

This is your last chance. After this, there’s no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and continue your job search on your own. You take the red pill — you stay in Recruiterland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
这是您最后的机会。 在此之后,就没有回头路了。 您服用蓝色药丸-故事结束了,您在床上醒来,继续独自寻找工作。 您服用红色药丸-您留在Recruiterland,我告诉您兔子洞有多深。

In the 1999 movie The Matrix — you’ve seen it, right? — Morpheus recruits Neo to join his dirty sweater gang and fly through the sewers in a rusty hovercraft.

在1999年的电影《黑客帝国》中,您看过了吧? — Morpheus招募Neo来加入他肮脏的毛衣帮派,并用生锈的气垫船飞过下水道。

Of course, that’s not how he pitches it to Neo.


Instead, Morpheus sits down in a worn leather recliner and proceeds to stoke Neo’s curiosity about this whole matrix thing.


“What is the matrix?”


“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.”

“不幸的是,没人知道矩阵是什么。 您必须自己看看。”

Morpheus talks Neo into taking the next step — swallowing the red pill — while revealing as little as possible about the Matrix itself. And in doing so, he succeeds in creating a sense of mystery. Of urgency. A fear of missing out on a better life.

Morpheus劝说Neo采取下一步措施-吞下红色药丸-同时尽可能少地透露Matrix本身。 这样,他成功地创造了一种神秘感。 紧急。 担心错过美好的生活。

If all this sounds familiar, it’s because these are the same tactics used by recruiters, who want you to take the red pill and reply to their unsolicited messages.


Recruiters use a tool called “InMail” to blast out messages to you based on keyword matches from your LinkedIn profile. They know that if they send out 1,000 messages a day, and even 1% of people respond, they’ll have more than enough job seekers to stay in business.

招聘人员使用一个名为“ InMail”的工具,根据您的LinkedIn个人资料中的关键字匹配向您发送消息。 他们知道,如果每天发送1000条消息,甚至有1%的人做出回应,他们将拥有足够多的求职者来维持业务。

Who knows — maybe they’ll even hit the jackpot and hear back from a senior DevOps, a platform architect, or someone else with an especially in-demand skill set.


Lucky for you, these spammers are easy to spot. If the “InMail” label doesn’t immediately give them away, their impersonal nature will.

幸运的是,这些垃圾邮件发送者很容易被发现。 如果“ InMail”标签没有立即将其放弃,则它们的个性化性质将会消失。

LinkedIn has built a $26 billion empire by supplying weapons to recruiters, who compete in spamming arms race. And with Microsoft acquiring LinkedIn, things may get worse before they get better.

领英通过向在垃圾邮件军备竞赛中竞争的征兵人员提供武器,建立了一个价值260亿美元的帝国。 随着微软收购LinkedIn,事情可能会变得更好。

Recruiters aren’t merely the butt of friendly jokes like these. Recruiters are widely reviled among developers, who often delete their LinkedIn accounts just to escape recruiters’ clutches, or fight back by trolling them.

招聘者不仅是像这样的友好笑话的屁股。 招聘人员在开发人员中受到广泛的谴责,他们常常删除自己的LinkedIn帐户只是为了逃避招聘人员的魔掌,或者通过诱骗他们来反击。

But as annoying as recruiters can be, they are a reality of the developer job marketplace. Many hiring-focused startups have attempted to eliminate recruiters by using the same type of two-sided marketplace that you’d use to order a car (Lyft), rent a room (AirBnB), or buy a copy of the Matrix Trilogy.

但是,招聘人员可能会很烦恼,但它们是开发人员工作市场的现实。 许多专注于招聘的初创公司都试图通过使用与您用来订购汽车(Lyft),租房(AirBnB)或购买Matrix Trilogy副本相同类型的双面市场来淘汰招聘人员。

I won’t lie to you, Neo. Every single hiring startup who has stood their ground, everyone who has tried to automate human recruiters out of the recruitment process has failed.
我不会骗你的,尼奥 每个立足自己的招聘初创公司,每个试图使招聘人员自动化的人都失败了。

That’s right — all those fancy websites that promise they’ll make employers “fight over you” are really just funnels into more traditional, people-driven recruitment agencies.


It turns out that selling a human being (a job candidate) to an organization of human beings (an employer) is not an easy problem to solve with software.


With hiring, you have humans on both sides of the transaction. Both sides are constantly weighing competing options. Both sides are under time pressure. And both sides carry around their own expectations and cognitive biases.

通过雇用,您在交易的两面都有人。 双方一直在权衡竞争方案。 双方都承受着时间压力。 双方都怀有自己的期望和认知偏见。

Algorithms are a long way from being able to reliably close these types of deals without human involvement. This is why recruiters still exist, and will probably continue to exist for a long time. Their time-honed diplomacy and matchmaking skills help keep the hiring process moving forward.

