什么是博客,它与网站有何不同? (说明)

Often readers ask us about what is a blog, and how is it different from a website? If you are thinking about starting a blog or a website, then understanding these terms will help you meet your goals.

经常有读者问我们什么是博客,它与网站有何不同? 如果您正在考虑建立博客网站 ,那么理解这些术语将有助于您实现目标。

In this beginner’s guide, we will explain what is a blog and how is it different from a traditional website. We will also talk about usage scenarios, with real-world examples, and their benefits.

在此初学者指南中,我们将解释什么是博客以及它与传统网站有何不同。 我们还将讨论使用场景,实际示例及其好处。

What is a blog and how is it different from a website?
什么是博客? (What is a Blog?)

A blog is a type of website where the content is presented in reverse chronological order (newer content appear first). Blog content is often referred to as entries or “blog posts”.

博客是一种网站,其中内容以相反的时间顺序显示(较新的内容首先出现)。 博客内容通常称为条目或“博客文章”。

Blogs are typically run by an individual or a small group of people to present information in a conversational style. However, now there are tons of corporate blogs that produce a lot of informational and thought-leadership style content.

博客通常由个人或一小群人经营,以对话形式展示信息。 但是,现在有成百上千的公司博客产生了大量的信息和思想领导风格的内容。

A blog page showing posts

Typical blog posts also have a comments section where users can respond to the article.


博客的历史 (History of Blogs)

Blogs evolved from online diaries and journals in the mid-90s. At that time, internet users were already running personal web pages where they published regular updates about their personal lives, thoughts, and social commentary.

博客从90年代中期的在线日记和期刊发展而来。 那时,互联网用户已经在运行个人网页,他们定期发布有关其个人生活,思想和社会评论的更新。

The term web log was first used during the late 90s, which later became ‘weblog’, then ‘we blog’, and finally just ‘blog’.

Web日志一词最初在90年代后期使用,后来变成“ weblog”,然后是“ we blog”,最后只是“ blog”。

Due to the growing number of such web pages, several tools started to appear, which made it easier for users to create online journals and blogs. These tools helped popularize blogging and made the technology accessible to non-technical users.

由于此类网页的数量不断增长,因此出现了一些工具,这使用户可以更轻松地创建在线日记和博客。 这些工具有助于博客的普及,并使非技术用户可以使用该技术。

In 1999, the popular blogging website Blogger.com was launched, which was later acquired by Google in February 2003.


The same year, WordPress released its first version as a blogging platform in May 2003.

同年, WordPress在2003年5月发布了其第一版博客平台。

Today, WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform powering over 30% of all websites on the internet.


博客和网站之间有什么区别? (What is The Difference Between Blog and Website?)

Blogs are a type of website. The only real difference between a blog and other types of website is that blogs are regularly updated with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order (newer posts first).

博客是一种网站。 博客与其他类型的网站之间的唯一真正区别是,博客会定期以新内容进行更新,并以相反的时间顺序显示(新帖子优先)。

Typical websites are static in nature where content is organized in pages, and they are not updated frequently. Whereas a blog is dynamic, and it is usually updated more frequently. Some bloggers publish multiple new articles a day.

典型的网站本质上是静态的,其中内容按页面组织,并且不经常更新。 博客是动态的,并且通常会更频繁地更新。 一些博客每天发表多篇新文章。

Blogs can be part of a larger website. Often businesses have a blog section where they regularly create content to inform and educate their customers.

博客可以是更大网站的一部分。 企业通常会在博客部分中定期创建内容来通知和教育客户。

You can use WordPress to create both, a website and blog, that’s why a lot of business owners use WordPress to build their small business website.

您可以使用WordPress创建网站和博客,这就是为什么许多企业所有者使用WordPress 构建其小型企业网站的原因

In simple terms, all blogs can be a website or part of a website. However, not all websites can be called blogs.

简而言之,所有博客都可以是一个网站或网站的一部分。 但是,并非所有网站都可以称为博客。

For example, WPBeginner is a blog and a website. Our website has other content which is published in a non-blog format like glossary, about us, and contact pages.

