WordPress 3.3的新功能(功能,屏幕截图和实时演示)

As always, we are back to give you the update on the new WordPress 3.3 release. Not too long ago we talked about what might be coming in WordPress 3.3 but now, after the feature freeze and the beta version, we can show you what is actually going to be there. So lets jump in and check out some of the new features that are coming in WordPress 3.3!

与往常一样,我们将为您提供有关新WordPress 3.3版本的更新。 不久之前,我们讨论了WordPress 3.3中可能会出现的情况,但是现在,在冻结功能和beta版本之后,我们可以向您展示实际存在的内容。 因此,让我们跳入并检查WordPress 3.3中的一些新功能!

O for those of you who are curious, the expected release date is November 29th, 2011. So to keep it safe, we should have WordPress 3.3 before Christmas


O对于那些好奇的人,预期的发布日期是2011年11月29日。因此,为了确保安全,我们应该在圣诞节前安装WordPress 3.3

弹出菜单 (Flyout Menus)

It used to be that flyout menus would only appear when the menu was collapsed, but this has been changed in the new release. Now you get flyouts even in the full menu which is sure to save you an extra mouse click.

过去,弹出菜单仅在折叠菜单时才会出现,但是在新版本中已对此进行了更改。 现在,即使在完整菜单中,您也可以弹出按钮,这一定会节省您的额外鼠标单击时间。

Flyout Menus

Some folks in the community did not like this feature. While talking with @Otto42 at WordCamp Louisville, we too saw some of the issues people can have with this menu. For majority of the folks, this is a great feature. But there are some of us who have a lot of items in one tab (for example our settings tab). We have a lot of custom plugins that are under there. So our flyout menu takes up the whole screen height in that sense. If you are one of those folks who like the ability to vertically expand and collapse menu items, then thanks to Aaron D. Campbell you can do it with his plugin called Expanded Admin Menus (Your browser must support JavaScript, which most do anyways).

社区中的某些人不喜欢此功能。 在WordCamp Louisville与@ Otto42交谈时,我们也看到了人们使用此菜单可能遇到的一些问题。 对于大多数人来说,这是一个很大的功能。 但是我们当中有些人在一个选项卡(例如我们的设置选项卡)中有很多项目。 我们下面有很多自定义插件。 因此,从这个意义上讲,我们的弹出菜单占据了整个屏幕的高度。 如果您是喜欢垂直扩展和折叠菜单项的人员之一,那么多亏了Aaron D. Campbell,您可以使用他的名为Expanded Admin Menus的插件来做到这一点(您的浏览器必须支持JavaScript,而大多数情况下都支持JavaScript)。

修改管理栏 (Admin Bar Revamped)

The new admin bar is also much more responsive and easier to use. It features dropdown menus that respond onhover, once again saving valuable clicks. The menu has also been rearranged making it a lot easier to find what you are looking for. Several things have been added as well, the most obvious of which is the WordPress icon on the left side of the bar. This icon drops down a menu with many useful links including the Codex and Support Forums.

新的管理栏也更加灵敏,更易于使用。 它具有可响应悬停的下拉菜单,再次节省了宝贵的点击次数。 菜单也进行了重新排列,使查找所需内容变得更加容易。 还添加了几件事,其中最明显的是该栏左侧的WordPress图标。 此图标下拉菜单,其中包含许多有用的链接,包括食典和支持论坛。

Admin Bar

Previously, you could disable the admin bar while reviewing the dashboard by simply unchecking a box in your user’s profile area. In WordPress 3.3, that option is removed for the good. The core team decided to reduce the vertical space and increase functionality by combining the Howdy area and admin bar together. Quite frankly, we love this new admin bar design. It is simple and elegant.

以前,您可以在查看仪表板时禁用管理栏 ,只需取消选中用户个人资料区域中的复选框即可。 在WordPress 3.3中,该选项已永久删除。 核心团队决定通过将Howdy区域和管理栏组合在一起来减少垂直空间并增加功能。 坦率地说,我们喜欢这种新的管理栏设计。 简单而优雅。

更高效的媒体上传器 (More Efficient Media Uploader)

One of the coolest features that is coming in WordPress 3.3 is the new drag and drop media uploader. The WordPress team has made it incredibly easy to drag files from your desktop and just drop them in the installer. Not only this but they also took all the “add media” buttons and combined them into one to make the interface a lot more simple and clean. The new uploader also has support for HTML5 and Silverlight.

