other OSs, usually a user would have to go to the manufacturer’s website to get driver support for different types of hardware. The Linux kernel supports a majority of hardware automatically via plug-and-play (largely in part because of the open source community). Some manufacturers also develop Linux versions of their proprietary drivers which could be easilly installed via the software repository of a distribution or by manually installing the provided binaries.

对于其他操作系统,通常,用户必须访问制造商的网站以获取针对不同类型硬件的驱动程序支持。 Linux内核通过即插即用功能自动支持大多数硬件(很大程度上是由于开源社区)。 一些制造商还开发了其专有驱动程序的Linux版本,可以通过发行版的软件存储库或手动安装提供的二进制文件来轻松安装Linux版本。

软件可用性/兼容性。 (Software Availability/Compatibility.)

Linux has a rich set of applications that are available. It has office applications, web browsers (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox), media players, image/video processing, etc. For video gaming, Steam runs on Linux which has many supported games. Windows applications can also run within Linux (see Wine for details).

Linux有大量可用的应用程序。 它具有办公应用程序 ,Web浏览器( Google ChromeMozilla Firefox ), 媒体播放器图像 / 视频处理等。对于视频游戏, Steam在具有许多受支持游戏的Linux上运行。 Windows应用程序也可以在Linux中运行(有关详细信息,请参见Wine )。

为发展而建。 (Built for development.)

As Linux was originally made for developers by developers, they have spent much time and effort perfecting the tools that they would come to use. It has a powerful shell that can be used for a variety of both programming and administrative tasks (Bash) is the most popular and default choice for Linux). While Linux has a “notepad” equivalent in gedit, it also provides more powerful and customizable text-based editors such as Vim) and Emacs (It is recommended Linux users know at least one of these editors). There are also IDEs available for web-development such as Atom, Aptana/Eclipse, Sublime, KomodoIDE, to name a few. Linux also can utilize software such as Apache to setup a local web server for testing, Git for version control, and other tools/languages such as Node.js/Ruby/SaSS/Heroku all have support on Linux and have command line tools that can be used in lieu of a GUI.

由于Linux最初是由开发人员为开发人员开发的,因此他们花费了大量的时间和精力来完善将要使用的工具。 它具有功能强大的外壳 ,可用于各种编程和管理任务( Bash )是Linux上最受欢迎和默认的选择。 尽管Linux在gedit中具有等效的“记事本”,但它还提供了更强大和可自定义的基于文本的编辑器,例如VimEmacs (建议Linux用户至少知道其中一种编辑器)。 还有一些可用于Web开发的IDE,例如AtomAptana / EclipseSublimeKomodoIDE等。 Linux还可以利用Apache之类的软件来设置用于测试的本地Web服务器,用于版本控制的Git以及诸如Node.js / Ruby / SaSS / Heroku之类的其他工具/语言都对Linux有所支持,并且具有可以用于代替GUI。

可定制 (Customizable.)

Linux allows user to change desktop design and themes, add widgets and more. These changes can be done with desktop environments. Different environments have different set of options. Some popular ones are : KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Pantheon.

Linux允许用户更改桌面设计和主题,添加小部件等。 这些更改可以在桌面环境中完成。 不同的环境具有不同的选项集。 一些流行的是:KDE,GNOME,XFCE,万神殿。

免费。 (It’s Free.)

Hard to beat that!


有关Linux的更多信息: (More info about Linux:)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-use-linux-11-reasons-linux-is-awesome/


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