

从问题开始,了解您的用户,市场,竞争对手; 定义“完整产品”; 然后确定其最小的子集,该子集仍然可以为早期客户带来足够的价值; 因此他们会保持参与并推广您的产品。 (Start with the problem, understand your users, the market, your competitors; define the ‘complete product’; then identify its smallest subset which can still bring enough value to early customers; so they stay engaged and promote your product.)

1.首先确定问题 (1. Start by framing the problem)

One of the most important steps in the product development process — is the understanding and proper articulation of the problem. It is a good idea to use a model, a structure to help you formulate the problem with clarity.


Start by describing the ideal situation versus the current one, and how certain users are impacted by this gap

首先描述理想情况当前 情况 ,以及某些用户如何受到此差距的影响

Support your problem statement with statistics and facts — for example, figures to describe the size of the problem or the potential of the opportunity. Keep it simple and clear- a structured, well-understood articulation of the problem with no technicalities and fancy terms.

统计数据和事实支持您的问题陈述-例如,描述问题大小的数字 机会潜力 。 保持简单明了-对问题的结构化,易于理解的表达,没有任何技术性和花哨的术语。

The problem statement should become part of your ‘common corporate language’: your team, your investors, your sponsors, and other stakeholders should all be able to instantly understand it and reference it when reviewing your solutions and product plans.

问题陈述应成为您“ 通用公司语言 ”的一部分:您的团队,您的投资者,赞助商和其他利益相关者都应该能够立即理解并在查看您的解决方案和产品计划时参考它。

2.识别您的用户 (2. Identify your users)

Make sure you know who you are solving for! Identify and name the different classes of users in the context of your problem; document their needs and the problems they are experiencing; identify their pain points; their expectations, and the best possible experience they could have in this context.

确保您知道要解决的人! 根据您的问题识别并命名不同类别的用户; 记录他们的需求和他们遇到的问题; 确定他们的痛点; 他们的期望,以及他们在这种情况下可能获得的最佳体验。

Define Success criteria for each class of users.


3.了解您的用户 (3. Understand your users)

Identifying your users is different from understanding your users. You need to apply empathy, study your users and deeply understand their profiles, habits, and needs. You could use existing research and public domain insights; or host user interviews and focus groups — to validate both your problem statement and your potential solution.

识别用户不同于理解用户。 您需要运用同理心,研究您的用户并深入了解他们的个人资料,习惯和需求。 您可以利用现有的研究和公共领域的见解; 或主持用户访谈和焦点小组,以验证您的问题陈述和潜在的解决方案。

4.验证问题 (4. Validate the problem)

Having your problem defined with clarity, allows you to validate it with your key stakeholders — including your customers or end-users: challenge the problem and make sure it is worth-solving; study the impacted users and document how they are affected by this problem. During this process, try to answer the following questions:

清晰定义问题,可以让您与关键利益相关者(包括您的客户或最终用户)进行验证:对问题提出质疑并确保它值得解决 ; 研究受影响的用户并记录他们如何受到此问题的影响。 在此过程中,尝试回答以下问题:

  1. Do users know any potential solutions to the problem?


  2. Is this the most significant problem they are facing– in this context?

  3. Are there any workarounds they are using?

  4. How would their situation improve if there was a good solution?

  5. Would they pay for such a solution?


At this point, you must also scan the market and the state-of-the-art to figure out if there are existing products or services — addressing the same problem; and if so, it is critical to understand how.

此时,您还必须扫描市场和最新技术,以找出是否存在现有的产品或服务-解决相同的问题; 如果是这样,了解如何操作至关重要。

5.考虑潜在的解决方案 (5. Ideate on potential solutions)

Having a well-defined and validated problem enables you to ideate and explore potential solutions. At this stage, I would recommend starting by setting the context — make sure your team is aligned and has a deep, shared understanding of the problem space — the situation, the ideal state, the users, the personas; the pain points and the opportunity.

定义明确经过验证的问题使您可以构思和探索潜在的解决方案。 在此阶段,我建议从设置上下文开始-确保您的团队保持一致并对问题空间有深刻的共享理解-情况,理想状态,用户,角色; 痛点和机会。

Then, move on to an ideation phase — you need ideas on how to solve the problem and provide value to your customers. Ideation could take the form of a series of brainstorming sessions, or design sprints or internal contests like hackathons.

