
Do you need an easy way to share sermons with your church members online?


Recording and uploading sermons to your church website is a great way to reach members who can’t attend church. This can also help you to attract new church members as well.

记录讲道并将其上传到您的教会网站是联系无法参加教会的成员的好方法。 这也可以帮助您吸引新的教会成员。

In this article, we’ll teach you how you can record audio or video sermons, add them to your church website, and let your members subscribe, so they don’t miss a single update.


Bonus, if your church doesn’t have a website, then we will cover that too.


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

Offering online sermons on a church website
为什么要记录和上传讲道? (Why Record and Upload Sermons?)

You’ve probably already created a website for your church. Most church websites include the basic information like location, service times, and a contact form.

您可能已经为您的教堂创建了一个网站 。 大多数教堂网站都包含基本信息,例如位置,服务时间和联系表

But when it comes to putting sermons online, or even putting your whole church services online, you might think it takes too much time or would cost a lot of money.


There are a lot of reasons it makes sense to put your sermons online:


  • Many new visitors to your church can listen online before they ever come through the doors.

  • You may have church members who missed service because they were sick, or because they are elderly and unable to get out as much.

  • Some members might miss part of the service to take care of a crying infant, and want to hear the rest.


Even for members who are present for the whole service, you may find that when you offer your sermons online, people are able to listen again and get even more out of the message.


Plus, adding sermons can even help you get more website traffic. That’s because websites that publish new content more often tend to rank higher in search results.

另外,添加讲道甚至可以帮助您获得更多的网站流量。 这是因为发布更多新内容的网站在搜索结果中的排名往往更高

And the good news is that in terms of both dollars and volunteer hours, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Many small churches and church plants need to make a website as inexpensively as possible.

好消息是,无论是在美元还是义工时间方面,都不必破产。 许多小型教堂和教堂建筑都需要尽可能便宜地建立一个网站。

We’ll include instructions for how to record sermons on a tight budget, as well as give a few options for those who may have a higher production budget and are looking for more professional solutions.


Ready to learn how to record sermons and upload them to your site? We’ll walk you through each step.

准备学习如何记录讲道并将其上传到您的网站了吗? 我们将引导您完成每个步骤。

Here’s a quick outline that you can use to easily browse the article:


步骤1:建立您的教堂网站 (Step 1: Set Up Your Church Website)

If you already have a WordPress website set up, then you can click here to skip to step 2 which is focused on choosing your recording equipment.

如果您已经建立了WordPress网站,则可以单击此处跳到第2步 ,该步骤专注于选择录制设备。

You can watch this video tutorial, or read our step-by-step guide on how to create a WordPress website to get started.



If you’re just getting started, we highly recommend using Bluehost to host your website.


They are offering WPBeginner readers a free domain name and 60% discount on web hosting. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

他们为WPBeginner读者提供了免费域名和网络托管60%的折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始使用。

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


You might also want to see our roundup of the best WordPress themes for churches, so you can customize your site design.

您可能还希望了解我们关于教堂最佳WordPress主题概述 ,因此您可以自定义网站设计。

Once your website is set up, the next step is to make sure you have the equipment you need to record your sermons.


步骤2:获取正确的录音设备 (Step 2: Get the Right Recording Equipment)

The equipment you need will depend on whether you want to record your live sermons while you’re preaching in the church, or record sermons separately by yourself.


The good news is, if you want to record live sermons, you may already have everything you need.


If your church already has a soundboard and an available laptop for recording sermons, you may just need to purchase a small cable like this 3.5mm to XLR Cable to run from your soundboard to a laptop.


Once connected, you can then use a program like Audacity to record the sermon (more on that in the next step).


If you don’t have a soundboard for your church, you could use a portable recorder like this Handheld Digital Audio Recorder. You can easily set this on your podium so you don’t have to hold it the whole time.

如果您的教堂没有音板,则可以使用便携式录音机,例如手持数字录音机 。 您可以轻松地将其设置在讲台上,这样就不必一直按住它。

You might also want to record sermons privately by yourself, instead of recording the live sermon, or even record additional teaching for deeper study.


In that case, you’ll need a good microphone. You might think about using your laptop’s built-in mic to record sermons, but we don’t recommend that. Your church members will notice the bad sound quality and may have trouble understanding your sermon.

在这种情况下,您将需要一个好的麦克风。 您可能会考虑使用笔记本电脑的内置麦克风来录制讲道,但我们不建议这样做。 您的教会成员会注意到音质不佳,可能无法理解您的讲道。

We recommend investing in one of these 3 mics that are popular for podcasting:


Buying a professional microphone for podcasting

At WPBeginner, we also use the Rode Podcaster kit that came with a mic arm and shock mount.

