

by Melchor Tatlonghari

由Melchor Tatlonghari

StackOverflow帐户如何确保您在公认的开发人员表格中占有一席之地 (How a StackOverflow account can secure you a seat at the recognised developer table)

I have never met a developer who hasn’t heard of StackOverflow. This is where most of us mere mortals go when we are stuck trying to solve a programming problem. Sometimes the problem is just pure lack of documentation from an open source software we are implementing.

我从未见过从未听说过StackOverflow的开发人员。 当我们被困于尝试解决编程问题时,这就是我们大多数人的地方。 有时问题仅在于我们正在实施的开源软件中完全没有文档。

But from my years of experience, what I’ve learned is that not all developers know the value of a strong StackOverflow account.


Above is my personal StackOverflow account. I have given 156 answers and in turn have reached around 2 million developers, putting me on a top 7% of all the users in StackOverflow.

以上是我的个人StackOverflow帐户。 我给出了156个答案,依次吸引了大约200万开发人员,使我成为StackOverflow中所有用户的前7%。

This has not been an easy task, as of today’s writing (December 1, 2018) there are around 9.7 million users, 17 million questions and 26 million answers.


If you have tried submitting an answer in StackOverflow, you soon realize it is not a simple task — you can’t just answer random questions with half-cooked solutions. The forum works in a way where people vote for answers that are actually relevant and have helped them with the problem they are working on.

如果您尝试在StackOverflow中提交答案,您很快就会意识到这不是一件容易的事-您不能只用半熟的解决方案来回答随机问题。 该论坛的运作方式是人们投票给与实际相关的答案,并帮助他们解决正在解决的问题。

With 9.7 million users, it’s quite a challenge to ensure that your answer would be of any help to anyone, really. As soon as a question is posted dozens of developers are on the prowl to answer the question in their hopes of getting votes and in turn bolstering their respective profiles. However, this “wild west” style of answering a question can also be counterproductive, as the users have an option to downvote any answers that are of poor quality.

拥有970万用户,要确保您的答案确实对任何人有帮助,这都是一个挑战。 问题发布后,数十名开发人员就在忙于回答该问题,以期希望获得投票并进而支持各自的个人资料。 但是,这种“狂野西部”的回答方式也可能适得其反,因为用户可以选择否决质量差的答案。

有什么福利,为什么要打扰? (What are the perks and why bother?)

Imagine everyone is applying for a specific company, and everyone is on equal footing with regards to their work experience. It doesn’t have to be a large and well-known company, it could easily be just an exemplary workplace nearby. Everyone wants to apply there.

想象每个人都在申请一家特定的公司,每个人在工作经验方面都处于平等的地位。 它不必是一家大型且知名的公司,它可以很容易地成为附近的典范工作场所。 每个人都想在那里申请。

Let’s say, hypothetically, the company gives out stocks options, is flexible with work arrangements, and office facilities include the infamous pool table, bean bags, and has free food. The typical ideal tech office!

假设,假设该公司发出股票期权,可以灵活地安排工作,办公设施包括臭名昭著的台球桌,豆​​袋和免费食物。 典型的理想技术办公室!

The recruiter searches for your name, and finds that you are top 10% of all the engineers in the StackOverflow forum. As most recruiters today are aware of the online communities like StackOverflow, who do you think will have their foot in the door? Having a strong online presence acts as icing on the cake, and most of the time guarantees you at least an initial interview.

招聘人员搜索您的姓名,发现您在StackOverflow论坛中的所有工程师中排名前10%。 当今大多数招聘人员都知道StackOverflow这样的在线社区,您认为谁会成为他们的一员? 拥有强大的 在线形象可为您锦上添花 ,并且在大多数时间里,您至少可以保证初次面试。

Of course, I am not saying that all the developers that have a good scoring on the online forum are of high-calibre. There are some that have just answered one difficult question and gathered all their votes out of that one very specific topic. This, however, is easily spotted once you dig around the user’s profile.