例如,WPBeginner是一个博客和一个网站。 我们的网站还有以非博客格式发布的其他内容,例如词汇表关于我们联系页面。

Non-blog content on a blog website

Now, let’s take a look at another example. This time a website called Awesome Motive. It is a business website and belongs to WPBeginner’s management company.

现在,让我们看另一个例子。 这次是一个名为Awesome Motive的网站。 这是一个商业网站,隶属于WPBeginner的管理公司。

Awesome Motive

It does not have a blog or any content published in sequential order. It uses pages to organize and present information about a business and collects user feedback by adding a contact form.

它没有博客或按顺序发布的任何内容。 它使用页面来组织和呈现有关业务的信息,并通过添加联系表来收集用户反馈。

You can also say that blogs have articles that are organized using categories and tags. On the other hand, websites use pages to organize and display content.

您也可以说博客的文章是使用类别和标签进行组织的。 另一方面,网站使用页面来组织和显示内容。

博客或网站-哪个更好? (Blog or Website – Which One is Better?)

As a beginner, you may be wondering whether you should start a blog or a website, which one is better? To be honest, the answer to this question really depends on what your goals are.

作为初学者,您可能想知道应该创建博客还是网站,哪个更好? 老实说,这个问题的答案实际上取决于您的目标。

Many small businesses around the world have traditional websites made up of just pages and no blog. Such small websites are often made to create an informational web presence for a business, organization, or individual.

世界上许多小型企业的传统网站仅由页面组成,而没有博客。 通常会制作这样的小型网站来为企业,组织或个人创建信息性的Web展示。

On the other hand, more and more businesses are realizing the potential of a blog in their marketing strategy. They are adding a separate blog section to their traditional websites and using it to get more traffic from search engines.

另一方面,越来越多的企业正在意识到博客在营销策略中的潜力。 他们在传统网站上添加了一个单独的博客部分,并利用该部分从搜索引擎获取更多流量。

Take OptinMonster, it is a lead generation software and their website has traditional sales pages showcasing their product and its features.

OptinMonster为例 ,这是一个潜在客户生成软件,他们的网站上有传统的销售页面,展示了他们的产品及其功能。

OptinMonster website and blog

They also have an informational blog where they teach users how to improve conversions and get more leads. This helps them cover their industry keywords to get free traffic from search engines and make more sales.

他们还有一个信息博客,他们在此教用户如何提高转化率并获得更多潜在客户。 这有助于他们覆盖其行业关键字,以从搜索引擎获得免费流量并获得更多销售。

Even if you are a business, a non-profit organization, or a professional, adding a blog to your website can help you achieve your goals.


博客文章和页面之间的区别是什么? (What is The Difference Between Blog Posts and Pages?)

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform and a powerful content management system. By default, it comes with two content types: posts and pages. Often beginners get confused between the two.

WordPress是最受欢迎的博客平台和功能强大的内容管理系统。 默认情况下,它具有两种内容类型:帖子和页面。 初学者常常会在两者之间感到困惑。

Blog posts are displayed in a reverse chronological order (newest to oldest) on your blog page because they are timely content which means your users will have to dig deeper to view older posts.


Pages are static “one-off” type content such as your about page, contact page, products or services pages, home page, and more.


To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on the difference between posts and pages.


Pages are usually used to create a website structure and layout. Even blogs can have pages alongside them (See our list of important pages that every blog should have).

页面通常用于创建网站结构和布局。 即使是博客,也可以在页面旁边放置页面(请参阅我们的每个博客都应具有的重要页面列表)。

人们为什么要博客? 博客的好处是什么? (Why Do People Blog? What are The Benefits of Blogging?)

Each individual blogger has their own motivation for blogging. Many of them use it as an alternative to keeping a diary or journal. Blogging provides them with a venue to share their creativity and ideas to a wider audience.

每个博客作者都有自己的博客动机。 他们中的许多人将其用作保存日记或日记的替代方法。 博客为他们提供了一个向更广泛的受众分享其创造力和想法的场所。

Top brands and businesses create blogs to educate their customers, share news, and reach a wider audience. Blogging is an essential part of online marketing strategy for many businesses.

顶级品牌和企业创建博客来教育他们的客户,分享新闻并覆盖更广泛的受众。 博客是许多企业在线营销策略的重要组成部分。

Following are just a few benefits of blogging.


