

About six months ago, I started a new position as a software engineer.


It's my first full-time developer job ever. And landing it was the culmination of two intense years of learning.

这是我有史以来的第一份全职开发人员工作。 降落是两年紧张学习的高潮。

Before I started my job search, I completed freeCodeCamp's entire curriculum – all while working full-time as a teacher.

在开始求职之前,我已经完成了freeCodeCamp的整个课程- 一直在全职工作

During all of this, I learned a lot about setting goals and achieving them.


I also learned how to withstand the sting of repeated rejections and failure that come with the career change.


I decided to write about my journey changing careers – from teaching to development – for two reasons.


First of all, I get asked about it almost every day on social media. And this article can serve as a definitive resource for people who want my advice.

首先,我几乎每天都在社交媒体上被问到这一点。 对于希望获得我的建议的人来说,本文可以作为权威资源。

The second reason I'm writing this is that my journey was a winding one. This isn't the “completed a bootcamp in 12 weeks and got my first job in tech," story. I think this might serve as encouragement for you if you're also struggling to get your first developer opportunity.

我写这篇文章的第二个原因是我的旅程很艰难。 这不是“在12周内完成一次训练营,并获得了我的第一份技术工作”的故事。我认为,如果您也正在努力获得第一个开发人员机会,这可能会鼓励您。

So without further ado, here is my advice to you.


了解那里有什么机会-然后相应地学习。 (Learn what opportunity is out there – then learn accordingly.)

Some of you might be able to afford taking time off work and just focusing on learning. But for those of you who can‘t, you want to start working on real-life stuff as soon as possible.

你们中的某些人可能有能力抽出时间休息,而只专注于学习。 但是对于那些无法做到这一点的人,您希望尽快开始研究现实生活中的东西。

In order to do this, ask yourself questions like: Where would you like to be in 1-2 years? Which companies do you find interesting? Where would you like to live and work?

为此,请问自己一些问题,例如:1-2年后您想去哪里? 您对哪些公司感兴趣? 您想在哪里生活和工作?

Based on your answers, research the market. Look at job postings for those companies you listed, or in the country you want to live.

根据您的答案,研究市场。 查看您列出的公司或您想居住的国家/地区的职位发布。

Or if your dream is working remotely, look for remote jobs that strike you as interesting.


Once you've found all those job postings, start listing down all the skills they ask for.


Then put all this through the filter of your own preferences. This will give you a pretty good list to guide you through your learning journey.

然后,通过您自己的首选项过滤所有这些内容。 这将为您提供一个很好的清单,以指导您完成学习过程。

When you're setting goals, you need to know exactly what you want. If you stretch ambitions too wide, you risk losing focus.

在设定目标时,您需要确切地知道自己想要什么。 如果野心太广泛,则可能会失去焦点。

An example of this: learning programming languages.


Sure, it's good to know more than one language. But if your priority is getting a job quickly, the most important thing is to focus on the programming principles that go beyond any particular language. And at the same time you need to learn those marketable skills that will make you employable as soon as possible.

当然,知道一种以上的语言是一件好事。 但是,如果您的首要任务是快速找到一份工作,那么最重要的是将重点放在超越任何特定语言的编程原则上。 同时,您需要学习那些可以使您尽快受雇的可销售技能。

在学习中以各种方式开始积累经验 (Start gaining experience while you learn, in whatever ways you can)

One of the biggest issues faced by new developers is lack of experience. Companies want you to have 1-2 years of experience, but if no one wants to hire you, how can you get that experience?

新开发人员面临的最大问题之一是缺乏经验。 公司希望您拥有1-2年的经验,但是如果没人愿意雇用您,您将如何获得这种经验?

My advice is to start gaining any sort of experience as soon as possible while you are still learning.


While I was doing the freeCodeCamp curriculum, I came across 1millionwomentotech, an online program aiming to bring tech education to women and non-binary people.

在我学习freeCodeCamp课程时,我遇到了100万个 womentotech,这是一个在线计划,旨在为女性和非二进制人群提供技术教育。

I was interested in taking the courses, and they were looking for volunteers, so I signed up both as a student and as a volunteer.


It was an incredible learning experience. And not only I got training out of it, but I also had my first real-world experience of working at a remote organization. I made friends, and got an excellent reference letter at the end of my volunteering.

这是一次令人难以置信的学习经历。 我不仅从培训中受益,而且还获得了在远程组织工作的第一笔真实经验。 我交了朋友,在志愿服务结束时得到了一封很好的推荐信。

If you have the opportunity to intern, this is also an excellent way of getting work experience as soon as possible. Not everyone has the privilege of being able to do an unpaid internship, but there are also many paid internships out there.

如果您有实习的机会,这也是尽快获得工作经验的绝妙方法。 并非每个人都有能力进行无薪实习,但是那里也有许多有薪实习。

I was an Outreachy intern and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Outreachy is a program that organizes paid internships with free and open-source projects for people who are underrepresented in the tech industry. I loved it so much that I am now an Outreachy mentor for LibreHealth!

我是一名外展实习生,这是我一生中最神奇的经历之一。 Outreachy是一个计划,为技术行业中代表性不足的人组织带薪实习,提供免费和开源项目。 我非常喜欢它,现在我成为LibreHealth的外展指导

Other options to get hands-on experience are:


  • Building your own projects, alone or with a buddy,

  • Contributing to Open Source projects (you can help fixing bugs or write / translate documentation), and

  • Freelancing. You can start by building websites for your friends' and family's businesses. It will help you become confident with your skills and also add to your portfolio.

