
作者James Quinlan分享了他如何从办公室员工转变为远程员工的经验。远程工作为某些人提供了更大的自由度,但是否适合取决于个人性格、工作性质、公司文化和自身管理能力。在与公司讨论远程工作时,需要诚实、直接并提前做好准备,展示自己能够高效地远程工作。文章还提到了保持生产力的方法,如设立理想的工作空间,避免长时间室内工作,定期进行视频通话,以及迭代和调整远程工作策略。


by James Quinlan

詹姆斯·昆兰(James Quinlan)

My name is James, and I’m a Software Engineer at a company called Yesware, based in Boston. Yesware is the fourth job I’ve had in which I’m paid to write code, but it’s the third time now that I’ve transitioned from being an in-office employee to a remote one.

我叫James,是波士顿一家名为Yesware的公司的软件工程师。 Yesware是我有薪的第四份写代码的工作,但是现在这是我第三次从办公室职员过渡到远程雇员。

Since I’ve handled this transition a few times now, in varying degrees of complexity/difficulty, I figured I probably have at least a few words for anyone else looking to begin working remotely.


But first, a warning: survivorship bias guarantees that your mileage may vary with regard to anything I say here. Switching to a remote position has worked for me in the past, but that in no way means it will work for anyone else in the same ways.

但是首先要警告:生存偏见保证您的里程可能会因我在这里说的任何内容而有所不同。 过去,切换到远程位置对我有用,但这绝不意味着它将以相同的方式对其他任何人起作用。

You don’t often see articles entitled “How I Completely Failed to Work Remotely and Botched my Dream Gig”, but I’m sure there are many cases of folks doing exactly that. That would actually probably be a more helpful article, so consider this an open invitation for someone to write it as a response.

您通常不会看到标题为“我如何完全无法远程工作并束缚我的梦想演出”的文章,但是我敢肯定,有很多人正是这样做的。 那实际上可能是一篇更有帮助的文章,因此可以认为这是一个开放的邀请,供其他人将其写为回应。

Also, I talk about my place of work in this article a fair bit, but I’d like to state clearly that I wasn’t asked to, or otherwise encouraged to at all. Any reference I make to my employer is included only because I see it as relevant or helpful to others, so as to get an idea of how a company might support its employees.

此外,我在本文中还谈到了我的工作地点,但是我想明确指出,我并没有被要求或受到鼓励。 包括我对雇主的任何提及,仅是因为我认为它与他人相关或对他人有帮助,以便了解公司如何为员工提供支持。

为什么要远程? (Why Remote?)

This is a question I won’t dwell on too much because there are endless blogs, listicles, and books written on the subject (Remote: Office Not Required is a decent intro to the benefits of remote work, but it won’t tell you how to do it. It’s also roughly half pictures).

我不会过多地讨论这个问题,因为有很多关于该主题的博客,清单和书籍( 远程:不需要Office是关于远程工作好处的不错的介绍,但并不会告诉您怎么做(也大约是一半的图片)

Remote work is fantastic for some personality types as it affords much more freedom. Some folks just enjoy being able to move, to be able to go where their friends/family/bucket-lists take them. Being able to take your job where you want to go is, in my opinion, less stressful than having to factor in finding another one if you decide to leave. Simply put, it resolves any dichotomies between having a job you enjoy, and anything else you want to do.

远程工作对于某些个性类型而言非常理想,因为它提供了更多的自由。 有些人只是喜欢能够移动 ,能够去到他们的朋友/家人/遗愿清单带他们去的地方。 我认为,能够将自己的工作转到想要去的地方,与决定离开时必须考虑另找一份工作相比,压力较小。 简而言之,它可以解决您喜欢的工作与您想做的其他事情之间的任何二分法。

You can have your cake and eat it too.


