WordPress.com vs WordPress.org –哪个更好? (比较图)

Did you know that WordPress.com and WordPress.org are actually two very different platforms?


Often beginners confuse WordPress.com and WordPress.org, which leads them to choose the wrong blogging platform for their needs. Even those who know that they are two different platforms are not aware of the differences between them.

初学者通常会混淆WordPress.com和WordPress.org,这会导致他们根据自己的需求选择错误的博客平台 。 即使是那些知道他们是两个不同平台的人,也不知道它们之间的差异。

We’re often asked by our users which is the better platform: WordPress.com vs WordPress.org. To help answer that, we have created the most comprehensive comparison of free WordPress.com vs WordPress.org (self-hosted version).

用户经常问我们哪个平台更好: WordPress.com vs WordPress.org 。 为了回答这个问题,我们创建了免费WordPress.com与WordPress.org(自托管版本)的最全面比较。

Our goal is to highlight the key differences between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org, so you can choose the right platform for your needs.


Self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com

Since choosing the right platform is crucial for your online success, we have created the most detailed comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org (text comparison, table-based comparison, and a full infographic).


If you just want to start a blog or make a website the RIGHT way, then you can skip this article and head over to our guides here:


Having said that, let’s take a look at the differences between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.


WordPress.com与WordPress.org(信息图) (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org (Infographic))

Self-hosted WordPress.org vs Free WordPress.com

Note: This infographic and article compare the powerful self-hosted WordPress.org with the free WordPress.com hosting service. You can unlock additional features in WordPress.com by upgrading to their paid service. We have highlighted those features as well.

注意:此信息图和文章将功能强大的自托管WordPress.org与免费的WordPress.com托管服务进行了比较。 您可以通过升级到WordPress.com的付费服务来解锁其附加功能。 我们也强调了这些功能。

WordPress.com与WordPress.org比较 (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org Comparison)

The best way to understand the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org is to take a look at each platform individually.


WordPress.org (WordPress.org)

WordPress.org aka “the real WordPress”, is the popular website platform that you have heard all the great things about.


It is open-source and 100% free for anyone to use. All you need is a domain name and web hosting. This is why it is also referred to as self-hosted WordPress.

它是开源的,任何人都可以免费使用100%。 您只需要一个域名和虚拟主机 。 这就是为什么它也被称为自托管WordPress。

Below are the pros and cons of using the self-hosted WordPress.org to build your website or blog.


WordPress.org Benefits


With WordPress.org, you have full control of your website. You are free to do anything you want and customize it as much as you need.

使用WordPress.org,您可以完全控制自己的网站。 您可以自由地做任何想要的事情,并根据需要进行自定义。

Here are some of the benefits of choosing WordPress.org to build your website, and the reason why it is our #1 pick for the best website builder.


WordPress.org Cons


There are a very few cons of using the self-hosted WordPress.org site.


  • Like all websites, you will need web hosting. This is where your website files are stored on the internet. Initially, the cost is around $3-$10 per month. However as your website grows and gets more traffic, the web hosting costs will increase as expected, but then you would be making enough money to cover the costs.

    与所有网站一样,您将需要网络托管。 这是您的网站文件存储在Internet上的位置。 最初,费用约为每月$ 3-$ 10。 但是,随着您的网站的增长和获得更多的流量,虚拟主机的费用将按预期增加,但是您将赚到足够的钱来支付这些费用。
  • You are responsible for updates. You can easily update your WordPress site by simply clicking on the update button (1-click), so it’s not too much work.

    您负责更新。 您只需单击更新按钮(一键单击)就可以轻松地更新WordPress网站,因此无需太多工作。
  • WordPress backup plugins that let you setup automatic backups.WordPress备份插件可让您设置自动备份。

The real cost of WordPress.org website varies based on what you are trying to build (simple blog, portfolio website, eCommerce store, membership site, etc). There are also other factors like free templates vs premium templates, free plugins vs premium plugins, etc.

WordPress.org网站的实际成本根据您要构建的内容(简单的博客,产品组合网站,电子商务商店,会员网站等)而异。 还有其他因素,例如免费模板与高级模板,免费插件与高级插件等。

On a low budget, you can build your website for as little as $46 per year. See our guide on how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website for full details.

