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Or get the Official Guide to InstaPy video course right away


A few months ago, I started a side project to learn Python and Selenium WebDriver at the same time. I just wanted to see whether I could get a few Instagram followers. But when I first ran the script, I was amazed by how effective even my rough first version was.

几个月前,我开始了一个附带项目,以同时学习Python和Selenium WebDriver。 我只是想看看我能否获得一些Instagram粉丝。 但是,当我第一次运行脚本时,即使是我的第一个粗糙版本,其效果也令我惊讶。

By just liking a few images of some given tags, I got likes, comments, and even a few followers.


When I added commenting and following functionality, the numbers went up like crazy.


At first I ran my script on my laptop. But this was pretty annoying, since I had to keep my terminal open all the time.

首先,我在笔记本电脑上运行脚本。 但是,这很烦人,因为我必须一直保持终端处于打开状态。

I started with 180 followers, and when I reached 350, I modified my script to periodically run on a server. That’s when things got even sweeter.

我从180个关注者开始,到350个关注者,我修改了脚本以定期在服务器上运行。 那时候事情变得更甜蜜了。

Before I get into the story behind my library, InstaPy, I want to point out that it’s:


  • free

  • open source

  • easy to use

  • inexpensive to host


If you want to give it a try, all the code you need to use it is up on GitHub.


第一个月(357-> 757个关注者) (The first month (357 -> 757 followers))

I started doing some simple data analysis (including a linear regression to predict the next day’s growth) to find the best tags and parameters.


Using this data to run a simple linear regression, I could pretty accurately predict how many followers I would reach 9 days later. But on the 10th day, there was quite a big gap again.

使用这些数据进行简单的线性回归,我可以相当准确地预测9天后我将达到多少关注者。 但是在第10天,又有了很大的差距。

Followers Number
                        Predicted  |  Actual
                           762     |   766
                           775     |   767
                           788     |   773
                           801     |   805
                           814     |   827
                           827     |   836
                           840     |   856
                           853     |   879
                           866     |   874
                           879     |   904

I did this so I could later check back to see whether the growth was exponential or just linear.


In the first month, about 13 new accounts followed me every day. What’s pretty interesting here is that on some days, I even lost some followers. A lot of them were accounts like “MillionaireMentor” and some other accounts with millions of followers.

在第一个月,每天大约有13个新帐户关注我。 这里很有趣的是,有时候,我甚至失去了一些追随者。 其中很多是“ MillionaireMentor”之类的帐户,还有一些拥有数百万追随者的帐户。

When looking at the daily growth even closer by looking at each “run” of the script separately, we really can see that Instagram really has a lot of bot driven accounts.


Note: 0 new Followers doesn’t mean there were no new… The unfollowing ones just cancelled out the new ones.


If we take a look at the tall negative bars, we can see that over a period of 8 hours, I lost 8 followers. I only netted 3 new followers (the mean number for each session) 11 people unfollowed me.

如果我们看高的负条,我们可以看到在8个小时的时间内,我失去了8个关注者。 我只吸引了3个新关注者(每次会话的平均人数)11个人没有关注我。

The above picture shows the standard growth 10min after the script ran and 25min before the next session started. This is how it looked all the time. Even on the days that I lost followers.

上图显示了脚本运行后10分钟和下一个会话开始前25分钟的标准增长。 一直都是这样。 即使在我失去追随者的日子里。

The idea behind the tactic of following and unfollowing came from something my friend said to me: “I almost feel like I owe you something for following me.”


Most of these followers seem to be real. Not like the followers you buy that are just empty Instagram accounts with no activity at all.

这些追随者中的大多数似乎都是真实的。 不像您所购买的追随者,它们只是空的Instagram帐户,根本没有任何活动。

As you can see in the image below, the newly won followers are actively contributing to my content. They aren’t just inactive accounts.

