

Wondering how you can use WordPress as a CMS?


One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is just a blogging software. Some of you often ask us for examples of WordPress being used as a CMS Platform (Content Management System) and not just as a blog platform.

关于WordPress最常见误解之一是它只是一个博客软件。 你们中有些人经常向我们询问WordPress被用作CMS平台 (内容管理系统)而不仅仅是博客平台的示例。

There are thousands of websites using WordPress as a content management system. WordPress is highly flexible and easy to customize even for beginners.

数以千计的网站使用WordPress作为内容管理系统。 WordPress具有高度的灵活性,并且即使对于初学者也易于自定义。

In this article, we will show you some of the most popular websites that are using WordPress as a CMS.


WordPress as a CMS: 25 Examples Using WordPress as CMS
为什么WordPress是最受欢迎的CMS? (Why WordPress is The Most Popuplar CMS?)

WordPress is the most popular website builder and content management system in the world. It has a market share of 35% of websites on the internet.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器和内容管理系统。 它在互联网上的网站中占有35%的市场份额。

With WordPress, you can make a website, start a blog, or create an online store. It comes with thousands of free and premium plugins that work as addons to extend the features and functionality on your site.

使用WordPress,您可以创建网站创建 博客创建在线商店 。 它带有成千上万的免费和高级插件,这些插件可作为插件来扩展您网站上的功能。

Most websites use WordPress for its flexibility, easy-to-use admin panel, and thousands of themes / templates. You can set up a WordPress site quickly without writing any code.

大多数网站使用WordPress的灵活性,易于使用的管理面板以及成千上万的主题/模板。 您无需编写任何代码即可快速设置WordPress网站。

Let’s take a look at some of the examples of websites using WordPress as a CMS.


1. BBC美国 (1. BBC America)

BBC America

BBC America is a popular entertainment site that broadcasts several British TV shows like The Graham Norton Show, Top Gear, Doctor Who, and more. The site uses WordPress as a content management system and offers features that include full episodes, live TV, and user registration.

英国广播公司(BBC America)是一个受欢迎的娱乐网站,播放着英国的电视节目,如格雷厄姆·诺顿秀(Graham Norton Show),Top Gear,Doctor Who等。 该站点使用WordPress作为内容管理系统,并提供包括完整剧集,直播电视和用户注册的功能。

2. OptinMonster (2. OptinMonster)


OptinMoster is the leading conversion optimization software in the world. They use WordPress for different parts of their website including marketing site, blog, knowledgebase, and more.

OptinMoster是世界领先的转换优化软件。 他们将WordPress用于其网站的不同部分,包括营销网站,博客,知识库等。

3. WPForms (3. WPForms)


WPForms is the most popular WordPress contact form plugin. The website is built on WordPress with a shopping cart, knowledgebase, blog, and more features.

WPForms是最流行的WordPress联系人表单插件。 该网站基于WordPress,具有购物车,知识库,博客和更多功能。

4.下一个网站 (4. The Next Web)

The Next Web

The Next Web is a tech and news website using WordPress to display the most recent news from all over the world. It showcases the news into categories and sections, and also offers the latest deals from popular international brands.

Next Web是使用WordPress的技术和新闻网站,用于显示来自世界各地的最新新闻。 它按类别和部分展示新闻,还提供来自国际知名品牌的最新交易。

5.华特迪士尼公司 (5. The Walt Disney Company)

The Walt Disney Company

One of the biggest names in the media industry, The Walt Disney Company uses WordPress for its corporate website. The website offers users recent updates about company events, career opportunities, philanthropy efforts, and more.

沃尔特迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Company)是媒体行业中最知名的公司之一,其公司网站使用WordPress。 该网站为用户提供有关公司活动,职业机会,慈善事业等的最新信息。

6.范·休森 (6. Van Heusen)

Van Heusen

Van Heusen is an American fashion and clothing brand popular all over the globe. It is using WordPress with a shopping cart, newsletter subscriptions, and product galleries.

范·豪森(Van Heusen)是一个在全球流行的美国时装品牌。 它正在将WordPress与购物车,新闻稿订阅和产品库一起使用。

7.美国日内瓦特派团 (7. United States Mission Geneva)

US Mission Geneva

The U.S. Mission in Geneva is a US State Department website built with WordPress. It has multiple sections for image slider, the latest news, events, and policy pages.

美国驻日内瓦使团是使用WordPress构建的美国国务院网站。 它具有图像滑块,最新新闻,事件和策略页面的多个部分。

8.动植物国际 (8. Fauna and Flora International)

Fauna and Flora

Fauna and Flora International (FFI) is the forest conservation innovator known for their work on conserving different species globally. The site uses WordPress as a CMS to showcase its conservation campaigns, share news updates, and collect donations.

动植物保护国际组织(FFI)是森林保护创新者,以在全球范围内保护不同物种而闻名。 该网站使用WordPress作为CMS,以展示其保护活动,共享新闻更新并收集捐款。

9.瑞典的官方网站 (9. Sweden’s Official Site)

Sweden Official

Sweden’s Official Site is the country’s official information portal that shares news related to business, culture, traditions, nature, facts, and society. It is built on WordPress and utilizes it in a very effective way.

瑞典的官方网站是瑞典的官方信息门户,共享与商业,文化,传统,自然,事实和社会有关的新闻。 它基于WordPress构建,并以非常有效的方式加以利用。

10. Nexstar Media (10. Nexstar Media)


Nexstar Media is a local media site that uses WordPress as a content management system. It features news broadcasting, press releases, and more.

Nexstar Media是使用WordPress作为内容管理系统的本地媒体网站。 它具有新闻广播,新闻发布等等。

11.芝加哥气象中心 (11. Chicago Weather Center)

Chicago Weather

Chicago Weather Center is a weather forecast site that displays temperatures and other weather updates. It uses WordPress to add a TV schedule, podcasts, shows, events, news, and more on the site.

