
Do you need people to pick a date when they fill in a form on your website?


Perhaps you want to know a good time to call them, or maybe you want to gather information such as date of birth, etc. That’s where a date picker field can help.


In this article, we’ll show you how to create a WordPress form with a date picker.


Adding a date picker to a WordPress form
使用日期选择器创建WordPress表单 (Creating a WordPress Form With a Date Picker)

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the WPForms. It’s one of the best contact form plugins out there, and you can use it for all sorts of different forms.

在本教程中,我们将使用WPForms 。 它是目前最好的联系表单插件之一,您可以将其用于各种不同的表单。

You’ll need to install and active the WPForms plugin on your site. If you’re not sure how to do that, take a look at our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要在网站上安装并激活WPForms插件。 如果您不确定该怎么做,请查看有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to WPForms » Add New in your WordPress dashboard.

激活插件后,转到WordPress仪表板中的WPForms»Add New

Creating a new form using WPForms

The WPForms builder will appear. First, type in a name for your form. Then, hover your mouse cursor over a template and click the button to select it. We’re going to use the Simple Contact Form template.

将显示WPForms构建器。 首先,为您的表单输入名称。 然后,将鼠标光标悬停在模板上,然后单击按钮将其选中。 我们将使用简单联系表单模板。

Selecting the Simple Contact Form template to start building your form

WPForms will automatically create a form for you using that template. Here’s the default simple contact form.

WPForms将使用该模板为您自动创建一个表单。 这是默认的简单联系表格。

The default contact form created by WPForms

You can now edit the form in any way you like.


Let’s add the date picker field.


In the form builder, you’ll see all the fields that you can add to your form in the right column. Scroll down to the Fancy Fields section, and you will see the Date / Time field.

在表单构建器中,您会在右栏中看到可以添加到表单中的所有字段。 向下滚动到“花式字段”部分,您将看到“日期/时间”字段。

The Date / Time field under the Fancy Fields section

Drag and drop the field to where you want it on your form. We’ve placed it just below the Email field on our form.

将字段拖放到表单上所需的位置。 我们已将其放置在表单上“电子邮件”字段的正下方。

The Date/Time field added to the form

Next, click on the field to edit it. This will bring up the ‘Field Options’ tab on the left hand side of your screen.

接下来,单击该字段以对其进行编辑。 这将在屏幕左侧弹出“字段选项”标签。

You can change the label of the field, which defaults to ‘Date / Time’. We’re going to use ‘Preferred Time for Phone Call’ for our field.

您可以更改字段的标签,默认为“日期/时间”。 我们将在字段中使用“首选通话时间”。

You can also change the format of the field using the Format dropdown. For instance, you might want to use just a date and no time, such as for a date of birth field.

您还可以使用格式下拉菜单更改字段的格式。 例如,您可能只想使用日期而不使用时间,例如用于出生日期字段。

You can also check the Required box if you want to make this a mandatory field. This means the user will have to select a date and time before they can submit the form.

如果要将此项设置为必填字段,也可以选中“必需”框。 这意味着用户必须先选择日期和时间,然后才能提交表单。

Editing the date/time field to change the options

You can add any other new fields that you want to use, too. Just click the ‘Add Fields’ tab then drag and drop the field onto your field. To edit a field, simply click on it.

您也可以添加要使用的任何其他新字段。 只需点击“添加字段”标签,然后将该字段拖放到您的字段中即可。 要编辑一个字段,只需单击它。

为日期选择器设置高级选项 (Setting Advanced Options for your Date Picker)

By default, the date picker on your form will be a calendar with a time dropdown next to it. The user simply clicks on a day to select that date.

默认情况下,表单上的日期选择器将是日历,旁边是一个时间下拉列表。 用户只需单击一天即可选择该日期。

The default date picker (calendar style)

The time dropdown defaults to a 12 hour clock with 30 minute intervals, like this:


The default time picker (dropdown list at 30 minute intervals)

You might want to change how the date picker works. That’s easy to do in WPForms. In the Field Options tab, scroll down to Advanced Options.

您可能想更改日期选择器的工作方式。 在WPForms中很容易做到。 在“字段选项”选项卡中,向下滚动到“高级选项”。

Next, click the arrow to open up that section.


Viewing and changing the Advanced Options for the Date/Time field

Here, you can make lots of changes. For instance, you might want to change the date format. The default is mm/dd/yyyy.

在这里,您可以进行很多更改。 例如,您可能要更改日期格式。 默认值为mm / dd / yyyy。

Selecting the date format from the Date Options dropdown

You can also switch from the date picker to a date dropdown, if you prefer. In this case, the user selects the month, day, and year from dropdown boxes, like this:

如果愿意,还可以从日期选择器切换到日期下拉菜单。 在这种情况下,用户从下拉框中选择月,日和年,如下所示:

The Date Dropdown field in action in a form

You can also change the time picker. It defaults to a 12 hour clock, but you can switch this to a 24 hour clock if you prefer. You can also change the intervals to 15 minutes or 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.

