


Note: freeCodeCamp is no longer active on Medium. Now we are using our own self-hosted open source Ghost blogging tool. You are probably reading this on freeCodeCamp News right now ?. But this still may be useful to you if you choose to publish on Medium.

注意:freeCodeCamp在Medium上不再处于活动状态。 现在,我们正在使用我们自己的自托管开源Ghost博客工具。 您现在可能正在freeCodeCamp News上阅读此文章。 但是,如果您选择在Medium上发布,这对您仍然有用。

The freeCodeCamp open source community once ran Medium’s largest technical publication. Each week, we published more than a dozen stories on development, design, and data science.

freeCodeCamp开源社区曾经运行Medium最大的技术出版物。 每周,我们都会发布有关开发,设计和数据科学的十几个故事。

For the longest time, I served as the publication’s sole editor. I edited and published more than 1,200 submissions. But we have always received way more high-quality story submissions than I had time to publish. So I finally admitted to myself that I needed help.

最长的时间是我担任该出版物的唯一编辑。 我编辑并发表了1200多个意见书。 但是,我们收到的高质量故事报道总是比我有时间发表的方式多。 所以我终于承认自己需要帮助。

Even though freeCodeCamp reaches millions of people each month through Medium, YouTube, and our coding platform, we’re a small donor-supported nonprofit. We lack the resources to hire professional editors.

即使freeCodeCamp每月通过Medium, YouTube和我们的编码平台覆盖数以百万计的人,我们还是一个由捐助者支持的小型非营利组织 。 我们缺乏聘请专业编辑人员的资源。

This said, a lack of resources hasn’t stopped us in other areas. We have thousands of volunteers running local study groups, contributing to open source projects, and moderating forums and chatrooms.

这就是说,缺乏资源并没有阻止我们在其他领域。 我们有成千上万的志愿者运行本地学习小组,为开源项目做出贡献,并主持论坛和聊天室。

So in early July, I published a call for volunteer editors. More than 50 people responded. And from those respondents, I assembled and trained a small team of editors.

因此,在7月初,我发表了一项呼吁志愿编辑呼吁 。 超过50人回应。 在这些受访者的帮助下,我组建了一个培训小组,并对其进行了培训。

At the same time, I drafted what would ultimately become this Editor Handbook. This is our guide to how our volunteer editor team edits stories. And in the spirit of transparency, I’m making this public.

同时,我起草了最终成为本《编辑手册》的书。 这是我们志愿编辑团队如何编辑故事的指南。 并且本着透明的精神,我将其公开。

You may find this helpful if you edit a technical journal or Medium publication. Or — if you’re one of the 500+ writers who’ve been published in the freeCodeCamp publication — you may just be curious what goes on behind the scenes.

如果您编辑技术期刊或中型出版物,则可能会有所帮助。 或者-如果您是freeCodeCamp出版物中发表的500多位作家之一,您可能只是想知道幕后发生的事情。

Either way, I hope you’ll find this living document to be interesting and helpful.


我们如何评估,编辑和发布故事 (How we evaluate, edit, and publish stories)

We receive dozens of submissions each week, and are protective of our readers’ time. We seek to only publish stories that are:

我们每周都会收到数十份投稿,并保护了读者的时间。 我们仅寻求发布以下故事:

  • well-written

  • relevant to our audience of developers, designers, and data scientists


  • factual, and not primarily written to hype up a product or company


21世纪发表文章的现实 (The reality of publishing articles in the 21st century)

People are busy. They have never been busier. And things will get worse before they get better.

人们很忙。 他们从未如此忙碌。 事情会变得更糟,然后才变得更好。

We must optimize for our readers’ scarce time.


In traditional news journalism, that means using the Inverted Pyramid — putting the most important facts first, and adding additional facts in descending order of importance. This way, if someone stops reading, they will still walk away with the main idea and as many important facts as possible.

在传统新闻新闻中,这意味着使用倒金字塔-将最重要的事实放在第一位,并按重要性从高到低的顺序添加其他事实。 这样,如果有人停止阅读,他们仍然会放弃主要思想和尽可能多的重要事实。

Most Medium stories more closely resemble feature stories. They recount events (project postmortems, reports on getting a job), or argue a point (exposing security vulnerabilities, endorsing the use of a particular library for a specific purpose).

大多数中型故事与专题故事更相似。 他们重新叙述事件(事后验尸,找到工作的报告),或争论一个要点(公开安全漏洞,认可将特定库用于特定目的)。

Yet another category is tutorials. These can be on everything from how to fix a detached head in Git, to how to build a serverless Alexa skill.