算法要想在无需人工干预的情况下可靠地完成这些类型的交易还有很长的路要走。 这就是为什么招聘人员仍然存在,并且可能会长期存在的原因。 他们悠久的外交和对接技巧帮助保持招聘流程的前进。

招聘人员并不会消失。 因此,让我们谈谈它们的工作方式。 (Recruiters aren’t going away. So let’s talk about how they work.)

Internal recruiters work for a single employer. They recruit candidates exclusively for that employer. Their job is more clerical in nature, and most of their compensation is in the form of a salary. There isn’t much to say about internal recruiters, other than that you can follow an interesting one on Quora.

内部招聘人员为单个雇主工作。 他们专门为该雇主招募候选人。 他们的工作本质上是文书工作,他们的大部分薪酬是工资形式。 关于内部招聘人员,除了您可以在Quora上关注有趣的招聘人员之外,没有什么要说的。

When people talk about hating recruiters, they are talking about agency recruiters, who are essentially salespeople that work for multiple employers.

当人们谈论仇恨招聘者时,他们谈论的是机构招聘者 ,他们本质上是为多个雇主工作的推销员。

You may be asking at this point — if all recruiters work for employers, then who works for us developers when we want to get a new job?


Well, as much as agency recruiters might lead you to believe they’re working for you, they’re working for employers, because that’s who pays them. If they were working for you, they wouldn’t be called recruiters — they’d be called agents. But most (non-freelance) engineers are too cheap to pay for agents, so they resort to using recruiters instead.

好吧,就像机构招聘人员可能会让您相信他们为您工作一样,他们也在为雇主工作,因为那是他们的薪水。 如果他们在为您工作,那么他们就不会被称为招聘人员,而是被称为代理商。 但是大多数(非自由职业)工程师太便宜了,无法支付代理费用,因此他们转而使用招募人员。

Employers pay these agency recruiters — also known as “third party recruiters” or “contingency recruiters” — a commission based on your starting salary. This is usually between 15% and 30% .

雇主根据您的起薪向这些机构招聘人员(也称为“第三方招聘人员”或“应急人员”)支付佣金。 通常在15%到30%之间。

So if your starting salary is $100,000 (bonuses aren’t included) then your employer will pay your recruiter $15,000 to $30,000, depending on their agreed-upon percentage. The recruiter will only get this money if you stay with the company beyond a trial period, which is usually 90 days.

因此,如果您的起薪为100,000美元(不包括奖金),则您的雇主将根据应聘者的百分比向您的招聘人员支付15,000至30,000美元。 仅当您在公司的试用期(通常为90天)之后停留时,招聘人员才会获得这笔钱。

It’s important to reiterate that this money doesn’t come out of your salary — employers have already budgeted this expense. In theory, going through a recruiter costs you nothing.

需要重申的是,这笔钱并非来自您的薪水-雇主已经在预算这笔费用。 从理论上讲,通过招聘人员不会花费您任何费用。

Recruiters’ incentives are thus remarkably well-aligned with your own as a job seeker:


  1. Since they get paid based on your starting salary, they are inclined to help you negotiate as high a starting salary as possible.

  2. The more candidates they place — and the faster they place them — the more money recruiters make. So they’ll want to help you get a job as fast as possible so they can move on to other job seekers.

    他们放置的候选人越多-他们放置的越快-招聘人员赚的钱越多。 因此,他们将希望帮助您尽快找到工作,以便他们可以继续寻求其他求职者。
  3. Since they only get paid if you succeed as an employee (and stay for at least 90 days), they want make sure you’re competent and a good fit for the company’s culture.


This system sounds healthy enough, right? It actually worked quite well up until about 10 years ago. That’s when LinkedIn showed up and turned recruiting into one giant spam fest.

这个系统听起来足够健康,对吧? 直到大约10年前,它实际上都运行良好。 那时,LinkedIn出现并把招募变成了一场垃圾邮件盛会。

Today, anyone can create a LinkedIn account, get a free month of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, do some quick keyword searches and start filling developers’ inboxes with spam.

今天,任何人都可以创建LinkedIn帐户,免费获得一个月的LinkedIn Sales Navigator,进行一些快速的关键字搜索,并开始用垃圾邮件填充开发人员的收件箱。

They can pretend they’re from an established recruiting firm — real or fictional. They can claim to have close working relationships with major employers you’d like to work at. They can throw around large but plausible salary figures to get your attention. Anything they need to do to get you to take their red pill by clicking that reply button.

他们可以假装自己来自一家成熟的招聘公司,无论是真实的还是虚构的。 他们可以声称与您想工作的主要雇主有着密切的工作关系。 他们可能会抛出大而合理的薪水数字来引起您的注意。 他们需要采取任何措施来使您通过单击该回复按钮服用其红色药丸。

Next thing you know, they’re applying to companies on your behalf, only to reveal to employers later on in the process that they are not fact a candidate, but actually a recruiter. They’re modifying your resume to omit your personal contact details and strengthen their position as an intermediary. They’re using all manner of black hat tactics to try and score that fat recruitment commission with as little legwork as necessary.

