

Are you seeing ‘Your connection is not private’ error on your WordPress website? This is the error message you’ll see on Google Chrome.

您是否在WordPress网站上看到“您的连接不是私人的”错误? 这是您会在Google Chrome浏览器上看到的错误消息。

The same error will be displayed on all modern browsers with slightly different messages, and it can be a bit confusing for beginners to troubleshoot.


In this site owner’s guide, we’ll show you how to easily fix ‘Your connection is not private’ error on your website. We’ll also talk about why this error appears, and how you can avoid it in the future.

在此网站所有者指南中,我们将向您展示如何轻松修复网站上的“您的连接不是私人的”错误。 我们还将讨论为什么会出现此错误,以及将来如何避免该错误。

Fixing your connection is not private error in WordPress
什么是“您的连接不是私人的”错误? (What is ‘Your Connection is Not Private’ Error?)

‘Your connection is not private’ error appears on websites using the SSL / HTTPs protocol when your browser is unable to validate the SSL certificate issued by the website.

当您的浏览器无法验证网站发布的SSL证书时, 使用SSL / HTTPs协议的网站上会出现“您的连接不是私人的”错误。

Basically, any website using SSL / HTTPs protocol sends a security certificate information to users browsers upon each visit. Browsers then try to validate the certificate using the public key accompanying the certificate.

基本上,任何使用SSL / HTTPs协议的网站在每次访问时都会向用户浏览器发送安全证书信息。 然后,浏览器尝试使用证书随附的公共密钥来验证证书。

If it checks out, then users browser encrypts the data using the private key sent by your website. This encryption secures the data transfer between a user’s browser and your website.

如果签出,则用户浏览器将使用您的网站发送的私钥对数据加密。 这种加密可确保用户浏览器和您的网站之间的数据传输安全。

How SSL works to protect data transfer

However, if the browser is unable to validate the certificate, then it cannot transfer the data securely and displays the error that your connection to the website is not private.


This is a common SSL error and appears on all modern browsers with slightly different error messages.

这是一个常见的SSL错误 ,出现在所有现代浏览器中,错误消息略有不同。

Google Chrome


Google Chrome will show this error as ‘Your connection is not private’.

Google Chrome将显示此错误,因为“您的连接不是私有的”。

Your connection is not private error in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


Firefox would show this error as ‘Your connection is not secure’.


Connection not secure error in Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge


Microsoft Edge browser displays it with the ‘Your connection isn’t private’ or ‘This site isn’t secure’ error message.

Microsoft Edge浏览器会显示“您的连接不是私有的”或“此网站不安全”的错误消息。

This site is not secure - Microsoft Edge

Safari, Brave, and other browsers will display similar messages.


为什么会出现此错误信息? (Why This Error Message Occurs?)

Now you may be wondering, what caused ‘Your connection is not private’ error to appear on your website. This error is peculiar because in many cases it may show up without you making any changes to your website.

现在您可能想知道,是什么导致“您的连接不是私人的”错误出现在您的网站上。 此错误是特殊的,因为在许多情况下,如果您不对网站进行任何更改,则可能会显示该错误。

It can be caused by several reasons. For instance, if a user’s computer clock is out of sync, then it may show the certificate as expired.

原因可能有多种。 例如,如果用户的计算机时钟不同步,则它可能显示证书已过期。

Another scenario is that a certificate previously issued by your website is stored in user’s browser. The private key sent by your website does not match the old certificate and the browser fails to validate the secure connection.

另一种情况是,以前由您的网站颁发的证书存储在用户的浏览器中。 您的网站发送的私钥与旧证书不匹配,并且浏览器无法验证安全连接。

Last but not least, the most obvious reason you’d see this error is if the SSL certificate on the website has expired.


The following are the steps you can take to fix the ‘Your connection is not private’ error. You can also try these steps even when the error is appearing on other websites as well.

以下是解决“您的连接不是私人”错误时可以采取的步骤。 即使错误也出现在其他网站上,您也可以尝试这些步骤。

1.强制重新加载页面 (1. Force Reload a Page)

Reload a page

The first step is to try turning it on and off method. Start by simply shutting down the browser app and then reopening it.

第一步是尝试打开和关闭方法。 首先简单地关闭浏览器应用程序,然后重新打开它。

After that, try to visit the website. If you can still see the error then try force reloading the page. Use Command + R keyboard shortcut on Mac or CTRL + Reload button on Windows.

之后,请尝试访问该网站。 如果仍然可以看到错误,请尝试强制重新加载页面。 在Mac上使用Command + R键盘快捷键,在Windows上使用CTRL + Reload按钮。

This will force the browser to ignore the cached version of the page and load the latest version.


2.用多个浏览器检查 (2. Check with Multiple Browsers)

Test in multiple browsers

If you are only checking it with one browser on the same machine, then try visiting the website using any other browser app.


This step will eliminate the possibility that the issue is limited to a specific browser. If it is, then reinstalling that browser would fix the issue.

此步骤将消除问题仅限于特定浏览器的可能性。 如果是这样,那么重新安装该浏览器将解决此问题。

Otherwise, you can move on to try the next steps in this guide.


3.清除浏览器缓存 (3. Clear Your Browser Cache)

Clear your browser cache

You may have heard this as the first advice for many internet and website-related issues. It is true in this case too. Your browser may be loading files from an older version of your website which may be triggering the issue.

您可能已经听说过,这是许多与Internet和网站相关的问题的第一条建议。 在这种情况下也是如此。 您的浏览器可能正在从旧版本的网站加载文件,这可能会触发问题。

We have a complete guide on how to clear browser cache for all major browsers with step by step instructions.


Once you have cleared the cache, try visiting the website again to see if the issue has resolved. If it hasn’t, then continue reading.

