

by Jedidiah Yueh

吉迪(Jedidiah Yueh)

在哪里找到顶尖人才:硅谷的系统地图 (Where to find top talent: the systems map of Silicon Valley)

When I started my second software company, one of my venture capitalists asked if I really planned to build another technology company in a “wasteland” like Orange County.


A wasteland?


I had spent a fair amount of time in Silicon Valley. It looks quite a bit different than Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, or Corona del Mar — the beautiful beach cities of Orange County.

我在硅谷度过了很多时间。 它看上去与纽波特海滩,拉古纳海滩或科罗纳德尔玛(奥兰治县美丽的海滩城市)有很大不同。

Instead of sprawling land and endless sunshine, you have broken roads meandering aimlessly through the dense, old neighborhoods of Cupertino, Menlo Park, Mountain View, and Palo Alto. Modern mansions of the tech elite sit a street away from dilapidated apartment buildings from the 1970s.

您不必在广阔的土地上蜿蜒曲折地穿过库比蒂诺(Cupertino),门罗公园(Menlo Park),山景城(Mountain View)和帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)茂密的旧街区,漫无目的的蜿蜒曲折的道路,而不是四处蔓延的土地和无尽的阳光。 从1970年代开始,高科技精英们的现代豪宅就坐落在远离残旧公寓楼的街道上。

I grew up in Southern California, so it’s where I started my first software company, Avamar (acquired by EMC for $165 million). With a successful first outcome, it took less than a month to raise financing for my second software company, Delphix.

我在南加州长大,因此在这里创办了我的第一家软件公司Avamar( 被EMC以1.65亿美元收购 )。 有了成功的第一个成果,我用了不到一个月的时间就为我的第二个软件公司Delphix筹集了资金。

But I took a moment to reflect on my lessons from Avamar.


We pioneered an industry-changing technology, but we shipped product too late. We had a commanding two-year lead, but a Silicon Valley competitor ran us down. We had a hard time finding quality, experienced executives to fill key positions as we scaled, and could only hire from a small pool willing to relocate from afar.

我们率先采用了改变行业的技术,但是产品交付太迟了。 我们有一个领先的两年领先优势,但是一个硅谷的竞争对手让我们失望了。 我们很难找到高质量的人才,经验丰富的高管要在我们扩大规模时担任关键职位,并且只能从愿意从远处迁移的小规模人才中聘用。

In the end, we sold for $165 million, and our competitor sold for $2.4 billion.


It didn’t take me long to make a decision.


位置,位置,位置 (Location, location, location)

I had to acknowledge the first rule of finding talent: location, location, location. In 2009, we moved Delphix to Silicon Valley where you can buy one-third the house for the price you’d pay in Newport Beach. But of course, there’s no beach.

我必须承认寻找人才的第一条规则:位置,位置,位置。 2009年,我们将德尔福(Delphix)搬到了硅谷,在那里,您可以以在纽波特海滩上要支付的价格购买三分之一的房子。 但是,当然没有海滩。

The high cost of housing compresses disposable income. As a result, homes look a little more worn, cars motor around with dings and dents, and people look a little frumpy and disheveled. I call it the Tech Tax.

高昂的住房成本压缩了可支配收入。 结果,房屋看起来更旧一些,汽车随着叮当和凹痕四处行驶,人们看上去有些蓬松和衣衫eve。 我称之为技术税

Strategically situated in the epicenter of technology, you have the privilege of buying $2 million teardowns on busy streets and the opportunity to gaze wonderingly at roving herds of tech talent.


But that talent can be mighty.


Once I plugged into Silicon Valley’s network, I met highly accomplished, articulate engineers who had founded or architected some of the biggest products in enterprise data management.


It’s like engineers grew on trees. I wanted to pick the talented as quickly as I could.