WordPress 3.3中最酷的功能之一是新的拖放式媒体上传器。 WordPress团队使将文件从桌面拖放到安装程序中变得异常容易。 不仅如此,他们还使用了所有“添加媒体”按钮,并将它们组合为一个按钮,使界面更加简洁明了。 新的上传器还支持HTML5和Silverlight。

新功能提示又名指针 (New Feature Tooltips aka Pointers)

Whenever there is a new feature added in WordPress 3.3 tooltips will notify users of the addition. This should be a welcome addition especially for those of you whose clients are not very WordPress inclined.

每当WordPress 3.3工具提示中添加了新功能时,都会向用户通知该添加。 这应该是一个值得欢迎的补充,特别是对于那些不非常倾向于WordPress的客户。

Admin Tooltips

We have already seen plugin developers using these pointers to their advantage. Yoast recently came out with a newer version of his plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast. You can see how he is leveraging these pointers to guide the users throughout his plugin:

我们已经看到插件开发人员使用这些指针来发挥其优势。 Yoast最近推出了Yoast的WordPress SEO插件的新版本。 您可以看到他如何利用这些指针来指导用户使用他的插件:

Yoast WordPress SEO Pointers
响应式管理面板 (Responsive Admin Panel)

Although a lot of the responsiveness has been left to WordPress 3.4 it is obvious that steps have been made toward making this release responsive. Its worth playing around with but essentially the widgets are resized and the admin panel adjusts whenever you decrease your browser window size (or screen size).

尽管WordPress 3.4保留了许多响应能力,但显然已采取措施使此版本具有响应能力。 它值得一试,但实质上是调整窗口小部件的大小,并且每当减小浏览器窗口大小(或屏幕大小)时,管理面板都会进行调整。

固定链接和性能问题 (Permalink and Performance Issue)

So you have seen sites all across the web referencing to SEO Friendly URL structure in WordPress. Mostly those articles either refer to simple %postname% or /%category%/%postname%/. The fact is that up until 3.2.1, these permalink rules could cause serious performance issues if your site has A LOT of pages. Heck this forced @chriscoyier to change his site’s entire permalink structure. Andrew Nacin (@nacin) brought up the point that a lot of users are using these permalink structure, so we should figure out the issue and fix it for good. And lo’ and behold this is FIXED! In WordPress 3.3, the core team decided to add Post name as one of the suggested permalink option.

因此,您已经看到遍布Web的站点,它们引用WordPress中的SEO友好URL结构 。 这些文章通常都引用简单的%postname%或/%category%/%postname%/。 事实是,直到3.2.1,如果您的网站上有很多页面,这些永久链接规则可能会导致严重的性能问题。 哎呀,这迫使@chriscoyier改变了他网站的整个永久链接结构。 Andrew Nacin(@nacin)指出很多用户正在使用这些永久链接结构,因此我们应该找出问题并彻底解决。 瞧,这是固定的! 在WordPress 3.3中,核心团队决定将帖子名称添加为建议的永久链接选项之一。

New Permalink Rule in 3.3
WordPress 3.3现场演示 (Live Demo For WordPress 3.3)

There are a lot of us developers who just simply setup a local install of WordPress and test things out ourselves. But this whole process intimidates beginners. Therefore just like last time, we are providing a Live Demo Site for you to try out all of the new features and get yourself acquainted with WordPress 3.3. Live WordPress 3.3 Demo

我们中有很多开发人员只是简单地在本地安装WordPress并自己进行测试。 但是,这整个过程吓到了初学者。 因此,就像上次一样,我们为您提供了一个在线演示站点,以尝试所有新功能,并使您熟悉WordPress 3.3。 实时WordPress 3.3演示

Let us know what you think!


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-coming-in-wordpress-3-3-features-screenshots-and-live-demo/

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