  • Provides an avenue to organize your thoughts and ideas

  • Allows you to showcase your skills, creativity, and talents

  • Help individuals become an authority in their industry

  • Helps you socialize with interesting like-minded people online

  • Many bloggers make money from their blogs using various monetization methods

  • Businesses use blogging to bring more potential customers to their websites

  • Non-profits can use blogs to raise awareness, run social media campaigns, and influence public opinion

好的博客有哪些例子? (What are Some Examples of Good Blogs?)

Blogging is huge!


Millions of individuals and businesses from all over the world have blogs. This means that there are blogs on just about any topic you can think of.

来自世界各地的数以百万计的个人和企业都有博客。 这意味着您几乎可以想到任何主题的博客。

Here are some good blogs that you can check out as an example. We have hand-picked the best blogs in different industries to give you an idea of how diverse blogs are.

这里有一些不错的博客,您可以作为示例查看。 我们精心挑选了不同行业中最好的博客,以使您了解博客的多样性。

1.百胜捏 (1. Pinch of Yum)

Pinch of Yum

Pinch of Yum is one of the most popular food and recipe blogs online. Started by Lindsay, a high school teacher, the blog allowed her to quit her day job and become a full-time blogger.

Pinch of Yum是在线上最受欢迎的食品和食谱博客之一 。 该博客由高中教师林赛(Lindsay)创立,该博客使她辞掉了日常工作,成为一名全职博客作者。

2.我们的父母 (2. WeTheParents)


WeTheParents is a popular parenting blog run by Neve and Keane (the parents). They share parenting tips for moms and dads and while doing so they make money by earning commission on products they recommend.

WeTheParents是由Neve和Keane(父母)运营的受欢迎的育儿博客。 他们分享给父母的育儿技巧,同时他们通过赚取推荐产品的佣金来赚钱。

3.我们穿什么 (3. We Wore What)

We Wore What

Started by Danielle Bernstein, We Wore What is a popular fashion blog. With more than 1.5 Million followers, it covers everything from fashion to interior design to menswear.

由丹妮尔·伯恩斯坦(Danielle Bernstein)发起,《 We Wore什么是流行的时尚博客》 。 它拥有超过150万粉丝,涵盖了从时尚到室内设计再到男装的所有领域。

4.书呆子健身 (4. Nerd Fitness)

Nerd Fitness

A fitness blog started by Steve Kamb, Nerd Fitness is dedicated to helping people stay fit. It provides fitness advice, motivation, support, diet and exercise tips.

由Steve Kamb创建的健身博客,Nerd Fitness致力于帮助人们保持健康。 它提供健身建议,动力,支持,饮食和运动技巧。

5.迷失目标 (5. Lost With Purpose)

Lost With Purpose

A popular travel blog run by Alex, who shares her journeys while offering travel tips, advice, and guides for other backpackers.


6.小佛 (6. Tiny Buddha)

Tiny Buddha

Tiny Buddha is a personal development blog created by Lori Deschene. The blog publishes content on happiness, love, relationships, mindfulness, spirituality, simplicity, minimalism, letting go, and more.

Tiny Buddha是Lori Deschene创建的个人开发博客。 该博客发布有关幸福,爱情,人际关系,正念,灵性,简单,极简,放手等内容。

There are many more great blogs out there on many different topics. See our list of the most popular types of blogs for some more ideas.

关于许多不同主题的博客也很多。 有关更多想法,请参见我们最受欢迎的博客类型列表。

博客如何赚钱? (How Do Bloggers Make Money?)

Usually, people think of bloggers as hobbyists. Some of them are, but a large number of bloggers make money from their blogs. This enables them to focus more on their blog, quit their day jobs, and build successful online businesses.

通常,人们认为博客作者是业余爱好者。 其中一些是,但是大量博客作者从他们的博客中赚钱。 这使他们能够将更多的精力放在博客上,辞职或建立成功的在线业务。

The more successful bloggers can make six-figure, seven-figure, and even eight-figure incomes from their blogs.


Below are a few ways that most bloggers use to make money from their blogs:


The most common and probably the easiest way to make money online is by displaying ads. However, as a new blogger, you will not be able to contact advertisers directly or manage them on your own.

