WordPress 4.0的新功能

Finally the much anticipated, WordPress 4.0 arrived today. It is a major release, packed with lots of improvements and some new features. At WPBeginner, we closely followed the development and wrote about what’s coming in WordPress 4.0. There are many new things that we are particularly excited about. In this article, we will show you what’s new in WordPress 4.0 and what cool new features you should try out after updating your sites.

终于,万众瞩目的WordPress 4.0于今天发布。 这是一个主要版本,包含许多改进和一些新功能。 在WPBeginner,我们密切关注开发过程,并撰写了有关WordPress 4.0的内容 。 我们对许多新事物感到特别兴奋。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress 4.0中的新增功能以及更新站点后您应该尝试哪些炫酷的新功能。

Please note that WordPress 4.0 is a major release, so it will not get automatically updated. You will have to initiate the update.

请注意,WordPress 4.0是主要版本,因此不会自动更新。 您将必须启动更新。

Also note that 4.0 is just a version number. WordPress has a release cycle and 4.0 comes after 3.9, there is no such thing as WordPress 4 or WordPress 3.

另请注意,4.0只是一个版本号。 WordPress有一个发布周期,而4.0在3.9之后,因此没有WordPress 4或WordPress 3之类的东西。

改进的国际化支持 (Improved Internationalization Support)

WordPress is used around the world and powers websites in many different languages. Previously, if a user wanted to use WordPress in other languages, then they had to either install a localized version of WordPress or manually upload translation files.

WordPress在世界范围内使用,并以许多不同的语言为网站提供动力。 以前,如果用户想使用其他语言的WordPress ,则他们必须安装WordPress的本地化版本或手动上传翻译文件。

As of WordPress 4.0 the first step in the WordPress installation is to choose a language.

从WordPress 4.0开始, WordPress安装的第一步是选择一种语言。

Choosing a language during WordPress installation

When writing about what’s coming in WordPress 4.0, we assumed that users will be able to switch languages from the Settings screen. But this is not the case, users can only switch languages already installed in their /wp-content/languages/ directory.

在撰写有关WordPress 4.0的内容时,我们假设用户将能够从“设置”屏幕切换语言。 但是事实并非如此,用户只能切换/ wp-content / languages /目录中已经安装的语言。

通过样式管理媒体 (Manage Your Media With Style)

WordPress 4.0 comes with a new and improved media library. Users will now be able to see their uploads in a nice grid layout with infinite scroll. This new layout is much faster and allows you to quickly search, browse, and edit media files.

WordPress 4.0附带了一个经过改进的新媒体库 。 用户现在可以通过无限滚动以漂亮的网格布局查看上传的内容。 这种新的布局速度更快,可让您快速搜索,浏览和编辑媒体文件。

New Media Library in WordPress 4.0

Clicking on an item in the media library opens it in a popup window where you can add image caption, alt text, title, and description. Users can also use arrow keys on their keyboards to browse images or use esc key to close the popup.

单击媒体库中的项目,将在弹出窗口中将其打开,您可以在其中添加图像标题 ,替代文本,标题和说明。 用户还可以使用键盘上的箭头键浏览图像或使用esc键关闭弹出窗口。

Media popup in WordPress  4.0
在帖子编辑器中嵌入预览 (Embed Previews in Post Editor)

Users can now see their embeds right inside visual post editor. This means that when you paste a YouTube video URL in the visual editor it will automatically become visible right inside the editor. Same goes for Tweets and other oEmbed supported embeds.

用户现在可以在可视化帖子编辑器中直接看到其嵌入内容。 这意味着,当您在可视化编辑器中粘贴YouTube视频URL时 ,它将在编辑器内部自动显示。 推文和其他oEmbed支持的嵌入物也是如此。

Visual embeds in WordPress 4.0
改进的帖子编辑器 (Improved Post Editor)

WordPress 4.0 brings some very important improvements in the post editor, which we believe will greatly improve writing experience for most users.

WordPress 4.0在帖子编辑器中带来了一些非常重要的改进,我们相信这将大大改善大多数用户的写作体验。

First improvement is the removal of scroll bar in the post editor. Multiple scrollbars on a page made it a little difficult to work on long articles. Now the post editor will automatically adjust itself as you write.

第一个改进是在帖子编辑器中删除了滚动条。 页面上的多个滚动条使处理长篇文章变得有些困难。 现在,帖子编辑器将在您编写时自动进行自我调整。

Improved post editor in WordPress 4.0

The second improvement is the sticky menu bar in the post editor. This means that the menu bar and the add media button will remain visible on user’s screen and you will not have to scroll to click on a button.

第二个改进是帖子编辑器中的粘性菜单栏。 这意味着菜单栏和添加媒体按钮将在用户屏幕上保持可见,并且您无需滚动即可单击按钮。

插件搜索和安装经验 (Plugin Search and Install Experience)

Another most anticipated feature of WordPress 4.0 is the new plugin install screen. Search results now appear in boxes and show more useful information than before. Searching for plugins is way faster and you can quickly switch between featured, favorites, and popular plugin tabs.

WordPress 4.0的另一个最令人期待的功能是新的插件安装屏幕。 现在,搜索结果将显示在框中,并显示比以前更多的有用信息。 搜索插件的速度更快,您可以在功能,收藏夹和常用插件选项卡之间快速切换。

New plugin install experience in WordPress 4.0

Clicking on more details opens the plugin’s page in a popup window. This window is now styled to match with rest of the WordPress admin area. Also notice that it load’s the plugin’s complete readme file at once so switching between tabs on the details popup is very faster.

单击更多详细信息,将在弹出窗口中打开插件的页面。 现在,此窗口的样式设置为与WordPress管理区域的其余部分匹配。 还要注意,它会立即加载插件的完整自述文件,因此在详细信息弹出窗口的选项卡之间切换非常快。

主题定制面板 (Theme Customizer Panels)

Widgets were added to Theme customizer in WordPress 3.9. The are now moved to their own panel in customizer, making it easier to easily add and manage widgets from customizer screen.

部件已添加到WordPress 3.9中的主题定制器。 现在,它们已在定制器中移动到其自己的面板中,从而可以更轻松地从定制器屏幕轻松添加和管理窗口小部件。

Widgets in Theme Customizer
对于开发人员 (For Developers)

A whole new API for user controls in customizer is introduced. Just like Widgets are grouped into their own panel, theme and plugin developers can now group options on panels. Customizer now supports contexts, panels, and a whole new set of controls which you can use in your themes and plugins.

引入了用于定制程序中用户控件的全新API。 就像将小部件分组到自己的面板中一样,主题和插件开发人员现在可以在面板上对选项进行分组。 现在,Customizer支持上下文,面板和一组全新的控件,您可以在主题和插件中使用它们。

In other under the hood improvements, query ordering will now give developers more ways to use ORDER BY clauses in WP_Query. TinyMCE, jQuery, and MediaElement libraries are updated.

在其他方面进行了改进之后,查询排序现在将为开发人员提供更多使用WP_Query中的ORDER BY子句的方法。 TinyMCE,jQuery和MediaElement库已更新。

We hope this article provided an overview of what’s new in WordPress 4.0. We are particularly, delighted with the new post editor and how it adjusts itself. Let us know which features you liked the most and what you would like to see in future releases?

我们希望本文能够概述WordPress 4.0的新功能。 我们特别满意新的帖子编辑器以及它如何进行自我调整。 让我们知道您最喜欢的功能以及您希望在将来的版本中看到什么?

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterGoogle+上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-new-in-wordpress-4-0/





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