如果预算低廉,您每年只需46美元即可建立自己的网站。 有关完整的详细信息,请参阅有关构建WordPress网站实际需要多少费用的指南。

For 99% of users, our recommendation is always to use WordPress.org. See our guide on how to start a website.

对于99%的用户,我们的建议始终是使用WordPress.org。 请参阅有关如何启动网站的指南。

WordPress.com (WordPress.com)

WordPress.com is a hosting service created by the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg. Because of the same founder, often users confuse WordPress.com with the popular WordPress.org software.

WordPress.com是由WordPress的联合创始人Matt Mullenweg创建的托管服务。 由于是同一创始人,因此通常用户会将WordPress.com与流行的WordPress.org软件混淆。

The WordPress.com hosting service has 5 plans:


  • Free – Very limited.

  • Personal – $48 per year

    个人–每年$ 48
  • Premium – $96 per year

    高级–每年$ 96
  • Business – $300 per year

    商业–每年$ 300
  • Ecommerce – $540 per year

    电子商务–每年$ 540
  • VIP – starting at $5000 per month

    VIP –每月$ 5000起

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of WordPress.com.


WordPress.com Benefits


The free WordPress.com platform is a good choice for hobby bloggers and those starting a blog for their family. Here are some of the benefits of using WordPress.com:

免费的WordPress.com平台是业余博客作者和为家人创建博客的人的理想选择。 以下是使用WordPress.com的一些好处:

  • It’s free for up to 3GB of space. After that you will have to switch to a paid plan for more space. (Personal plan $48 /year gives you 6GB, Premium plan $96/year gives you 13GB storage, or Business plan for $300/year for 200 GB storage).

    它免费提供多达3GB的空间。 之后,您将不得不切换到付费计划以获得更多空间。 (个人计划$ 48 /年可提供6GB,高级计划$ 96 /年可提供13GB存储,或商业计划,$ 300 /年可提供200 GB存储)。
  • You will not have to worry about updates or backups. WordPress.com will take care of that.

    您将不必担心更新或备份。 WordPress.com将解决这一问题。

WordPress.com Cons


There are several limitations of free WordPress.com which differentiate it from WordPress.org. Here are some of the disadvantages of using WordPress.com:

免费WordPress.com几个局限性使其与WordPress.org有所区别。 以下是使用WordPress.com的一些缺点:

  • They place ads on all free websites. Your users see those ads, and you don’t make money from it. If you don’t want your users to see their ads, then you can upgrade to a paid plan (starting from $48 per year).

    他们在所有免费网站上放置广告。 您的用户看到了这些广告,而您却没有从中获利。 如果您不希望用户看到他们的广告,则可以升级到付费计划(每年48美元起)。
  • You are NOT allowed to sell ads on your website, which severely limits ways to monetize your site. If you run a high traffic site, then you can apply for their advertising program called WordAds where you share revenue with them. Premium and Business plan users can use WordAds right away.

    您不得在网站上出售广告,这严重限制了网站获利的方式。 如果您经营一个人流量大的网站,则可以申请名为WordAds的广告计划,与他们分享收益。 高级和商业计划用户可以立即使用WordAd。
  • You cannot upload plugins. Free plan users get built-in Jetpack features pre-activated. Business plan users can install from a selection of compatible plugins ($300 / year). WordPress.com VIP program lets you install plugins, and it starts from $5000 per month.

    您无法上传插件。 免费计划用户可以预先激活内置的Jetpack功能。 商业计划用户可以从一系列兼容的插件中进行安装(每年300美元)。 WordPress.com VIP程序可让您安装插件,每月起价为5000美元。
  • You cannot upload custom themes. Free plan users can only install from the limited free themes collection. Premium and business plan users can also select premium themes. There are limited customization options for the free version. Premium and Business plan users can use custom CSS.

    您无法上传自定义主题。 免费计划用户只能从有限的免费主题集合中进行安装。 高级和业务计划用户还可以选择高级主题。 免费版的自定义选项有限。 高级和商业计划用户可以使用自定义CSS。
  • You are restricted to their stats. You cannot add Google Analytics or install any other powerful tracking platform. Business plan users can install Google Analytics.