另一类是教程。 从如何在Git中修复分离的头部到如何建立无服务器的Alexa技能,这些都涉及到所有方面。

Regardless of the type of story — news, feature, tutorial — they should all strive for the same virtues:


  • Substance. The story should bring something meaningful to the table. A writer’s story about the Commodore 64 their parents bought for them in the 1980s might be of great interest to them personally, but will it be relevant to a typical reader? Will they walk away with something useful? On the other hand, pretty much all of our readers would benefit from learning more about the job interview process, or gaining a better understanding of how CSS works.

    物质 这个故事应该为餐桌带来一些有意义的东西。 一个关于父母在1980年代为他们购买的Commodore 64的作家的故事可能对他们本人很感兴​​趣,但这与典型的读者有关吗? 他们会放弃有用的东西吗? 另一方面,更多地了解工作面试过程或对CSS的工作原理有更好的了解,几乎所有读者都会从中受益。

  • Accessibility. The story should be as easy for a layperson to understand as possible. There are practical limits to how simple an explanation of a mathematical concept can be, but few writers even begin to approach such limits. A thoughtful communicator can channel their inner Einstein or Feynman and make many complicated concepts relatively easy to understand. But this does take effort.

    辅助功能 。 对于外行来说,这个故事应该尽可能地容易理解。 对数学概念的解释可能有多么简单,但实际上存在一些限制,但是很少有作家甚至开始尝试达到这种限制。 一个有思想的沟通者可以引导他们内心的爱因斯坦或费曼,并使许多复杂的概念相对容易理解。 但这确实需要努力。

  • Brevity. People are busy. A story should be as short as possible, but no shorter. We can often trim fat without sacrificing much in the way of meaning. We publish plenty of longer stories, like my story on the history of the open internet. I spent 3 months researching it, and it was originally going to be a book, but I was able to cut it down to the point that I could express it in a 26-minute read. Maybe there’s room to cut it down even further.

    简短 。 人们很忙。 一个故事应该尽可能短,但不能短。 我们通常可以在不牺牲太多含义的情况下减少脂肪。 我们发表了许多较长的故事,例如我关于开放式互联网历史的故事 。 我花了3个月的时间对其进行研究,最初原本是一本书,但是我可以将其缩减到可以在26分钟的阅读时间内表达出来的程度。 也许还有空间将其进一步削减。

Again, all of these virtues stem from the reality of our modern age: people are busy.

同样,所有这些美德都源于我们现代的现实: 人们很忙

If people weren’t busy, they might be more interested in reading a nostalgic piece about a someone’s first Commodore 64. They might be willing to struggle through a few undergraduate text books so they could understand someone’s jargon-filled treatise on cloud computing. They might make time to read a meandering tome of an article instead of its cliff notes. But most people are too busy for this.

如果人们不忙,他们可能会对阅读有关某人的第一个Commodore 64的怀旧文章更感兴趣。他们可能愿意通过一些本科生的教科书挣扎,以便他们可以理解某人关于云计算的术语。 他们可能会花时间阅读文章的曲折标题,而不是其陡峭的音符。 但是大多数人对此太忙了。

Everything we do as editors is informed by this basic fact. So I’ll say it again. People are busy.

我们作为编辑者所做的所有事情都基于这个基本事实。 所以我再说一遍。 人们很忙

吸引忙碌人士兴趣的工具 (Tools for getting the interest of busy people)

We only have two tools against the relentless scroll of news feeds: a headline and an image.


Here’s what a story looks like in Medium’s news feed:


Here’s what it looks like on Facebook:


And here’s what it looks like on Twitter:


The headline and opening image are the only things people have to judge a story on. Before they can even read the story’s first paragraph, they must answer a question. It’s the same question that we all ask ourselves every day: is this going to be worth my time?

标题和开场图片是人们判断故事的唯一条件。 在他们甚至无法阅读故事的第一段之前,他们必须回答一个问题。 我们每天都问自己同样的问题: 这值得我度过吗?

Your first job as an editor is to choose a headline and image that will make readers — busy people scrolling through their Reddit or their Facebook news feeds — answer “yes.”


一个好的标题可以使一切变得不同 (A good headline makes all the difference)

The headline is the most important part of the story. Spend time refining it.

标题是故事中最重要的部分。 花时间完善它。

Don’t use curiosity gap clickbait: “You won’t believe this one ridiculously effective headline dark pattern.”


Don’t use listicle headlines, and generally avoid articles structured as lists: “11 outrageous headlines that will compel people to read your Medium story.” (I am guilty of having written a listacle, and even though it was generally well-received, I still feel it was lazy of me.)

不要使用列表标题,而应避免使用列表形式的文章:“ 11个令人发指的标题将迫使人们阅读您的中型故事。” (我写了一个listacle是有罪的,尽管它通常受到人们的欢迎,但我仍然觉得它对我很懒。)

Do tell the truth: “Clever but matter-of-fact headline about an interesting topic.”


How long should headlines be? HubSpot analyzed 6,000 blog posts and found that stories with 8 to 14-word headlines get more social media shares.

