织梦 wordpress_专业WordPress书评

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Professional WordPress is a book by Hal Stern, David Damstra, and Brad Williams that covers every aspect of WordPress. The book begins with a brief history of WordPress and a guide to your first post, from your first installation to inserting media into your post. The book than gives you an overview of the WordPress core and the codes that make millions of websites like ours run on a daily basis. The authors delve into the dynamics of the content loop and managing your database and seamlessly transition into theme and plugin development. The book then switches from development to refining a WordPress website by keeping it secure, crafting it reflect your personal and corporate image, and employing it in a real world setting.

专业WordPress是Hal Stern,David Damstra和Brad Williams所著的一本书,涵盖了WordPress的各个方面。 本书从WordPress的简要历史以及您的第一篇文章的指南开始,从首次安装到将媒体插入文章中。 然后,本书为您提供了WordPress核心的概述以及使像我们这样的数百万个网站每天运行的代码。 作者深入研究了内容循环和管理数据库的动态,并无缝过渡到主题和插件开发。 然后,该书通过保持安全,精心制作以反映您的个人和企业形象并在现实世界中使用它,从开发转到完善WordPress网站。

Finally, this book addresses something that many books neglect, and that’s giving back to the WordPress community at large. At the end of Professional WordPress, after all of the codes, all of the advice and how-to’s, the authors give readers a step by step guide to joining the WordPress community, from the Trac system to the sister projects of WordPress (MU, bbPress, etc). This is essential to perpetuating the growth and development of WordPress. These authors are not just educating the populace, they are providing a community service by grooming another generation of community contributors – and for that we need to applaud them.

最后,这本书解决了许多书籍都忽略的问题,这回馈了整个WordPress社区。 在专业版WordPress的末尾,作者提供了所有代码,所有建议和操作方法后,向读者提供了逐步加入WordPress社区的指南,从Trac系统到WordPress的姊妹项目(MU, bbPress等)。 这对于维持WordPress的增长和发展至关重要。 这些作者不仅在教育民众,他们还通过培养下一代社区贡献者来提供社区服务-为此,我们需要赞扬他们。

Professional WordPress Book Review

Professional WordPress is by far one of the most detailed and user friendly guidebooks thus far. The authors do an excellent job of bringing the book full circle, from your first post on WordPress to continuing the legacy by contributing to the community. This book stands out because it removes the normal “fluff” of a guidebook. Each chapter is thoughtfully laid out to introduce the topic at hand in an easy to understand fashion using real-world examples from WordPress core and frequently used themes and plugins. The only confusing thing about this book is the location of the WordPress migration chapter. It seems like that chapter could easily become an appendix instead of an entire chapter, but it is such a minor flaw in an overall spectacular book. Stern, Damstra, and Williams give us an excellent look into the beauty and functionality of WordPress, and I highly recommend this to any WordPress newbie.

到目前为止,专业WordPress是最详细和用户友好的指南之一。 作者的出色工作使本书全面发展,从您在WordPress上的第一篇帖子到通过对社区的贡献来延续遗产。 这本书之所以能脱颖而出,是因为它消除了指南的常规“绒毛”。 每章都经过精心设计,以易于理解的方式使用WordPress核心中的真实示例以及常用主题和插件来介绍本主题。 本书唯一令人困惑的是WordPress迁移章节的位置。 好像该章很容易成为附录而不是整个章,但这在整个引人入胜的书中却是一个很小的缺陷。 Stern,Damstra和Williams让我们对WordPress的美观和功能有了很好的了解,我强烈推荐给任何WordPress新手使用。

Ready to move to the next level? Get Professional WordPress right now.

准备好进入下一个级别了吗? 立即获取专业WordPress

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/book-reviews/professional-wordpress-book-review/

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