如下图所示,新赢得的关注者正在为我的内容做出积极的贡献。 它们不仅是无效的帐户。

Compared to the average monthly growth for an Instagram user (in 2016) 16%, I reached ~112% growth in one month (growing from 357 to 757).

相比于一个Instagram用户每月平均生长(在2016) 为16% 余在一个月(生长从357到757)达到约112%的增长。

第二个月(757-> 1472位关注者) (The second month (757 -> 1472 followers))

The second month went even better. I managed another 94% growth.

第二个月变得更好。 我又实现了94%的增长。

I started looking for the right tags to reach enough people. This was extremely important, since the more posts there are, the more people use that tag.

我开始寻找合适的标签来吸引足够的人。 这非常重要,因为帖子越多,使用该标签的人就越多。

You can see tags and their number of posts when you’re about to post.


With these 3 tags, I already reach a large base of potential followers. So here are my tags in a word cloud, where the size represents the amount of usage:

有了这3个标签,我已经吸引了很多潜在的关注者。 所以这是我在词云中的标签,其中的大小代表使用量:

To analyze my used likes, comments and tags per post, I wrote a small script which extracts all this information from the given profile and saves it as JSON for easy processing.

为了分析每个帖子的喜欢,评论和标签,我编写了一个小脚本 它将从给定的配置文件中提取所有这些信息,并将其保存为JSON,以便于处理。

Tip: it’s best to use positive tags, tags which will be associated with positive feelings and situations.

If we take a closer look at the graph above, we see that for a posts with the tag “tasty” I get an average of 390 likes.

如果我们仔细看一下上面的图表,就会看到带有标签“ tasty”的帖子 我平均得到390个赞。

I also recommend sticking with 2 or 3 categories, rather than posting images of everything.


I concentrated on 2 big categories and 1–2 smaller ones. The two big categories were “vegan food” and “vacation / goodlife”. The smaller category was “nature” (this is the nature of my home country, Germany).

我专注于2大类和1-2小类。 两大类是“纯素食”和“休闲/美好生活”。 较小的类别是“自然”(这是我的祖国德国的性质)。

To really see the impact of the script on not just my number of followers, but also the real activity of that new followers, I decided to get the likes and comments from each post. Plotting these, I got the following graphs:

为了真正看到脚本不仅对我的关注者数量产生影响,而且对新关注者的真实活动产生影响,我决定从每个帖子中获得喜欢和评论。 绘制这些图形,得到以下图形:

In the graphs above, I plotted a vertical line for when I started running the script on a server. If you compare the complete red line with the dotted red line and the numbers in the legend, you can see that the numbers more than doubled.

在上图中,我在服务器上开始运行脚本时画了一条垂直线。 如果将完整的红线与虚线的红线以及图例中的数字进行比较,则可以看到数字增加了一倍以上。

Then I added the follow/unfollow functionality to my InstaPy script. I was pretty surprised by how much of an impact this had.

然后,我在InstaPy脚本中添加了关注/取消关注功能。 我对其产生的巨大影响感到非常惊讶。

Here’s a screenshot I took shortly after waking up and not checking Instagram for ~7 hours:


If we compare the ~23 new followers per day in the second month with the ~13 new followers per day in the first month, we can get definitely make the guess, that the more followers you have, the faster you attract even more followers.

如果我们比较第二个月每天〜23个新的追随者和第一个月每天〜13个新的追随者,那么我们肯定可以猜测, 拥有的追随者越多,您吸引更多追随者的速度就越快。

I was even more impressed at how strong the impact of the follow/unfollow tactic was. I grew the new followers pay day from ~23 to ~32 by just following some of the accounts I liked the posts of, and then unfollowing them again on the next run.

跟随/不跟随策略的影响力给我留下了深刻的印象。 我将新的追随者的发薪日从〜23增加到〜32 只需关注一些我喜欢的帖子,然后在下次运行时再取消关注。

Based on my estimations, an account that already has ~5k followers could gain 70 to 100 new followers each day with this script.


