
by Travis Chan


成千上万的在线课程时,如何保持理智和学习编码 (How to stay sane and learn to code when there are thousands of online courses)

We live in the information age. Information about anything we can think of is accessible to us, at the tip of our fingertips. While this is great, it can lead to too many choices. If you’re a beginner learning to code, you may struggle with deciding between so many online courses.

我们生活在信息时代。 关于我们可以想到的任何信息,触手可及。 尽管这很棒,但它可能导致太多的选择。 如果您是学习编码的初学者,则可能难以在众多在线课程之间做出选择。

If you head over to Udemy and search for “web development”, you’ll see that there are almost 1,000 courses to choose from.

如果前往Udemy并搜索“网络开发” ,您会发现几乎有1000门课程可供选择。

Keep in mind, this is only the one platform! There’s also Udacity Nanodegrees, Treehouse, Pluralsight, Lynda… the list goes on. Herein lies the trap of having too many choices.

请记住,这只是一个平台! 还有Udacity Nanodegrees,Treehouse,Pluralsight,Lynda等。 这里有太多选择的陷阱。

学习网络开发很难 (Learning web development is hard)

Learning web development is hard. It’s a fast-moving field where there is always something new to learn.

学习网络开发非常困难。 这是一个快速发展的领域,总是有新的东西要学习。

For beginners, there’s an increase in mental load, and a possible fear of missing out when choosing a learning resource. So which course should you do? Should you do the Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele, or the The Complete Web Developer Course by Rob Percival? Or how about a monthly subscription to Treehouse?

对于初学者而言,心理负担增加了,并且在选择学习资源时可能会担心错过。 那么你应该选哪门课程呢? 您应该参加Colt Steele的Web Developer Bootcamp还是Rob Percival的“完整的Web Developer课程”? 或每月订阅Treehouse怎么样?

The answer is: it doesn’t matter, just pick one and commit to it.

答案是: 没关系,只需选择一个并提交即可。

I’ve seen countless people (sorry for outing you specifically Jeremy, yours was the most recent one I read!) get bogged down by enrolling in many courses that teach the same concepts.

我见过无数的 (参加我专门读过的杰里米(Jeremy),很抱歉,您的人是我最近读的人!)因参加许多讲授相同概念的课程而陷入困境。

Generally speaking, doing many courses on the same concept is not a good use of your time. For example, if you’ve realized the instructor’s teaching style does not suit you, you should choose another one (thanks DJ Khaled).

一般而言,以相同的概念进行许多课程并不能很好地利用您的时间。 例如,如果您发现讲师的教学风格不适合您,则应选择另一种(感谢DJ Khaled)。

But, if you find yourself nodding along with what the instructor is saying most of the time, it’s probably time to stop watching. It’s the same thing as taking multiple Introduction to Biology courses at different universities.

但是,如果您发现自己大部分时间都在点头,并跟着老师在说什么,那可能是时候停止观看了。 这与在不同大学中修读多个生物学概论课是一样的。

为什么会这样? (Why does this happen?)

From what I’ve observed, there is a bit of a disconnect in how to effectively study and learn web development. It’s not like the typical unit of study you’re most likely accustomed to, where you jot down notes and memorize concepts. Web development is a craft. Much like drawing or making music, it requires practice.

根据我的观察,如何有效地学习和学习Web开发方面存在一些脱节。 这与您最可能习惯的典型学习单元不同,您可以在其中写下笔记并记住概念。 Web开发是一种技巧 。 就像绘画或制作音乐一样,它需要练习。

If you are going through courses without actively making your own examples that show what you have recently learned, chances are that you will waste your time. You’ll go through more courses, which teach the same material you’ve already learned.

如果您在学习课程时没有积极制作自己的实例来显示您最近所学的内容,则很可能会浪费时间。 您将经历更多的课程,这些课程将教授您已经学过的相同材料。

It’s also a good idea to note the time you spend watching courses against the time you actually spend coding.


总结思想:做好一切 (Closing thoughts: Make all the things)

It boils down to practice, and applying what you’ve learned by writing your own personal code snippet.


Being a developer involves a lot of problem solving. If you practice going through the process of crafting solutions from the ground up, your knowledge and skill set will naturally increase over time. For this reason, I’m particularly fond of freeCodeCamp and their project based curriculum.

作为开发人员需要解决很多问题。 如果您练习从头开始制定解决方案,那么您的知识和技能就会随着时间的推移自然增加。 因此,我特别喜欢freeCodeCamp及其基于项目的课程。

If you ever hit a wall, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask the community, we all want you to succeed.


How to dig yourself out of the coding tutorial rut inspired this post.


Here’s a video that’s worth your time. Ed Sheeran talks about the practice which can also apply to programming.

这是值得您度过的一段视频 。 Ed Sheeran讨论了可以应用于编程的实践。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-stay-sane-and-learn-to-code-when-there-are-thousands-of-online-courses-e28183bce636/





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