
Do you want to create a WooCommerce contest to boost customer engagement and increase sales?


Contests are an easy way to get new visitors to your WooCommerce store, increase brand awareness, and keep customers engaged.


They can also help you boost customer loyalty, improve conversions, and increase sales in the long run.


In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a WooCommerce contest to boost loyalty and engagement.


Creating a contest in WooCommerce
为什么要举办WooCommerce竞赛? (Why Run a WooCommerce Contest?)

As an online store, you need to bring new customers to your website. The challenge is that most of these users leave without making a purchase.

作为在线商店 ,您需要吸引新客户到您的网站。 挑战在于,这些用户中的大多数都没有购买就离开。

Only 30% of customers who add products to their cart actually finish the checkout. This is why we have a comprehensive guide on how to recover abandoned cart sales in WooCommerce.

将商品添加到购物车中的客户中只有30%实际完成了结帐。 这就是为什么我们有关于如何在WooCommerce中恢复废弃购物车销售的综合指南的原因。

Once a user leaves your website, it is hard to bring them back unless you find ways to stay in touch.


Adding contests and giveaways allows you to provide users a fun reason to stay a little longer. They also help you collect email addresses, user responses, and grow your social media following.

添加竞赛和赠品,可以使用户有一个有趣的理由来停留更长的时间。 它们还可以帮助您收集电子邮件地址,用户响应并增加您的社交媒体关注度。

All of this ultimately leads to more sales and increased customer loyalty.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a WooCommerce contest to grow your business.


创建WooCommerce竞赛赠品 (Creating a WooCommerce Contest Giveaway)

For this tutorial, we’ll be using a plugin called RafflePress. It is the best WooCommerce contest / giveaway plugin that allows you to easily run viral contests and giveaway campaigns on your website.

在本教程中,我们将使用一个名为RafflePress的插件。 这是最好的WooCommerce竞赛/赠品插件 ,可让您轻松地在网站上进行病毒竞赛和赠品活动。

It comes with social actions that help you amplify your reach and find new customers. It also helps you grow your email list, increase social media followers, and boost customer loyalty.

它带有社交活动,可帮助您扩大覆盖面并找到新客户。 它还可以帮助您增加电子邮件列表 ,增加社交媒体关注者并提高客户忠诚度。

Note: our team built RafflePress to help us grow our online presence. Based on user request, we released it as a plugin for anyone to use.

注意:我们的团队建立了RafflePress,以帮助我们扩大在线业务。 根据用户要求,我们将其作为插件发布,供任何人使用。

First, you need to install and activate the RafflePress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活RafflePress插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘RafflePress’ in your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin’s settings page.

激活后,该插件将在WordPress管理员侧栏中添加一个名为“ RafflePress”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

Add your license key

First, you will need to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the RafflePress website.

首先,您需要输入许可证密钥。 您可以在RafflePress网站上的帐户下找到此信息。

After entering your license key, you are now ready to create your first WooCommerce contest.


Simply visit RafflePress » Add New page to get started.


Add new WooCommerce contest giveaway

This will launch the RafflePress contest builder.


First, you need to provide a name for your new contest campaign. After that, you need to select a template to use as a starting point.

首先,您需要为新的竞赛活动提供一个名称。 之后,您需要选择一个模板作为起点。

Contest title and template

RafflePress comes with several goal-based contest templates to choose from. These templates are designed to help you get the best results for specific goals like growing your email list or social media following.

RafflePress带有几个基于目标的竞赛模板供您选择。 这些模板旨在帮助您实现特定目标的最佳结果,例如增加电子邮件列表或关注社交媒体。

You can select one that best suits your goals. If you are unsure, then start with the classic template.

您可以选择最适合自己的目标。 如果不确定,请从经典模板开始。

RafflePress will now load the template in the builder.


向您的WooCommerce竞赛添加奖品 (Add a Prize to Your WooCommerce Contest)

Let’s set a prize or incentive for your WooCommerce contest. You need to click on the pencil icon under the Giveaway Prize Details section to enter the prize title and description.

让我们为WooCommerce竞赛设置奖赏或奖励。 您需要单击“赠品奖金详细信息”部分下的铅笔图标,以输入奖金标题和描述。

Enter prize title and details

After that, don’t forget to upload prize image which will be prominently displayed with your contest.


Next, you need to choose the start and end date for your contest. We recommend leaving enough time before the start / end date to ensure that you can promote it properly.