    您只能查看其统计信息。 您无法添加Google Analytics(分析)或安装任何其他强大的跟踪平台。 业务计划用户可以安装Google Analytics(分析)。
  • custom domain name (e.g https://www.yourwebsite.com). 自定义域名 (例如https://www.yourwebsite.com)。
  • They can delete your site at any time if they think that it violates their terms of service.

  • Your site will display a powered by WordPress.com link. It can be removed by upgrading to the Business plan.

    您的网站将显示由WordPress.com提供支持的链接。 可以通过升级到业务计划将其删除。
  • WordPress.com does not offer any eCommerce features or integrated payment gateways unless you switch to the eCommerce plan.

  • You cannot build membership websites with WordPress.com.


As you can see, the WordPress.com hosting platform is quite limited when you’re on the free, personal, or even premium plan. To unlock some of the more advanced features, you have to be on the Business plan ($300 per year) or on the VIP plan ($5000 per month).

如您所见,当您采用免费,个人甚至高级计划时, WordPress.com托管平台非常有限。 要解锁某些更高级的功能,您必须使用商业计划(每年300美元)或VIP计划(每月5000美元)。

WordPress.com与WordPress.org(常见问题解答) (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org (FAQs))

Since this is a popular topic, and WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners, we get tons of questions regarding WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.


We have done our best to answer the most frequently asked questions below:


WordPress.com vs WordPress.org –哪个更好? (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – Which is Better?)

If you are a personal blogger, and you don’t care about making money from your website, then go with the free WordPress.com.


If you are a business or a blogger that wants to make money from your site, then we recommend using the self-hosted WordPress.org. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to grow your website the way you want.

如果您是想要从您的网站上赚钱的企业或博客作者,那么我们建议您使用自托管的WordPress.org 。 它为您提供了自由发展的自由和灵活性,使您可以按照自己的方式发展自己的网站。

While you can get several advanced features with the WordPress.com Business plan ($300 / year for each website), you can make that money go much further on a self-hosted WordPress site which costs $46 per year.

虽然您可以使用WordPress.com商业计划获得多个高级功能(每个网站每年$ 300),但您可以在自托管WordPress网站(每年费用为$ 46)上赚到更多。

In our expert opinion, WordPress.org is hands down the better platform. That’s the platform that every professional blogger, small business owner, and even big name brands like Disney uses.

我们认为,WordPress.org是更好的平台。 这是每个专业博客,小型企业所有者甚至迪士尼等知名品牌都使用的平台。

我可以通过免费的WordPress.com网站获利吗? (Can I Monetize Free WordPress.com Website?)

WordPress.com does not allow you to run ads on free WordPress.com websites. If you run a high traffic website, then you can join their own WordAds program and share your ad revenue with WordPress.com.

WordPress.com不允许您在免费的WordPress.com网站上投放广告。 如果您经营一个高流量的网站,则可以加入他们自己的WordAds计划,并与WordPress.com分享广告收入。

You can put some affiliate links on your website, but that’s about it.


Basically, you have very limited options to monetize content on your WordPress.com website.


WordPress.com vs WordPress.org –哪个电子商务更好? (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – Which one is better for Ecommerce?)

WordPress.org offers the easiest way to build an eCommerce website. You can use WooCommerce to build your store or choose from many other WordPress eCommerce, membership, and LMS plugins.

WordPress.org提供了构建电子商务网站的最简单方法。 您可以使用WooCommerce建立您的商店,也可以从许多其他WordPress电子商务,成员资格和LMS插件中进行选择。

WordPress.com also offers an eCommerce plan starting at $540 per year which is a hefty amount if you are just getting started. It is still limited in terms of features and you’ll have to follow WordPress.com’s terms of services for your eCommerce store.

WordPress.com还提供了一个电子商务计划,起价为每年540美元,如果您刚刚开始,这笔费用不菲。 它在功能方面仍然受到限制,您必须遵循WordPress.com为您的电子商务商店提供的服务条款。

See our guide on how to start an online store without a high budget.

请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何在预算不高的情况下开设在线商店

如何启动WordPress.org网站? (How do I start a WordPress.org Website?)

To start a self-hosted WordPress website, you need a domain name and WordPress hosting.


A domain name is your website’s address on the internet such as google.com, wpbeginner.com, etc. Web hosting is where your website files are stored on the internet.