当然,我并不是说所有在在线论坛上得分很高的开发人员都是高素质的。 有些人刚刚回答了一个困难的问题,并从一个非常具体的主题中获得了所有的票数。 但是,一旦您浏览用户的个人资料,就很容易发现这一点。

I can’t speak for the other members of StackOverflow that have a strong profile, but there are instances where companies would not bother giving me an online coding exam and just proceeded with the final interview. I had several companies reach out to me, inviting me for an interview even when I wasn’t trying to look for a new job.

我不能代表StackOverflow的其他成员,但其他成员的知名度很高,但是在某些情况下,公司不会为我提供在线编码考试,而只是进行最后的面试。 我有几家公司与我联系,即使我不想找新工作,也邀请我面试。

In actual interviews, technical panels can be more lenient, knowing that you have reached 2 million developers. This, in turn, will give you more confidence in what you do and it validates your standing in the software engineering world.

在实际的采访中,知道您已经吸引了200万开发人员,因此技术小组可能更加宽容。 反过来,这将使您对自己的工作更有信心,并且可以证明您在软件工程界的地位。

Personally, this has also helped me compete globally as well. I was born in the Philippines and now have ended up in Sydney Australia, going to the United Kingdom and Singapore in between.

就个人而言,这也帮助我在全球范围内竞争。 我出生于菲律宾,现在定居在澳大利亚的悉尼,之后去了英国和新加坡。

I feel like I need to emphasize this as well but having just a SO account alone will not guarantee anything, but it will act as a supplement to your coding prowess.


向前付款 (Paying it forward)

I know what you are thinking at this point — you just want to know how can you improve your own account. My main advice for building a strong profile is to just try to genuinely help other developers.

我知道您目前在想什么-您只想知道如何改善自己的帐户。 对于建立强大的配置文件,我的主要建议是尝试真正帮助其他开发人员。

What do I mean by that? Well, there are instances where you get stuck with a problem and, try as you might, there seems to be no solution to your problem available online. This is exactly the niche you are looking for, chances are several programmers have gotten stuck with this problem as well.

那是什么意思 好吧,在某些情况下,您可能会遇到问题,并尝试尝试一下,但似乎无法在线解决问题。 这恰恰是您要寻找的利基市场,很可能有几个程序员也陷入了这个问题。

There are literally millions of questions still unanswered in the forum, and some of them you will be able to solve. It might be due to experience, others just pure happenstance, but there are definitely some questions that you will be able to fix on your own.

从字面上讲,论坛上还有数百万个问题尚未解决 ,其中一些您能够解决。 可能是由于经验造成的,其他只是纯粹的偶然事件,但是肯定有一些问题您可以自己解决。

The common route is for you to go on with your day having solved that problem for yourself, and feeling accomplished. This neglects those numerous developers still crying in pain in trying to figure out how to solve the same problem. In essence, it will just take you a couple of minutes to compose a decent paragraph showing how the problem is solved and that’s it.

常见的做法是让您继续为自己解决问题并感到成就感。 这忽略了那些仍在为找出解决相同问题的方法而痛苦的哭泣的开发人员。 从本质上讲,您只需要花费几分钟就可以编写一个不错的段落,说明如何解决问题,仅此而已。

If you just think about the other developers, leaving an answer once you have already figured it out, a seed has been planted in helping you grow your online profile. Paying it forward, as you go along. Don’t go in with the sole purpose of just increasing your credibility — other developers tend to know immediately, and you will just be bombarded with downvotes.

如果您只是考虑其他开发人员,请在找到答案后留下答案,就可以帮助您增加在线个人资料。 继续向前付款。 不要仅仅以增加信誉为唯一目的-其他开发人员往往会立即知道,您将被选票轰炸。

没有愚蠢的问题 (There are no stupid questions)

This header not to be taken literally. But, when it comes down to it, as long as questions are indeed valid, the community tends to react positively.

此标头不按字面意义使用。 但是,当问题落到实处时,只要问题确实有效,社区就倾向于做出积极的React。

Another way of building your profile is asking genuine questions to the community. This is usually a harder route to take. With all the questions already on the forum it’s not an easy task to ask a question where there is no answer already.