The phrase above should always be accompanied with a resounding “within reason”. I suspect your employer wouldn’t be too keen on the idea of using remote work as a means of somehow having another separate full-time job somewhere else.
上面的短语应始终带有响亮的“在合理范围内”。 我怀疑您的雇主不会太热衷于使用远程工作作为以某种方式在其他地方进行另一项单独的全职工作的想法。

为什么不? (Why Not?)

Remote work can be much harder depending on a myriad of details related to one’s personality, the nature of their work, their company’s culture, etc.


Are you the type of person who can self-regulate and ensure you’re allowing for extended periods of focus, wherever you are? Is the work you’re doing something that can be done without any coworkers immediately available? Is the company you work for willing to put in the extra effort to ensure you feel connected and valued? Do you have some misconception that remote work means doing any less work? Do you have a spouse or other close family member who this will affect? Is the Wi-Fi going to be any good where you’ll be based?

您是那种可以自我调节并确保无论身在何处都可以长时间专注的人吗? 您正在做的工作可以在没有任何同事的情况下立即完成吗? 您工作的公司是否愿意付出额外的努力,以确保您感到自己与他人联系并受到重视? 您是否有误解,认为远程工作意味着减少工作量? 您有会影响其的配偶或其他近亲吗? Wi-Fi会成为您的基础吗?

I’ll leave you to ruminate on those questions, but there are many reasons that being remote wouldn’t be a good fit. They each warrant an honest discussion with yourself, those close to you, and your employer.

我会留由您来思考这些问题,但是有很多原因使人感到遥不可及。 他们每个人都需要与自己,与您亲近的人以及您的雇主进行诚实的讨论。

如何告诉您的公司 (How To Tell Your Company)

Eventually, you’ll need to broach the subject with your boss, and while there are various ways to do this, there is only one I recommend.


The worst way I ever went about it featured me telling my boss that I was moving in two weeks, no ifs-ands-or-buts about it. I was essentially abruptly quitting, without really offering to discuss the matter. I knew I had to go, and I was ready to leave my job to make that happen, but I feel as though I had cornered my boss.

我经历过的最糟糕的方式是,我告诉老板我要在两周内搬家,对此事一概而论。 我实质上是突然辞职,没有真正提出要讨论这个问题。 我知道我必须走了,而且我准备离开我的工作来实现这一目标,但是我觉得我好像在逼迫我的老板。

After my spiel (“I grew up here, I’m ready to leave, I need to do this”, etc.), he told me to just work from Boston, and that there was no reason I couldn’t stay on the team while working elsewhere. This was incredibly surprising to me, and something I hadn’t considered. I ended up taking the offer. A few weeks later I was in Boston working the same job as before, and paying significantly more in rent.

在我sp然大悟之后(“我在这里长大,我准备要离开了,我需要这样做”,等等),他告诉我只能在波士顿工作,我没有理由不能留在波士顿。团队在其他地方工作。 这让我感到非常惊讶,这是我从未考虑过的。 我最终接受了报价。 几周后,我去了波士顿,工作和以前一样,并支付了更多的租金。

This method felt wrong for a few reasons. Namely, I didn’t bring the idea up as a conversation, and I went in defensively, expecting the worst. Also, I didn’t value my role in the job enough! I didn’t expect that I was valued enough by my company to warrant letting me move and stay on the team, and that was unfair to myself.

由于某些原因,此方法感觉不对。 就是说,我没有提出这个主意,只是在防守端,希望遇到最糟糕的情况。 另外,我对工作中的角色没有足够的重视! 我没想到我的公司对我的重视程度足以保证让我离开并留在团队中,这对我自己不公平。

By the next time I had to have the same conversation, I was already 9 months into my tenure at Yesware. I had an opportunity to move to Spain with a friend, but I valued my job an enormous amount.

下次我必须进行相同的对话时,我已经在Yesware任职9个月了。 我有机会和朋友一起搬到西班牙,但我对自己的工作非常重视。

I was simply learning and growing too much to justify leaving.