第三个月(1472-> 2084位关注者) (The third month (1472 -> 2084 followers))

To be honest, there weren’t any real big changes in the third month. The growth, sadly, was lower than in the second month.

老实说,第三个月没有任何真正的大变化。 令人遗憾的是,增长率低于第二个月。

I had some smaller problems with the server, and Instagram changed their site layout a little bit, which led to my script not working properly anymore. So I had to fix this problem, which lead to days where the script wasn’t running.

我的服务器出现了一些较小的问题,Instagram稍微更改了其网站布局,这导致我的脚本无法正常工作。 因此,我不得不解决此问题,导致该脚本无法运行的日子。

I also got a direct message from an account which read something like:

我还从一个帐户收到一条直接消息 ,内容如下:

“Why do you keep following and unfollowing me all the time?”

That was a problem I haven’t thought of before, but was pretty obvious. I fixed that problem pretty quickly, because I thought that it could be an indication of automated accounts.

这是我以前没有想到的问题,但是很明显。 我很快解决了这个问题,因为我认为这可能是自动帐户征兆

My solution to keep a dictionary of accounts I had already followed, and I can define a maximum number of times I want each account to be followed.


Since I hit 2,000 followers this month, I hosted a small giveaway. This not only gave me a little follower boost, but it also made my Instagram account seem more legit.

自从本月我吸引了2,000位关注者以来,我举办了一次小型赠品活动 。 这不仅给我增加了一些追随者,而且还使我的Instagram帐户看起来更合法。

When thinking about it now, it probably would’ve even be better to indicate the giveaway in the picture directly instead of just writing it in the description.

If we take a look at the graph above, we can see that the mean number of new followers dropped from ~32 to ~20. On days where my script had problems, I got fewer followers. Some of the days even were really good with ~40 new followers per day.

如果我们看一下上面的图表,我们可以看到新关注者的平均数量从〜32下降到〜20。 在脚本出现问题的日子里,我得到的关注者减少了。 甚至有些日子每天都非常好,每天约有40个新关注者。

If we compare the number of new followers before and after the start of the giveaway, we can see that it gave a little boost with ~28 new followers per day.


Upon posting a new image or video, by now, I normally reach ~100 Likes in the first hour.


技术问题 (Technical Issues)

The Problem with using a GUI-Testing tool like Selenium is that if the site (in my case Instagram) changes something with their HTML layout, I have to change it in my script and update the elements selected from the page.


That was exactly, what I had to learn this month.


If you’re interested in how the script works, keep reading from here. Otherwise, you can just skip to the fourth month.

如果您对脚本的工作方式感兴趣,请继续从这里继续阅读。 否则,您可以跳至第四个月。

Of course you could just check out the code in the repository on GitHub, but reading a short description is some times way more comfortable. So here we go.

当然,您可以只签出GitHub上存储库中的代码,但有时阅读简短说明会更舒适。 所以我们开始。

It’s actually really simple, Selenium starts a browser window and acts like a real person.


browser = selenium.webdriver('Chrome')

You can then head to any page using the get method.



Once your at the page you can get the elements of the page e.g. by their tag name. So let’s pretend the Follow-Button would look like this in HTML

进入页面后,您可以通过标签名称等方式获取页面的元素。 因此,让我们假设“跟随按钮”在HTML中看起来像这样

<button onclick=”” class=”_follow”>Follow</button>

<button onclick=”” class=”_follow”>Follow</button>

We can now just use our browser to get the button element with e.g. the class.


follow_button = browser.find_elementy_by_class_name('_follow')

This is were the problem with changing HTML comes into play. If Instagram now changes the class from “_follow” to something like “_follow_button” the script needs adjustment. It’s just a small change, but it would be nicer to only have to do this once.

