

Coding is not my cup of tea ” is what I hear most people saying. Through this article I am going to share with you the step by step process of how I learnt coding. Read till the end as I am going to provide you with resources as well , from where you can learn to code.

我听到大多数人说的是“编码不是我的杯水”。 通过本文,我将与您分享我如何学习编码的逐步过程。 读到最后,因为我也将为您提供资源,从那里您可以学习编码。

In my experience the biggest myth about coding is that it is difficult by nature , which is not. Coding is just like any other field. If you take the time and have a little patience, you can really learn just about anything–coding is no exception. In the beginning everything looks hard. Becoming a guitarist is hard. Becoming a painter is hard. But when we practice it consistently , it becomes easier. It’s the same with coding.

以我的经验,关于编码的最大误解是从本质上来说很困难,而事实并非如此。 编码与其他任何字段一样。 如果您花时间并有一点耐心,那么您真的可以学到任何东西-编码也不例外。 一开始,一切看起来都很艰难。 成为吉他手很难。 成为画家很难。 但是,如果我们一贯地实践它,它将变得更加容易。 编码也一样。

Let me share with you a new perspective on coding. I bet this perception will make coding a lot easier for most of you who find it difficult. It’s very similar to learning a new language and writing sentences with it. Just like writing “Hello World” in French is “ Bonjour le monde ” , it’s print(“Hello World”) in python. Which one looks easier ? I bet python. So without wasting anymore of your time, I will tell you step by step how you can start coding.

让我与您分享编码的新观点。 我敢打赌,这种感觉对于大多数发现困难的人来说,使编码变得容易得多。 这与学习新语言并用它写句子非常相似。 就像用法语写“ Hello World”是“ Bonjour le monde”一样,它是用python打印的(“ Hello World”) 。 哪一个看起来更容易? 我打赌python 。 因此,在不浪费您的时间的情况下,我将逐步告诉您如何开始编码。

  1. Choose a language :- According to me it will be best if you start with python as it s one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is an easy language for beginners to learn because of its readability. Also , day by day its becoming more popular in both technical education and business use.

    选择一种语言:-对我来说,最好从python开始,因为它是当今最常用的编程语言之一,并且由于其易读性而成为初学者易于学习的语言。 而且,它在技术教育和商业使用中日益流行。
  2. Start learning alphabets of the language :-

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Just like English has alphabets as the smallest building block for any word or sentences , similarly programming languages has variables , operators , strings, arrays etc.


3. Start forming words with the language and understand its meaning :- By using the letters you’ve learnt in step 2 , start forming small blocks of code using if-else , loops etc. But before that get some small piece of code with explanation and try to understand the concept , it’s working. This is just similar to how you use to join letters to form a word then learn what it meant. Once you are done with it , go to https://www.hackerrank.com/ , start solving the easy level questions. Don’t give up when your are stuck with any problem , try to find the solution instead.

3.开始用该语言形成单词并理解其含义:-通过使用您在第2步中学到的字母,开始使用if-else,loops等形成小的代码块。但是在此之前,请先获得一些小代码解释并尝试理解该概念,它正在起作用。 这与您用来连接字母组成一个单词然后了解其含义的方式类似。 完成后,请访问https://www.hackerrank.com/ ,开始解决简单级别的问题。 当您遇到任何问题时不要放弃,请尝试寻找解决方案。

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4. Use words to form sentences :- If you’ve done step-2 and step-3 thoroughly , framing sentences won’t be a big problem. You just to have to combine few basic blocks to make a bigger block of code. The same rule follows — learn through examples and then practice. Slowly you can shift to the medium level programs on hackerrank.

4.用单词组成句子:-如果您已经完成第2步和第3步,则构架句子将不是一个大问题。 您只需要组合几个基本块即可组成一个更大的代码块。 遵循相同的规则-通过示例学习然后进行练习。 慢慢地,您可以转到hackerrank上的中级程序。

5. Start writing essays / articles :- Now it’s all about how much effort you put in practicing because now the level of problems you will solve are difficult for which you have to write big codes. What I do whenever I encounter such situation is I create a story of the problem and it’s solution. I keep repeating the solution in my mind , trying to convert it into codes. Let me explain you with an example. Consider a problem where you have to check whether a number is even or not. There’s one operator “%” called modulus ( not percentage) that mean remainder. So 15%2 = 1. Now , this is how I start thinking. First , what is an even number ? A number divisible by 2 i.e. the remainder on dividing by 2 will be 0. So now I calculate the remainder using “%” ( a % 2 ; a be a number) and then we have to check if it is 0. So if( a % 2 == 0 ) we call it as even.

5.开始写论文/文章:-这就是您在练习上付出的努力的全部,因为现在解决您要解决的问题的水平非常困难,您必须编写大型代码。 每当遇到这种情况时,我要做的就是创建有关该问题及其解决方案的故事。 我一直在重复解决方案,尝试将其转换为代码。 让我用一个例子来解释一下。 考虑一个必须检查数字是否为偶数的问题。 有一个算子“%”称为模数(不是百分比),表示余数。 所以15%2 =1。现在,这就是我开始思考的方式。 首先,偶数是多少? 可被2整除的数字,即除以2的余数将为0。因此,现在我使用“%”( a%2 ; a为一个数字)计算余数,然后我们必须检查它是否为0。所以if( a%2 == 0)我们称其为偶数。

This were the 5 steps I followed to learn coding from a very basic level to advance. But again PRACTICE ! PRACTICE ! PRACTICE !. It will only help you in gaining mastery in your language. And as I said , I have shared the resource links from where you can go start your journey in coding right now.

这是我从最基本的水平开始学习编码所遵循的5个步骤。 但再次实践! 实践 ! 实践 !。 它只会帮助您精通您的语言。 正如我所说,我已经共享了资源链接,您可以从此处立即开始编码之旅。

Python :- https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp

Python:-https: //www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp

JAVA :- https://www.w3schools.com/java/default.asp

JAVA:-https: //www.w3schools.com/java/default.asp

C ++ :- https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/default.asp

C ++: -https : //www.w3schools.com/cpp/default.asp

C :- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/index.htm

C: -https : //www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/index.htm

I hope I have made coding little bit easier for you all to understand. If you enjoyed this article, I’d be very grateful if you’d help someone by sharing this it and giving it a like. Also , if you want me to write some more on this topic comment below. Thank you!

我希望我使编码更容易让大家理解。 如果您喜欢本文,请与他人分享并给予喜欢,以帮助他人。 另外,如果您想让我在下面的评论中写更多内容。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://medium.com/@ravikrsngh1999/is-coding-really-difficult-b4d7a2236ad0






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