我从尼日利亚瓦里的Google I / O Extended 2018中学到了什么

by Kelvin Omereshone

由Kelvin Omereshone

我从尼日利亚瓦里的Google I / O Extended 2018中学到了什么 (What I learned from Google I/O Extended 2018 in Warri, Nigeria)

Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you about what I learned by attending the just concluded Google I/O Extended hosted by GDG Warri. Charles Freeborn Eteure, who was the organizer, was really amazing — thumbs up sir! I also met an astonishing UI/UX designer — Miss Perrie — and her talk on the importance of good design was marvelous.

大家好。 我想告诉您有关我参加GDG Warri主持的刚刚结束的Google I / O Extended的经验教训。 组织者Charles Freeborn Eteure真的很棒-先生竖起大拇指! 我还遇到了一个令人惊讶的UI / UX设计师Perrie小姐,她关于好的设计的重要性的演讲很棒。

This quote kept coming to mind:


Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow — Anthony J. D’Angelo
培养学习热情。 如果您这样做,您将永远不会停止成长-Anthony J. D'Angelo

So, I was very humbled to see quite a number of young people turning up to attend this event, even though it was the first of its kind in Warri. At the event, I was approach by many people who wanted to know how to get started learning web development or programming in general.

因此,我很荣幸看到很多年轻人参加了这个活动,尽管这是沃里镇上的第一次。 在活动中,很多人都想了解我,他们想知道如何开始学习一般的Web开发或编程。

Those questions opened my eyes to some valuable lessons:


  1. Young folks are really eager to learn about the whole tech ecosystem.

  2. There is a need for guidance for the young upcoming developers.

  3. The whole idea of what developers do is still hazy to most people in Delta State.

  4. There is a deficit in the knowledge of where to get resources or seek help.

  5. More awareness needs to be spread in order to re-orient the mindset of Deltans about technology in general.


With all these lessons in mind, I want to point out some cool resources and also give some advice I think will be helpful for any beginner developer (especially to the young developers-to-be from #IO18Extedended).


“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

Eric Hoffer


给年轻开发者的建议 (Advice to young developers)

K 现在为什么之前如何(Know the why before the how.)

What this means is that you have to know why you want to get into tech. It’s not so much knowing it intellectually, but you have to know it emotionally (and have a strong conviction) as well.

这意味着您必须知道为什么要进入技术领域。 与其说是理智上的知识,还不如说它是情感上的(并且有坚定的信念)。

This is necessary because, like anything worth learning, development in general is difficult but do-able. So I reckon having a strong tangible reason is a formidable force in keeping you coding and moving forward in those trying times of frustration or a coding rut.

这是必要的,因为与所有值得学习的东西一样,总的来说发展很困难但可行。 因此,我认为有一个很强的明确原因是使您在遇到挫折或编码车轮辙的艰难时期保持编码并向前迈进的强大力量。

态度决定一切 (Attitude is everything)

You have to maintain a learning attitude. What you don’t know, ask and read about (in any order you want) and you have to do it daily. Coding is a skill, and like any skill you get better at it by doing it. This article is great at pointing out what learning style will suit your uniqueness.

您必须保持学习态度。 您不知道,询问和了解的内容(以您想要的任何顺序),您必须每天进行。 编码是一项技能,就像其他任何一项技能一样,您也会通过这样做而变得更好。 本文擅长指出哪种学习风格适合您的独特性。

回到基础 (Go back to the fundamentals)

Lastly and most importantly (I think), development is both an art and a science. Like both fields, it has rudiments — learn them. It has pioneers (top dogs, senior developers, mentors) — find them and follow them closely. It is challenging — embrace it (because it makes you better). And it is geared towards fostering solutions to new problems or making an old solution better — focus on that!

最后,也是最重要的(我认为),发展既是一门艺术,也是一门科学。 像这两个领域一样,它也有基础-学习它们。 它拥有先驱者(顶尖的人才,高级开发人员,导师)-找到他们并密切关注他们。 具有挑战性-接受它(因为它会使您变得更好)。 它旨在促进解决新问题或使旧解决方案更好-专注于此!

查看这些资源和文章 (Checkout these resources and articles)

Oh and before I forget — this article has links to useful resources that may be of help on your journey — if you are just starting out, do check it out. You can reach out to me as well. Read this , this and this for more inspiration — we all need it on this exciting journey!

哦,在我忘记之前- 本文包含指向有用资源的链接,这些资源可能会对您的旅行有所帮助-如果您刚刚开始,请进行检查。 您也可以与我联系。 阅读本本本本本本以获得更多灵感-在这个激动人心的旅程中我们都需要它!

“If you know the why, you can live any how.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


Thanks for reading. Do leave comments (they’re very much appreciated) and claps as well. Happy coding!

谢谢阅读。 留下评论(非常感谢)和鼓掌。 编码愉快!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-i-learnt-from-io18extended-warri-9e7142e7a4c5/

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