在WPBeginner,我们还使用Rode Podcaster套件 ,该套件带有麦克风臂和减震架。

You should also consider using a decent pair of headphones like Sony MDR7506 for recording and editing your audio files.

您还应该考虑使用像Sony MDR7506这样的体面的耳机来录制和编辑音频文件。

How do you record a sermon video?


For recording video sermons, you’ll need to use a video camera.


If you need to begin with an absolute minimal budget, you can record on your smartphone using a tripod. This is the cheapest way to go.

如果您需要从绝对最低的预算开始,则可以使用三脚架在智能手机上录制。 这是最便宜的方式。

GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO

GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO is a good tripod for any type of phone. It has adjustable legs that can be used to attach it to any surface.

GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO是任何类型手机的理想三脚架。 它具有可调节的支脚,可用于将其固定在任何表面上。

For churches with a modest budget, you can use SlingStudio’s HD Video Production Unit to create a high-quality video recording that uses multiple cameras. SlingStudio lets you switch between video feeds in real-time from an iPad or laptop. You can add feeds from camcorders, DSLR cameras, or even use your smartphone.

对于预算有限的教堂,您可以使用SlingStudio的高清视频制作单元来创建使用多台摄像机的高质量视频记录。 SlingStudio使您可以从iPad或笔记本电脑实时在视频源之间切换。 您可以添加便携式摄像机,DSLR相机的源,甚至可以使用智能手机。

Once you’ve chosen your equipment, you’re ready to start recording.


步骤3:记录您的讲道 (Step 3: Record Your Sermon)

To record your sermons, we recommend using the program Audacity.


Audacity is a completely free program that, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL. You can use it to record your sermons, and also edit the files for noise reduction and enhanced sound quality.

Audacity是一个完全免费的程序,与WordPress一样,是根据GPL许可的。 您可以使用它来记录您的布道,还可以编辑文件以降低噪音并增强声音质量。

After you install Audacity, you’ll need to open the program and click the File menu to start a new project.

安装Audacity之后,您需要打开程序,然后单击“ 文件”菜单以启动新项目。

Then, click on the record button to start recording your sermon.


Don’t feel like you need to start over if you make a mistake. Just keep going, and then you can edit out the mistakes after you’re finished recording.

如果您犯了一个错误,不要觉得您需要重新开始。 继续进行下去,然后在完成录制后就可以编辑出错误。


If you want, you can also import music files from File » Import to use at the beginning or end of your sermon.


Since Audacity is a powerful tool, you may want to check out these Audacity tutorials to learn more about all the features.


After you’re done recording your sermon, you can export it. We recommend the MP3 format because it creates smaller file sizes with good quality.

记录完布道之后,可以将其导出。 我们建议使用MP3格式,因为它可以创建较小的文件,而且质量很好。

Once you’ve saved the file, you’re ready to upload it to your website.


步骤4:上传您的讲道录音 (Step 4: Upload Your Sermon Recording)

Both audio and video recordings produce large files. You might be able to get away with hosting your audio files on your website for a short time, but you’re likely going to run into space issues after a while.

音频和视频记录都会产生大文件。 您可能可以在短时间内将音频文件托管在网站上,但是一段时间后您可能会遇到空间问题。

If you want to keep your WordPress website fast, you shouldn’t upload audio or video files to your own site.

如果要保持WordPress网站的快速运行 ,则不应将音频或视频文件上传到自己的网站。

We recommend you use a separate church sermon hosting service. If you’re looking for the best podcast host for churches, we recommend using Podbean to upload your sermon audio recordings. You can also check out our list of the best podcast hosting services for other options.

我们建议您使用单独的教堂讲道托管服务。 如果您正在寻找教堂的最佳播客主持人,建议您使用Podbean上传您的讲道录音。 您还可以查看我们的最佳播客托管服务列表,以获取其他选择。


For video files, we recommend you get started on YouTube. It is easy to use, super-fast, and free. It is also the world’s second-largest search engine which means additional chances for your sermons to be viewed by someone new.

对于视频文件,我们建议您开始使用YouTube。 它易于使用,超快速且免费。 它也是世界上第二大搜索引擎,这意味着新来的您的布道有更多的机会。

Once you’ve recorded your sermons and put them online, it’s time to add them to your website so your own members and visitors can easily find them.


You will begin by adding the Sermon Manager for WordPress plugin. For more details see our step-by-step guide on how to install a plugin.

您将从添加适用于WordPress布道管理器开始。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何安装插件的分步指南。

You will begin by adding your first sermon. Simply go to Sermons » Add New page.

您将从添加第一个讲道开始。 只需转到讲道»添加新页面。

Add new sermon to WordPress

First, you will need to add the title of your sermon and the date it was preached on. You must add the date preached to be able to publish your sermon.

