

by Katie Siegel

凯蒂·西格尔(Katie Siegel)

您的创业公司如何招募女性 (How your startup can recruit women)

As a female technical founder who is heavily involved in recruiting efforts, diversity in hiring is an issue I think about every day. A growing body of research shows that diverse teams perform better, and as that research becomes common knowledge, companies of all sizes are prioritizing diversity efforts.

作为一名积极参与招聘工作的女性技术创始人,我每天都在考虑招聘的多样性。 越来越多的研究表明,多元化的团队表现更好,并且随着研究成为常识,各种规模的公司都在优先考虑多元化工作。

Though larger tech companies like Facebook and Google are making steady progress towards their diversity goals, the metrics for technical teams at startups remain dismal. I find it encouraging that so many startup hiring managers and recruiters have recognized this as a serious problem, but there are a few areas that are routinely overlooked. This article focuses on five points that I have found effective in helping our startup recruit women. While there are many different facets of diversity and inclusion, this post will specifically focus on gender diversity.

尽管像Facebook和Google这样的大型科技公司正在朝着多元化目标稳步 前进 ,但对于初创公司的技术团队而言,衡量标准仍然令人沮丧。 我感到鼓舞的是,这么多初创公司的招聘经理和招聘人员已经意识到这是一个严重的问题,但是在某些方面却经常被忽视。 本文重点介绍了五个方面,我发现它们可以有效地帮助我们的创业公司招募女性。 尽管多样性和包容性有许多不同的方面,但该职位将特别关注性别多样性。

1.招募至少一位女性创始人,投资者,顾问或领导团队成员。 (1. Recruit at least one female founder, investor, advisor, or leadership team member.)

Hiring at early-stage startups is difficult and largely network-based. A diverse founding team will have a more diverse network from which to hire early employees, whereas a founding team who is entirely male can unintentionally recruit an all-male team.

很难在早期阶段的初创公司招聘人才,而且很大程度上是基于网络的。 多元化的创始团队将拥有更多样化的网络来雇用早期员工,而完全由男性组成的创始团队可能会无意中招募全男性团队。

Having no female leadership, no female investors, and no female advisors is signal that a startup doesn’t truly value diversity, and could influence female candidates against joining. Even if your founding team isn’t diverse, you can reverse the trend by recruiting a woman onto your leadership team. Female leaders often add a diverse network to the candidate pool, and their presence in an organization indicates less bias against promoting women into management.

没有女性领导,没有女性投资者,也没有女性顾问的信号表明,一家创业公司并没有真正重视多样性,并且可能影响女性候选人加入。 即使您的创始团队并不多元,您也可以通过招募女性加入领导团队来扭转这一趋势。 女领导者通常会向候选人库中添加一个多样化的网络,而她们在组织中的存在表明对提升妇女担任管理职务的偏见较小。

While searching for the right hires, also put effort into finding a diverse set of company mentors. The right female advisor or investor can help recruit female candidates and serve as a role model for people at the company. There are so many accomplished women who would make incredible assets as advisors to startups relevant to their area of expertise.

在寻找合适的人选的同时,也要努力寻找多元化的公司导师。 合适的女性顾问或投资者可以帮助招募女性候选人,并成为公司员工的榜样。 有这么多有成就的女性,作为与他们的专业领域相关的初创公司的顾问,会做出不可思议的财富。

2.在招聘渠道的顶部优先考虑管道多样性。 (2. Prioritize pipeline diversity at the top of the recruiting funnel.)

Companies with women can more easily recruit other women, and the best place to start is at the beginning. Early diversity problems can compound down the road, when candidates may view a lack of women as indicators of systemic bias or a toxic culture.

拥有女性的公司可以更轻松地招募其他女性,而最好的起点是开始。 早期的多样性问题可能会更加复杂,因为候选人可能会将缺乏女性视为系统性偏见或有毒文化的指标。

To systematically focus on diversity from the beginning, constantly monitor your candidate pipeline. At our company’s outset, our engineering hiring pipeline was around 50% women. While we benefitted from the network effects of having a female founder (myself), we filled the pipeline by pushing ourselves to brainstorm a diverse set of candidates from our networks, looking at LinkedIn and Facebook to spark our memories. However, over the next few months, we noticed that our pipeline gradually became less and less diverse, and flagged this as an issue.