建立个人资料的另一种方法是向社区提出真正的问题。 这通常是较难采取的途径。 论坛上已经存在所有问题,要在尚无答案的地方提出问题并不是一件容易的事。

StackOverflow works in a way that the questions and answers are provided by the developers themselves, but privilege is granted to those who have reached a certain amount of idiosyncrasy credit, so to speak. Developers who have attained this privilege have it in their best interest to preserve good quality questions on the site. So newbies copying and pasting their homework/assignments on the site are easily spotted and those questions are downvoted, never seeing the light of day.

StackOverflow的工作方式是由开发人员自己提供问题和答案,但是可以说,特权已授予那些已经达到一定特质的人。 获得此特权的开发人员出于最大的利益,希望在网站上保留高质量的问题。 因此,很容易发现新手在该站点上复制和粘贴其作业/作业,而这些问题被否决了,从来没有看到过。

Questions can usually be broken down into two categories, theoretical and technical.


Theoretical questions, by definition, are questions that do not have concrete answers and thus these are subject to the opinion of who chooses to answer. Theoretical questions tend to have the possibility of being closed by the moderators, as nobody really wants to engage in an online debate in the forum.

从定义上讲,理论问题是没有具体答案的问题,因此,这些问题取决于谁选择回答。 由于没有人真正想在论坛中进行在线辩论,因此理论性问题倾向于被主持人封闭。

A good example would be which programming language to use. Although this is a valid question, it is subject to the opinion of the person who is answering, as Java developers would definitely answer Java, and so on.

一个很好的例子是使用哪种编程语言 。 尽管这是一个有效的问题,但是它受制于回答者的意见,因为Java开发人员肯定会回答Java,依此类推。

As consolation, you still do get points for people who are curious to hear the answers if there are any. Here is one of my questions, which had gathered a lot of views — around 29k views — and, in turn, got a number of votes. I wrote it a couple of years back when I couldn’t really find a solid comparison of using Java Enterprise Edition Containers versus Using Web Containers. There were already a number of documentations for Java EE Containers and Web Containers during that time, but none were about tackling the difference of each, side-by-side.

作为安慰,您仍然会为那些想听听答案的人提供积分。 这是我的问题之一 ,已经收集了很多意见-大约29k意见-并且得到了很多票。 我是几年前写的,当时我真的找不到使用Java Enterprise Edition Containers和使用Web Containers的可靠比较。 在那段时间里,已经有许多关于Java EE容器和Web容器的文档,但是没有一个文档能够解决彼此之间的差异。

Technical Questions, on the other hand, require you to put down what you already have tried and all the technical details needed. The community immediately knows if you are just trying to find an answer without doing your proper research.

另一方面,技术问题要求您填写已经尝试过的内容以及所需的所有技术细节。 社区立即知道您是否只是在没有进行适当研究的情况下试图找到答案。

A good example would be this previous question I made about optimising some code. Although I had already had an answer I just wanted to know if there were alternatives, some sort of online code review if you will. Below is an example of a good technical question, consisting of a good title, description, and all the nitty-gritty details.

一个很好的例子是我之前提出的关于优化某些代码的问题。 尽管我已经有了答案,但我只是想知道是否有替代方法,如果可以的话,可以进行一些在线代码审查。 下面是一个很好的技术问题的示例,其中包括一个很好的标题,描述以及所有细节。

The above is an example of a question with good anatomy. The title depicts exactly what I’m trying to figure out. The description contains details about what I am trying to accomplish, and also includes what I have already tried. An example code is properly formatted.

以上是一个具有良好解剖结构的问题的示例。 标题准确地描述了我要弄清楚的内容。 该描述包含有关我要完成的任务的详细信息,还包含我已经尝试过的内容。 示例代码格式正确。

As long as you have a good description of what you are actually trying to figure out, and what you already have tried, there is a good chance people will give you a decent answer and an upvote the question whilst they are there.


