免费学习coursera_六年后,Coursera的Andrew Ng回来学习新的深度学习课程


On August 15 2011, Stanford professor Andrew Ng uploaded an intro video to YouTube for his free online Machine Learning course. On that same day, The New York Times featured his course (along with two other Stanford courses).

2011年8月15日,斯坦福大学教授安德鲁·伍(Andrew Ng)向YouTube上传了一个介绍性视频,以观看他的免费在线机器学习课程。 在同一天,《纽约时报》 以他的课程为特色 (以及其他两个斯坦福课程)。

The popularity of his Machine Learning course would lead him and Daphne Koller (another Stanford professor) to launch Coursera a few months later.

他的机器学习课程的普及使他和达芙妮·科勒(Daphne Koller,斯坦福大学的另一位教授)在几个月后创办了Coursera。

Exactly six years later on August 15 2017, the first classes from Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera will go live.

恰好六年后,即2017年8月15日,Andrew Ng的Coursera 深度学习专业课程的第一批课程将上线。

过去六年发生了很大变化 (A lot has changed in the last six years)

8 million learners have signed up for his Machine Learning course. Andrew Ng is no longer at Coursera full time, but acts as the co-chairman of the board. He left Coursera in May 2014 to join Baidu.

800万学习者报名参加了他的机器学习课程。 吴安德(Andrew Ng)不再担任Coursera的全职工作,但担任董事会联席主席。 他于2014年5月离开Coursera 加入百度

Back when Andrew first launched his Machine Learning course, “deep learning” wasn’t really part of our vocabulary. But in the past few years, deep learning has exploded in popularity and real world application. This might explain why Andrew Ng left Coursera to join Baidu and lead its AI lab.

当安德鲁(Andrew)首次推出其机器学习课程“深度学习”时 并不是我们词汇量的一部分。 但是在过去的几年中,深度学习在流行度和实际应用中呈爆炸式增长。 这可以解释为什么吴安德(Andrew Ng)离开Coursera加入百度并领导其AI实验室。

If you are interested in learning more about these topics, check out Class Central’s list of hundreds of free online courses in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science, or read Dive into Deep Learning with 15 free online courses.

如果您想了解更多有关这些主题的知识,请查阅Class Central的数百门有关人工智能机器学习数据科学的免费在线课程列表,或阅读15种免费的在线课程,深入研究深度学习

Deeplearning.ai (Deeplearning.ai)

Andrew left Baidu earlier this year to work on his own AI projects. In a post on Medium, he announced that he is working on three different AI projects with Deeplearning.ai being the first one. He describes it as “a project dedicated to disseminating AI knowledge.”

安德鲁(Andrew)今年年初离开百度,从事自己的AI项目。 在Medium的一篇文章中 ,他宣布他正在研究三个不同的AI项目,其中Deeplearning.ai是第一个项目。 他将其描述为“致力于传播AI知识的项目。”

Andrew’s Coursera Specialization on Deep Learning is being launched under deeplearning.ai instead of Stanford University. It also lists Nvidia as an industry partner.

Andrew的Coursera 深度学习专业化课程是在deeplearning.ai而不是斯坦福大学下进行的 。 它还将Nvidia列为行业合作伙伴。

深度学习专业化 (The Deep Learning Specialization)

The Deep Learning Specialization consists of five different courses. The courses are free to take, but you need to sign up for a subscription of $49/month if you want access to the graded assignments or earn certificates. There is a seven day free trial. The individual courses are free, but you need to visit the course pages separately (you can’t sign up to them from the Specialization page).

深度学习专业课程包括五门不同的课程。 这些课程是免费的,但是如果您想获得评分作业或获得证书,则需要注册每月49美元的订阅。 有7天的免费试用期。 个别课程是免费的,但是您需要单独访问课程页面(不能从“专业化”页面进行注册)。

Though the courses officially start on 15 August, the course materials for the first three courses are already available. The individual courses are free to Audit, but you need to visit the course pages separately. You cannot sign up for these courses from the Specialization page. Follow the links below to sign up for the courses individually for free:

尽管课程于8月15日正式开始,但前三门课程的材料已经提供。 个别课程可以免费审核,但是您需要单独访问课程页面。 您无法从“专业化”页面注册这些课程。 请点击以下链接免费单独注册课程:

  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning


  2. Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization, and Optimization


  3. Structuring Machine Learning Projects


  4. Convolutional Neural Networks


  5. Sequence Models


The Specialization is targeted towards those learners who are trying to break into a career in Artificial Intelligence. Unlike his previous Machine Learning course which used Octave (an open source replacement for Matlab), Andrew’s new Specialization uses Python.

该专业针对的是那些试图进入人工智能职业的学习者。 与他以前使用Octave(Matlab的开源替代品)的机器学习课程不同,Andrew的新专业化课程使用Python。

An interesting aspect of the Deep Learning courses is that learners don’t need to install anything to do the programming assignments. They are all done using Jupyter Notebooks hosted by Coursera. Coding can be done directly without leaving the browser.

深度学习课程一个有趣的方面是,学习者无需安装任何程序即可完成编程任务。 这些都是使用Coursera托管的Jupyter Notebooks完成的。 无需离开浏览器即可直接进行编码。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/six-years-later-courseras-andrew-ng-returns-with-new-deep-learning-courses-3c41b1e00647/






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