头条新闻应该多久? HubSpot 分析了 6,000个博客文章,发现标题为8到14个单词的故事获得了更多的社交媒体份额。

This said, make sure the headline is 80 characters or fewer. Otherwise, the title will get truncated in news feeds when people share a story on Facebook and Twitter.

也就是说,请确保标题不超过80个字符 。 否则,当人们在Facebook和Twitter上分享故事时,标题将在新闻源中被截断。

Another consideration is how emotional a headline is. The more emotional (positive or negative) a headline is, the more likely people will click it.

另一个考虑因素是标题的情感程度。 标题越情绪化(正面或负面),人们点击它的可能性就越大。

Headlines are traditionally written in “title case.” The Associated Press says to “capitalize the first letter of every word except articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions of three letters or fewer.”

头条传统上以“标题大小写”书写。 美联社说:“将每个单词的首字母大写,除了文章,协调连词和三个字母或少于三个字母的介词。”

On Medium, I often throw title case out the window and just write headlines like a normal sentence. I even include punctuation as necessary. This format is more conversational, and easier to read.

在Medium上,我经常把标题放在外面,只是像一般句子一样写标题。 我甚至在必要时添加标点符号。 这种格式更易于对话,更易于阅读。

We don’t generally publish multi-part articles. Labels like “part 1” scare people off, because who knows when you’ll get around to writing part 2. It’s much better to just publish a long, in-depth story, or a series of related but stand-alone articles that can be interlinked by their authors.

我们一般不会发布多部分的文章。 像“第1部分”这样的标签吓跑了人们,因为谁知道您何时开始编写第2部分。最好发布一个长而深入的故事或一系列相关但独立的文章,由他们的作者相互联系。

图片被捕 (Arrest with images)

The second most important aspect of a story is its featured image.


Always include at least one image in a story (preferably at the very top). This has the following benefits:

故事中至少要包含一张图片(最好在最上方)。 这具有以下好处:

  1. When people share the story on Facebook and Twitter, it will be more prominent in news feeds, making people more likely to click on it.

  2. It will look better in Medium’s own news feeds.

  3. Humans are visual creatures, and click on images.


When publishing a story, Medium lets you choose which image you want to be the story’s featured image. This means the story’s og-image meta property will be this image. This image will serve as the story’s ambassador everywhere: social media news feeds, Reddit, Google News — even RSS readers.

发布故事时,“中”可让您选择要用作故事特征图像的图像。 这意味着故事的og-image元属性将是此图像。 该图像将在各处充当故事的代言人:社交媒体新闻提要,Reddit,Google新闻-甚至是RSS阅读器。

Start considering images early in the editing process. And never publish without at least one image. Otherwise the story will be all but invisible in news feeds.

在编辑过程的早期开始考虑图像。 绝不要发布至少一张图片。 否则,故事将在新闻源中几乎是看不见的。

You should break up long stories with images. To paraphrase Mary Poppins, a spoonful of images helps the text go down.

您应该用图像分解长篇小说。 用玛丽·波平斯(Mary Poppins)来形容,一勺图像有助于使文本下降。

Medium offers four different image widths. Note that these will all look the same on mobile.

中号提供四种不同的图像宽度。 请注意,这些内容在移动设备上看起来都是一样的。

Most of the time, you’ll want to stick with column width:


If you have a chart that is hard to read when it’s small, go bigger:


And if you’re really proud of an image, or if it’s chock full of interesting data, go full-bleed:


… and then there’s side-straddle. Don’t use this size at all, because it makes the text less comfortable to read.

……然后是侧跨。 完全不要使用此大小,因为它会使文本阅读起来不太舒服。

It’s also awkward when you’re done talking about the photo and your text is still pushed to the side.


Yeah. I’m still stuck over here.

是的 我仍然被困在这里。

If you need to add an image to a story, grab a thematically relevant Creative Commons Zero licensed image from You can use these for free without attribution.

如果您需要在故事中添加图像,请从pexels.com获取主题相关的知识共享零许可图像。 您可以免费使用这些内容,而无需注明出处。

建立强大的领导力 (Build momentum with a strong lead)

Once the reader clicks through to the story, the trial begins. They’re looking for any excuse to jump back to their news feed. Because reading requires a lot more effort than scrolling through cat photos.

读者点击进入故事后,便开始试用。 他们正在寻找借口跳回到他们的新闻提要。 因为阅读比滚动浏览猫的照片需要更多的精力。

Some writers use intros or updates like “This was published on my blog at [blog URL]” or “Update: this has been posted on Hacker News.” If they’ve added these, you should move these things to the bottom of the story.

一些作者使用诸如“此消息已发布在我的博客[blog URL]上”或“更新:此消息已发布在Hacker News”上的介绍或更新。 如果他们添加了这些内容,则应将这些内容移到故事的底部。

Instead, the text should start making points and telling a story immediately.


