区块链和区块链联盟_您可能对区块链有误解。 让我来帮助您修复它们。


by Syed Fazle Rahman

赛义德·法兹勒·拉曼(Syed Fazle Rahman)

您可能对区块链有误解。 让我来帮助您修复它们。 (You might have misconceptions about Blockchain. Let me help you fix them.)

The internet is going crazy about this new buzzword called “Blockchain.” I am sure you have heard about it too, from your friends, investors, users or team members. As a technology, blockchain is so new and popular that people don’t have a proper idea about it and its applications.

互联网对这个称为“区块链”的新流行语感到疯狂。 我相信您也从您的朋友,投资者,用户或团队成员那里听说过。 作为一项技术,区块链是如此之新和流行,以至于人们对它及其应用没有正确的认识。

In this article, let me help you correct the ten misconceptions about blockchain on a superficial level.


1.加密货币是区块链的唯一应用 (1. Cryptocurrency is the only application of blockchain)

Creating a cryptocurrency seems like the most popular and viable application of blockchain today. This is also an easy way of making money by launching an ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) where investors buy your virtual coins with fiat currency or other coins like ETH, BTC, and so on.

创建一种加密货币似乎是当今最流行和可行的区块链应用程序。 这也是通过启动ICO(初始代币发行)来赚钱的简便方法,投资者可以用法定货币或其他代币(如ETH,BTC等)购买虚拟代币。

Starting an ICO and making money quickly definitely looks tempting and is one of the reasons why it became massively popular. Take a look at the top 99 cryptocurrencies in the market right now and their current value, 99coins.

快速启动ICO并Swift赚钱绝对是诱人的,这也是它变得如此受欢迎的原因之一。 看看目前市场上排名前99位的加密货币及其当前价值99coins

On a side note, the ease of launching an ICO opened doors to many scams like the “Vietnamese Modern Tech” scam, where a fake company raised $658M by promising to build tech internet giants in the country.


But in reality, there are multiple real-world applications of blockchain, and cryptocurrency is just one of them. Here are a few of them:

但实际上,区块链有多种现实应用,而加密货币只是其中之一。 这里有几个:

  1. Healthcare: Blockchain can help us keep health records securely with proper timestamps, so they don’t get lost. The current health care systems have a massive amount of data, and they aren’t managed and connected to the internet properly.

    医疗保健:区块链可以帮助我们以适当的时间戳记安全地保存健康记录,以免丢失。 当前的医疗保健系统拥有大量数据,并且没有正确管理和连接到Internet。

  2. Banking: Blockchain can help in cutting costs of settling transactions involving bonds or other financial instruments. It can help in sending money to countries where banking facilities aren’t a viable option.

    银行业务:区块链可以帮助降低涉及债券或其他金融工具的交易结算成本。 它可以帮助将钱汇到银行服务不可行的国家。

  3. Distributed Cloud Storage: Today, the photos and documents we upload to the cloud (Google Drive, iCloud, and so on.) are all centralized and, and everything is controlled by an organization. With blockchain, we can take full control of our data, encrypt and store them, and access them securely.

    分布式云存储:今天,我们上传到云(Google云端硬盘,iCloud等)的照片和文档都是集中的,并且一切都由组织控制。 借助区块链,我们可以完全控制我们的数据,对其进行加密和存储,并安全地对其进行访问。

Tip: ? If you want to launch your own ICO in a few minutes without any coding, check out TokenLauncher, created by Sandeep and me.

小费: ? 如果您想在几分钟内启动没有任何编码的ICO,请查看S andeep和我创建的T okenLauncher

2.区块链是阳光下所有问题的解决方案! (2. The blockchain is the solution to all the problems under the sun!!)

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

“如果您只有一把锤子 ,那么一切看起来都像钉子。

Just like the above quote, all the applications in the world needn’t involve blockchain. Blockchain comes with the concept of keeping the data or transactions decentralized. This means all your data is recorded forever in a network of computers. Data, once sent to a blockchain network, cannot be deleted or removed from all the systems. So, if you are thinking to build a decentralized network, think again!

就像上面的引用一样,世界上所有的应用程序都不需要涉及区块链。 区块链带有保持数据或交易分散化的概念。 这意味着您的所有数据将永久记录在计算机网络中。 数据一旦发送到区块链网络,就无法从所有系统中删除或删除。 因此,如果您正在考虑建立去中心化网络,请再考虑一下!