然后,进入构想阶段- 您需要有关如何解决问题并为客户提供价值的构想。 构想可以采取一系列头脑风暴会议, 设计冲刺或内部竞赛(例如黑客马拉松)的形式

Whatever the form or methods you select, make sure your team is capturing all of the ideas, into a system. This is important to allow fast iterations over this set of ideas, and post-processing: you will have to evaluate each idea and attach metadata and artifacts as you go. Depending on the scale of your initiative, an ideation system could add significant value by organizing and speeding up the entire process.

无论选择哪种形式或方法,请确保您的团队将所有想法都收集到系统中。 这对于允许快速迭代这组构想和进行后期处理非常重要:您将必须评估每个构想,并在进行过程中附加元数据和工件。 根据您的计划规模, 构想系统可以通过组织和加快整个过程来增加重大价值。

Assuming a set of great ideas and potential solutions is there, iterate through the following steps:


  1. Review all your abstract ideas and prioritize them based on their potential and feasibility. Do not discard ideas; assign priorities instead (this will allow ideas to stay active and be reconsidered under different circumstances in the future). Prioritization will allow you to pick the most promising ideas, using not just opinions but a standardized ‘idea assessment framework’.

    复查所有抽象的想法,并根据它们的潜力可行性对它们进行优先排序不要丢弃想法; 而是分配优先级 (这将使想法保持活跃并在将来的不同情况下重新考虑)。 通过优先级排序,您不仅可以使用意见,还可以使用标准化的“思想评估框架”来选择最有前途的想法。

  2. Combine ideas as necessary — merge or group them — to draft an overall solution or product definition

    根据需要合并想法 (合并或分组)以草拟总体解决方案或产品定义

  3. Iterate and refine the product draft; make sure that has the integrity required to call it a ‘product’

    迭代和完善产品草图 ; 确保具有称其为“产品”所需的完整性

  4. Start Small — but Think Big and define a long-term product road-map


  5. State your assumptions — and how you are going to validate them

    陈述您的假设 -以及如何验证它们

Ideachain is the network of innovators and great ideas


Ideachain is the network of innovators and great ideasShare your great ideas with the world and showcase your innovation mindset. Discover like-minded inventors and…

Ideachain是创新者和好主意的网络, 可以与世界分享您的好主意,并展示您的创新思维。 发现志同道合的发明家和…

6.定义您的“ 完整产品” (6. Define your ‘full Product’)

The Minimum in the MVP implies that you already have the Big Picture, the product vision! A common mistake is when the team ‘easily’ identifies a set of ‘obvious’ use cases as the MVP — without a clear product vision and a good definition of the ‘complete product’.

最小的MVP意味着你已经拥有的大图片 ,该产品的愿景! 一个常见的错误是团队“轻松地”将一组“显而易见的”用例识别为MVP,而没有清晰的产品愿景和对“完整产品”的清晰定义。

Assuming you have this bold product vision, the next step is to define your ‘complete product’ as a long list of User Stories — your product backlog. It is important to understand here, that this is the full version of your product / not just your MVP! Another important point is that you don’t have to apply feasibility, cost or other constraints at this stage; my advice is to describe everything — even the craziest and expensive product features, as you will be able to prioritize and manage them at a later stage.

假设您具有这种大胆的产品愿景 ,下一步就是将“完整产品”定义为一长串的“用户故事”,即您的产品积压。 在这里重要的是要了解,这是产品的完整版本,而不仅仅是MVP! 另一个要点是, 您不必在此阶段应用可行性,成本或其他约束 ; 我的建议是描述所有内容,甚至包括最疯狂和最昂贵的产品功能,因为您以后可以对它们进行优先级排序和管理。

This way, you don’t have to skip, drop or archive an idea for a feature that looks ‘ahead of its time’ or not well-understood yet. Instead, you should include them in your backlog with a lower priority — but they will still remain discoverable and potentially useful in the right context.

这样,您不必跳过,删除或存档看起来“已经过时”或尚未被很好理解的功能的想法。 相反,您应将它们以较低的优先级包含在待办事项中-但它们仍将在适当的上下文中仍可发现并可能有用。

Iterate and keep defining more user stories, until your product is described in full. Your ‘full product’ backlog should have all the features you can think of, reflecting the needs of all users identified so far; and all in the form of solid user stories.