为了从一开始就系统地关注多样性,请不断监视您的候选管道。 在公司成立之初,我们的工程招聘渠道中约有50%是女性。 尽管我们受益于拥有女性创始人(我自己)的网络效应,但我们通过推动自己从网络中集思广益,寻找LinkedIn和Facebook来激发我们的记忆,填补了整个渠道。 但是,在接下来的几个月中,我们注意到我们的渠道逐渐变得越来越多样化,并将其标记为问题。

To fix the problem, we focused on balancing the top of the recruiting funnel. Early startup hiring tends to bias strongly towards in-network referrals, and team members often think of people to refer in an ad-hoc way, which is an opportunity for bias to seep into the process.

为了解决这个问题,我们集中精力平衡招聘渠道的顶部。 早期的初创公司招聘往往会偏向于网络内推荐,并且团队成员经常认为人们以临时方式进行推荐,这是偏见渗透到流程中的机会。

To improve diversity among referrals, hold one-on-one meetings with members of your team and ask them to systematically search their networks for female and minority engineers they have worked with in the past, even if they are unsure about their technical skill. Create an internal system for tracking referrals, and make sure to check in to see whether team members have reached out. Many people don’t realize that they subconsciously tend to only refer white and asian males, but by verbally acknowledging that common bias, the team can start to work against it.

为了提高推荐人之间的多样性,请与您的团队成员举行一对一会议,并要求他们系统地搜索其网络中过去曾与之合作的女性和少数民族工程师,即使他们不确定其技术水平。 创建一个用于跟踪引荐的内部系统,并确保签入以查看团队成员是否已伸出援手。 许多人没有意识到他们在潜意识中倾向于只提及白人和亚裔男性,但是通过口头承认这种普遍偏见,团队可以开始与之抗衡。

3.将多样性的努力纳入每个外部公司活动中。 (3. Incorporate diversity efforts into every external company event.)

“Women in engineering” events seem disingenuous when other company events are not ordinarily inclusive. Integrate diversity and inclusion into every event by aiming for a better gender balance at all office events (e.g. board game nights and dinners). Ask the team to conscientiously invite both male and female friends, with the explicit goal of reaching a 50/50 gender ratio at the event.

当其他公司活动通常不包含在内时,“工程界的女性”活动似乎是不屑一顾的。 通过在所有办公室活动(例如,棋盘游戏之夜和晚餐)中实现更好的性别平衡,将多样性和包容性纳入每个活动中。 请团队认真邀请男女朋友,其明确目标是在活动中达到50/50的性别比例。

The benefits of making every engineering event inclusive go farther than helping the women who attend such events feel more comfortable. Often, the burden of throwing diversity-oriented events disproportionately falls on women and minorities, when in reality, it should be the responsibility of the whole team. Ultimately, the most progress happens when the men on the team participate in diversity and inclusion efforts as much as the women.

使每个工程活动都具有包容性的好处远比帮助参加此类活动的妇女感到更舒适。 通常,引发面向多样性的事件的负担不成比例地落在妇女和少数群体身上,而实际上,这应该是整个团队的责任。 最终,最大的进步发生在团队中的男性和女性一样多地参与多元化和包容性工作时。

4.鼓励团队积极地与女性接触并指导女性。 (4. Encourage the team to actively reach out to and mentor women.)

Men and women who have made it a priority to mentor women will have more diverse networks. Because there are fewer senior women than senior men in tech, it’s important that those who are able to provide mentorship go out of their way to do so for both the men and the women in their lives.

重视导师妇女的男人和女人将拥有更加多样化的网络。 因为有资深女性比高科技的高级男性少,但那些谁能够提供辅导走自己的出路,为男人和他们生活中的女人这样做是很重要的。

Good mentorship goes a long way, both inside and outside of your immediate work environment. Within a company, mentorship builds internal role models and helps teammates grow more quickly. However, not every person you mentor needs to be a current coworker, or even a potential hire.

在您直接工作环境的内部和外部,良好的指导都有很长的路要走。 在公司内部,导师制建立了内部榜样,并帮助队友更快地成长。 但是,并不是您的导师每个人都需要成为当前的同事,甚至不需要成为潜在的雇员。

I personally go out of my way to provide guidance to anyone who reaches out, regardless of if I know them or if they are a potential candidate. This involves assisting with interview practice, connecting people with companies that match their interests, helping others deal with workplace conflicts, and even providing advice over the phone to someone who cold-emailed me after reading one of my blog posts.