3.比特币是区块链 (3. Bitcoin is Blockchain)

The blockchain is the technology that powers Bitcoin. Bitcoin is also one of the first applications of blockchain that went popular. Therefore, many people assume that Bitcoin is blockchain.

区块链是为比特币提供动力的技术 。 比特币也是最早流行的区块链应用之一。 因此,许多人认为比特币是区块链。

Bitcoin was initially created as an alternative, decentralized payment method. However, as the supply of Bitcoin is limited, the value has increased drastically in recent times. Today, Bitcoin is considered digital gold and people treat it as an asset rather than a mode of payment.

比特币最初是作为一种替代的分散式付款方式而创建的。 但是,由于比特币的供应有限,因此其价值近来已急剧增加。 今天,比特币被认为是数字黄金,人们将其视为一种资产,而不是一种付款方式。

No, they are not! The smart contract helps eliminate the need to pay intermediaries (Middlemen) and saves time and complexity. Think of them as self-executing code blocks that reside on the blockchain that no one can tamper with. However, smart contracts cannot be served as a legal document like Bonds, and so on.

不,他们不是! 智能合约有助于消除对中介机构(中间商)的支付需求,并节省时间和复杂性。 将它们视为驻留在区块链上的任何人都无法篡改的自执行代码块。 但是,智能合约不能像债券一样用作法律文件。

5.区块链永远是公共的 (5. Blockchains are always public)

A public blockchain is open-source and accessible to all, and no one is in charge. Anyone can be part of the consensus in a public blockchain. However, all blockchains need not be public. You can make or create a private blockchain for your closed group of people.

公共区块链是开源的,所有人均可访问,没有人负责。 任何人都可以成为公共区块链共识的一部分。 但是,所有区块链不必公开。 您可以为封闭的人群创建或创建私有区块链。

In a private blockchain, the owner is a single entity or an enterprise and can delete/override commands on a blockchain, if needed. The private blockchain is also faster, cheaper, and requires less energy to operate.

在私有区块链中,所有者是单个实体或企业,并且可以根据需要删除/覆盖区块链上的命令。 私有区块链也更快,更便宜,并且运行所需的能源更少。

6.区块链不能链接在一起 (6. Blockchains cannot be linked together)

Most of us assume that blockchains cannot communicate with each other. Well, it’s not our fault. That’s how blockchain was implemented, initially.

我们大多数人都认为区块链无法相互通信。 好吧,这不是我们的错。 最初就是这样实现区块链的。

However, it’s entirely possible to send data between blockchains. Cosmos, a company which is building the future Internet of Blockchain, is trying to bridge the gap between multiple blockchains by enabling them to exchange data easily.

但是,完全有可能在区块链之间发送数据。 正在构建未来区块链互联网的公司Cosmos试图通过使多个区块链轻松交换数据来弥合它们之间的鸿沟。

7.工作量证明是达成共识的唯一方法 (7. Proof of work is the only way of achieving consensus)

As a group of people/nodes run blockchain, they need a way to agree before committing a transaction in the network. In simple terms, the consensus is a dynamic way of reaching agreement in a group.

当一群人/节点运行区块链时,他们需要一种在网络中提交交易之前达成协议的方法。 简单来说,共识是在小组中达成协议的动态方式。

The most common form of consensus is “Proof of work,” where every miner has to solve a difficult problem. The reward is given to the first miner who solves each block problem. However, it’s extremely expensive and requires a lot of power to run. Hence, people invented other types of consensus. Read about various types of consensus protocols here.

共识的最常见的形式是“ 工作证明 ”,其中每个矿工都有解决的一个难题。 奖励将奖励给解决每个区块问题的第一位矿工。 但是,它非常昂贵,并且需要大量动力才能运行。 因此,人们发明了其他类型的共识。 在此处阅读有关各种类型的共识协议的信息

Two popular alternatives to POW are:


  • Proof of stake: a node/person can mine or validate block transactions according to how many coins they hold. Which means the more coins owned by a miner, the more mining power they have. Example: Neo

    权益证明:节点/人员可以根据他们持有的硬币数量来挖掘或验证大宗交易。 这意味着矿工拥有的硬币越多,他们拥有的采矿能力就越强。 示例: Neo

  • Delegated Proof Of Stake: people in the blockchain vote for witnesses who are paid for their services. The top witnesses even earn a monthly salary. The amount of stake a person has determines the power of each vote. This means people who have more tokens will influence the network more than people who have very few tokens. Any witness who’s not doing their job is thrown out and replaced with another witness. Example: Steem, Lisk, and so on.