这就是更改HTML起作用的问题。 如果Instagram现在将类从“ _follow”更改为“ _follow_button”之类,则需要调整脚本。 这只是一个很小的变化,但是只需要执行一次就更好了。

Once we have our follow-button, we just need to call:


Now we are already following that user on Instagram.


The biggest task for such tool is finding the right paths to the elements by analyzing the HTML of the page (in my case


Broken down to the smallest parts, the whole script does nothing more than looking for the needed elements on each page and clicking them or extracting their text.


第四个月(2,084-> 2,706位关注者) (The fourth month (2,084 -> 2,706 followers))

In the fourth month, the growth, sadly, again was just ~620 new followers.


After 4 months of running the script, this is how my average post looks like:


Here, again, we can really see what an impact the script had. Even on the older posts, which have been there, before the script started.

在这里,我们再次可以真正看到脚本的影响。 甚至在脚本开始之前就已经存在的较早的帖子中。

被人骂是不道德的 (Getting called out as immoral)

Right at the start of the fourth month, I posted the link to my GitHub repo on Reddit to spread the word a bit more and maybe get some developers helping me test it and report bugs.

就在第四个月初,我在Reddit 发布了我的GitHub存储库的链接,以进一步传播这个词,也许让一些开发人员帮助我测试它并报告错误。

What I got was this issue:


After stating my point of view on this topic, the exact same guy wrote me this E-Mail:


I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPy


I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPy


I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPyI founded a platform for influencers on Instagram called ******. We’re the biggest influencer platform in Europe (or at least one of the top three). We’re doing well on the business side and we have an great product team in Iceland.

我是InstaPy上厚脸皮的github问题的人, 我在Instagram上为影响者建立了一个名为******的平台。 我们是欧洲最大的影响者平台(或至少前三名之一)。 我们在业务方面做得很好,并且在冰岛拥有一支出色的产品团队。

I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPyI founded a platform for influencers on Instagram called ******. We’re the biggest influencer platform in Europe (or at least one of the top three). We’re doing well on the business side and we have an great product team in Iceland.

我是InstaPy上厚脸皮的github问题的人, 我在Instagram上为影响者建立了一个名为******的平台。 我们是欧洲最大的影响者平台(或至少前三名之一)。 我们在业务方面做得很好,并且在冰岛拥有一支出色的产品团队。

I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPyI founded a platform for influencers on Instagram called ******. We’re the biggest influencer platform in Europe (or at least one of the top three). We’re doing well on the business side and we have an great product team in Iceland.I was impressed with your InstaPy project. I’m a Python developer myself and our backend is a Flask/PostgreSQL/AWS stack. We’re moving to a mono-repo to have more flexibilty and the ability to break our backend down into smaller services.

我是InstaPy上厚脸皮的github问题的人, 我在Instagram上为影响者建立了一个名为******的平台。 我们是欧洲最大的影响者平台(或至少前三名之一)。 我们在业务方面做得很好,并且在冰岛拥有一支出色的产品团队。 您的InstaPy项目给我留下了深刻的印象。 我本人是Python开发人员,我们的后端是Flask / PostgreSQL / AWS堆栈。 我们正在转向单一仓库,以具有更大的灵活性,并能够将我们的后端分解为更小的服务。

I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPyI founded a platform for influencers on Instagram called ******. We’re the biggest influencer platform in Europe (or at least one of the top three). We’re doing well on the business side and we have an great product team in Iceland.I was impressed with your InstaPy project. I’m a Python developer myself and our backend is a Flask/PostgreSQL/AWS stack. We’re moving to a mono-repo to have more flexibilty and the ability to break our backend down into smaller services.