芝加哥天气中心是一个天气预报站点,显示温度和其他天气更新。 它使用WordPress在网站上添加电视时间表, 播客 ,节目,事件,新闻等。

12.创意广告奖 (12. Creative Ad Awards)

Creative Ad Awards

Creative Ad Awards is a website showcasing the most creative ads from around the globe. It uses WordPress to categorize and beautifully display those ad campaigns.

创意广告奖是一个网站,展示来自全球的最具创意的广告。 它使用WordPress对这些广告系列进行分类和精美展示。

13.哈佛大学公报 (13. Harvard University Gazette)

Harvard Gazette

Harvard University Gazette which is managed by the Harvard University using WordPress as a CMS for their journal. The website looks stunning where you can find news and events organized in categories.

哈佛大学公报,由哈佛大学使用WordPress作为其日记本的CMS管理。 该网站看起来很棒,您可以在其中找到按类别组织的新闻和事件。

14.詹姆斯·邦德官方网站 (14. The Official James Bond Website)

The Official James Bond Website

The official James Bond website uses WordPress to showcase their watch collection, display brand news, and promote Bond movies. The site also integrates with social networks to showcase Twitter feed in the sidebar.

詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)官方网站使用WordPress展示其手表系列,显示品牌新闻并宣传邦德电影。 该网站还与社交网络集成,以在侧栏中显示Twitter提要。

15. Realtor.com | 新闻 (15. Realtor.com | News)

Realtor.com News

Realtor is a popular real estate website. It uses WordPress for its news and insights section. They use the WordPress RSS feed to fetch and display the blog content across other parts of their website.

房地产经纪人是一个受欢迎的房地产网站 。 它使用WordPress作为其新闻和见解部分。 他们使用WordPress RSS feed来获取和显示网站其他部分的博客内容。

16.侏儒 (16. Gnome)


Gnome is an open-source software suite for Linux based operating systems. They use WordPress for their marketing site, which showcases features, software, and technologies sections.

Gnome是用于基于Linux的操作系统的开源软件套件。 他们将WordPress用于其营销网站,其中展示了功能,软件和技术部分。

17. PawPrintPets (17. PawPrintPets)


PawPrintPets is a website for dog and puppy owners who want to get training, consultation, and classes. Using WordPress as a CMS, the website also offers podcasts, blog, and a WooCommerce powered online store.

PawPrintPets是一个为想要获得培训,咨询和课程的狗狗和小狗主人提供的网站。 该网站使用WordPress作为CMS,还提供播客,博客和WooCommerce支持的在线商店。

18.治愈 (18. CURE)


CURE is an international organization offering medical aid to children in underdeveloped regions. It uses WordPress for their site to share case studies, news, stories, and fundraising.

CURE是一个国际组织,为欠发达地区的儿童提供医疗援助。 它使用WordPress为其网站共享案例研究,新闻,故事和筹款活动。

19.雷诺 (19. Renault)


Renault is one of the top car manufacturers in the world. Their official website is built on WordPress where they post about innovation, history, brands, and more.

雷诺是世界上顶级的汽车制造商之一。 他们的官方网站基于WordPress,在其中发布有关创新,历史,品牌等信息。

20.凯蒂·佩里 (20. Katy Perry)

Katy Perry

Katy Perry is a well-known American singer and songwriter. Her official site is using WordPress to display the latest albums, songs, and video releases.

凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)是美国著名歌手和词曲作者。 她的官方网站使用WordPress显示最新专辑,歌曲和视频版本。

21.索尼音乐 (21. Sony Music)

Sony Music

Sony Music is the official website of the global music brand. It uses WordPress to display their featured artists, labels, and news from the music industry.

索尼音乐是全球音乐品牌的官方网站。 它使用WordPress展示他们的特色艺术家,唱片公司和音乐行业的新闻。

22. Hip2Save (22. Hip2Save)


Hip2Save is a well-known deals and coupons website. It is built on WordPress to showcase discounts from popular brands from all over the world.

Hip2Save是一个著名的交易和优惠券网站 。 它基于WordPress构建,可展示来自世界各地的流行品牌的折扣。

23. Time.com (23. Time.com)


TIME is one of the oldest American news and magazine website. The site uses WordPress to post news in categories, embed YouTube videos, and publish weekly magazines.

TIME是美国最古老的新闻杂志网站之一。 该网站使用WordPress发布分类新闻, 嵌入YouTube视频并发布每周杂志。

24.西尔维斯特·史泰龙 (24. Sylvester Stallone)

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone is a popular actor and public figure known for his work in movies. His official website uses WordPress to showcase movie trailers, actor’s bio, photos, art, and more.

西尔维斯特·史泰龙(Sylvester Stallone)是著名的演员和公众人物,以其电影作品而闻名。 他的官方网站使用WordPress展示了电影预告片,演员的传记,照片,艺术品等。

25.华盛顿邮报| 品牌工作室 (25. The Washington Post | Brand Studio)

The Washington Post

The Washington Post is a leading investigative journalism website that shares news on politics, public opinions, and more. It is using WordPress for their Brand Studio website that showcases their interactive stories.

《华盛顿邮报》是领先的调查新闻网站,共享有关政治,舆论等方面的新闻。 它在其Brand Studio网站上使用WordPress,以展示其互动故事。

We hope this article helped you find some inspiring examples of WordPress being used as a CMS. You may also want to take a look at our list of 40+ big name brands using WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到一些令人振奋的WordPress用作CMS的示例。 您可能还想看看我们使用WordPress40多个知名品牌的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/25-examples-of-wordpress-being-used-as-a-cms/


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