就像工程师长在树上一样。 我想尽快选拔人才。

得到教训 (Lessons learned)

I paid the price by suboptimizing engineering at Avamar. We didn’t just ship product a little late. We shipped product four years late. It took years for us to consume the quality tail — the quality required for a product to reliably support thousands of customers at varying degrees of scale.

我通过对Avamar进行工程优化来付出代价。 我们不仅将产品发货晚了一点。 我们把产品晚了四年发货。 我们花费了数年的时间才能消耗掉质量的尾巴-产品可靠地支持成千上万不同规模的客户所需的质量。

In Orange County, there are few, if any, public software companies. We hired the best and brightest engineers we could find. Many worked as contractors for the government, building complex software programs like Ada compilers. I later realized that contractors often build themselves into their programs. By coding complex, hard-to-support solutions, you can guarantee job security.

在奥兰治县,很少有公共软件公司。 我们聘请了最优秀,最聪明的工程师。 许多人是政府的承包商,建立了像Ada编译器这样的复杂软件程序。 后来我意识到承包商经常将自己融入他们的计划中。 通过编写复杂的,难以支持的解决方案,您可以保证工作的安全性。

That type of contractor-dependent engineering didn’t work in the world of enterprise software. We needed to ship software that just worked.

这种类型的依赖承包商的工程在企业软件领域不起作用。 我们需要交付刚刚可用的软件。

As my network widened, I met stronger and stronger engineers and decided we had to have the best at Delphix.


But engineers, like most people, don’t like to commute. And even inside Silicon Valley, location matters.

但是工程师像大多数人一样,不喜欢通勤。 甚至硅谷内部 ,位置也很重要。

When we scouted locations for our first Delphix headquarters, another venture capitalists said to me, “Why don’t you put your offices in Redwood City, right next to Oracle’s headquarters? You can put up a sign that says, ‘Come Join the Next Oracle.’”

当我们搜寻第一个Delphix总部的地点时,另一位风险投资家对我说:“为什么不将您的办公室放在Oracle总部旁边的Redwood City? 您可以张贴一个标语,“来加入下一个 Oracle。””

I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.


To build a data management solution as sophisticated as ours, we needed engineers from some of the top database companies in the world, starting with Oracle. But we also needed great engineers who had solved problems in lower-level systems, such as volume managers and file systems.

为了构建像我们这样复杂的数据管理解决方案,我们需要从Oracle开始的全球一些顶级数据库公司的工程师。 但是,我们还需要出色的工程师,这些工程师已经解决了低级系统(例如卷管理器和文件系统)中的问题。

熟悉的布局 (A familiar layout)

As I canvassed the valley, I came to a fascinating conclusion: Silicon Valley is geographically laid out like a systems map.


A basic application systems map looks like this:


At the bottom, you have hardware platforms, including items such as computer processors, network routers, and storage arrays. As you move up the stack, you have software platforms, such as Apple’s Mac OS or iOS operating systems, which mask the complexity of disparate hardware components.

在底部,您具有硬件平台,包括计算机处理器,网络路由器和存储阵列等项目。 在堆栈中向上移动时,您会拥有一些软件平台,例如Apple的Mac OS或iOS操作系统,这些平台掩盖了不同硬件组件的复杂性。

One more level up, you have databases such as Oracle, the data engines that power today’s complex applications. And at the top of the stack, you have front-end apps that interact directly with end users, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions and the apps on your phone.

再上一层,您将拥有诸如Oracle之类的数据库,这些数据库为当今的复杂应用程序提供了强大的动力。 在堆栈的顶部,您具有直接与最终用户交互的前端应用程序,例如企业资源计划(ERP)解决方案和手机上的应用程序。

In the physical world of Silicon Valley, Highway 280 and Route 101 create an artificial island between San Francisco and San Jose. The first hardware giants such as Intel, HP, and Cisco emerged in the South Bay.