帮助作家树立信誉 (Help the writer establish their credibility)

Figure out a way to establish the writer’s credibility within the first few paragraphs. If they’re a top expert in your field, say so. Don’t assume that people are going to take the time to google them.

在前几段中找出建立作者信誉的方法。 如果他们是您所在领域的顶级专家,请这样说。 不要以为人们会花时间去搜索他们。

“Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“你这么大声说话,我听不到你在说什么。” —拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生

Any achievement or distinction that makes people take the writer more seriously will help give readers the impression that “this person knows what they’re talking about.”


For example, if they’re a former Googler/Facebook engineer, or on the core team of a popular open source project, you should find a way to work that in naturally (without it sounding boastful). “Why I left Google to build a personal finance app for kids” sounds a lot more compelling than “I’m building a personal finance app to help kids.”

例如,如果他们曾经是Googler / Facebook工程师,或者是一个受欢迎的开源项目的核心团队成员,那么您应该找到一种自然地工作的方法(听起来并不夸张)。 “为什么我离开Goog​​le为孩子们建立个人理财应用程序”听起来比“我正在建立个人理财应用程序来帮助孩子们”更具吸引力。

Reinforce the writer’s credibility throughout the story. They should support their arguments with data. Where necessary, they should use inline links to (non-paywalled) research.

在整个故事中增强作者的信誉。 他们应该用数据来支持他们的论点。 必要时,他们应使用内联链接(非付费)研究。

This isn’t the New England Journal of Medicine. This is Medium. So don’t use footnotes. If the writer has used footnotes, figure out a way to work them back into the text, then remove the footnotes at the end of the article. A lot of times, these footnotes aren’t substantial enough to be included, and can just be deleted.

这不是《新英格兰医学杂志》。 这是中。 因此,请勿使用脚注。 如果作者使用了脚注,请找出一种方法将其重新使用到文本中,然后在文章末尾删除脚注。 很多时候,这些脚注不够充实,只能被删除。

外观和风格 (Look and style)

Run the text through the Hemingway App. There’s nothing magical about this simple tool, but it will automatically detect widely agreed-upon style issues:

通过Hemingway App运行文本。 这个简单的工具没有什么神奇的,但是它将自动检测出广泛认可的样式问题:

  • passive voice

  • unnecessary adverbs

  • words that have more common equivalents


Adjectives can often be removed by finding more appropriate nouns or verbs.


”I notice that you use plain, simple language, short words and brief sentences. That is the way to write English — it is the modern way and the best way. Stick to it; don’t let fluff and flowers and verbosity creep in. When you catch an adjective, kill it. No, I don’t mean utterly, but kill most of them — then the rest will be valuable. They weaken when they are close together. They give strength when they are wide apart. An adjective habit, or a wordy, diffuse, flowery habit, once fastened upon a person, is as hard to get rid of as any other vice.” — Mark Twain
”我注意到您使用了简单明了的语言,简短的单词和简短的句子。 那就是写英语的方式-这是现代的方式,也是最好的方式。 坚持下去; 不要让绒毛,花朵和冗长的字词蔓延。当您抓到一个形容词时,请将其杀死。 不,我不是说完全,而是要杀死其中的大多数-其余的将很有价值。 当它们靠在一起时,它们会变弱。 彼此分开时,他们会给予力量。 形容词的习惯,或一字不苟,散漫,花香的习惯,一旦固定在一个人身上,就很难像其他任何恶习一样摆脱掉。” —马克·吐温

The Hemingway App will assign a “grade level” for a piece of writing. Even technical stories can pull off a grade level of 6. And they should aspire to.

海明威应用程序将为写作分配“等级”。 甚至技术故事也可以达到6级。他们应该向往。

Most humans are not native English speakers, and the ones who are don’t usually sit around reading Chaucer all day. They want their information accessible and to the point.

大多数人不是讲英语的人,而那些通常不整天坐在草地上读书的人。 他们希望他们的信息可以访问并指向重点。

Err on the side of breaking long sentences and paragraphs down into shorter ones.


Despite what you may have learned in English composition class, people prefer short paragraphs to “walls of text.”


There’s nothing wrong with single-sentence paragraphs.


Err on the side of creating new paragraphs.


Use contractions. They’ll make prose seem more conversational. That’s always a plus.

使用宫缩。 他们会使散文看起来更具对话性。 这总是一个加号。

freeCodeCamp is an US-based nonprofit, so we’ve chosen to use American English throughout the publication. You may have to change the occasional “analyse” to “analyze” and “colour” to “color.”

freeCodeCamp是一家总部位于美国的非营利组织,因此我们选择在整个出版物中使用美国英语。 您可能需要将偶尔的“分析”更改为“分析”,将“颜色”更改为“颜色”。

Also note that we prefer the metric system to the imperial system.