您还可以更改时间选择器。 默认为12小时制,但您可以根据需要将其切换为24小时制。 您也可以将间隔更改为15分钟或1小时,而不是30分钟。

Changing the time intervals for your date picker

Once you’re happy with your form, you can save it by clicking the Save button on the top right.


You may also want to set up your form so that the person completing the form gets a copy of the details they submitted.


This could be helpful, for example, if they’re scheduling a call with you. They’ll have an email record of the call time they booked.

例如,如果他们正在与您安排通话,这可能会有所帮助。 他们将收到他们预订的通话时间的电子邮件记录。

You can do that by following the instructions in our tutorial on creating a contact form with multiple recipients.


将您的表格添加到您的网站 (Adding Your Form to Your Website)

You can either add your form to an existing page (or post) on your site, or you can create a new one. To create a new page, go to Pages » Add New in your WordPress dashboard.

您可以将表单添加到网站上的现有页面(或发布),也可以创建一个新页面。 要创建新页面,请转至WordPress仪表板中的Pages»Add New

You’ll then need to add a new block to your page. Click on the (+) to add the block then select the WPForms block. You can find it in the Widgets section or you can search for it using the search bar.

然后,您需要在页面上添加一个新块。 单击(+)添加块,然后选择WPForms块。 您可以在“窗口小部件”部分找到它,也可以使用搜索栏搜索它。

Adding the WPForms block to your page or post

Next, you’ll need to select your form from the WPForms dropdown, like this:


Selecting the correct form from the WPForms dropdown

That’s all you need to do. You can now publish your page and your form will be live on your website. It should look something like this:

这就是您需要做的。 现在,您可以发布页面,并且表单将在您的网站上发布。 它看起来应该像这样:

The finished date picker form live on the website

Note: The styling of the form will depend on the WordPress theme you’re using.


All forms created with WPForms are mobile-friendly out of the box and will work on any mobile devices. WPForms date-picker tool is also mobile-friendly and works on all screen sizes.

使用WPForms创建的所有表单均支持移动设备,可在任何移动设备上使用。 WPForms日期选择器工具还适合移动设备使用,并且适用于所有屏幕尺寸。

Mobile preview of date picker in a WordPress form

It’s always a good idea to test out your form to make sure it’s working as you expected. If you aren’t getting emails but you’re sure your notification settings are correct, our article on how to fix the WordPress not sending email issue should help.

测试表单以确保其按预期工作始终是一个好主意。 如果您没有收到电子邮件,但是确定您的通知设置正确,那么有关如何修复WordPress不发送电子邮件问题的文章应该会有所帮助。

You can make changes to your form by going to WPForms » All Forms. Then, just click on the title of your form or the Edit link beneath the title to edit it.

您可以转到WPForms»所有表单更改表单 。 然后,只需单击表单标题或标题下方的“编辑”链接即可对其进行编辑。

Editing a form you've already created in WPForms

Once you save your form, it’ll be updated on your website automatically.


We hope this article helped you learn how to create a WordPress form with a datepicker. You might also want to take a look at our articles on how to block contact form spam in WordPress and how to track and reduce form abandonment in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用日期选择器创建WordPress表单。 您可能还想看看我们有关如何在WordPress中阻止联系表单垃圾邮件以及如何 在WordPress 中跟踪和减少表单废弃的文章

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-a-wordpress-form-with-a-date-picker/

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WordPress是一个流行的开源内容管理系统(CMS),它提了丰富的功能和插件创建和管理网站。在WordPress中,可以使用表单插件创建和管理表单,其中最常用的插件是Contact Form 7和Gravity Forms。 Contact Form 7是一个简单而灵活的表单插件,它允许你创建各种类型的表单,如联系表单、注册表单、调查表单等。你可以通过简单的HTML标记语言来定义表单字段,并使用预定义的标记来处理表单提交。 Gravity Forms是一个功能强大的表单插件,它提供了更多高级功能和定制选项。你可以使用可视化编辑器来创建表单,并添加各种字段类型,如文本框、下拉菜单、复选框等。Gravity Forms还支持条件逻辑、文件上传、支付集成等高级功能。 无论你选择使用哪个插件,以下是一般的步骤来创建一个表单: 1. 安装和激活表单插件:在WordPress后台,点击“插件”->“添加新插件”,搜索并安装你选择的表单插件,然后激活它。 2. 创建表单:在WordPress后台,找到表单插件的菜单或选项,并点击“新建表单”或类似的按钮。 3. 添加字段:使用可视化编辑器或HTML标记语言来添加表单字段,如文本框、下拉菜单、复选框等。根据需要设置字段的属性和验证规则。 4. 配置表单设置:根据需要配置表单的设置,如邮件通知、成功消息、样式等。 5. 插入表单:完成表单设计后,将生成的短代码复制到你想要显示表单的页面或帖子中。 6. 发布表单:保存并发布页面或帖子,访问该页面即可看到表单。 这是一个简单的介绍,具体的步骤和选项可能因插件而异。你可以根据自己的需求选择合适的插件,并参考插件的文档和教程来了解更多详细信息。




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