接下来,您需要选择比赛的开始和结束日期。 我们建议在开始日期/结束日期之前留出足够的时间,以确保您可以正确地推广它。

添加用户参加比赛所需执行的操作 (Add Actions Users Need to Perform to Join The Contest)

Actions are the tasks you want website visitors to perform in order to join the contest. RafflePress comes with a number of actions designed to help you reach your intended goals.

动作是您希望网站访问者执行以参加比赛的任务。 RafflePress附带了许多旨在帮助您实现预期目标的操作。

You need to select actions that help you maximize your reach to new audiences as well as existing customers.


For example, if you run a fast fashion eCommerce store, then you would want to increase your Instagram following.


Let’s start adding actions to the contest.


Simply switch to the ‘Actions’ tab from the left menu, and you’ll see a list of actions.


Add actions to your contest

You can click on an action to add it to your contest. It will appear below the prize description section.

您可以单击一个动作将其添加到比赛中。 它将出现在奖品描述部分下方。

You can then click on the individual action to see action settings in the left column.


Action settings

Each action comes with some basic settings. You can set a title, the number of entries users will earn for completing it, allow daily entries, or make an action mandatory.

每个操作都带有一些基本设置。 您可以设置标题,用户完成标题可获得的条目数,允许每日输入或强制执行操作。

Apart from these settings, you will also see settings related to specific actions.


For instance, if you want users to visit your Instagram profile, then you will need to enter your Instagram profile URL.


You can add as many actions as you like. Adding more options gives your users more ways to participate, and helps you reach more marketing channels.

您可以添加任意数量的操作。 添加更多选项可以为您的用户提供更多参与方式,并帮助您建立更多的营销渠道。

RafflePress seamlessly integrates with all the best email marketing services, so you can use it to grow your email list.


Bonus Tip: Prioritize channels based on your campaign goals. For instance, if you wanted to grow your email list, then you need to move it up and make it mandatory.

温馨提示:根据您的广告系列目标确定渠道的优先级。 例如,如果您想增加电子邮件列表,则需要将其上移并使其具有强制性。

Prioritize actions by moving them up and down

You can simply drag and drop actions to arrange them in the order you want customers to join in.


Once you are done, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.


自定义WooCommerce竞赛设计 (Customize WooCommerce Contest Design)

Next, you would want to change the appearance of your contest widget so that it stands out.


Simply, click on the ‘Design’ section from the left column and then select a layout, font, and button color for your contest widget.


Design contest

You can also set a background color or image if you want to create landing page for your contest (more on this later in this article).


Once you are satisfied with the design click on the ‘Save’ button to save your progress.


配置比赛设置 (Configure Contest Settings)

RafflePress comes with a number of options that give you full control of your contest campaign.


Switch to the ‘Settings’ tab from the left menu and click on the ‘General’ tab. From here you can set basic options for your giveaway including the option to show winners, number of entries, limit signups per IP, and more.

从左侧菜单切换到“设置”标签,然后单击“常规”标签。 在这里,您可以设置赠品的基本选项,包括显示获奖者,条目数,每个IP的限制注册等选项。

Change giveaway settings

After that, switch to the ‘Giveaway rules’ tab. RafflePress includes a Rules Generator which allows you to easily generate contest rules for your campaign.

之后,切换到“赠与规则”标签。 RafflePress包含一个规则生成器,使您可以轻松地为广告系列生成竞赛规则。

Generate contest rules

After that, switch to the ‘Email Verification’ settings. From here you can turn on email verification, which will only accept entries from users who verify their email address.

之后,切换到“电子邮件验证”设置。 您可以从此处启用电子邮件验证,该验证仅接受来自验证其电子邮件地址的用户的条目。

Turn on email verification

Next, click on the ‘Success tracking’ option. If you want to add Google Analytics or other tracking code like Facebook pixel, then this option allows you to add those scripts.

接下来,点击“成功跟踪”选项。 如果要添加Google Analytics(分析)或其他跟踪代码(如Facebook pixel) ,则可以使用此选项添加这些脚本。

Success tracking

Next, click on the ‘Success Redirect’ tab. From here you can redirect users to any page after they successfully complete all actions. This could be a WooCommerce product page, a landing page, or simply a thank you page.

接下来,点击“成功重定向”标签。 用户成功完成所有操作后,可以从此处将用户重定向到任何页面。 这可以是WooCommerce产品页面,目标页面,也可以仅仅是“谢谢”页面。

Setup redirect

Finally, you’ll reach the social logins section. From here you can turn on social logins and allow users to join the contest by signing in with their Facebook account.