Spell out the numbers one through ten, then use numerals numbers 11 and above.


When the gender of someone isn’t known — or the author is talking about a hypothetical person they created for the sake of making a point — always use “them,” “their,” and “theirs.” In modern usage, this also functions as a singular third-person pronoun. It’s simpler than saying “he or she.”

如果不知道某人的性别,或者当作者在谈论他们为提出观点而创建的假设人物时,请始终使用“他们”,“他们的”和“他们的”。 在现代用法中,它也充当奇异的第三人称代词。 这比说“他或她”要简单。

Keep tense consistent throughout. If the writer is talking about something that occurred in past, make sure they use past tense.

始终保持一致。 如果作者在谈论过去发生的事情,请确保他们使用过去时。

If you want to emphasize something, use bold, but use it sparingly. Italics are harder to read. Don’t bold hyperlinks — the line underneath them already provides enough emphasis.

如果您想强调某些内容,请使用粗体 ,但要少用 斜体字更难读。 不要用粗体显示超链接-它们下面的线已经足够强调了。

Don’t use drop caps. They look elegant in old books, but silly on the web.

不要使用首字下沉。 它们在旧书中看起来很优雅,但在网络上却很愚蠢。

Only use one exclamation point at a time, typically only after exclamations like: Golly gee! Hot dog!

一次只能使用一个感叹号,通常只能在类似感叹号之后使用:Golly gee! 热狗!

Look out for incorrect “smart quotes” like this one: “test“ (note that both the quotes are opening quotes.) Medium doesn’t catch these automatically, so you will need to delete the and retype the quote, at which point Medium should fix it.

找出不正确的“智能引号”,例如:“ test”(请注意,两个引号都是开环引号。)Medium不会自动捕获这些引号,因此您需要删除并重新输入引号,此时Medium应该修复它。

Always use double quotes for surrounding quotations and anything that someone might place within “air quotes.” Then use single quotes for quotations within quotations:

始终对周围的引号和“空中引号”中可能放置的任何内容使用双引号。 然后使用单引号将引号内的引号引起来:

“Sometimes when I’m writing Javascript I want to throw up my hands and say ‘this is bulls***!’ but I can never remember what ‘this’ refers to.” — Ben Halpern

“有时,当我在编写Javascript时,我想举手说'这是公牛***!” 但我永远不记得“这个”指的是什么。” — 本·哈珀恩

Note that I used Medium’s second style of pull quote there, which we use for single-paragraph quotations.


Put commas and periods inside quotes, except when it might confuse a reader (like with variable names or book titles).


In some parts of the world, people put spaces before colons or question marks, like this : example. Don’t do this.

在世界的某些地方,人们在冒号或问号之前放置空格,例如:example。 不要这样

Instead of starting a sentence with “Therefore” start it with “So.”


Instead of starting a sentence with “However” start it with “But.”

不要以“ However”开头,而以“ But”开头。

Use English instead of Latin:


  • Use “for example” instead of “E.G.”

    使用“例如”代替“ EG”
  • Use “that is” instead of “I.E.”

    使用“即”代替“ IE”
  • Use “note that” instead of “N.B.”

    使用“注意”而不是“ NB”
  • Instead of ending lists with “etc.” start them with “like”: “Elvis eats food like bread, peanut butter, and bananas.”

    而不是用“等”结尾列表。 以“喜欢”开始:“猫王喜欢吃面包,花生酱和香蕉等食物。”

According to Google Books, semicolons have been dying a slow death.


Let’s put them out of their misery. Just use a period instead, and break clauses into separate sentences.

让我们摆脱他们的痛苦。 只需使用句号,然后将子句分成单独的句子即可。

The only place for semicolons in this world is at the end of a line of code.


Use the Oxford Comma when possible. It’s makes things easier, clearer, and prettier to read.

尽可能使用牛津逗号。 它使事情变得更容易,更清晰和更漂亮。

Unlike with code, you should always put punctuation within quotations, like this: the most popular GitHub commit messages are “initial commit,” “update,” and “update.”


Also, front-end development (adjective form with a dash) is when you’re working on the front end (noun form with no dash). The same goes with the back end, full stack, and many other compound terms.

同样, 前端开发(带破折号的形容词形式)是在前端上工作 (带破折号的名词形式)。 后端,完整堆栈和许多其他复合术语也是如此。

展示柜代码 (Showcase code)

Where possible, code should be in text form rather than images. This makes the code more accessible to screen readers, and easier for people to copy and paste.