While this honestly wasn’t factored into the decision to stay at Yesware, I was also going to need an American job for my residence visa in Spain anyway. Without them, I almost certainly wouldn’t have been able to go.
坦白说,虽然这并没有成为您选择Yesware的决定,但无论如何,我还是需要一份美国工作才能获得在西班牙的居留签证。 没有他们,我几乎可以肯定不会去。

Since I felt more comfortable at Yesware than any previous company I’ve worked at, I figured I’d just talk to my boss about the opportunity openly. I wrote him an email one morning stating plainly that I had an opportunity to move to Spain in the upcoming Fall, and I wanted to talk about if that would be possible while still working for Yesware. I dug up the original email, and the sentence that best captures its spirit was “I just want to open this dialogue to see what is and isn’t possible, without any expectations.”

由于我对Yesware的感觉比以前工作过的任何一家公司都要舒服,所以我想我只想和老板谈谈机会。 我有一天早上给他写了一封电子邮件,清楚地表明我有机会在即将到来的Fall期间搬到西班牙,我想谈一谈在为Yesware工作时是否有可能。 我挖出了原始电子邮件,最能体现其精神的一句话是:“我只想打开此对话,看看什么和不可能,没有任何期望。”

My boss and I immediately had a short 1-on-1 meeting to talk about the idea further, and we agreed that, while it was unlikely to happen, we could at least see what it would take to work. If there were no legal reasons we couldn’t do it, and the company felt confident that my work wouldn’t suffer, we felt as though it should be fine.

我的老板和我立即举行了简短的一对一会议,进一步讨论了这个想法,我们同意,尽管这种可能性不太可能发生,但我们至少可以看到它会起作用。 如果没有法律原因,我们不能这样做,并且公司对我的工作不会受到影响感到有信心,我们觉得应该没问题。

Over the next few months, we discussed what it would take to demonstrate that I can handle remote work, and that our team can. We organized a month long experiment where our engineering team of ~6 people would be remote every day, and I used this as an opportunity to show that I can be perfectly productive (often times much more so) while at home. Eventually, once we had clarified everything with the Yesware legal team, I was made aware that I could work from Europe if I so chose.

在接下来的几个月中,我们讨论了证明我可以处理远程工作以及我们的团队可以做的事情。 我们组织了一个月的实验,每天约有6个人的工程团队每天都在遥远的地方,我以此为契机来证明自己在家时可以表现出完美的生产力(通常是更多)。 最终,一旦我们与Yesware法律团队澄清了一切,便意识到我可以选择在欧洲工作。

The most important thing I learned from this is that discussing big changes like this requires one to be honest, upfront, and realistic. By making sure Yesware knew I wouldn’t leave the company if they said no, I helped make the process easier for them to consider. We also put in the extra work to make sure it would go over smoothly by making sure the team would be comfortable with me being remote, and by proving that our productivity wasn’t jeopardized.

我从中学到的最重要的事情是,讨论这样的大变化需要诚实,前瞻性和现实性。 通过确保Yesware知道如果他们拒绝就不会离开公司,我帮助他们简化了流程。 我们还进行了额外的工作,以确保团队能够适应我的偏僻情况,并证明我们的生产力没有受到损害,从而确保顺利进行。

远程工作实际上需要什么 (What Does It Actually Take To Work Remotely)

I’d like to take a moment to reiterate my warning message at the beginning of this article, in which I claim that just because this works for me, it doesn’t mean it will work for anyone else. You’ve been warned.

我想花一点时间在本文开头重申我的警告信息,其中我声称,仅仅因为这对我有用,并不意味着它对其他任何人都有效。 您已被警告。

The biggest struggles I expect one to encounter when starting to work remotely are, in no particular order, managing to keep a normal schedule, creating a space conducive to focusing, and feeling connected to your team. They are also 3 sides to the same geometrically-impossible coin. For me, managing to succeed in one of those areas makes succeeding in the others easier.