    自由职业。 您可以从为朋友和家人的业务建立网站开始。 这将帮助您对自己的技能充满信心,并增加您的投资组合。

It‘s important to start doing this while you're learning. Because the best way to really cement your knowledge is to actually use it in real-world scenarios.

在学习时开始执行此操作很重要。 因为真正巩固您的知识的最佳方法是在实际场景中实际使用它。

尽快开始面试。 (Start interviewing as soon as possible.)

Interviews are learning experiences. You can find out what you want and don't want in a company just by how an interview goes. Also, the more experience you have interviewing, the less nervous you get.

面试是学习的经验。 您可以通过面试的方式找出在公司中想要和不想要的东西。 另外,您采访的经验越多,您的紧张感就会越小。

I started applying for jobs before I felt 100% ready, because I knew that I would never feel 100% ready.


Apply even if you don't meet all the requirements, and get ready for your interview.


If you're nervous about being under-qualified, don't be. Leave that to your interviewers to decide.

如果您担心资格不足,那就不要。 留给您的面试官决定。

If you made it to the interview, then they are definitely interested in you.


Take notes of what they ask, and prepare questions for the interviewer as well. This is your opportunity to learn what companies are looking for, and how you can prepare yourself to provide that to them.

记下他们的要求,并为面试官准备问题。 这是您学习公司正在寻找什么的机会,以及如何为将其提供给他们做准备。

Also, keep in mind that the interview goes both ways: they're evaluating you, but you should be evaluating them as well. It's a two-way street, and knowing this should help you feel more confident and less stressed during the interview itself.

另外,请记住,面试是双向的:他们在评估您,但您也应该在评估他们。 这是一条两条路,知道这应该可以帮助您在面试过程中感到更加自信和减轻压力。

与尽可能多的人交流,他们已经实现了想要实现的目标。 (Talk to as many people as you can who have accomplished what you want to accomplish.)

If you know someone who got a job after learning on their own, ask them questions! Be specific.

如果您认识某人自己学习后找到了工作,请向他们提问! 请明确点。

Vague questions are less likely to give you valuable information since every person's journey is different. But if you're specific you can get valuable insight.

含糊的问题不太可能为您提供有价值的信息,因为每个人的旅程都不一样。 但是,如果您是特定的,则可以获得有价值的见解。

For instance, people often ask me "how did you go from teacher to developer?" I find it's a very difficult question to answer and the answer is kind of useless. It's just my personal story. (You can read it in detail here if you want.) And so many aspects of it are extremely unique to my personal circumstances.

例如,人们经常问我“您是如何从老师变成开发人员的?” 我发现这是一个很难回答的问题,答案是无用的。 这只是我的个人故事。 ( 如果需要,您可以在这里详细阅读 。)因此,它的很多方面对于我的个人情况而言都是极为独特的。

But if someone asks, "how did you fill your knowledge gaps with X skill?" I can give them more useful information, point them to resources, give them examples that they can put into practice, and so on.

但是,如果有人问:“您如何用X技能来填补知识空白?” 我可以为他们提供更多有用的信息,为他们提供资源,为他们提供可以实践的示例,等等。

不要低估您拥有的技能。 (Don‘t underestimate the skills you DO have.)

When you're changing careers, remember: you might be a junior at programming, but you do have lots of valuable experience and transferable skills.


If you have worked at all in your life, you have technical and non-technical knowledge that can be applied to many situations at your new job.


Many junior developers are career changers who've had jobs before. They were probably good at their old jobs, and have life experience that sets them apart from other candidates.

许多初级开发人员都是以前换过工作的职业改变者。 他们可能擅长于旧工作,并拥有使他们与其他候选人区分开的生活经验。

These career changers are also usually motivated enough that they took a big chance to learn a whole new set of skills. This shows great personal strength, and it makes you stand out as a candidate and a potential asset to the company.

这些改变职业的人通常也有足够的动力,以至于他们抓住了很大的机会来学习一套全新的技能。 这显示出强大的个人实力,使您脱颖而出,成为公司的候选人和潜在资产。

Your previous experience, even if unrelated, is valuable! You just have to find a way to repurpose it and use it to your advantage in your new career path.

您以前的经验(即使无关)也很有价值! 您只需要找到一种方法来重新调整其用途,并将其用于您的新职业道路即可。

准备失败,起床,除尘,然后重试。 很多次。 (Be ready to fail, get up, dust yourself off and try again. MANY times.)

If you don't fail at things, you will never succeed at things. Learning to do anything in life means getting it wrong many times before finally getting it right.

如果您在事情上不失败,那么您将永远不会成功。 学会做生活中的任何事情都意味着要多次犯错,然后才能最终将其正确。

Don't worry about rejections. Learn from them, take note and move on. Remember that persistence is your best friend, and you will eventually get the job if you just keep at it long enough.

不用担心拒绝。 向他们学习,记笔记并继续前进。 请记住,坚持是您最好的朋友,只要坚持足够长的时间,您最终就会得到这份工作。

你可以这样做。 (You can do this.)

I think that pretty much whatever you want to do in life is accomplishable.


The level of difficulty might vary depending on your starting point. But the more you put yourself out there and talk to people, the more insight and connections you gain, which will help you in your journey.

难度级别可能会因您的出发点而异。 但是,当您投入更多精力与他人交谈时,就会获得更多的洞察力和联系,这将对您的旅程有所帮助。

Thanks for reading this, and best of luck.


And if you want help staying motivated as you apply for jobs, you can join my Telegram group, Junior Devs.

如果您想在求职时保持动力,可以加入我的Telegram组Junior Devs

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-your-first-job-in-tech/


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