可能的话,代码应采用文本形式而不是图像形式。 这使屏幕阅读器易于访问代码,并且人们更容易复制和粘贴代码。

Medium has a hidden shortcut that will turn text plain text like this:


if (developer === true) {

如果(开发人员=== true){





…into a formatted code block:


if (developer === true) {

To accomplish this, select the text, then push:


  • Windows: Control + Alt + 6

    Windows :Control + Alt + 6

  • Mac: Command + Option + 6

    Mac :Command + Option + 6

  • Linux: Control + Alt + 6

    Linux :Control + Alt + 6

You can also start a code block with triple back-ticks. If you type three backticks (```) on a new line, Medium will switch into code input mode.

您还可以使用三个反向标记来启动代码块。 如果在新行上键入三个反引号(```),则Medium将切换到代码输入模式。

To highlight code inline, select it, then press the backtick key. This way, you can format text as code freeCodeCamp() right in the middle of a sentence.

要突出显示内联代码,请选择它,然后按反引号键。 这样,您可以在句子的中间将文本格式化为代码freeCodeCamp()

Writers can even embed runnable apps right into Medium. Just in case these don’t render properly in Medium’s mobile apps, we should include links below each of the embeds as a fallback.

作家甚至可以将可运行的应用程序直接嵌入Medium。 万一这些无法在Medium的移动应用中正确呈现,我们应该在每个嵌入下方添加链接作为后备。

Paste a URL into Medium, then hit enter:

将 URL粘贴到Medium中,然后按Enter:

View my CodePen here.


You can also do this with


View my JSFiddle here.


Sometimes people start lines of code with a $ if they’re terminal commands. Don’t do this. It will confuse beginners and makes it harder to copy and paste commands. Instead, just say something like “Enter the following commands in your terminal.”

有时,如果是终端命令,人们会以$开头的代码行。 不要这样 它将使初学者感到困惑,并使复制和粘贴命令变得更加困难。 而是说“在终端中输入以下命令”。

Figure out a way to work a link into a sentence. One thing I do not recommend doing is putting a link on its own line and pressing enter. This will create a nice looking preview card, like this:

找出将链接链接到句子的方法。 我不建议您做的一件事是在自己的行上放置一个链接,然后按Enter键。 这将创建一个外观漂亮的预览卡,如下所示:

How to stand on the shoulders of giantsConquer Not Invented Here Syndrome, then do something

如何站在巨人的肩膀上 征服“此处未发明”综合症,然后做一些新的事情。

… but readers often assume these are ads, and don’t even look at them.


The only time I would recommend using this is at the end of a story, if you want to link to further reading.


Underlining text makes it harder to read, so only hyperlink a few words.


Don’t paste URLs directly, like this: ❌

不要像这样直接粘贴URL:❌https : //❌

Instead link to sites like freeCodeCamp mid sentence, like I just did here.


嵌入媒体 (Embed media)

You can embed Tweets, YouTube videos, and other media by pasting their URLs into Medium on a new line, then pressing enter.


Use these sparingly, since they may distract your reader from finishing your story.


解释缩写 (Explain abbreviations)

Don’t use an abbreviation unless the abbreviation is more widely understood than what it stands for. For example, HTTP is more widely recognized than Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

除非缩写比其含义更广泛地理解,否则不要使用缩写。 例如,HTTP比超文本传输​​协议得到更广泛的认可。

If an abbreviation isn’t already widely understood, and you’re going to refer to it more than a few times, you can define it as an abbreviation by doing this:


“Let’s break the code down into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).”

“让我们将代码分解为抽象语法树 (AST)。”

Here I also linked to the Wikipedia article, for readers’ convenience. Don’t assume people will read these external links, though. You still need to define concepts or illustrate them through example.

为了方便读者,在这里我还链接了Wikipedia文章。 但是,不要以为人们会阅读这些外部链接。 您仍然需要定义概念或通过示例进行说明。

Avoid defining an abbreviation in your opening paragraphs, as it slows your reader down and makes them less likely to continue reading.


Here’s the very short list of technology abbreviation that you don’t need to define: API, AJAX, BIOS, CPU, CSS, HTML, HTTPS, JSON, LAN, RAM, REST, USB, WWW, XML. For everything else, you should spell it out.

这是您不需要定义的非常简短的技术缩写列表:API,AJAX,BIOS,CPU,CSS,HTML,HTTPS,JSON,LAN,RAM,REST,USB,WWW,XML。 对于其他所有内容,您都应说明。

Always spell out short multi-part words like JavaScript and front end. Don’t shorten them. The brevity isn’t worth the possible confusion.

始终拼写出简短的多部分单词,例如JavaScript和前端。 不要缩短它们。 简洁不值得造成混乱。

新增5个标签 (Add 5 tags)

Medium allows you to add up to five tags to a story. Use them.

中号可让您为一个故事添加多达五个标签。 使用它们。

People follow specific topics on Medium. The most popular ones are #tech, #life-lessons, #travel, #design, and #startup.