我希望人们在开始远程工作时遇到的最大困难是,按照特定的顺序进行工作,设法保持正常的进度,创造有利于集中精力的空间,并感觉与团队保持联系。 它们也是同一几何不可能的硬币的3个面。 对我来说,设法在其中一个领域取得成功会使在其他领域取得成功变得容易。

Here are some ways I do that, and some ways that my team supports me:


Stick to a routine: Pick a chunk (or chunks) of time every day to focus on work. While a remote schedule often means some degree of freedom when choosing when to work, we can get a lot out of maintaining some sort of normal hours. I tend to stick roughly to working hours EST (which is 3pm to 11pm for me in Spain), but I also know I’m most focused first thing in the morning, so I always do an hour or two in the morning, then trim a little off my evening hours when my team doesn’t tend to schedule meetings.

坚持例行工作:每天挑选一小部分时间专注于工作。 尽管远程计划通常意味着在选择上班时间时有一定程度的自由度,但我们可以从维持某种正常时间中受益匪浅。 我通常会坚持大约EST的工作时间(在西班牙,这是我的下午3点到晚上11点),但是我也知道我早上最专注于第一件事,所以我总是早上一两个小时,然后整理一下我的团队晚上不太会安排会议,这比我晚上的工作时间少了一些。

Schedule time for casual conversation: By being remote, you’re going to miss out on casual chats at lunch with your team, and you’re going to be deprived of spontaneous conversations with other departments at the proverbial water cooler. These can be vital interactions, however, and they warrant being protected. Find time to engage coworkers in non-work discussions so you can continue to develop natural friendships with those you spend so much of your day with.

安排非正式对话的时间:由于处于远程状态,您将错过与团队共进午餐时的随意聊天,而且您将被剥夺了与众所周知的饮水机进行其他部门自发对话的能力。 但是,这些可能是至关重要的互动,因此值得保护。 找时间与同事进行非工作讨论,这样您就可以继续与与您花费大量时间的人建立自然的友谊。

For example, my team often uses our bi-weekly retro meetings to talk about whatever we want for an hour. We do end up being able to talk about things that have gone well or poorly since the previous iteration of the meeting, but we don’t worry about being completely distracted for an hour with a coworker’s photos from a trip abroad, or the grizzly details of an ongoing murder investigation (this is just run-of-the-mill morbid curiosity, nothing to be alarmed by, I promise).

例如,我的团队经常使用我们每两周的回溯会议来讨论我们一个小时内想要的事情。 我们确实可以谈论自上次会议以来进展良好或欠佳的事情,但是我们不必担心一个同事因出国旅行而留下的照片会完全分心一个小时,或者担心细节正在进行中的谋杀案调查(我只是保证,这只是工厂内的病态好奇心,我保证对此不会感到惊慌)

Our daily standups can also get a little carried away sometimes, but as long as they stay within the allotted 15 minute window, everyone is happy to chat a little bit about whatever. It helps to bring the team a little closer in a small but ultimately meaningful way.

我们的日常站立有时也会有些失落,但只要停留在分配的15分钟内,每个人都愿意对任何事情聊一聊。 它有助于以较小但最终有意义的方式使团队更加紧密。

Set up your ideal workspace: This is a big one for me personally. There is a profound difference in my productivity when I am working with all the tools I need versus when I am not.

设置理想的工作空间:对我个人而言,这是一个很大的空间 。 当我使用所需的所有工具时,与不使用时所用的工具相比,我的生产力有很大的不同。

For example, I’ve realized that the correct keyboard for me is a dealbreaker, and I tend to work faster with another monitor hooked up to my machine. Also, my back gets achy after sitting for too long, so I usually use a standing desk, or an ergonomic chair.

例如,我已经意识到对我来说正确的键盘是一个决定性的决定,并且在连接到我的计算机上的另一个显示器上,我倾向于更快地工作。 而且,坐得太久后背部会酸痛,因此我通常使用站立式办公桌或符合人体工学原理的椅子。

Invest in your workspace, and the boost you’ll experience in being able to focus will ensure the money is made back. Yesware has a generous employee expensing policy, so I’m encouraged to buy what I feel I need to be healthy and productive on the company’s dollar. If your employer can’t make the same offer, it’s still important to spend what you can on having a proper battle station.