首先,您需要添加布道的标题和讲道的日期。 您必须添加宣讲的日期才能发布您的讲道。

After those two fields, there are many fields that are optional but we encourage you to fill out as many as possible. Adding thoughtful descriptions helps your sermon be discoverable by search engines.

在这两个字段之后,有许多可选字段,但我们建议您尽可能多地填写。 添加周到的描述有助于您的讲道被搜索引擎发现。

The second set of fields will allow you to paste the URL for your files, whether you’re adding audio, video, or both. There’s also a place where you can add sermon notes if you’d like to attach a PDF.

第二组字段将允许您粘贴文件的URL,无论您要添加音频,视频还是两者都添加。 如果您想附加PDF,也可以在其中添加布道笔记。

add sermon recording details

Fill out the meta on the right column for things like the preacher’s name, the sermon series, and then click publish. And that’s it! If you’re using pretty permalinks, your first sermon will now be available at:

在右列中填写中继符,例如传教士的姓名,讲道系列,然后单击“发布”。 就是这样! 如果您使用的是永久链接,那么现在可以在以下位置获得第一个讲道:



Submit your Podcast to Apple’s iTunes and Google Play

将播客提交到Apple的iTunes和Google Play

Another great feature in the Sermon Manager plugin is that you can easily submit your feed to podcasts. This makes it easier for your members to subscribe and receive notifications on their phones when you publish a new sermon.

Sermon Manager插件的另一个重要功能是,您可以轻松地将提要提交到播客。 当您发布新的讲道时,这使您的成员更容易在手机上订阅和接收通知。

To get started go to Sermons » Settings and click on the Podcast tab. The folks behind the Sermon Manager for WordPress plugin have made this section very self-explanatory so you will be able to follow along, filling in your own data and seeing what they recommend in light gray text.

要开始使用,请转到“ 布道»设置” ,然后单击“播客”选项卡。 Sermon Manager for WordPress插件背后的人们对此部分的解释非常不言自明,因此您可以按照自己的意愿进行操作,填写自己的数据并以浅灰色文本查看他们的建议。

Go through each field and fill in the information so it matches your church.


enter your church podcast settings

At the bottom, click the save button. Next, you’ll use the link for the feed validator so you can be sure you’ve filled out everything correctly. When your feed validates you’ll copy the link and submit your podcast to both Apple Podcasts and Google Play Podcasts.

在底部,单击保存按钮。 接下来,您将使用提要验证器的链接,以便可以确保正确填写了所有内容。 提要通过验证后,您将复制链接并将播客提交到Apple播客和Google Play播客。

copy the church podcast feed URL to submit to podcast services
我如何现场直播讲道? (How Do I Live Stream Sermons?)

Plenty of churches are asking how do I live stream sermons, so you may be wanting to do that as well.


We recommend live streaming in addition to having sermons on your own website. If you only live stream and don’t record your sermons, then you’re missing out on all the benefits we listed above.

除了在您自己的网站上进行讲道之外,我们建议您进行直播。 如果您只是现场直播而没有录制您的布道,那么您会错过我们上面列出的所有好处。

Having sermons on your website means your church members can access past sermons more easily. It can also help you to grow your website traffic.

在您的网站上发布讲道意味着您的教会成员可以更轻松地访问过去的讲道。 它还可以帮助您增加网站流量

That said, live streaming sermons can be a good way to reach new audiences on social media.


Two of the best ways are YouTube and Facebook. Facebook especially can be a good option because a lot of your members are already there and connected to your page.

最好的两种方法是YouTube和Facebook。 尤其是Facebook可能是一个不错的选择,因为您的许多成员已经在那里并已连接到您的页面。

But Facebook Live isn’t always reliable. We’ve heard reports of churches having issues with their livestream crashing in the middle of the service. Using a broadcasting service instead can offer a smoother experience.

但是Facebook Live并不总是可靠的。 我们听说有报道说教堂在服务中途出现直播崩溃的问题。 相反,使用广播服务可以提供更流畅的体验。

Restream will allow you to broadcast your service on your own website, YouTube, your Facebook page, a Facebook group, and other services, all at the same time.


You can also record your sermons or services in advance and schedule them to go live at the right time for a less stressful experience.


If you’re live streaming your sermon using your smartphone, you’ll want to make sure you’re using a tripod for the best results.


After your live stream is over, you can add the video to your own site following our tutorial above.


We hope this article helped you learn how to record sermons. You may also want to check out our guide on how to accept online donations.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何记录布道。 您可能还需要查看有关如何接受在线捐赠的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-churches-can-offer-online-sermons-with-wordpress/

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