facebook 实习_我在Facebook实习。 这是我学到的一些技巧。

facebook 实习

by Chester Leung


我在Facebook实习。 这是我学到的一些技巧。 (I landed an internship at Facebook. Here are some tips I learned.)

I recently accepted an offer from Facebook after interviewing with Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, Yelp, and more. I took a bit to reflect and think about what helped me stand out. Here are some tips, categorized by different parts of the process.

在接受Google,Microsoft,Dropbox,Yelp等的采访之后,我最近接受了Facebook的报价。 我花了一些时间思考并思考是什么帮助我脱颖而出。 这里有一些技巧,按过程的不同部分分类。

面试:简历建设 (Getting an Interview: Resume Building)

The most important factor in catching a company and its recruiting team’s eye is probably your resume. Since my foray into the industry three years ago, my resume has evolved as I’ve gained more experience. From year to year, I’ve gotten much better response rates from companies as my resume has changed — each year I’ve gotten more replies to and follow-ups from internship applications. Really, there have been only a few major changes to my resume. Below I highlight three.

吸引公司及其招聘团队注意的最重要因素可能是您的简历。 自三年前进入该行业以来,随着我积累了更多的经验,我的履历也在不断发展。 一年又一年,随着简历的变化,我得到了公司更好的答复率-每年我都会收到更多关于实习申请的答复和跟进。 确实,我的简历只有几处重大变化。 下面我重点介绍三个。

Research. I think this is what opened up many more doors for me — I got around 75% more responses from companies the semester after I began doing research. If you have the opportunity to work under professors or graduate students, take it. Not only do you learn an insane amount in a short period of time and receive mentorship from some of the brightest people in the field, but (on your resume) you also demonstrate passion and a drive to learn that extends beyond the classroom.

研究 。 我认为这为我打开了更多的大门-在我开始进行研究后的一个学期中,我收到了来自公司的更多回复大约75%。 如果您有机会在教授或研究生的职位上工作,那就去吧。 您不仅可以在短时间内学到很多东西,并得到该领域一些最聪明的人的指导,而且(在您的简历上)您还表现出了热情和学习的动力,这种热情超越了课堂。

Doing research develops a mindset to tackle tough, complex problems that are present in both academia and industry. Companies want people who have the potential to come in and make an impact, and showing that you have the proper mindset and relevant experience is one step in the right direction.

做研究的目的是解决学术界和工业界都存在的棘手,复杂的问题。 公司希望有潜力的人进入并产生影响,向您展示正确的思维和相关经验是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

Open Source. Projects that you work on and contribute to may also be open source, another plus for your application. If you can’t find a research position, contribute to open source. Open source is generally viewed very positively, and companies brag about how much they contribute to it. It gives you the opportunity to work on something that benefits the community as a whole and to add to a project that may be much larger than yourself.

开源 。 您从事和贡献的项目也可能是开源的,这对您的应用程序来说是另一个优点。 如果您找不到研究职位,请为开源做贡献。 人们普遍非常看好开源,并且公司吹嘘他们为开源做出了多少贡献。 它使您有机会从事有益于整个社区的事情,并增加了一个可能比您自己大得多的项目。

A personal website. Maybe this is just me, and companies don’t actually look at this, but it seems that having a personal website puts you one step ahead of those that don’t. Personally, I noticed a 50% higher response rate the recruiting season after I added a personal website to my resume.

个人网站 。 也许这只是我,而公司实际上并没有考虑这一点,但是似乎拥有一个个人网站使您比那些没有的网站领先了一步。 就个人而言,在简历中添加个人网站后,我注意到招聘季节的响应率提高了50%。

Developing your personal website establishes your personal brand and shows that you have basic front-end knowledge. You took the time to learn HTML and CSS and use the web framework you used — another sign that you’re genuinely interested in software development.

