

by Xiang Zhou


有关自己学习编码的最困难的事情以及如何解决它们 (The most difficult things about learning to code by yourself — and how to tackle them)

Many people have become interested in learning to code in recent years.


They either find their way into programming through online courses, or through offline meet ups, or are just simply trying to give it a shot.


Websites like code.org, codecademy and freeCodeCamp are becoming more and more popular. There are a huge number of coding courses out on the web, and also available on YouTube.

诸如code.org,codecademy和freeCodeCamp之类的网站越来越受欢迎。 网络上有大量的编码课程 ,YouTube上也有。

But coding isn’t easy. Here are some of the challenges we all face when learning to code.

但是编码并不容易。 这是我们学习编码时都面临的一些挑战。

1.找到每天进行编码的“正确”时间。 (1. Finding the “right” amount of time to code everyday.)

If you are learning to code by yourself, chances are you have other responsibilities in life.


You could have a part time job, or a full time job, or you can be a stay at home parent. The point is, everyone is busy in this life. So how do you find the time to code everyday?

您可以做兼职或全职工作,或者可以待在家里做父母。 关键是,这一生每个人都很忙。 那么,您如何找到每天进行编码的时间呢?

Some people may say: “Well, if you are dedicated enough, you can always find time.” True. I agree with that.

有人可能会说:“好吧,如果您有足够的献身精神,您总会找到时间。” 真正。 我同意这一点。

So then the question becomes: “How much time should you dedicate everyday to code? If I can only get half an hour per day, does that still count?”

因此,问题就变成了:“您每天应该花多少时间编写代码? 如果我每天只能上半个小时,那还算在内吗?”

This is the question only you yourself can answer. It is very hard to estimate how many hours you should code each day. Some people suggest to keep it short and sweet. 15 minutes is good enough.

这是只有您自己可以回答的问题。 很难估计您每天应该编写多少小时。 有人建议让它简短而甜美。 15分钟就足够了。

On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve also heard people got into the development field within a year or so by coding 9 or 10 hours a day. If you want some motivation you can give that thread a look.

另一方面,我还听说人们在一年左右的时间内通过每天编码9或10个小时进入开发领域。 如果您需要一些动力,可以看看该线程。

The bottom line is this: only you yourself know how much you can code everyday, and making it a habit of doing it, without getting burnt out. The last part is really important. freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson once said on his twitter feed:

底线是: 只有您自己才能知道每天可以编写多少代码,并养成这样做的习惯,而不会被耗尽。 最后一部分非常重要。 freeCodeCamp的创始人昆西·拉尔森 ( Quincy Larson)曾在他的Twitter提要中说:

“It is not about your daily progress, it is about progress daily.”

Here is a video about a senior developer who has been in the tech field for decades talking about how much programming programmers do each day while they are at work.


It is not gonna be the golden standard, but it will give you an idea about how to set yourself a realistic, and most importantly, sustainable plan when it comes to learning to code everyday.


2.在“进展不佳”和“精疲力尽”之间找到平衡。 (2. Finding the balance between “not making a good enough progress” and “getting burnt out.”)

For me personally, I struggled with this a lot.


There are days I just could not understand a single concept/code snippet from the book I was reading. It just wasn’t sinking into my brain. I would get burnt out so bad that I’d have to calm myself down, go to the balcony, and take a deep breath.

有时候我只是无法理解我正在阅读的书中的单个概念/代码片段。 它只是没有陷入我的大脑。 我会非常疲倦,以至于不得不让自己冷静下来,到阳台上深吸一口气。

From that point onwards I would keep reminding myself not to overwork it to the point that there was no coming back.


Programming is not easy. It requires you to concentrate, especially when you are learning new stuff. It is mentally taxing, and there are times that you can’t figure it out — why your code didn’t work, or even why it did.

编程并不容易。 它要求您集中精力,尤其是在学习新知识时。 这在精神上很累人,有时您无法弄清楚-为什么您的代码不起作用,甚至为什么不起作用。

I found I was most productive whenever I was really concentrated on the problem I was working on right then, but at the same time I was really relaxed, enjoying the whole process.


This was when I:


  • Found an issue I needed to solve.

  • Found the solution through online forums.

  • Tried a bunch of different ways to solve it just to see which one worked.

  • I solved the issue altogether.


To cope with the fact that a lot of the stuff we are learning is quite mundane and complex (data structures and algorithms and such), I have developed this 50/50 rule whenever I am learning to code.


I use 50% of the time to do the difficult tasks, studying the basics, concepts, algorithms and such. The other 50% of the time I am doing my own projects, projects I am really passionate about. So that there is a balance when it comes to my day-to-day study.

我有50%的时间用于完成艰巨的任务,研究基础知识,概念,算法等。 其他50%的时间我都在做自己的项目,这些项目我真的很感兴趣。 因此,在我的日常学习中要保持平衡。

So, to put it bluntly, you need to love what you do. Which leads us to the next point.

因此,坦率地说,您需要热爱自己的工作。 这将我们引向下一点。

3.热爱自己的工作是克服所有这些障碍的唯一途径。 (3. Loving what you do is the only way to survive all these obstacles.)

As cliche as it sounds, sometimes this is simply just truth. If you love the path you are taking, love the job you are doing, love the direction you are going… you don’t need acknowledgements from the outside world.

听起来陈词滥调,有时这仅仅是事实。 如果您热爱所走的道路,热爱您正在做的工作,热爱您的前进方向……您不需要外界的认可。

This kind of fulfillment cannot be borrowed or replaced, or even worse, faked.


4.在承担生活中的其他责任之后,请继续返回编码。 (4. Keep coming back to coding AFTER committing to other responsibilities in life.)

The reality is that when it comes to self-learning, it is never gonna be you yourself, being there, learning.