在线赚钱的最常见,可能最简单的方式是展示广告 。 但是,作为新的博客作者,您将无法直接联系广告客户或自行管理广告客户。

This is where Google AdSense comes in. It takes care of finding ads, displaying them, collecting payments from advertisers, and sending you those payments for a small cut.

这就是Google AdSense的用武之地。它负责查找广告,显示广告,从广告商处收取款项,并为您发送小笔款项。

Many bloggers also make money through affiliate marketing. Basically, they recommend products on their websites and earn a commission when users buy those products.

许多博客作者还通过会员营销赚钱。 基本上,他们在网站上推荐产品,并在用户购买这些产品时赚取佣金。

Other common monetization methods include memberships, selling online courses, or adding an online store to the blog.


See our list of proven ways to make money online from your blog for some more examples.


We also have a list of “easy-to-start” online business ideas that you can check out.

我们还列出了“易于启动”的在线业务创意 ,您可以查看一下。

任何人都可以开始写博客吗? (Can Anyone Start a Blog?)

Yes, anyone who wants to start a blog, can easily do so.


In the early days of blogging, users needed coding skills to even update their blogs. Now, there are plenty of tools that allow you to easily create a blog without ever writing code. If you can point-and-click, then you can build a blog within minutes.

在写博客的初期,用户需要编码技巧才能更新他们的博客。 现在,有许多工具可让您无需编写代码即可轻松创建博客。 如果可以点击,那么您可以在几分钟内建立一个博客。

Choosing the wrong blogging platform to start a blog is the most common mistake that beginners make. However, since you are here, you will not be making this mistake.

选择错误的博客平台来开始博客是初学者最常见的错误。 但是,由于您在这里,因此您不会犯此错误。

We recommend using WordPress. It is the world’s most popular blogging platform and website builder. Over 30% of all websites on the internet are built using WordPress, just so you can get an idea of how popular it is.

我们建议使用WordPress。 它是世界上最受欢迎的博客平台网站构建器 。 互联网上超过30%的网站都是使用WordPress构建的,因此您可以了解它的流行程度。

There are two types of WordPress: WordPress.com, which is a hosted solution, and WordPress.org also known as self-hosted WordPress. See our guide on the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details.

WordPress有两种类型: WordPress.com和WordPress.org ,这是一种托管解决方案,而WordPress.org也称为自托管WordPress。 有关更多详细信息,请参见关于WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间区别的指南。

We recommend using WordPress.org because it gives you instant access to all WordPress features. It also allows you to easily make money from your blog without any restriction.

我们建议使用WordPress.org,因为它使您可以立即访问所有WordPress功能。 它还使您可以轻松不受限制地从博客中赚钱。

Want to learn more about WordPress? See our complete WordPress review for detailed breakdown of its features.

想更多地了解WordPress? 请参阅我们完整的WordPress评论以获取其功能的详细分类。

You will need the following things to start your own WordPress.org blog.


  • A domain name (This will be your blog’s address and what users will type in their browser to visit it. For example, wpbeginner.com)

  • Website hosting account (This will be home of your blog’s files)

  • 20 minutes of your time


Normally, a domain name will cost you around $14.99 per year and website hosting $7.99 per month. Now if you are just starting out, this seems like a lot of money.

通常,一个域名每年将花费您大约14.99美元,而网站托管每月将花费7.99美元。 现在,如果您刚刚开始,这似乎是很多钱。

Thankfully, Bluehost has agreed to offer WPBeginner users a free domain and discount on hosting. They are one of the biggest hosting companies in the world and are officially recommended by WordPress.

值得庆幸的是, Bluehost已同意为WPBeginner用户提供免费域名和托管折扣。 他们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,并由WordPress正式推荐。

Basically, you will be able to get started for $2.75 per month.


→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


After purchasing hosting, you can head over to our guide on how to start a blog for complete step by step instructions.

购买托管服务后,您可以转到我们的指南, 了解如何启动博客,以获取完整的分步说明。

We hope this article helped answer your questions about what is a blog and what’s the difference between a blog and a website. You may also want to see our list of the most useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您回答有关什么是博客以及博客和网站之间的区别的问题。 您可能还想查看我们用于管理和发展WordPress博客的最有用工具的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-a-blog-and-how-is-it-different-from-a-website-explained/





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