我个人会竭尽全力为任何伸出援助之手的人提供指导,无论我是否知道他们或他们是否是潜在的候选人。 这包括协助进行面试练习,使人们与符合他们兴趣的公司联系,帮助其他人处理工作场所冲突,甚至通过电话向在阅读我的一篇博客文章后给我发电子邮件的人提供建议。

Providing guidance to a diverse set of mentees helps move the needle on an industry-wide problem. Besides, you might find that your help comes back around in unexpected ways; maybe you can’t recruit that mentee today, but you may be able to recruit them years down the line, or recruit someone else from their network. By consistently and conscientiously offering career advice to both men and women, anyone at your company can establish themselves as a role model for others, and role models are a powerful incentive for someone to join your company. Many people join startups because they’re following a mentor — myself included.

提供指导给各种各样的受训者有助于解决整个行业的难题。 此外,您可能会发现您的帮助以意外的方式返回; 也许您今天不能招募该实习生,但是您也许可以在几年后招募他们,或者从他们的网络招募其他人。 通过始终如一地尽职尽责地为男性和女性提供职业建议,公司中的任何人都可以将自己树立为他人的榜样,并且榜样是某人加入公司的强大动力。 许多人加入创业公司是因为他们正在关注一位导师(包括我自己)。

5.比统计更多地关注系统。 (5. Focus more on the system than the statistics.)

Often, startups focus too much on diversity metrics, seeming to forget that metrics are merely a symptom of systematic problems in sourcing, interviewing, hiring, and retaining diverse team members.


Lack of diversity is not a problem for which deployed solutions reap immediate results. There is no way for a startup to implement perfect hiring systems and see the metrics start improving the next day; often, results take years to manifest. By rewarding only the results and not the process, leadership may slow gradual improvement towards a better culture and a fairer system.

缺乏多样性并不是部署解决方案可立即获得成果的问题。 初创企业无法实施完美的招聘系统,并且第二天就可以看到指标开始提高。 通常,结果需要数年才能体现出来。 通过仅奖励结果而不是过程,领导者可能会逐渐减慢逐步改善朝着更好的文化和更公平的体系发展的步伐。

Instead, create internal metrics that focus on bite-sized issues that can be addressed through day-to-day actions. Reward team members who refer diverse sets of people. Reward those who come up with ways to make company events feel more inclusive. When performance and compensation reviews come around, reward employees who went out of their way to move the needle on diversity initiatives, especially those who are neither hiring managers nor recruiters. Improving diversity is a team-wide effort; to generate change, every person at your company should be aligned on its importance.

相反,创建内部度量标准以解决可通过日常操作解决的小问题。 奖励推荐不同人群的团队成员。 奖励那些想出让公司活动更具包容性的人。 当绩效和薪酬审查出台时,奖励那些竭尽全力推动多元化计划的员工,尤其是既不是招聘经理也不是招聘人员的员工。 改善多样性是整个团队的努力。 为了产生变化,公司中的每个人都应该对其重要性保持一致。

The press has placed a lot of emphasis on company-wide statistics — the percentage of women and minorities in leadership or technical roles. However, the companies who have most successfully fostered change didn’t simply discover a previously-unknown source of female candidates. Instead, they invested years into building an inclusive culture, and those years of investment eventually proved fruitful.

新闻界非常重视公司范围内的统计数据,即担任领导或技术职务的女性和少数族裔的百分比。 但是,最成功促成变革的公司并不仅仅是发现以前未知的女性候选人。 相反,他们投入了数年时间来建立包容性文化,而这些年的投资最终被证明是富有成果的。

Long before working together on Impira, Ankur and I would discuss at length the bleak state of diversity at small startups. We wanted to make sure that, at minimum, we would build a company with an inclusive culture, following the guidelines set by organizations such as Project Include.

在与Impira合作之前,很久以前,我和Ankur会详细讨论小型初创企业的惨淡多样性。 我们希望确保至少按照组织Include等组织制定的指导方针,建立具有包容性文化的公司。

Our technical team is currently 30% women, and this number will soon be higher. By continuing to reflect on the successes and failures of our diversity efforts, reinforce diversity as a core value, and improve our hiring processes, I believe that that number can continue to grow in the future. If this is something you’re also passionate about, we would love to work together!

我们的技术团队目前有30%的女性,而且这个数字很快会更高。 通过继续反思我们多元化工作的成败,强化多元化作为核心价值,并改善我们的招聘流程,我相信这个数字将来会继续增长。 如果您也热衷于此,我们很乐意携手合作

Thank you to Ankur Goyal, Sashko Stubailo, Carl Grennes, and Richard Ni for edits and feedback on this post.

感谢Ankur GoyalSashko Stubailo ,Carl Grennes和Richard Ni对本文的编辑和反馈。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/5-ways-your-startup-can-recruit-women-29a0f10a3cd5/






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