In life we all have all kinds of responsibilities we need to commit to. You might be a husband, or a wife, or someone’s parent. You need to take care of your family, or you have a job you need to attend to. Or maybe you are a student that needs to finish your diploma or degree.

在生活中,我们所有人都需要承担各种责任。 您可能是丈夫,妻子或某人的父母。 您需要照顾好家人,或者您需要从事一份工作。 也许您是需要完成文凭或学位的学生。

With all the duties that are lying upon us, where do we find the time to code?


The truth is, sometimes you don’t or you simply just can’t. There are days that I skipped coding. The longest “break” I took was two months.

事实是,有时您不这样做,或者您根本就做不到。 有几天我跳过编码。 我最长的“休息”时间是两个月。

But after that, I went back to coding immediately. And I found out that I had forgotten a lot of stuff I had learnt. It can be frustrating when you pick up the same book, and you simply don’t know how to continue. “God, do I really have to re-read all the chapters and re-do all the quests again?”

但是之后,我立即返回编码。 我发现我忘记了很多我学到的东西。 当您拿起同一本书时,可能会感到沮丧,而您根本不知道如何继续。 “上帝,我真的必须重新阅读所有章节并再次执行所有任务吗?”

This is the moment you just have to persevere, have to grind it out.


You need to tell yourself, “Okay, this first hour of study might seem really slow and not that productive. But that’s okay, I will make it up by learning more tomorrow.”

您需要告诉自己,“好吧,这第一个小时的学习似乎真的很慢,而且效率不高。 但这没关系,我将通过明天的学习来弥补这一点。”

There is no way to sugarcoat this but to keep on going, keep on keeping on. Go to a coding forum or Twitter and express your frustration. But once you’ve done that, immediately go back to coding.

除了继续下去,继续前进,别无他法。 前往编码论坛或Twitter表示沮丧。 但是一旦完成,请立即返回编码。

5.以任何方式保持动力。 (5. Keep yourself motived, in any way.)

Self-learning is very different to attending school. There is no one around you when you are coding. There are no classmates, there are no social interactions, you cannot find that “grand ceremony” waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Most of the time you do it alone. And most of the time, you are alone.

自学与上学大不相同。 编码时,周围没有人。 没有同学,没有社交互动,您找不到隧道尽头的“盛大典礼”在等着您。 大多数情况下,您是一个人做。 大多数时候,你是一个人。

So you need to find some kind of motivation to keep yourself moving forward.


I check this sub reddit all the time (r/macsetups) because a lot of people there are developers. And they are using all the same powerful hardware to create the software they wanna create. There is nothing more rewarding than that.

我一直都在检查这个sub reddit( r / macsetups ),因为那里有很多人是开发人员。 他们正在使用所有相同的强大硬件来创建他们想要创建的软件。 没有什么比这更有意义了。

Also reward yourself, and make it a habit.


It could be small, or it could be big. It could be a hot shower at the end of the day, or a cold beverage. Tell yourself that you are doing a great job. It is often needed when learning to code. Hang this photo on the wall in front of you — because you got to believe one day you can be the person who is sitting in front of it.

它可能很小,也可能很大。 一天结束时可能是热水淋浴,也可能是冷饮。 告诉自己,你做得很好。 学习编码时经常需要它。 将这张照片挂在您面前的墙上-因为您必须相信有一天您可以成为坐在它前面的人。

6.不要陷入“为了学习而学习”的谬论。 去面试,见面,然后申请工作。 (6. Do not fall into the fallacy of “learning for the sake of learning.” Go to interviews, meet ups, and apply for jobs.)

There are times we can get side-tracked when learning to code. I felt that there are moments that you just want to be lazy. Not in a way that you don’t want to learn anymore, but in a way that you secretly hope that by sitting in front of your monitor all day, you don’t have to face the real challenge: Getting a job as a developer.

有时候,我们在学习编码时会陷入困境。 我觉得有些时候你只是想偷懒。 并非以您不再想要学习的方式,而是以一种暗中希望通过整天坐在显示器前的方式,您不必面对真正的挑战: 找一份开发人员的工作。

Do not fall into that fallacy of thinking “I am learning so that’s good enough. I will think about jobs later, when I am ready.”

不要陷入这样的谬论中:“我正在学习,这样就足够了。 准备好以后,我会考虑工作。”

This is something I should be doing more often, to be frank. To reach out to potential clients, even if it is building website for free for families and friends.

坦率地说,这是我应该经常做的事情。 即使是免费为家人和朋友建立网站,也可以吸引潜在客户。

So next time when you walk into an interview, you can show what kind of work you’ve done. It will add value to your résumé. The first step is always the hardest. But you have to do it no matter what.

因此,下一次当您进行面试时,您可以显示自己做了什么样的工作。 它将为您的简历增值。 第一步总是最困难的。 但是无论如何,您都必须这样做。

All of the above are challenges/situations you are gonna face on the road to becomming a developer. Acknowledge them, face them with the right attitude — those hurdles you face can only make you stronger and better.

以上所有都是您在成为开发人员的过程中将面临的挑战/情况。 认可他们,以正确的态度面对他们-您面对的那些障碍只会使您变得更强壮。

Last but not least, happy coding! Enjoy what you are building, whether it is your project or your own future.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,编码愉快! 无论您是项目还是自己的未来,请尽情享受您正在建设的东西。

Follow me on Twitter, on GitHub (where I made a summary of the famous YDKJS series), and check out my website slowpacedcoding.com for more articles like this.

在Twitter (在GitHub上总结了著名的YDKJS系列) 在Twitter上关注我,并查看我的网站slowpacedcoding.com,以获得更多此类文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-most-difficult-things-about-learning-to-code-by-yourself-b24ac8c3c23a/


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