清除缓存后,请尝试再次访问该网站以查看问题是否已解决。 如果还没有,请继续阅读。

4.检查您的计算机时钟 (4. Check Your Computer’s Clock)

Normally, your computer syncs its date and time settings automatically. However, if your computer has incorrect date/time settings, then this may cause your browser to think that a website’s SSL certificate is invalid.

通常,您的计算机会自动同步其日期和时间设置。 但是,如果您的计算机的日期/时间设置不正确,则可能导致您的浏览器认为网站的SSL证书无效。

Sync Date / Time on Windows Computers


If you are using a Windows computer, then simply right click on the taskbar and select ‘Adjust Date and Time settings’.


Adjust date and time in Windows

This will open date and time section in the Windows Settings app. Make sure that your computer’s date and time is correct and ‘Set time automatically’ option is checked.

这将在Windows设置应用程序中打开日期和时间部分。 确保计算机的日期和时间正确,并且选中了“自动设置时间”选项。

Date and time settings are turned on to automatically sync

Sync Date / Time on Mac Computers


If you are using a Mac computer, then open the ‘Settings’ app and click on the ‘Date & Time’ icon.


Date and time settings in Mac

Next, switch to the Date & Time tab and make sure that the option next to the ‘Set date and time automatically’ option is checked. If it is not checked, then click on the padlock icon at the bottom left corner of the window to enable this option.

接下来,切换到“日期和时间”选项卡,并确保选中“自动设置日期和时间”选项旁边的选项。 如果未选中,则单击窗口左下角的挂锁图标以启用此选项。

Sync date and time and settings in Mac
5.关闭防病毒和VPN应用 (5. Turn off Antivirus and VPN Apps)

If you are using any antivirus programs on your computer or a VPN service, then you may want to temporarily turn them off.

如果您正在计算机上使用任何防病毒程序或VPN服务 ,则可能需要暂时将其关闭。

This would allow you to verify that these apps are not blocking the SSL certificate and forcing your browser to show the ‘Your connection is not private’ error.


If you discover that one of these apps was causing the problem, then you can reach out to their support team for help.


6.检查您的SSL证书到期 (6. Check Your SSL Certificate Expiration)

Another common reason for this error is expired SSL certificates. These certificates are issued for a specific period and expire when they reach the end of that period.

此错误的另一个常见原因是SSL证书过期。 这些证书在特定期间内颁发,并在该期限结束时过期。

You can check your certificate’s expiration date by clicking on the padlock icon next to your website and selecting the certificate option.


Checking a website's SSL certificate details

This will bring up your SSL certificate details. You can clearly see certificate expiration date in the window.

这将显示您的SSL证书详细信息。 您可以在窗口中清楚地看到证书的到期日期。

SSL expiry date

Most domain registrars and SSL certificate providers will automatically notify you when your SSL certificate needs to be renewed.


If you are using a free SSL certificate, then most WordPress hosting companies have scripts in place that automatically renew them upon expiration.

如果您使用的是免费的SSL证书 ,那么大多数WordPress托管公司都拥有适当的脚本,这些脚本会在到期后自动续订。

However, those mechanisms may fail and your SSL certificate may expire. Don’t worry, you can easily fix that by simply replacing your SSL certificate.

但是,这些机制可能会失败,并且您的SSL证书可能会过期。 不用担心,您只需替换SSL证书即可轻松解决此问题。

Instructions to do that may vary depending on your certificate provider and hosting company. In fact, many hosting companies will update it for you upon request.

有关说明,具体取决于您的证书提供商和托管公司。 实际上,许多托管公司都会根据要求为您更新它。

7.测试您的SSL服务器 (7. Test Your SSL Server)

SSL test tool

If you have been setting up your SSL certificate manually by yourself, then you may want to make sure that all configuration settings are working properly.


To do that you can run an SSL server test. This test allows you to check the complete SSL set up of your website.

为此,您可以运行SSL服务器测试 。 通过此测试,您可以检查网站的完整SSL设置。

This includes TLS protocol, cross-browser testing, and SSL/HTTPs set up checks. The scanner will also provide you detailed information about each test.

这包括TLS协议, 跨浏览器测试和SSL / HTTPs设置检查。 扫描仪还将为您提供有关每个测试的详细信息。

8.检查证书域名 (8. Check Certificate Domain Name)

You can set up your SSL certificate to work for different variations of a domain name. For example, www and non-www URLs.

您可以设置SSL证书以适用于域名的不同变体。 例如,www和非www URL。

If your certificate is only set up for one variation of your domain name, and you access the website using another variation, then this would result in ‘Your connection is not private’ error. Google Chrome will show the error code as SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN.

如果您的证书仅针对域名的一种变体设置,而您使用另一种变体来访问网站,则将导致“您的连接不是私人的”错误。 Google Chrome浏览器将错误代码显示为SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN

This error could also appear if you have recently moved your website to a new domain name or server.


One easy solution is to issue a free SSL certificate for both variations of your domain name. You can request your hosting provider to do that for you.

一个简单的解决方案是为您的两种域名发行免费的SSL证书。 您可以要求您的托管服务提供商为您执行此操作。

Another solution is to redirect your website visitors to the correct variation of your domain name. See our article, on how to set up redirects in WordPress for more details.

另一个解决方案是将您的网站访问者重定向到您的域名的正确变体。 请参阅我们的文章,有关如何在WordPress中设置重定向的更多信息。

We hope this article helped you learn how to fix ‘Your connection is not private’ error in WordPress. You may also want to bookmark our guide on fixing the most common WordPress errors.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何解决WordPress中的“您的连接不是私人的”错误。 您可能还需要为我们的指南添加书签,以解决最常见的WordPress错误

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-fix-your-connection-is-not-private-error-site-owners-guide/


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