迭代并继续定义更多的用户故事,直到完整描述您的产品为止。 您的“完整产品”待办事项应该具有您能想到的所有功能,以反映到目前为止确定的所有用户的需求; 并以扎实的用户故事形式呈现。

7.定义您的MVP-最低可行产品 (7. Define your MVP — the Minimum Viable Product)

At this point, you have the definition of your ‘full product’ — the complete not the minimum. What you need now, is a process to find the best minimum subset of features from the complete product backlog.

至此,您已经有了“完整产品”的定义- 完整而不是最低要求 。 您现在需要的是一个从完整的产品待办列表中查找功能的最佳最小子集的过程

This ‘best minimum subset of features’ which delivers enough value to your early customers to keep them happy and engaged, is what the MVP is all about: the first instance of your real product, which will help you to go to market faster, with minimum implementation costs and the right feedback loops enabled.

这个“ 最佳功能最小子集 ”可以为您的早期客户带来足够的价值,使他们保持满意和参与,这就是MVP的全部意义:真正产品的第一个实例,它将帮助您更快进入市场最低的实施成本正确的反馈循环

To find this minimum subset, analyze carefully each User Story — in terms of value to the user, the importance of solving the problem and also in terms of cost and feasibility. This way, all user stories in your product backlog will get a priority (a number — ideally as a function of the expected value and feasibility).

要找到此最小子集,请仔细分析每个用户案例-从对用户价值,解决问题重要性以及成本和可行性方面进行分析。 这样, 您的产品积压订单中的所有用户案例都将获得优先级 (一个数字-理想情况下是期望值和可行性的函数)。

The next step is to rank the User Stories, with the highest priority at the top; then, you have to apply business and product sense to draw the red-line which will define the top-n stories as the basis for your MVP.

下一步是对User Stories进行排名 ,将最高优先级放在顶部; 然后,您必须运用业务产品意识来绘制红线,这将定义前N个故事作为您MVP的基础。

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如何运行成功的设计冲刺 设计冲刺可以推动创新和价值。 只要您以正确的方式运行它们。 在本文中,我提供了…

8.定义成功的样子 (8. Define how success would look like)

By now you have a great basis for building your MVP: you have a solid problem statement, deep understanding of your users, the market and the technology, along with a prioritized product backlog.


Before you start implementing your product, it is a wise move to define specific Success Criteria — and how to track the involved figures. Identify the key metrics and the underlying data points; define and document the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) — which will reflect the performance of your product against time and other dimensions.

在开始实施产品之前,明智的做法是定义特定的成功标准-以及如何跟踪所涉及的数字。 确定关键指标和基础数据点; 定义并记录关键绩效指标(KPI),这些指标将反映您的产品相对于时间和其他维度的绩效。

Think of how your assumptions and hypotheses are linked to those metrics and KPIs. Setup a system to monitor these KPIs and how close they are to the pre-defined success. You will probably need a funnel to measure conversion rates and a special dashboard — as a single and reliable point of reference regarding the performance of your product.

考虑一下您的假设和假设如何与这些指标和KPI相关联。 设置系统以监视这些KPI以及它们与预定义成功的接近程度。 您可能需要一个漏斗来衡量转化率,并使用一个特殊的仪表板-作为有关产品性能的单一可靠参考点。

下一步:建立,测量,学习; 重复 (Next steps: Build, Measure, Learn; iterate)

The process described so far, will hopefully give you a well-defined MVP. You will know what to build, why, for whom and possibly when and how.

到目前为止描述的过程,有望为您提供定义明确的MVP。 您将知道要建造什么为什么 建造为谁 建造以及何时以及如何 建造

But this is just one part of the story: to succeed you have to ‘make it happen’— you need an excellent MVP execution as well. Follow modern agile engineering practices — build, measure, learn and iterate fast; always with the user in mind.

但这只是故事的一部分:要成功,您必须“ 使其实现 ” —您还需要出色的MVP执行力 。 遵循现代敏捷工程实践-快速构建,测量,学习和迭代 ; 始终牢记用户。

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