在硅谷的自然世界中,280号公路和101号公路在旧金山和圣何塞之间创建了一个人工岛。 首批硬件巨头,例如英特尔,惠普和思科,都出现在南湾。

As the computer hardware industry matured, it gave rise to the next level in the systems stack: software platforms. As software platforms matured, they gave rise to the next level in the stack: databases. And as databases matured, they gave rise to more and more complex apps. Each layer unlocked the next over time.

随着计算机硬件行业的成熟,它带动了系统堆栈的下一个层次:软件平台。 随着软件平台的成熟,它们带来了堆栈的下一个层次:数据库。 随着数据库的成熟,它们催生了越来越复杂的应用程序。 每层随着时间的推移解锁下一层。

San Francisco drew the new layers toward itself like a magnet, which resulted in a funny thing: Silicon Valley laid itself out like a systems map.


Hardware companies such as Intel, Cisco, and Apple sit at the bottom. Software platforms such as VMware, Facebook, and Google sit one layer above them. The world’s greatest database company, Oracle, comes next, between San Francisco and the South Bay.

英特尔,思科和苹果等硬件公司排在最后。 VMware,Facebook和Google等软件平台位于它们之上。 紧随其后的是旧金山和南湾之间的全球最大的数据库公司Oracle。

And more and more app companies emerge in San Francisco every day, including Uber, Airbnb, and Twitter.


与Delphix一起前进 (Moving forward with Delphix)

After my analysis, we dropped Delphix in Palo Alto, right between Oracle and the hardware companies. And we drew our engineering and executive talent from both quarters.

经过我的分析,我们将Delphix放在了Oracle与硬件公司之间的帕洛阿尔托。 而且我们从两个季度都吸引了我们的工程和执行人才。

Over the last decade, apps have become more and more leveraged, enabling the Ubers and Airbnbs to grow into awesome Appzillas seemingly overnight.


As a result, a major demographic shift has occurred. Talented young engineers want to work where all the hot app companies are headquartered. And they want to live in a big city.

结果,发生了主要的人口变化。 有才华的年轻工程师想在所有热门应用公司的总部工作。 他们想住在一个大城市。

Those twin draws have made San Francisco the new heart of Silicon Valley.


Talent comes first in engineering at Delphix, so we bowed to the laws of the valley and opened a second office in the city.


The result? We shipped product by the end of the same year we moved. In December 2009, Staples became our very first customer. After that, we added brand name after brand name, over 30% of the Fortune 100. And we have some of the highest customer satisfaction and retention rates in the industry.

结果? 我们在同年年底之前发货了产品。 2009年12月,斯台普斯成为我们的第一个客户。 此后,我们在品牌名称之后添加了品牌名称,超过了《财富》 100强公司的30%。而且,我们拥有业内最高的客户满意度和保留率。

If you need to hire the world’s top software engineers, they’re probably in the California Bay Area. They can help you build your rocket ship.

如果您需要雇用世界顶级软件工程师,他们可能在加利福尼亚湾地区。 他们可以帮助您建造火箭飞船。

Just make sure you’re looking for them in the exact right place.


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关于我 (About Me)

I’ve spent two decades decoding innovation, collecting the hidden frameworks that drive many of the most successful entrepreneurs in technology today. I’ve personally implemented these frameworks, inventing software products at Delphix and Avamar that have driven more than $4 billion in sales. Disrupt or Die (available on Amazon) is my first book.

我花了二十年的时间对创新进行解码,收集了隐藏的框架,这些框架推动了当今许多最成功的技术企业家。 我亲自实现了这些框架,在Delphix和Avamar发明了软件产品,这些产品推动了超过40亿美元的销售额。 中断或死亡 (在亚马逊上有售)是我的第一本书。

Parts of this article are excerpted from Disrupt or Die.


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请在下面注册,以获取定期更新,有关创新的说明,以及沿途的一些琐事。 您还将免费获得本书的前五章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/where-to-find-top-talent-the-systems-map-of-silicon-valley-4bb14b98da4a/


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