开发您的个人网站将建立您的个人品牌,并表明您具有基本的前端知识。 您花了一些时间来学习HTML和CSS,并使用了所使用的Web框架-这是您对软件开发真正感兴趣的另一个标志。

面试准备 (Prepping for the Interview)

So you’ve gotten an email from a recruiter. Now what? Time to prep!

因此,您已经收到招聘人员的电子邮件。 怎么办? 该准备了!

There are usually two portions to software engineering internship interviews: behavioral and technical.


行为准备 (Behavioral Prep)

Prepare a 1–2 min spiel on yourself. What did you do last summer? What classes did you take that you thoroughly enjoyed? What cool projects have you worked on recently? Make sure to include your research and open source experience too.

对自己准备1-2分钟的时间。 去年夏天你怎么过的? 您完全享受了哪些课程? 您最近从事哪些出色的项目? 确保也包括您的研究和开源经验。

Usually interviews last between 45–60 min, so there’s a maximum of 15 min to talk about non-technical details. Before interviewing with each company, I took a look at its website and associated blogs to learn more.

通常,访谈的持续时间为45-60分钟,因此最多可以有15分钟的时间来谈论非技术细节。 在采访每家公司之前,我先看了一下其网站和相关博客以了解更多信息。

What’s cool about each company? What do they actually do? Are there less famous branches that are doing work that appeals more to me?

每个公司有什么好主意? 他们实际上是做什么的? 有没有那么著名的分支机构在从事对我更具吸引力的工作?

Find and discuss things that show that you took the time to do some research. Write these things down somewhere during initial research so you can reference them later (like right before the interview!). Every little thing could differentiate you from the next 20 candidates.

查找并讨论表明您花了一些时间进行研究的事物。 在初步研究期间将这些内容写下来,以便您以后可以参考(就像在面试之前一样!)。 每件事都会使您与接下来的20名候选人区分开。

The interviewer usually introduces themselves, maybe talks about what the company’s mission is and what it does, and then asks you to talk about yourself. Be ready to recite what you prepared.

面试官通常会自我介绍,也许会谈论公司的使命是什么以及它的作用,然后要求您谈论自己。 准备背诵自己准备的内容。

技术准备 (Technical Prep)

Technical stuff, is, well, technical — you have to put in the time to learn the material. Here are a few great resources that I used to help me prepare for my interviews:

技术的东西是技术性的,您必须花时间来学习材料。 以下是一些我用来帮助我准备面试的重要资源:

  • a whiteboard. Oftentimes the interviewer may you have write out code, or code on something like a Google doc that won’t compile. That is, you won’t have any idea if you’re making syntax errors. Try writing out code on a whiteboard when you prepare. It’s much different than coding in a normal development environment. You can also use a whiteboard to sketch out and visualize your ideas.

    白板。 面试官通常可能会写出代码,或者在无法编译的类似Google文档的代码上写代码。 也就是说,如果您犯语法错误,您将一无所知。 准备时,尝试在白板上写出代码。 它与普通开发环境中的编码有很大不同。 您还可以使用白板草绘和形象化您的想法。
  • Cracking the Coding Interview. It has short reviews on most topics covered in interviews, and a bunch of problems ranging in difficulty. I bought a hard copy. This allowed me to highlight important notes in the content sections, and draw some diagrams next to the questions. The content sections have great summaries on various topics like data structures, sorting, dynamic programming, etc, to refresh your memory. I’ve actually seen several questions in interviews taken straight out of this book. Probably the greatest resource out there.

    破解编码面试 。 它对采访中涵盖的大多数主题进行了简短的评论,并提出了一系列困难程度不一的问题。 我买了印刷版。 这使我能够突出显示内容部分中的重要说明,并在问题旁边绘制一些图表。 内容部分总结了各种主题,例如数据结构,排序,动态编程等,以刷新您的内存。 实际上,在本书的访谈中我确实看到了几个问题。 可能是那里最大的资源。

  • LeetCode. LeetCode, like Cracking the Coding Interview, has questions of different levels you can practice with. But LeetCode provides an online environment where you can type code, and where your code will compile and run. It’s a good way to check that your code actually runs, and a good platform to practice debugging. (Note: being able to quickly figure out where your code has a bug is key. It’ll help you a ton during the actual interview). Each question also has a discussion forum where you can see how others approached the question. It’s always cool to see what other ways you can solve a problem.