We recommend using Bluehost for hosting your website because they are one of the largest web hosting companies in the world. They’re also an official WordPress.org recommended hosting provider. Last but not least, they’re offering our users a free domain + 60% off on hosting.

我们建议使用Bluehost托管您的网站,因为它们是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一。 他们还是WordPress.org官方推荐的托管服务提供商。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,他们为我们的用户提供了免费域名+托管可享受60%的折扣。

For step by step instructions, you can checkout our free guide on how to make a website.


If you need help, WPBeginner team can even install WordPress and build your website for free. Learn more about how our free WordPress blog setup works.

如果您需要帮助,WPBeginner团队甚至可以免费安装WordPress并构建您的网站。 详细了解我们的免费WordPress博客设置的工作原理。

我可以从WordPress.com迁移到WordPress.org吗? (Can I move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org?)

Often new users who don’t know the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org end up starting with the free WordPress.com service. Once they see the limitations of the platform, they want to switch to “the Real WordPress” aka WordPress.org.

通常,不了解WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间区别的新用户最终都从免费的WordPress.com服务开始。 一旦他们看到了平台的局限性,就想切换到“ Real WordPress”(又名WordPress.org)。

Yes, you can definitely switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org and fairly easily move all of your content.


We have created a step by step guide on how to move your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, or you can take advantage of our free blog setup service, and we will transfer your blog for free.

我们已创建了有关如何将您的博客从WordPress.com移至WordPress.org的分步指南,或者您可以利用我们的免费博客设置服务 ,我们将免费转移您的博客。

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org –摘要 (WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – Summary)

The best way to think about the differences between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org is the analogy of renting a house vs. owning a house.


WordPress.com is similar to renting a house. You have limited power and control over what you can and cannot do.

WordPress.com类似于租房。 您的能力有限,无法控制自己可以做什么和不能做什么。

WordPress.org is like owning a house. Where you have full control, no one can kick you out, and you can do anything that you want.

WordPress.org就像拥有一所房子。 在您完全控制的地方,没有人可以将您踢出局,您可以做任何您想做的事。

Below is the summary of everything we discussed above in our self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com comparison:


 WP.org (Platform)WP.com (Free)WP.com (Premium)WP.com (Business)
Cost$46 - $100 / yearFree$96 / year$300/ year
Custom DomainYesNoYesYes
Hosting StorageUnlimited3 GB13 GB200 GB
Monetization FreedomYesNoYes (with rev/share)Yes (with rev / share)
Branding FreedomYesNoNoYes
All SEO FeaturesYesNoNoYes
Powerful AnalyticsYesNoNoYes
Full Theme SupportYesNoLimitedYes
Full Plugin SupportYesNoNoYes
Ecommerce StoreYesNoNoNo
Membership SiteYesNoNoNo
Full ControlYesNoNoNo
WP.org(平台) WP.com(免费) WP.com(高级版) WP.com(业务)
成本 $ 46-$ 100 /年 自由 $ 96 /年 $ 300 /年
自定义域 没有
托管存储 无限 3 GB 13 GB 200 GB
货币化自由 没有 是(与转速/份额) 是(带转速/份额)
品牌自由 没有 没有
所有SEO功能 没有 没有
强大的分析 没有 没有
完整主题支持 没有 有限
全面的插件支持 没有 没有
电子商务商店 没有 没有 没有
会员网站 没有 没有 没有
保养 没有 没有 没有
完全控制 没有 没有 没有
最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

The confusion created by similar domains: WordPress.com vs WordPress.org is quite unfortunate for beginners. There is a lot of history behind the decisions, and you can read more about that in our article how WordPress.com and WordPress.org are related.

相似领域(WordPress.com与WordPress.org)造成的混乱对于初学者来说是非常不幸的。 决策背后有很多历史,您可以在我们的文章中阅读更多有关WordPress.com和WordPress.org的关系的信息

Our hope is that you found this article helpful in understanding the differences between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.


We wish you all the best with your website and hope that you chose the right platform: WordPress.org.


If so, you may want to follow our guide on how to learn WordPress in 7 days or less. You may also want to see our guide on how to increase your blog traffic (with 27 proven tips).

如果是这样,您可能需要按照7天或更短的时间内学习WordPress的指南。 您可能还希望查看有关如何增加博客流量的指南(包含27个已证明的技巧)

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/

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