您所知道的第二件事,他们是代表您向公司提出申请,只是稍后在此过程中向雇主表明,他们实际上不是候选人,而是实际上是招聘人员。 他们正在修改您的简历,以省略您的个人联系方式,并加强其作为中介的地位。 他们正在使用各种各样的黑帽子策略来尝试并以尽可能少的腿部动作为胖招募委员会打分。

And in the process, they’re wasting your time, tainting your reputation, and possibly even alerting your current employer to the fact that you’re looking for another job.


If enough of us stop responding to these InMail spammers, the expected value of their spamming efforts will fall, and eventually spammers will give up and stop spamming us.


但并非所有招聘者都是垃圾邮件发送者。 有些实际上可以帮助您。 (But not all recruiters are spammers. Some can actually help you.)

There are still plenty of experienced, trustworthy recruiters out there. These recruiters already have working relationships with employers, and can understand employers’ needs and expectations much better than you can as a one-off job seeker.

那里仍然有很多经验丰富,值得信赖的招聘人员。 这些招聘人员已经与雇主建立了工作关系,并且比您作为一次性求职者可以更好地了解雇主的需求和期望。

Take job requirements, for instance. Up until about 20 years ago, the requirements section of job postings were intentionally written to scare off unqualified people. But times have changed, and now there’s a massive talent shortage. Even though it’s a seller’s market for programming skills, job requirements are still written with a buyer’s market mentality.

以工作要求为例。 直到大约20年前,工作职位的要求部分都是故意写的,以吓退不合格的人。 但是时代变了,现在人才严重短缺 。 即使这是编程技能的卖方市场,工作要求仍然是按照买方的市场心态编写的。

A good recruiter can sit down with an employer to understand their true minimum requirements for a position, and discern which of the dozen bullet points in their job requirements really matter the most to them.


For example, if you’re experienced with Express.js, but have never worked with Ruby on Rails before, a good recruiter knows whether an employer will consider those skills to be comparable. And each employer — and each hiring manager who works for them — is different.

例如,如果您有Express.js的经验,但是以前从未使用过Ruby on Rails,那么一位优秀的招聘人员就会知道雇主是否会认为这些技能具有可比性。 每个雇主以及为他们工作的每个招聘经理都是不同的。

You can be up-front with your recruiter about your knowledge and experience. Unlike with employers, you can be candid about your current salary and your desired salary. Recruiters are incentivized to help you get as high a salary as possible, and they have a much better idea of the salary ranges for different companies, locations, and job titles.

您可以提前与招聘人员一起了解您的知识和经验。 与雇主不同的是 ,您可以对自己当前的工资和期望的工资保持坦率。 招聘人员受到激励来帮助您获得尽可能高的薪水,并且他们对不同公司,地点和职位的薪资范围有更好的了解。

A good recruiter can also save you a tremendous amount of time by steering you away from positions they think are a poor fit for you, and toward positions in which they think you’ll be happy and succeed.


Oh, and have you ever been turned down for a job when you thought you totally nailed your interviews? The employers probably wouldn’t tell you why they chose to “pursue other candidates.”

哦,当您以为自己完全面试时,是否曾经拒绝过工作? 雇主可能不会告诉你为什么他们选择“追求其他候选人”。

So you spent hours of your life — maybe days — interviewing for that job, and you don’t even have feedback to show for it.


Well, if you have a good recruiter, they can act as a backchannel. Since they have a working relationship with the employer that transcends your one candidacy, they are in a strong position to find out why the employer didn’t hire you. Your recruiter can turn that information black hole into a source of actionable feedback, coach you on what went wrong, and set you up for success with your next interview.

好吧,如果您有优秀的招聘人员,他们可以充当反向渠道。 由于他们与雇主之间的工作关系超越了您的候选人资格,因此他们很容易找到雇主为什么不雇用您的原因。 您的招聘人员可以将这个信息黑洞变成可采取行动的反馈意见的来源,指导您解决问题,并为您的下一次面试做好准备。

If you’re looking for a good recruiter to help you with your job search, don’t bother with LinkedIn. Go straight to your friends. They may have had success with a particular recruiter before. One candid opinion from a friend is worth dozens of dubious 5-star Yelp reviews.

如果您正在寻找一名优秀的招聘人员来帮助您进行工作寻找,请不要理会LinkedIn。 直接去找你的朋友。 他们以前可能曾与某个特定的招聘人员取得过成功。 一位朋友的坦率意见值得数十项可疑的5星级Yelp评论。

Many established recruiters focus only on senior roles, which are easier to place and command higher commissions. But if you keep looking, you’ll find that there are recruiters who specialize in a wide range of disciplines and skill levels.

许多成熟的招聘人员只专注于高级职位,因为这些职位更容易下达并获得更高的佣金。 但是,如果您继续寻找,就会发现有些招聘人员专门研究各种学科和技能水平。

Don’t get discouraged. If you want an ally in your job search, your Morpheus is out there, ready to show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

不要气disc。 如果您想找工作中的盟友,您的莫菲斯就在那里,准备向您展示兔子洞的深度。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-tech-recruiter-red-pill-967dd492560c/


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