    LeetCode 。 LeetCode像“破解编码面试”一样,具有可以练习的不同级别的问题。 但是LeetCode提供了一个在线环境,您可以在其中键入代码,并在其中编译和运行代码。 这是检查代码是否实际运行的好方法,也是练习调试的好平台。 (注意:能够快速找出代码中的错误所在是关键。这将在实际面试中为您提供很多帮助)。 每个问题都有一个讨论论坛,您可以在其中看到其他人如何处理该问题。 看看有什么其他方法可以解决问题总是很酷的。

  • HackerRank. A lot of companies use HackerRank for coding challenges, and HackerRank has compiled an Interview Preparation Kit to help you prepare for interviews. The kit reviews many of the same topics that Cracking the Coding Interview does, but gives you a platform to apply the concepts by physically coding. This will help you get used to an online coding environment very similar to one used in actual interviews.

    HackerRank 。 许多公司都使用HackerRank进行编码挑战,并且HackerRank已编译了一个面试准备工具包来帮助您准备面试。 该工具包回顾了许多与“破解编码面试”相同的主题,但为您提供了通过物理编码来应用概念的平台。 这将帮助您适应与实际采访中使用的在线编码环境非常相似的在线编码环境。

实际面试 (The Actual Interview)

Your interview is here. The behavioral part has come and gone. It’s go time.

您的采访在这里。 行为部分已经过去了。 该走了。

After you first encounter the problem, take some time to think about. Don’t feel like you have to immediately rush into a solution. Talk through your approach with your interviewer before you start coding. Sometimes the interviewer will want a more efficient solution than your initial solution before you begin coding, or may tell you that they don’t care about efficiency, and that any old brute force approach is fine.

第一次遇到问题后,请花一些时间思考。 不需要立即解决问题。 在开始编码之前,请与面试官讨论您的方法。 有时候,面试官在开始编码之前会想要比您最初的解决方案更有效的解决方案,或者可能会告诉您他们不关心效率,并且任何旧的蛮力方法都可以。

This also gives the interviewer a chance to give you feedback. On that note, periodically ask for feedback or guidance. Some interviewers have helped me big time in this way. Think of the interview less like an exam, more like a collaboration to solve some problems.

这也使面试官有机会给您反馈。 关于这一点,请定期寻求反馈或指导。 一些面试官以这种方式帮助了我很多时间。 认为面试不像考试,更像是解决某些问题的合作。

Small tip: If you don’t remember the exact syntax of a language-specific function, ask if you can look it up. From my experience, you usually can, or the interviewer will give you function signatures you can use.

小提示:如果您不记得特定语言功能的确切语法,请询问是否可以查找它。 根据我的经验,通常可以,或者面试官会给您可以使用的功能签名。

祝你好运! (Best of Luck!)

Hopefully you’ve learned a bit from this article. Throughout my undergraduate journey, I’ve had many supportive peers and mentors who gave me guidance and advice. I hope to pay it forward and make your internship search a little easier.

希望您从本文中学到了一些东西。 在我的整个大学旅程中,我得到了许多支持同伴和导师的指导和建议。 我希望将其支付给您,并使您的实习搜索更加轻松。

If you want any personal guidance, feel free to message me on LinkedIn. Add a small note referring to this article so I know you’re not just trying to boost your connection count. Thanks for reading! Good luck!

如果您需要任何个人指导,请随时在LinkedIn上给我发消息。 添加一条有关本文的小注释,以便我知道您不只是在尝试增加连接数。 谢谢阅读! 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-landed-an-internship-at-facebook-here-are-some-tips-i-learned-b83685cde27/

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