人们遵循中型的特定主题。 最受欢迎的是#tech,#life-lessons,#travel,#design和#startup。

People who follow the tags you use may see the story in their news feed. Tags also make it easier for people to stumble upon the story in search results.

遵循您使用的标签的人可能会在他们的新闻提要中看到该故事。 标签还使人们更容易在搜索结果中迷失故事。

If a writer chose a tag that isn’t very popular, you can replace it with the more popular variant. For example “JS” is a far less popular tag than “JavaScript.” “UXD” and “UX Design” are far less popular than “UX.”

如果作者选择的标签不太受欢迎,则可以将其替换为更受欢迎的变体。 例如,“ JS”比“ JavaScript”流行得多。 “ UXD”和“ UX Design”远不如“ UX”流行。

You should also use as diverse tags as possible (assuming they’re relevant to the article.) For example, an article about Android development doesn’t need “Android,” “AndroidDev,” and “Android Apps.” The readers who are following “AndroidDev” are probably also following “Android” so it’s a waste of precious tag real estate. Instead you can add more popular related tags like “programming” and “technology.”

您还应该使用尽可能多的标签(假设它们与本文相关)。例如,有关Android开发的文章不需要“ Android”,“ AndroidDev”和“ Android Apps”。 关注“ AndroidDev”的读者可能也关注“ Android”,因此浪费了宝贵的标签资源。 相反,您可以添加更流行的相关标签,例如“编程”和“技术”。

可接受的自我提升水平 (Acceptable levels of self promotion)

Writers write to spread knowledge, but most of them have additional motivations, too.


Some writers are trying to promote their open source project or startup, or publicize the fact that they’re hiring. Some writers are trying to get people to follow them on Twitter, or sign up for their mailing list.

一些作家试图推广他们的开源项目或初创公司,或者宣传他们正在招聘的事实。 一些作家试图让人们在Twitter上关注他们,或者注册他们的邮件列表。

All of these things are fine. But they should be done within reason, and in the footer of the article.

所有这些都很好。 但是它们应该在合理的范围内,并在文章的页脚中完成。

It’s fine for people to cross-post articles from their own blog, but one thing they sometimes do that they shouldn’t is to turn their headline into a link to their blog post. In some cases this may be unintentional, but we should remove that link.

人们可以在自己的博客中交叉发布文章很好,但是他们有时不应该做的一件事就是将标题变成指向其博客文章的链接。 在某些情况下,这可能是无意的,但是我们应该删除该链接。

Many writers will also ask for claps at the end of their article. This will help increase the number of people who see the article within Medium’s recommendation system. This is also fine.

许多作家还将在文章结尾要求鼓掌。 这将有助于增加在Medium推荐系统中看到该文章的人数。 也可以

Medium recently changed from hearts to claps. But many writers are still asking for hearts. So be sure to change their requests to mention claps instead.

媒体最近从心转变为鼓掌。 但是,许多作家仍在寻求帮助。 因此,请务必更改其请求以提及拍手。

For example, here’s a line you could use: “If you found this article helpful, give me some claps ?.”


编辑需要注意的事项 (Things to look out for as an editor)


Plagiarism — when someone misrepresents someone else’s writing as their own — is a serious offense in academia, and it’s just as serious on Medium. Writers should always attribute quotes to the people who originally said them.

someone窃-当某人歪曲别人的写作时-在学术界是严重的罪行,在Medium上也是如此。 作家应始终将报价单归因于最初说过的人。

If it’s a multi-line quote, you should use Medium’s pull quotes:


“When you have wit of your own, it’s a pleasure to credit other people for theirs.” ― Criss Jami
“当您拥有自己的智慧时,很高兴为别人效忠。” ―克里斯·贾米

If you suspect plagiarism — for example, a paragraph of perfect English in an article that otherwise reads unnaturally, or something that seems exceptionally witty in an otherwise dry article — take the suspicious paragraph and paste it into Google. This is a convenient first line of defense.

如果您怀疑抄袭行为(例如,一篇文章中的完美英语段落读起来很不自然,或者在一篇干燥的文章中显得格外机智),请选择可疑的段落并将其粘贴到Google中。 这是方便的第一道防线。

If a passage seems to be plagiarized, stop editing. We aren’t going to publish it. Send me an email to let me know. I’ll handle the unpleasant task of giving the author some “real talk” for you.

如果某篇文章似乎被窃,请停止编辑。 我们不会发布它。 给我发送电子邮件让我知道。 我将处理给作者一些“真实的谈话”的令人不快的任务。

看门 (Gatekeeping)
“Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.” — Urban Dictionary
“守门是指有人自行决定谁有权或不有权访问社区或身份。” - 城市词典

Gatekeeping is a form of elitism, and it runs counter to our principle of accessibility. If you want to get a better understanding of what gatekeeping is, Reddit has a subreddit dedicated to it with some sad (and occasionally, ironic) examples.