    委托权益证明:区块链中的人投票给为他们的服务付费的证人。 顶级证人甚至赚取月薪。 一个人所拥有的股份数量决定了每个投票的权力。 这意味着拥有更多令牌的人比没有令牌的人对网络的影响更大。 任何不干活的证人都会被扔掉,并由另一名证人代替。 示例: SteemLisk等。

8.如果创建者不再感兴趣,则区块链网络可以关闭 (8. The Blockchain network can shut down if the creator is no longer interested)

A public blockchain network cannot shut down easily. Since a blockchain is decentralized and no single authority controls it, it’s very difficult to shut it down unless all the participants in the network stop working. In most cases, it’s nearly to impossible to shut down a public blockchain.

公共区块链网络无法轻易关闭。 由于区块链是去中心化的,并且没有任何一个权威机构来控制它,因此除非网络中的所有参与者都停止工作,否则很难将其关闭。 在大多数情况下,关闭公共区块链几乎是不可能的。

9.在广告牌中提及“区块链”可确保资金 (9. Mentioning “Blockchain” in your pitch deck guarantees funding)

Many people around the world want to jump into the hype train and make money out of it. We see this trend every year with new buzzwords. In 2016 and 2017, it was ML and AI. In 2018, it’s Blockchain. ?

世界各地的许多人都想跳入炒作并从中赚钱。 我们每年都会以新的流行语来看到这种趋势。 在2016年和2017年,这是ML和AI。 在2018年,它是区块链。 ?

If you are raising money without thinking deeper, the product is destined to die as the market stabilizes itself. So, beware! An investor wants a return! ?

如果您不加深思而筹集资金,那么该产品注定会随着市场稳定而消亡。 所以,当心! 投资者想要回报! ?

10.只有极客和书呆子才能使用区块链 (10. Only geeks and nerds can use Blockchain)

Even my cat can use Blockchain!


You don’t have to be a nerd to use blockchain. For example, to send or receive Bitcoin, all you need is a wallet that supports Bitcoin transactions, a public address, and a private key! Make sure to keep your private key secret. It takes a few seconds to create a new Bitcoin wallet. Get your wallet here.

您不必成为书呆子即可使用区块链。 例如,要发送或接收比特币,您所需要的只是一个支持比特币交易的钱包,一个公共地址和一个私钥! 确保对您的私钥保密。 创建新的比特币钱包需要几秒钟。 把你的钱包放在这里

(奖金) ((Bonus))

区块链=== DLT(分布式分类帐技术) (Blockchain === DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology))

Many believe that blockchain and DLT are the same. However, this is not true. DLT is an umbrella term used to refer to technologies that distribute information among multiple nodes. By this logic, we can say blockchain is a fully functional Distributed Ledger Technology.

许多人认为区块链和DLT是相同的。 但是,事实并非如此。 DLT是一个笼统的术语,用于表示在多个节点之间分发信息的技术。 按照这种逻辑,我们可以说区块链是一种功能齐全的分布式账本技术。

Other protocols such as HashGraph, Nano, IOTA (Tangle Network) and so on are also DLTs, but they are not blockchain.


So, blockchain and DLT may be synonymous, but they aren’t the same. Rather, blockchain is a type of DLT.

因此,区块链和DLT可能是同义词,但它们并不相同。 相反,区块链是DLT的一种。

结论 (Conclusion)

I hope I was able to clear any misconceptions you might have had about the blockchain. If I left any out, please leave your comments below.

我希望我能够消除您可能对区块链的任何误解。 如果我有任何遗漏,请在下面留下您的评论。

PS: I am not associated with any blockchain products that I have mentioned in my article.


PPS: My team and I are building a friendly community for developers called Hashnode. More than half a million developers hang out and discuss programming every month. Make sure to follow popular crypto communities to stay in the loop.

PPS:我和我的团队正在为开发人员建立一个名为Hashnode的友好社区。 每月有超过一百万的开发人员闲逛并讨论编程。 确保跟随流行的加密社区,以保持循环。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/misconceptions-about-blockchain-8553262e8ff0/


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