

by Rick West

由里克·韦斯特(Rick West)

我是如何从30岁的管道工转变为32岁的Web开发人员的 (How I transformed from a 30-year-old plumber into a 32-year-old web developer)

Friends often ask me why I decided to give up a solid, well-paying job like plumbing in my 30s, then learn to code and become a web developer.


My response: why wouldn’t I? Web development is awesome!

我的回应:我为什么不呢? Web开发很棒!

I’ve always been interested in computers. I dabbled in HTML and PHP in the past. Unfortunately — and I’m sure we’ve all been there — life got in the way, and I never really followed up on anything.

我一直对计算机感兴趣。 我过去涉猎HTML和PHP。 不幸的是,而且我敢肯定我们所有人都去过那里。生活妨碍了我,我从来没有真正跟进任何事情。

But then, in December 2015, I got dispatched to go fit a boiler at a house. I didn’t know it at the time, but that house belonged to a developer, and he was about to change my life.

但是后来,在2015年12月,我被派去在房屋中安装锅炉。 当时我还不知道,但是那所房子属于开发商,他正要改变我的生活。

I pulled up to a large detached house with two nice BMWs in the driveway. At the door, I was greeted by a guy in his 30s casually dressed in an Adidas tracksuit.

我停在一个大的独立式住宅里,车道上有两个漂亮的宝马。 在门口,一个三十多岁的穿着阿迪达斯运动服的家伙向我致意。

Throughout the day, we chatted and laughed. But I still had no idea what he did for a living. I just assumed he was some sort 0f lower-league football player or something. He was just a normal, down-to-earth guy. But he was clearly doing very well for himself.

整天,我们聊天笑。 但是我仍然不知道他以什么为生。 我只是以为他是0f低联盟足球运动员之类的人。 他只是一个普通而扎实的人。 但是他显然为自己做得很好。

The beauty of living in the age of social media is that all you need is a name and you can search someone up and find out more about them. He’d told me his full name, so that combined with the name of the city and… bingo! A LinkedIn profile. Says this guy is a developer. Hmm…

在社交媒体时代生活的美妙之处在于,您所需要的只是一个名字,您可以搜索某人并找到有关他们的更多信息。 他告诉我他的全名,然后加上城市名称和……宾果游戏! 领英简介。 说这家伙是开发人员。 嗯...

When I discovered that he was a developer, as I knew a little (and I mean a little) about programming, I started asking him questions. I liked the look of this lifestyle — tracksuit, freedom, and the prospects of being able to work at home near my wife and kids all day.

当我发现他是一名开发人员时,就我对编程的一点了解(我的意思是一点 ),我开始问他问题。 我喜欢这种生活方式的外观-运动服,自由度以及能够整天在妻子和孩子附近在家工作的前景。

Again, it wasn’t the perception of money that was interesting to me — as an experienced plumber, I already made enough money. It was the software developer lifestyle that appealed to me.

再次,对我来说,对金钱的理解并不是很有趣-作为一名经验丰富的管道工,我已经赚了足够的钱。 吸引我的是软件开发人员的生活方式。

As we talked, I expected my customer to start telling me all about his university education and glittering corporate career. Instead what he told me came as a bit of a shock.

当我们交谈时,我希望我的客户能开始向我介绍他的大学教育和辉煌的企业生涯。 相反,他告诉我的消息让我有些震惊。

A few years earlier he was living in a run-down part of town with a baby on the way. He was making ends meet by stocking shelves at a supermarket.

几年前,他住在一个城镇破败的地方,途中有一个婴儿。 他通过在一家超市放货架来维持生计。

He had no qualifications. He had left school at age 16. But, to provide a better life for his young family, he decided to teach himself how to code by watching YouTube videos and following along on his computer.

他没有资格。 他16岁就离开了学校。但是,为了给年轻的家庭过上更好的生活,他决定通过观看YouTube视频并在计算机上跟随自己来教自己编码。

Fast forward 5 years, and he runs his own software company, has a couple of employees, and works mainly from home.


As I was finishing up installing his boiler, my customer said he could tell that I was interested in coding. I suppose my many questions had revealed more than just a passing interest.

当我完成他的锅炉的安装时,我的客户说他可以说我对编码感兴趣。 我想我的许多问题揭示的不只是短暂的兴趣。

He told me that if I had even the slightest interest in learning to code — whether for fun or a career — then I should just do it. “You’re never too old to learn,” he said.

他告诉我,如果我对学习编码甚至有一点兴趣(无论是出于娱乐还是职业),那么我都应该这样做。 他说:“您永远不会老到学到的东西。”

Then we exchanged email addresses so we could stay in touch.


It was this chance-encounter that motivated me to start learning.


I’d always just assumed that I was too old to start programming, or to make any career change for that matter.


I didn’t have a relevant degree. I had a wife and 2 kids, and couldn’t afford to go back to college.

我没有相关学位。 我有一个妻子和两个孩子,无法负担重返大学的费用。

Surely no one would want to hire someone without a giant list of qualifications or abbreviations following their name.


Well, I was wrong.

好吧, 我错了

Having met someone who was living proof that I could change my career and lifestyle, I knew that it was in fact 100% possible. I had no excuse.

遇见一个能证明我可以改变自己的职业和生活方式的人后,我知道实际上有100%的可能性。 我没有借口

I now know that if you want to make a change, you just need to start, be determined, and stick with it!


The rest, as they say, is history.


So to that man — you know who you are — I will be forever grateful. You changed my life that day. You inspired me, and thanks to you, I’m now a professional developer!

因此,对于那个男人-您知道您是谁-我将永远感激不已。 你那天改变了我的生活。 您启发了我,并且感谢您,我现在是一名专业开发人员!

Thank you for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, hit that heart ♡ button below. It will make it so more people see this story here on Medium.

感谢您的阅读! :)如果喜欢,请点击下面的那颗心♡按钮。 它将使更多的人在Medium上看到这个故事。

I’m always happy to hear from like-minded people, so feel free to say hello on Twitter.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-transformed-from-a-30-year-old-plumber-into-a-32-year-old-web-developer-c0cfda7dc23a/






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