Although asking questions is a route for earning more points, I do not recommend asking just for the sake of it. A good reason to do so is genuine interest to just pretty much learn and contribute to the community. Asking questions that you know aren’t easily available online leaves crumb trails to the next developer trying to figure out the same exact problem.

尽管提问是获得更多积分的途径,但我不建议您仅仅为了提问而提问。 这样做的一个很好的理由是真正的兴趣是仅仅学习和为社区做出贡献。 在网上很难找到您所知道的问题,这会让下一个开发人员试图找出同样的确切问题。

答案,答案,答案 (Answers, answers, answers)

I won’t dive into too many details about giving a good answer to theoretical and technical questions, as they are similar in nature to the above. Instead of giving examples of what you already have tried, you give concrete examples of the answer you are providing. I will just leave examples here and here. There are other niches as well with regards to providing answers in addition to the already mentioned theoretical/technical categories.

由于本质上与上述内容相似,因此我不会过多地讨论如何为理论和技术问题提供良好的答案。 而不是提供您已经尝试过的示例,而是提供所提供答案的具体示例。 我只会在这里这里留下示例。 除了已经提到的理论/技术类别之外,在提供答案方面还有其他领域。

“It works on my machine” — every developer alive
“它可以在我的机器上运行” –每个开发人员都还活着

If you are a developer or just plainly have worked with the IT department you probably heard that line: “It works on my machine”.


Operating System-specific questions may be one of the biggest subcategories around. There are about 50K categories/tags in StackOverflow, and MacOS alone has around 10k OS-specific related questions, not to mention programming language + OS-specific questions.

特定于操作系统的问题可能是周围最大的子类别之一。 StackOverflow中大约有5万个类别/标签 ,仅MacOS就有大约10k特定于OS的相关问题,更不用说编程语言+特定于OS的问题了。

Say your npm install is working in Linux but is not working with MacOS. That’s already a Node and OS-related question. Imagine all the permutations of all languages and OS environments. Sometimes even IDEs are thrown into the mix! No wonder there are millions and millions of questions asked.

假设您的npm install在Linux中有效,但不适用于MacOS。 这已经是与节点和操作系统相关的问题。 想象一下所有语言和OS环境的所有排列。 有时甚至将IDE 混在一起 ! 难怪有成千上万的问题被问到。

Another niche is providing instructions with third-party integrators. We’ve all seen it before — a good API with a lack of documentation. Here is a good question on how to integrate with Google to send email using Node. You’d think that it would be a straightforward change, or that it would be well documented, right? This question alone has 80K views, meaning there were around 80K developers who did not easily figure it out based on standard documentation provided by Node and Google — they had to resort to asking the online forum.

另一个利基市场是向第三方集成商提供说明。 我们以前都看过它-缺少文档的良好API。 这是一个有关如何与Google集成以使用Node发送电子邮件的好问题 。 您会认为这将是一个简单的更改,或者将有充分的记录,对吧? 仅此一个问题就有8万个视图,这意味着大约有8万个开发人员根据Node和Google提供的标准文档不容易解决这个问题-他们不得不求助于在线论坛。

There are more niches in the forum than I care to count. With 26 million questions present, there are bound to be niches still yet to be discovered and answered. I have only mentioned a couple to help you get started and you don’t even have to be as good as Jon Skeet to start contributing to the online community.

论坛中的利基空间比我想数的还要多。 目前存在2600万个问题,势必仍有待发现和回答。 我只提到了一对可以帮助您入门的夫妇,您甚至不必像Jon Skeet那样出色地开始为在线社区做贡献。

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance” — Samuel Johnson
“伟大的作品不是靠力量表现,而是毅力” —塞缪尔·约翰逊

As in any investment, it’s not going to take effect immediately. It might take months or even years planting your seeds and leaving answers. But, before you know it, you’ll already have a solid presence in the community and all the perks that come along with it.

与任何投资一样,它不会立即生效。 可能需要数月甚至数年才能种下种子并留下答案。 但是,在不知不觉中,您已经在社区中扎根,并伴随着它的所有好处。







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