WPBeginner获得了Moo'ed – Moo Luxe名片评论

Every business needs a business card if you hope to exchange contact information at networking events or conferences. Few weeks ago, the folks over at Moo reached out to us with regards to a product review. We are normally very skeptical about these business card companies because most of them are low quality. However, in the past we had heard good things about Moo, so we decided to take them up on their offer under the condition that if their product sucked, we won’t write a review at all. They agreed and gave us some credits to use their business card printing service. When the product arrived, we were totally stunned by the quality. It was so good that we already ordered a second batch hence the title, WPBeginner got Moo’d. This post is a courtesy review of Moo Luxe Business cards.

如果您希望在社交活动或会议上交换联系信息,则每个企业都需要一张名片。 几周前,Moo的员工就产品评论与我们联系。 通常,我们对这些名片公司非常怀疑,因为它们大多数都是低质量的。 但是,过去我们听到过有关Moo的好消息,因此我们决定在他们的产品不合格的情况下接受他们的报价,因为我们根本不会写评论。 他们同意并给了我们一些使用名片印刷服务的荣誉。 产品到货时,我们对质量感到震惊。 太好了,我们已经订购了第二批,因此标题WPBeginner得到了Moo'd。 这篇文章是Moo Luxe名片的礼貌性评论。

After ordering, it took a few days for our cards to get here. From the very first impression, we started to appreciate Moo’s attention to details. The cards came in an elegant little box with magnetic closures which was wrapped in a purple ribbon fastened by what looked like a stamped wax seal. Literally, our first impression was WOW.

订购后,我们的卡花了几天时间才到达这里。 从第一印象开始,我们就开始欣赏Moo对细节的关注。 卡片装在一个优雅的小盒子里,盒子上有磁性封口,包裹在一条紫色缎带中,紫色缎带被看上去像是盖印的蜡封固定。 从字面上看,我们的第一印象是WOW。

Moo Card Box with Wax Seal

Crazy huh? Most business card companies just send you a crappy paper box that you can’t even carry with you for more than one event. This unboxing experience really won our heart. The cool thing about this box was that it was SOLID and had magnetic closures. You can carry it with you for events without ever risking your cards being bent. We have already carried it with us to two events, WordCamp Raleigh and WordCamp Orlando.

疯了吧? 大多数名片公司只会向您发送一个破烂的纸盒,您甚至不能随身携带一个以上的活动。 这种拆箱体验确实赢得了我们的心。 这个盒子最酷的地方是它是实心的并且有磁性盖。 您可以随身携带它进行活动,而不必冒险弯曲卡片。 我们已经将它带到了两个活动中,即WordCamp Raleigh和WordCamp Orlando。

Moo Cards Box Opened

So, you think the box was awesome? Wait till you see the business card. We ordered their Luxe Business Cards that sounded really good on their website. The luxe card is printed on a very high quality paper, so when a person holds it, they can feel the quality and the weight. It is about 3 times thicker than an average business card. When we handed this card out at events, we got compliments from just about every person. People were like “Wow, this puts my card to shame. Where did you get it?” Now when you get this type of reactions, you know that you have made the right choice. Check it out in the picture below.

所以,您认为盒子很棒吗? 等到看到名片。 我们订购了在他们的网站上听起来非常不错的“豪华名片”。 奢华卡打印在非常高质量的纸张上,因此当有人握住它时,他们会感觉到品质和重量。 它的厚度大约是普通名片的3倍 。 当我们在活动中分发这张卡时,几乎每个人都对此表示赞赏。 人们就像“哇,这让我的名片丢了。 你在哪里得到它?” 现在,当您得到这种React时,您就知道您做出了正确的选择。 在下面的图片中查看。

WPBeginner MOO Luxe Card

Did you notice the thickness of the card? It looks like that it is two cards glued together, but it is not. It is really one card. We chose to keep our middle color be black, but you can have it black, blue, pink, or white. Since we had a few extra credits, we ordered a business card holder. Most business card holders will probably ruin the quality of these cards. We got the holder that they call “The ShowCase”. It should really be called “The ShowOFF” because it is that good. It will get you tons of compliments because you have the coolest business card holder compared to everyone at the conference.

您注意到卡的厚度了吗? 看起来好像是两张胶粘在一起的卡,但事实并非如此。 这真的是一张卡。 我们选择使中间色为黑色,但可以将其设置为黑色,蓝色,粉红色或白色。 由于我们有一些额外的积分,我们订购了名片夹。 大多数名片持有人可能会破坏这些名片的质量。 我们得到了他们称为“ The ShowCase”的持有人。 它真的应该叫做“ ShowOFF”,因为它很好。 与会议中的每个人相比,您拥有最酷的名片持有人,这将为您带来很多赞美。

Moo Card Holder

So at the first look, it is a sleek business card holder that flips open. At least that is what most people will think. But there are times when you are talking in a group, and everyone wants to exchange business cards. That’s the perfect moment for you to use the sliding ability which they call it “fan out”.

因此,乍一看,它是一个可翻转的时尚名片夹。 至少大多数人会这样认为。 但是有时候,您在一个小组中交谈时,每个人都想交换名片。 这是您使用他们称为“扇出”的滑动功能的完美时机。

Moo Card Holder Slide Open

A word of advice, practice the flip and sliding feature with one hand. It looks so much cooler. Honestly, this was the best business cards we have ever had. With their attention to detail, awesome presentation skills, and super high quality product, Moo has convinced us to be a lifetime user.

一个建议,用一只手练习翻转和滑动功能。 看起来真酷。 老实说,这是我们有过的最好的名片。 凭借对细节的关注,出色的演示技巧和超高质量的产品,Moo说服了我们成为终身用户。

If you were looking to order business cards for your company, then we highly recommend checking out Moo Cards.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-got-mooed-moo-luxe-business-cards-review/

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