我是InstaPy上厚脸皮的github问题的人, 我在Instagram上为影响者建立了一个名为******的平台。 我们是欧洲最大的影响者平台(或至少前三名之一)。 我们在业务方面做得很好,并且在冰岛拥有一支出色的产品团队。 您的InstaPy项目给我留下了深刻的印象。 我本人是Python开发人员,我们的后端是Flask / PostgreSQL / AWS堆栈。 我们正在转向单一仓库,以提高灵活性并能够将后端分解为更小的服务。

I’m the guy with the cheeky github issue on InstaPyI founded a platform for influencers on Instagram called ******. We’re the biggest influencer platform in Europe (or at least one of the top three). We’re doing well on the business side and we have an great product team in Iceland.I was impressed with your InstaPy project. I’m a Python developer myself and our backend is a Flask/PostgreSQL/AWS stack. We’re moving to a mono-repo to have more flexibilty and the ability to break our backend down into smaller services.Are you looking for a job in the near term? Interested to hear what your plans are in the future.

我是InstaPy上厚脸皮的github问题的人, 我在Instagram上为影响者建立了一个名为******的平台。 我们是欧洲最大的影响者平台(或至少前三名之一)。 我们在业务方面做得很好,并且在冰岛拥有一支出色的产品团队。 您的InstaPy项目给我留下了深刻的印象。 我本人是Python开发人员,我们的后端是Flask / PostgreSQL / AWS堆栈。 我们正在转向单一仓库,以具有更大的灵活性,并能够将我们的后端分解为更小的服务。 您是否正在短期内寻找工作? 有兴趣听听您将来的计划。

What really impressed me was that even with such a quick and dirty automation script, I managed to get their attention.


Since I’m, at the time of writing this part, an Intern at Bosch Engineering, I couldn’t consider joining their team. But with its beautiful nature and nice people, I’d love to work in Iceland one day.

由于在撰写本篇文章时,我是Bosch Engineering的一名实习生,所以我无法考虑加入他们的团队。 但是由于拥有美丽的自然风光和友善的人,我很想有一天在冰岛工作。

从DigitalOcean迁移到35 $ RaspberryPi 3 (Moving from DigitalOcean to a 35$ RaspberryPi 3)

Since I wanted to be able to keep this experiment running for some more time, I thought about a way to pay once, then keep the service running basically forever.


A RaspberryPi3 seemed like the perfect fit for it. It was small, powerful enough and cheap enough.

RaspberryPi3 似乎非常适合。 它很小,足够强大且足够便宜。

For ~35$ you can get a small unix computer upon which, with some tinkering, you can run Google Chrome.

只需约35美元,您就可以购买一台小型的unix计算机,稍加修改即可在其上运行Google Chrome。

With this guide: How to run Google Chrome on RaspberryPi and some time, I was able to install InstaPy on my RaspberryPi and get it up and running.

使用本指南: 如何在RaspberryPi 一段时间后,我能够在RaspberryPi上安装InstaPy并使其启动并运行。

This has more than just the advantage of cheaper service. When checking for bots, most services have a list of IP’s of data centers. DigitalOcean and other Infrastructure as a Service providers have dedicated IP’s which can be traced back to every datacenter.

这不仅具有廉价服务的优势。 检查机器人时,大多数服务都有数据中心IP的列表DigitalOcean和其他基础架构即服务提供商提供了专用IP,这些IP可以追溯到每个数据中心。

A small computer like a the RaspberryPi runs in your home network, and has the same IP address as your computer or smartphone.


臭名昭著的robots.txt (The infamous robots.txt)

At the moment of wrapping this whole article up, I thought about not publishing it, because “automating” a site against it’s robot.txt — the document that tells bots what parts of the website the website owners would prefer they not scan.


For example, Facebook’s robot.txt starts with the following lines:


# Notice: Crawling Facebook is prohibited unless you have express written permission. See:

A whole bunch of sites have them:


Interestingly, Instagram doesn’t have one at all.

有趣的是, Instagram根本没有

This is may contribute to my observation that there are a lot of bots on Instagram. Instagram itself doesn’t mind so much, since more bots mean more activity in the whole system.