最后,您将进入“社交登录”部分。 在这里,您可以打开社交登录,并允许用户通过使用其Facebook帐户登录来参加比赛。

Social logins

Once you are done reviewing settings, don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your changes.


发布比赛并将其添加到您的WooCommerce商店 (Publish and Add Contest to Your WooCommerce Store)

Now that your contest is ready, it is time to add it to your WooCommerce store.


RafflePress makes it super easy to add your giveaway anywhere. There are three ways you can do so.

RafflePress使您可以轻松地在任何地方添加赠品。 您可以通过三种方式进行操作。

  • You use the RafflePress block to add giveaway in a blog post or a page

  • You can use shortcode to add it anywhere posts, pages, product pages, sidebar widgets

  • You can also create Giveaway landing page


Let’s check out each of these items.


1. Adding Contest Block to Blog Posts / Pages


Simply create a new post or page in WordPress or edit an existing one. On the edit screen, click on the add new block button and then select RafflePress.

只需在WordPress中创建新帖子或页面,或编辑现有帖子或页面即可。 在编辑屏幕上,单击添加新块按钮,然后选择RafflePress。

Adding RafflePress contest block

You’ll see RafflePress block appear in the editor. From here, you need to click on the drop down menu in the block settings and select the contest giveaway you created earlier.

您会看到RafflePress块出现在编辑器中。 在这里,您需要单击块设置中的下拉菜单,然后选择您之前创建的比赛赠品。

Select contest campaign

2. Add Contest Using Shortcode


Shortcodes come in handy when you want to add the contest to a product page, sidebar widget, or with a page builder plugin.


First, you need to edit the contest giveaway and then switch to the ‘Publish’ tab. From here, click on the shortcode option and copy the shortcode you see on the screen.

首先,您需要编辑竞赛赠品,然后切换到“发布”标签。 在此处,单击简码选项,然后复制您在屏幕上看到的简码。

Copy the shortcode

3. Create a Contest Page in WooCommerce


RafflePress also allows you to give your contest widget its own landing page. You can find the option under the Publish tab while editing your Contest giveaway.

RafflePress还允许您为比赛小部件提供其自己的登录页面。 编辑比赛赠品时,可以在“发布”选项卡下找到该选项。

Create landing page

You can launch the landing page settings by clicking on the link. From there you need to create a URL for your landing page. Once done, you can click on the view button to see your landing page in action.

您可以通过单击链接来启动登录页面设置。 在此处,您需要为目标网页创建一个URL。 完成后,您可以单击查看按钮以查看实际的着陆页。

Copy your contest landing page URL

RafflePress will take you to your contest landing page. You can now copy the URL and start promoting it across your marketing channels.

RafflePress将带您进入比赛的登陆页面。 现在,您可以复制URL并开始在您的营销渠道中推广它。

Contest landing page
促进您的WooCommerce竞赛 (Promoting Your WooCommerce Contest)

Now that you have created and added your WooCommerce contest, it is time to start promoting it.


We recommend adding your contest before it begins and give yourself plenty of time to build anticipation and excitement for the contest.


You can give a shout out to your email newsletter subscribers and spread the word around on your social media profiles. Reach out to influencers in your industry, friends, and family members to help you get the ball rolling.

您可以向电子邮件时事通讯订阅者大喊大叫,并在社交媒体个人资料上四处传播。 与您所在行业的影响者,朋友和家人接触,以帮助您顺利进行。

You can also promote it on relevant online communities and forums. And don’t forget to promote it across your website using a platform like OptinMonster, so that your visitors are aware of it.

您也可以在相关的在线社区和论坛上进行推广。 并且不要忘记使用OptinMonster之类的平台在您的网站上进行推广 ,以便您的访问者知道它。

选择比赛优胜者 (Choosing Contest Winners)

RafflePress will automatically start your contest on the time you selected in settings and will end it on your selected time as well.


Once the contest has ended, RafflePress can also help you pick a random winner.


Go to RafflePress » Giveaways page and click on the ‘Need Winners’ link next to your contest.


Select winners

The plugin will now ask you how many winners you want to choose. After that, it will randomly pick the winners.

插件现在将询问您要选择多少个获奖者。 之后,它将随机选择获胜者。

You can then email those users to let them know and provide the necessary information to get their prize.


We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create a WooCommerce contest and build customer loyalty. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins for your online store.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地创建WooCommerce竞赛并建立客户忠诚度。 您可能还需要查看我们为您的在线商店选择的最佳WooCommerce插件的专家。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-a-woocommerce-contest-to-boost-loyalty-and-engagement/





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