投资于您的工作空间,您将能够集中精力获得提升,这将确保钱被收回。 Yesware实行慷慨的员工费用政策,因此鼓励我购买我认为需要健康才能提高公司收入的产品。 如果您的雇主不能提供相同的报价,那么花点钱在一个合适的战场上仍然很重要。

Get out of the house: Now that your consummate work station is complete with an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, powered standing desk, miniature koi pond, 4K monitor, and Newton’s cradle, leave it all and go somewhere else. Work a part of your day at home, and maybe finish the evening at a coffee shop, or library, or a friends house. Do everything you can to not get stuck inside, because when you work where you live it’s a serious risk.

出门在外:现在,您完美的工作站已经配备了符合人体工程学的键盘和鼠标,电动站立式办公桌,微型锦鲤池,4K显示器以及牛顿的Gradle,您可以将所有东西放到其他地方。 您可以在家中度过一天的一天,也可以在咖啡店,图书馆或朋友屋里度过一个美好的夜晚。 竭尽所能,不要陷入困境,因为在您居住的地方工作时,这是很大的风险。

When I was in the US and working remotely, I would always either skateboard or go for a walk immediately after finishing work (now I just do it before). I also purposefully avoid buying any sort of coffeemaker so I need to physically leave the house to get coffee, and my regrettable caffeine addiction mandates that I leave at least once to satisfy the craving. Some folks go so far as to pay for a membership at a coworking space just so they can actually go to work. While I haven’t made this jump quite yet, I can understand the appeal.

当我在美国远程工作时,我总是会在完成工作后立即去滑板或去散步(现在我只是在做之前 )。 我还故意避免购买任何类型的咖啡机,因此我需要亲自离开屋子去喝咖啡,而我令人遗憾的咖啡因成瘾要求我至少离开一次才能满足渴望。 有些人甚至花钱在一个共同工作的地方支付会员资格,以便他们实际上可以去上班。 虽然我还没有做出这个跳跃,但是我可以理解它的吸引力。

We need to carefully illustrate the differences between working and not working. It isn’t as easy when the place where I work is also the place where I unwind.

我们需要仔细说明工作与不工作之间的区别。 当我工作的地方也是我放松的地方并不是那么容易。

Hop on a video call: This is one of the more team-oriented pieces of advice for making a remote job work. When it comes to getting answers or clarification on something, or needing to discuss an issue that’s even partially technical, it can be much easier to just hop on a video call instead of having to type everything out in Slack, or whichever medium you use for such communication.

进行视频通话:这是使团队工作更偏向团队的建议之一。 当要获得答案或澄清某件事,或者需要讨论甚至是部分技术问题时,只需进行视频通话,而不必在Slack中键入所有内容,或使用哪种媒介,都容易得多。这样的沟通。

Our goal is to make our being in another location as simple and straightforward as possible for our team, and that often means acknowledging that talking can be better than typing. Since going remote, I’m now more likely to just hop on a call with a team member to discuss something, rather than spending 15 minutes discussing in Slack. Plus the face-to-face time is just nice anyway.

我们的目标是使我们在团队中的位置尽可能简单明了,这通常意味着要承认说话比打字更好。 从远程开始,我现在更有可能只是与团队成员进行电话讨论问题,而不是花15分钟在Slack进行讨论。 而且面对面的时间还是很不错的。

Iterate: If this is the first time you’ll be working remotely, or your company is making the transition to support remote workers for the first time, it’s going to take some trial and error to make everything work fluidly. Check in with your team or manager to see how things have been (this would be a perfect topic for retro), and experiment with different practices if there are issues.