看门是一种精英主义,与我们的无障碍原则背道而驰。 如果您想更好地了解什么是网守,那么Reddit 会专门提供一个subreddit,其中包含一些令人伤心(有时是讽刺的)示例。

A lot of times, writers don’t realize they’re gatekeeping. Here are some expressions they may use:

很多时候,作家们没有意识到他们在守门。 以下是他们可能使用的一些表达式:

  • obviously

  • simply [do something]

  • of course [something is such-and-such]

  • as everyone knows

  • as you’ve probably heard

  • [something] is easy

  • any [“idiot”, “fool”, “newbie”, “script kiddie”, etc.] can [do something]


If you see gatekeeping, just remove it. Most of these expressions don’t actually add anything to the article.

如果看到网守,则将其删除。 这些表达式中的大多数实际上并没有为文章添加任何内容。

歧视 (Discrimination)

We have a strict code of conduct that seeks to prevent people from being discriminated against on the basis of “gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion (or lack thereof).”

我们有严格的行为准则 ,旨在防止基于“性别,性别认同和表达,年龄,性取向,残疾,外貌,身体尺寸,种族,国籍或宗教(或缺乏)。”

If you see anything that you think represents discrimination, remove it. Not every culture takes these things with the same level of seriousness as Americans do. But if you think it isn’t a misunderstanding, and that the writer is intentionally being discriminative, please bring this to my attention.

如果看到任何您认为代表歧视的东西,请删除它。 并非每种文化对这些事物的重视程度都与美国人一样。 但是,如果您认为这不是误会,并且作者有意加以歧视,请引起我注意。

不必要的亵渎 (Unnecessary profanity)

We are widely read by audiences of all ages, so we try not to publish profanity at all.


Mild profanity words like “damn” and expressions like “what the hell” are acceptable.


In most cases, there’s a less-profane alternative to profane phrases that mean the same thing and convey the similar emotions.


Sometimes the f-word is included as an adjective, for example, which is basically unnecessary. People often use the s-word as a synonym for “bad”, and this can also be replaced with something less profane. The expression “BS” basically means “untrue” or “lies.”

例如,有时f字作为形容词包含在内,这基本上是不必要的。 人们经常使用s词作为“坏”的同义词,也可以用亵渎性的词代替。 术语“ BS”基本上表示“不真实”或“谎言”。

We’re a technical publication, so in most cases writing won’t be very heated. When in doubt, you can use **** to replace part of the offending word.

我们是技术出版物,因此在大多数情况下,写作不会变得很热烈。 如有疑问,您可以使用****替换部分令人反感的单词。

发布后流程 (Post-publishing process)

After we publish an article, we help publicize it on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We use Buffer to schedule all these posts, so that they go out at the best possible times.

发布文章后,我们将帮助在Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn上进行发布。 我们使用Buffer安排所有这些帖子的时间,以便它们在最佳时间离开。

Before publicizing, we run the articles through Facebook’s debugger and Twitter’s card validator. If they look good and ready to go, we hit the “tweet” icon in the published Medium article, copy the tweet’s text, and load that text into Buffer.

在发布之前,我们通过Facebook的调试器和Twitter的卡验证器运行文章。 如果它们看起来不错并且可以使用,我们将在已发布的“中型”文章中单击“ tweet”图标,复制该tweet的文本,然后将该文本加载到Buffer中。

For Twitter posts, we simply remove the quotes around the article title and add a comma after the title (if there’s no other punctuation at the end). If Medium calls the author by their Twitter handle, we leave the “by @username” there. If it just uses their full name, we delete the “by [first name] [last name]” part from the tweet.

对于Twitter帖子,我们只需删除文章标题周围的引号,并在标题之后添加逗号(如果末尾没有其他标点符号)。 如果Medium通过他们的Twitter句柄呼叫作者,则将“ by @username”保留在那里。 如果仅使用他们的全名,我们将从推文中删除“按[名字] [姓氏]”部分。

For LinkedIn and Facebook posts, we remove the quotes from the title and delete the rest of the text, leaving only the post’s title and the link.


Once we’ve buffered these posts, we consider that article finished.


结论 (Conclusion)

Thanks for reading this guide. If you have any suggestions for how it can be improved, let me know. Hopefully this guide will grow to include additional editorial considerations and commonly-encountered edge cases.

感谢您阅读本指南。 如果您对如何进行改进有任何建议,请告诉我。 希望本指南将包括更多的编辑注意事项和常见的边缘案例。

This is an example footer for a Medium article.


Thanks for reading. If you have thoughts on this, be sure to leave a comment.

谢谢阅读。 如果您对此有任何想法,请务必发表评论。

If you found this article helpful, give me some claps ?.


And you can follow me on Twitter here.








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