

by Savva Osipov

通过Savva Osipov

如何使您的孩子对编程和技术感兴趣 (How to get your kids interested in programming and technology)

My name is Savva Osipov. I’m thirteen years old, and I study at a middle school in Novato, California.

我叫Savva Osipov。 我十三岁,我在加利福尼亚州诺瓦托的一所中学读书。

I have always been very good at math, and excel at it in my school classes. During my free time, I play with electronics, 3D printing, and work on my own DIY projects based on the Arduino board and Raspberry Pi. I also shoot videos for my YouTube channel.

我一直很擅长数学,并且在我的课堂上表现出色。 在我的业余时间里,我玩电子产品,3D打印,并基于Arduino开发板和Raspberry Pi进行自己的DIY项目。 我也为我的YouTube频道拍摄视频。

I also decided to build my own product, a gaming console I thought of on my own and assembled using my 3D printer and Arduino. With the help of my dad, I’m launching a Kickstarter campaign in January for the gadget I’m calling the WOWCUBE. We will also be presenting and showing the invention at the largest consumer electronics event in the US (CES 2018).

我还决定开发自己的产品,我自己想到的游戏机,并使用3D打印机和Arduino组装。 在父亲的帮助下,我将于一月份针对称为“ WOWCUBE”的小工具启动Kickstarter广告系列。 我们还将在美国最大的消费类电子产品盛会(CES 2018)上展示和展示该发明。

我是如何受到启发和激励的? (How did I get inspired and motivated?)

Many parents have asked my dad what he does to keep me interested in electronics, robotics, and similar things. Very simply, he keeps me motivated by continually supporting me. He takes me to many different events, like hackathons, that help spark my interest and imagination. We also work on many projects together, and he helps me with coding and other processes that sometimes require an adult.

许多父母问我爸爸他做了什么,以使我对电子,机器人和类似事物感兴趣。 很简单,他通过不断支持我来保持我的动力。 他带我参加了许多不同的活动,例如黑客马拉松,这些活动激发了我的兴趣和想象力。 我们还共同从事许多项目,他帮助我进行编码和其他有时需要成年人参与的过程。

My dad and I put together some helpful links that can help your child become more interested in technology:


儿童玩具和开发板 (Kids toys and developer boards)

There’s a great variety of tech-minded apps, toys, and books. You can find anything to your taste on the Adafruit Industry website. Pay attention to Raspberry Pi powered products, LittleBits (something like LEGO), and Piper.

有各种各样的技术应用,玩具和书籍。 您可以在Adafruit Industry网站上找到任何您喜欢的东西。 注意Raspberry Pi驱动的产品,LittleBits(类似于LEGO)和Piper。

参加“动手”黑客马拉松 (Attend “Hands-on” hackathons)

Don’t be afraid to take part in hackathons. Organizers provide everything needed for playing and experimenting with the electronics. This is provided for free or for a very reasonable price. You’ll be able to create something new on the weekend within hours. People at hackathons are very friendly and organizers provide step by step instructions to guide you.

不要害怕参加黑客马拉松。 组织者提供了玩耍和尝试电子产品所需的一切。 这是免费提供的或价格非常合理。 您将可以在几个小时内在周末创建一些新内容。 黑客马拉松的人们非常友好,组织者会提供逐步指导以指导您。

Here is one of the recent hackathons I attended.


参加科技娱乐活动:查找Eventbrite和 (Attend tech entertainment events: look up Eventbrite and

You can find a variety of entertaining events on the sites like EventBrite and Meetup. Search for tech for kids, kids and teens tech meetups, etc. Attending these events will help you find other teen inventors that are interested in the same things as you. Here’s my review of the recent event in San Francisco.

您可以在EventBrite和Meetup等网站上找到各种有趣的活动。 搜索适用于儿童,儿童和青少年的技术聚会等的技术。参加这些活动将帮助您找到对您感兴趣的其他青少年发明家。 这是我对旧金山最近活动的评论。

在家建造DIY项目 (Building DIY projects at home)

Go to and Hackaday for inspiration when thinking of a new project. They have videos, lists of hardware you’ll need, and many other helpful tips. Instructions for each DIY project are very detailed. You can create and upload your own project and receive feedback, also!

考虑新项目时,请访问Hackster.io和Hackaday以获取灵感。 他们有视频,您需要的硬件列表以及许多其他有用的提示。 每个DIY项目的说明都非常详细。 您还可以创建和上传自己的项目并获得反馈!

一起参加比赛 (Taking part in contests together)

Sites like Hackaday have ongoing contests during the year. Most of the contests provide hardware to create a DIY project for free. You just need to submit your project idea!

像Hackaday这样的网站在一年中都在进行比赛。 大多数比赛提供免费创建DIY项目的硬件。 您只需要提交您的项目创意!

My plans for the Hologram Nova Challenge hosted by and HologramIn October of this year I applied for the electronics competition organized by and Hologram called The…

我为Hackster.io和Hologram举办的Hologram Nova挑战赛的计划 今年10月,我申请了Hackster.io和Hologram组织的名为The… 的电子竞赛。

Inspired? You can ask me questions on Twitter @cubios_inc , or follow my project progress at

启发? 您可以在Twitter @cubios_inc上向我提问,或者在wowcube.com上关注我的项目进度







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