

by Juhi Chitra

通过Juhi Chitra

不安全设计师的自白 (Confessions of an Insecure Designer)

还是我学会了停止担心并热爱疯狂的方式。 (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the crazy.)

Some days you see just one-too-many great designers doing better work than you, achieving more than you, and you just can’t help feeling like a schmuck who’s never gonna reach her full potential.


So alongside all the posts from confident designers showing us how well they can design (which is helpful most of the time), here’s a post about this designer’s worst, honest, crazy self-doubts. Just so you know you are not alone.

因此,除了充满自信的设计师的所有帖子向我们展示他们的设计水平(大部分时间都是有帮助的)之外,还有关于这位设计师最糟糕,诚实,疯狂的自我怀疑的文章。 只是为了让您知道您并不孤单。

In no order, my big bad fears:


1.我将永远无法充分发挥作为设计师的潜力 (1. I will never reach my full potential as a designer)

Who knows, I could be as great as Jony Ive (I mean all my interfaces have round corners). But I will never get there. I’ll be stuck here being a nobody.

谁知道,我和Jony Ive一样出色(我的意思是我的所有界面都有圆角)。 但是我永远不会到达那里。 我会被困在这里成为一个没人。

2.我学习的新工具不够多 (2. I am not learning enough new tools)

The 47th new prototyping tool came out last week and every designer and their mother has already made it a part of their workflow (and written Medium posts about it — which I still haven’t read). And I haven’t even tried it out yet! I might as well still be using Corel Draw.

第47个新的原型工具于上周问世,每个设计师及其母亲已经将其作为工作流程的一部分(并撰写了有关它的中型帖子,我至今仍未阅读)。 而且我还没有尝试过! 我可能仍在使用Corel Draw。

3.我对自己的挑战不够 (3. I am not challenging myself enough)

This project is too easy. I have done this stuff before. People are creating world-changing VR apps and I spent the day designing a pretty profile page. Again.

这个项目太简单了。 我以前做过这些东西。 人们正在创建改变世界的VR应用程序,我花了一天的时间设计漂亮的个人资料页面。 再次。

4.我走出了我的深度 (4. I am way out of my depth)

Actually, I may have challenged myself a little too hard. I have no idea how to solve this UX problem. I am a Good Designer™, how can I not have answers?!

实际上,我可能对自己提出了一些挑战。 我不知道如何解决此UX问题。 我是一名优秀设计师™,我怎么没有答案?

5.我对设计的了解不够 (5. I am not reading enough about design)

Those 5 articles yesterday about how to be a better designer? I didn’t feel like reading them, and that means I am not trying hard enough to keep learning. It might even mean that I am not passionate enough about design (gasp).

昨天那5篇关于如何成为更好的设计师的文章? 我不喜欢阅读它们,这意味着我没有尽力继续学习。 这甚至可能意味着我对设计(gasp)不够热情。

6.我不够有野心 (6. I am not ambitious enough)

People are starting design studios in their name and launching their own startups, and I am perfectly fine working 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.


7.我这个年龄的学生成绩不佳 (7. I am an under-achiever for my age)

Julie Zhou was already a Design Manager at Facebook when she was my age. (I went and looked that up one night because I had to find out.)

朱莉周岁的时候已经是Facebook的设计经理。 (我去找了一晚,因为我必须找出来。)

8.我可以一直都在假装吗? (8. Could I have been faking it this whole time?)

What if I am not actually a Good Designer™ and have just been pretending to have any idea what I am doing. Oh God, I have been fooling everyone this whole time! (If this is not just a passing thought, and you actually believe you’re faking it, do read about Imposter Syndrome.)

如果我实际上不是Good Designer™,并且只是假装对我的工作有任何想法该怎么办。 噢,天哪,我这一次一直在欺骗所有人! (如果这不只是一个偶然的想法,并且您实际上认为自己是假的,请阅读有关冒名顶替综合症的文章 。)

那么,我如何保持理智,你问? (So how do I stay sane, you ask?)

These three things give me perspective on nights when it all becomes a little too real:


1. Every single designer I know (closely enough) has such doubts too. I’ve had many conversations with designers I admire who are frustrated with their skills, their achievements, their ambitions. And if the best designers feel like schmucks at some point, it can’t be all that bad being a schmuck.

1.我认识的每个设计师(都非常接近)也有这样的疑问。 我与我欣赏的设计师进行了很多对话,这些设计师对他们的技能,成就和抱负感到沮丧。 而且,如果最好的设计师在某个时候感觉像是笨拙的人,那么成为笨拙的人并不是一件坏事。

2. You know what would be worse than having all these fears? Not having them. Because that would mean you had stopped pushing yourself, stopped trying to be a better designer, stopped being passionate about design (gasp).

2.你知道有所有这些恐惧会更糟吗? 没有他们。 因为那将意味着您已经不再努力,不再试图成为一个更好的设计师,不再对设计充满热情。

3. Remembering what actually matters. That you’re doing work you are proud of, you’re getting better every day, and that you’re happy. The rest is trivial.

3.记住真正重要的事情。 您正在做自己引以为傲的工作,每天都在进步,并且感到高兴。 其余的都是微不足道的。

Inspired by other designers being honest.

其他设计师的启发 诚实的

I wrote this with the hope that admitting to our doubts will help us realise we all have them and help us move past them. Writing this list down certainly helped me. So if you have such fears too, let me and others know.

我写这篇文章的希望是,承认我们的疑问将帮助我们认识到我们所有人都有他们,并帮助我们越过他们。 写下这份清单肯定对我有帮助。 因此,如果您也有此类恐惧,请让我和其他人知道。

Read my last post: Don’t Say This to a DesignerStalk me: Juhi.coTwitterDribbble

阅读我的最新文章: 不要对设计师说这 句话跟踪 我: Juhi.coTwitterDribbble

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/confessions-insecure-designer-cebfe2546e97/






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