迭代:如果这是您第一次进行远程工作,或者您的公司正在首次过渡为支持远程工作人员,那么要使所有工作顺利进行都将需要反复试验。 与您的团队或经理核对一下情况,以了解情况如何(这是复古的完美话题),如果有问题,请尝试不同的做法。

For example, because Yesware recently started to open up our engineering teams to remote applicants we’ve had to experiment with different video conference solutions to see what works best for our space. It’s an ongoing endeavor, but we are closing in on what feels like the right product, which will ensure remote workers (hopefully) never have a problem calling into meetings and planning sessions. Besides, any large transition is going to demand time before feeling comfortable, so give it a couple weeks being remote before panicking that you can’t handle it.

例如,由于Yesware最近开始向远程申请人开放我们的工程团队,所以我们不得不尝试不同的视频会议解决方案,以了解最适合我们空间的解决方案。 这是一项持续的工作,但是我们正在关闭感觉正确的产品,这将确保远程工作者(希望)在召开会议和计划会议时不会出现问题。 此外,任何较大的过渡都需要一定的时间才能感觉到舒适,因此请在远离恐慌之前将其放置几个星期,以免您无法处理。

Meet up every once in a while: Being a remote employee doesn’t mean never seeing the rest of your team or company. Schedule a trip every year to go to headquarters for a week, or go once a quarter just for some of that coveted face-to-face time. Or work remotely from the same city, and head into the office when you feel like it. Being remote doesn’t necessitate being hundreds of miles away, and we can still gain a lot by regularly working from home even if the company’s office is nearby.

偶尔见面:成为远程员工并不意味着永远不会看到团队或公司的其他成员。 每年安排一次旅行,到总部呆一个星期,或者每季度一次,只呆一些令人垂涎的面对面时间。 或从同一城市远程工作,并在需要时前往办公室。 偏远并不一定要相距数百英里,即使公司的办公室在附近,我们仍然可以通过定期在家工作而受益匪浅。

While those are practical tips for being comfortable while working remotely, the actual switch can be fairly daunting. To make that transition smoother, try easing into it one day at a time.

这些都是在远程工作时感到舒适的实用技巧,但实际的开关可能相当艰巨。 为了使过渡更平滑,请尝试一天一次放松。

When I was ramping up to move abroad and work remotely, I started by working from home every Wednesday, since it was uncommon for my team to have anything special on that day. After a month of that, I worked from home 2 or 3 times a week, and purposefully chose days that had important planning meetings, so I could get a feel for how to navigate critical meetings without being in the room.

当我准备移居国外并进行远程工作时,我每个星期三从家里开始工作,因为那天我的团队有什么特别的事情很罕见。 一个月后,我每周在家工作2至3次,有目的地选择召开重要计划会议的日子,这样我就可以感觉如何在不开会的情况下进行重要会议。

By the time my entire team began the remote experiment, I was already fairly comfortable, and after 3 weeks of being completely remote, I felt even more productive than I was in the office. If you can afford to, begin the switch to remote work slowly.

到时候我的整个团队开始了远程实验,我已经相当舒服,而且3周被完全远程之后,我觉得富有成效比我在办公室里。 如果负担得起,请慢慢开始切换到远程工作。

I’m sure you totally expected something like this at the end of the article, but Yesware is hiring engineers of all levels. Again, I haven’t been coerced into saying any of this, I just genuinely love where I work and I’m excited for our future. I’d be a fool not to encourage kind, driven, and smart folks to join us. Check out our company page for a list of positions, and to get a feel for us. And yes, we’re accepting remote applications.

我相信您在本文结尾处完全希望得到这样的信息,但是Yesware正在招聘各个级别的工程师。 再说一次,我没有被强迫说任何这些,我只是真正地爱我工作的地方,我为我们的未来感到兴奋。 我会傻傻地不鼓励善良,有干劲和聪明的人加入我们。 查看我们的公司页面以获取职位列表 ,并让我们感到满意。 是的,我们接受远程应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-transition-from-being-an-in-office-to-remote-employee-98433d0a92c1/






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