
At WPBeginner, one of the most commonly asked question by our users is whether they should use self hosted WordPress or get a Free WordPress.com blog. We have covered this topic in detail and have discussed pros and cons of both options. However it seems that we usually get a follow up question along the line of how are WordPress.com and WordPress.org related? Which one is the official WordPress that everyone is talking about? What is this WordPress foundation? If you ever had these questions, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will explain what is the relationship between self-hosted WordPress (aka WordPress.org) and WordPress.com. Hopefully this will clear any confusion that users have in mind.

在WPBeginner,我们用户最常提出的问题之一是他们应该使用自托管的WordPress还是获得免费的WordPress.com博客 。 我们已经详细介绍了该主题,并讨论了这两种选择的利弊。 但是,似乎我们通常会沿用WordPress.com和WordPress.org之间的相关性来跟踪问题。 每个人都在谈论哪个官方WordPress? 这个WordPress基础是什么? 如果您有这些问题,那么您来对地方了。 在本文中,我们将解释自托管WordPress(又名WordPress.org)和WordPress.com之间的关系。 希望这可以消除用户的任何困惑。

什么是自托管WordPress(WordPress.org)? (What is Self-Hosted WordPress (WordPress.org)?)

WordPress.org is home to the most popular Content Management System (CMS), WordPress. Founded by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little in 2003, WordPress was initially a fork of another blogging software called b2 cafelog. WordPress was started as a blogging platform however it has evolved into a powerful publishing platform that goes far beyond simple blogging. WordPress is an open source software which means any one can contribute to it, use it, copy it, build upon it and redistribute it without any restrictions. Over the years WordPress grew, became popular, and today it is the most commonly used publishing platform to build websites throughout the world. When you hear folks talking about WordPress at conferences, meetup groups, blogs, youtube videos, and other places, then they are most likely talking about the self-hosted WordPress. If you are thinking about creating a website or blog for your company, and you want to use all the cool plugins that you hear about, then you need to use the self-hosted WordPress. Plugins are NOT allowed on WordPress.com.

WordPress.org是最受欢迎的内容管理系统(CMS)的所在地。 WordPress由Matt Mullenweg和Mike Little于2003年创立,最初是另一个名为b2 cafelog的博客软件的分支。 WordPress最初是作为博客平台开始的,但是它已经发展成为一个功能强大的发布平台,远远超出了简单博客的范围。 WordPress是一种开源软件,这意味着任何人都可以对其进行贡献,使用,复制,构建并重新分发而没有任何限制。 多年以来,WordPress不断发展,流行,如今,它已成为全球建立网站的最常用发布平台。 当您在会议,聚会小组,博客,youtube视频和其他地方听到人们谈论WordPress时,那么他们很可能在谈论自托管的WordPress。 如果您正在考虑为公司创建一个网站或博客,并且想要使用所听到的所有很酷的插件 ,那么您需要使用自托管的WordPress。 不允许在WordPress.com上使用插件。

Self-hosted WordPress is free for everyone to use in any way they like. Read: Why is WordPress free? What are the costs? What is the catch?

自托管的WordPress是免费的,每个人都可以随意使用。 阅读: 为什么WordPress免费? 费用是多少? 有什么收获?

什么是WordPress.com? (What is WordPress.com?)

WordPress.com is a proprietary blog hosting solution with limitations. Despite the same name, WordPress.com and WordPress.org are NOT directly related. WordPress.com does use the open-source WordPress platform at its core to power all the blogs they host, but they have restrictions such as you cannot upload plugins, custom themes, etc until you pay high premiums. Many users use WordPress.com to get started, and then migrate over when they realize they want more features, functionality and control. Here is a guide on how to move your blog from WordPress.com to self hosted WordPress.org.

WordPress.com是专有的博客托管解决方案,但有局限性 。 尽管名称相同,但WordPress.com和WordPress.org 并不直接相关 。 WordPress.com确实使用开放源代码WordPress平台作为其托管的所有博客的动力,但是它们有一些限制,例如您必须支付高额费用才能上传插件,自定义主题等。 许多用户使用WordPress.com入门,然后在意识到需要更多功能,更多功能和控制权时进行迁移。 这是有关如何将博客从WordPress.com移至自托管WordPress.org的指南

WordPress.com is owned by a company called Automattic which was founded by Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress).

WordPress.com由一家名为Automattic的公司所有,该公司由WordPress的联合创始人Matt Mullenweg创立。

WordPress.com和WordPress.org有什么关系? (How are WordPress.com and WordPress.org Related?)

They are NOT related. The reason why people confuse the two together is because they both have the name WordPress, which is actually a registered trademark owned by the WordPress Foundation. Another reason for the confusion is that Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress) is the founder of Automattic which owns the blog hosting service, WordPress.com. Lastly, a lot of the Automattic employees are regular contributors of WordPress.org. Despite these common grounds, the two projects are totally different entities.