这可能有助于我观察到Instagram上有很多机器人。 Instagram本身并不介意,因为更多的机器人意味着整个系统中的更多活动。

Edit: Some pointed out, that Instagram in fact does have a robots.txt. You can check it out here.

编辑:有人指出,Instagram实际上确实有一个robots.txt。 您可以在这里查看

结论 (Conclusion)

As of writing this, I have ~2,800 followers. I plan to keep running my script until I either get banned from Instagram or rise to the highest heights.

截至撰写本文时,我已有约2,800位关注者。 我计划继续运行我的脚本,直到被Instagram禁止或升至最高点为止。

No, seriously. I’m really interested seeing how far this can go.

不,认真 我真的很想知道这能走多远。

Of course I’ll get back to you if there are some great breakthroughs or findings.


Up to now, I’ve only spent only $5 on renting a server. With the $50 coupon from GitHub’s “Student Backpack” I could let this run for another 5 months without investing a penny more. With the $35 RapsberryPi 3 probably forever.

到目前为止,我只花了5美元租用一台服务器。 有了GitHub“学生背包”的$ 50优惠券,我可以让它再运行5个月,而无需多花一分钱。 售价35美元的RapsberryPi 3可能永远存在。

If you’re into RaspberryPi’s, you could also just get one of the Model3’s and install all the necessary tools to let it run there for a one time cost of ~$35. That is what I did in the fourth month. If you’re interested check out How to run Google Chrome on RaspberryPi.

如果您是RaspberryPi的用户,也可以只购买Model3的其中之一,并安装所有必要的工具,使其在那儿运行,费用约为35美元。 那是我在第四个月所做的。 如果您有兴趣,请查看如何在RaspberryPi上运行Google Chrome

Also, I spend around $16 for the shipping of a giveaway I did when reaching 2,000 Followers.

另外,我花了大约$ 16来运送我达到2,000个关注者时所赠送的赠品。

So, without all the extra stuff, it would be only $5. If we’d include all the costs (including the ones I didn’t pay) I would’ve payed ~$100 to run it essentially forever.

因此,如果没有所有多余的东西,则只需$ 5。 如果包括所有费用(包括我没有支付的费用),我将支付约100美元以基本上永久地运行它。

Note: If you want to get started with automation with python, definitely check out “Automate the Boring Stuff”!


谁可以使用? (Who can use it?)

Everyone. I’m serious. Even if you don’t want to bother with getting it up and running on a server, you can easily download the script and run it manually.

大家。 我是认真的。 即使您不想为在服务器上启动和运行而烦恼,也可以轻松下载脚本并手动运行它。

There are a lot of professional services that do exactly the same stuff that my script does. The only real difference is that they cost quite a lot of money (like FollowLiker for $100). Mine’s free.

有很多专业服务可以执行与脚本完全相同的工作。 唯一真正的区别是它们要花很多钱(例如FollowLiker为100美元)。 我的是免费的。

现在,我们有一个专用的存储库,可让您在不到10分钟的时间内开始学习(We now have a dedicated repository to get your started in less than 10 minutes!)

If you’re curious, check out the documentation on GitHub.


And if you invest some more time, you can checkout my step-by-step guide on how to setup a server for selenium automation.


If you like what I did, consider following me on


GitHub, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Be sure to star it on GitHub :P

GitHubInstagramYouTubeTwitter确保在GitHub上加注星标 :P

Thank you for reading. I’m curious about what you think so hit me with some comments. You can also get in touch me directly through email.

感谢您的阅读。 我对您的想法感到好奇,所以打了一些评论给我。 您也可以直接通过电子邮件与我联系。

I’m going to do a half a year internship in Singapore starting starting from March 2019. I’d like to meet as many of you as possible. If you live in Singapore, please reach out. Would love to have a chat over coffee or lunch.

从2019年3月开始,我将在新加坡进行半年实习。 我想见到尽可能多的人。 如果您住在新加坡,请与我们联系。 很想在喝咖啡或午餐时聊天。







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