他们没有关系 。 人们将两者混淆的原因是因为它们都具有WordPress名称,实际上是WordPress基金会拥有的注册商标。 造成混淆的另一个原因是,Matt Mullenweg(WordPress的联合创始人)是Automattic的创始人,该公司拥有博客托管服务WordPress.com。 最后,许多Automattic员工都是WordPress.org的定期撰稿人。 尽管有这些共同点,但这两个项目是完全不同的实体。

WordPress.org (aka self-hosted WordPress) is home to the highly extensible and powerful content management system. On the other, hand WordPress.com is a service built upon the open source WordPress at its core. WordPress.com does not offer you the freedom to modify your source code, or upload your own plugins, or extend the features.

WordPress.org(又名自托管WordPress)是高度可扩展且功能强大的内容管理系统的所在地。 另一方面,WordPress.com是一项以开源WordPress为核心的服务。 WordPress.com不允许您自由修改源代码,上传自己的插件或扩展功能。

Update March 26, 2013: If you use Jetpack plugin, or WordPress.com Stats plugin, then you are required to connect your self-hosted WordPress site to WordPress.com in order to use their services. By doing this, you do end up giving WordPress.com access to some of your data such as stats (if you are using the stats plugin).

2013年3月26日更新:如果您使用Jetpack插件或WordPress.com Stats插件,则需要将自托管的WordPress网站连接到WordPress.com才能使用其服务。 这样,您最终将为WordPress.com提供访问某些数据(如统计信息)的权限(如果您使用的是统计插件)。

这是什么WordPress Foundation? (What is this WordPress Foundation?)

WordPress is a registered trademark owned by WordPress Foundation which is a non-profit organization. The foundation’s goal is to make sure that WordPress is freely available, maintained, and developed. In their own words:

WordPress是非营利组织WordPress Foundation拥有的注册商标。 该基金会的目标是确保WordPress免费可用,维护和开发。 用他们自己的话说:

The point of the foundation is to ensure free access, in perpetuity, to the software projects we support. People and businesses may come and go, so it is important to ensure that the source code for these projects will survive beyond the current contributor base, that we may create a stable platform for web publishing for generations to come. As part of this mission, the Foundation will be responsible for protecting the WordPress, WordCamp, and related trademarks. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the WordPress Foundation will also pursue a charter to educate the public about WordPress and related open source software.

基础的重点是确保永久免费访问我们支持的软件项目。 人们和企业可能会来来去去,因此,重要的是确保这些项目的源代码能够在现有的贡献者基础之外继续生存,以便我们为后代创建一个稳定的网络发布平台。 作为此任务的一部分,基金会将负责保护WordPress,WordCamp和相关商标。 WordPress基金会是501(c)3非营利组织,还将奉行宪章,对公众进行有关WordPress及其相关开源软件的教育。

It is important that we mention that WordPress foundation is registered by Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress). The current person in charge of dealing with WordCamps and other WordPress foundation duties is an Automattic employee.

重要的是我们要提到WordPress基金会是由Matt的联合创始人Matt Mullenweg注册的。 当前负责处理WordCamps和其他WordPress基础职责的人员是Automattic员工。

为什么会有这么多混乱? (Why is there so much confusion?)

For one, people often associate .com sites to be official. Whereas in this case, WordPress.org is the official WordPress platform. Another reason for confusion is when you attend conferences like Blogworld or SXSW, then you notice one WordPress booth that has Automattic on one side, and WordPress foundation on the other.

首先,人们经常将.com网站关联为官方网站。 在这种情况下,WordPress.org是官方的WordPress平台。 造成混乱的另一个原因是,当您参加Blogworld或SXSW之类的会议时,您会注意到一个WordPress展台一侧具有Automattic,另一侧具有WordPress基础。

WordPress Booth Blogworld

SXSW WordPress Booth

Having a booth like that make users think that Automattic, WordPress, and WordPress foundation are all connected entities. This causes a lot of confusion for new users.

拥有这样的展位会让用户认为Automattic,WordPress和WordPress基础都是相互连接的实体。 这给新用户带来了很多困惑。

那么什么适合您呢? (So What’s Right For You?)

We always recommend our users to use WordPress.org aka self-hosted WordPress. It is very easy to install WordPress, and you have full control over your site. You can add plugins, custom themes, monetize your site, create your own membership site, and/or use one of our WordPress tutorials to extend the functionality without any restrictions.

我们始终建议用户使用WordPress.org(也称为自托管WordPress)。 安装WordPress非常容易,您可以完全控制自己的网站。 您可以添加插件,自定义主题,通过您的网站获利,创建自己的会员网站和/或使用我们的WordPress教程之一来扩展功能,而没有任何限制。

Since there are so many other people familiar with WordPress, it is very easy to get WordPress support granted that you ask the right questions. Read our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support.

由于有很多其他人熟悉WordPress,因此很容易获得WordPress支持,只要您提出正确的问题即可。 阅读有关如何正确寻求WordPress支持的指南

We hope that this article helped you understand the relationship between WordPress.org and WordPress.com, and cleared all confusions. If you have something to add or thoughts on this topic, then we encourage you to comment below.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress.org和WordPress.com之间的关系,并消除所有混淆。 如果您对此主题有任何补充或想法,建议您在下面进行评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-are-wordpress-com-and-wordpress-org-related/





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