

Are you looking to increase your Google AdSense revenue? Recently one of our users asked us to share some AdSense optimization tips for WordPress users. In this article, we will share tips on how you can increase your AdSense revenue, give you a list of some great AdSense optimized WordPress themes, and share with you a list of plugins that can help you boost your AdSense revenue.

您是否想增加Google AdSense收入? 最近,我们的一位用户要求我们为WordPress用户分享一些AdSense优化提示。 在本文中,我们将分享有关如何增加AdSense收入的技巧,为您提供一些经过AdSense优化的出色WordPress主题列表,并与您分享有助于您提高AdSense收入的插件列表。

Sounds good? Let’s get started.

听起来不错? 让我们开始吧。

Grow AdSense Revenue
什么是AdSense及其运作方式? (What is AdSense and How does it Work?)

Google AdSense is an advertising network run by Google that allows bloggers and website owners an opportunity to earn money by showing text, image, video, and other interactive advertisements on their websites. These ads are targeted by site content and audience.

Google AdSenseGoogle运营的广告网络,它使博客作者和网站所有者可以在其网站上显示文字,图片,视频和其他互动广告来赚钱。 这些广告以网站内容和受众为目标。

AdSense ads are cost-per-click (CPC) meaning you get paid for every time an ad is clicked on your website. The amount you receive per click varies based on ad content and user’s demographic.

AdSense广告是每次点击费用(CPC),这意味着您每次在您的网站上点击广告都会获得报酬。 每次点击获得的金额取决于广告内容和用户的受众特征。

So you can receive 10 clicks on your ads where one click may be worth $6 while others are only work $0.20 each.


It all depends on your user demographic and site content. For example traffic from tier-1 countries (U.S, U.K, Australia, and Canada) usually get a much higher CPC vs traffic from tier-3 countries.

这完全取决于您的用户人口统计和网站内容。 例如,来自一级国家(美国,英国,澳大利亚和加拿大)的流量通常会比来自三级国家的流量获得更高的CPC。

Here are three factors that impact your overall AdSense revenue:


  • Ad Size

  • Ad Placement

  • Quality of Traffic


Let’s take a look at which AdSense size and placements perform the best.


最佳Adsense广告尺寸和展示位置 (Best Adsense Ad Size and Placement)

Since we know that Adsense revenue depends on how your users interact with ads on your website, strategic placement of ads is crucial for increasing your Adsense revenue.


In our experience, the AdSense sizes that work best are:


  • 336 x 280 (Large Rectangle)

    336 x 280(大矩形)
  • 300 x 250

    300 x 250
  • 728 x 90

    728 x 90
  • 160 x 600

    160 x 600

Notice that these are fairly large ads thus are more prominent by default. The areas where you would generally place them also have to be prominent.

请注意,这些都是相当大的广告,因此默认情况下会更加突出。 通常放置它们的区域也必须突出。

The ideal ad placements are your site header, above content, in-between content, and after post content.


Sidebar ads rarely have a good click through rate (CTR) thus we tend to avoid them altogether.


The general rule of thumb is that you should place at least one ad unit above the fold of your website. Above the fold is the area visible to users when they land on your website without scrolling.

一般的经验法则是,您应该在网站折叠上方放置至少一个广告单元。 折叠上方是用户无需滚动即可进入您的网站时可见的区域。

Placing ads above the fold

There are few AdSense placements that you absolutely want to avoid at all cost because it can result in your account getting terminated.


Floating Scrolling Ads – Some publishers use floating sidebar widgets or floating footer bars to display ads that scroll with users. We’ve seen people getting their AdSense account banned for doing this, so we recommend against using this placement.

浮动滚动广告 –一些发布商使用浮动侧边栏小部件浮动页脚栏来显示随用户滚动的广告。 我们已经看到有人禁止这样做的AdSense帐户,因此我们建议您不要使用此展示位置。

Popup Ads – We have also seen folks displaying their AdSense ads inside a lightbox popup. This is also against AdSense policies, and you should avoid this placement.

弹出广告 –我们还看到人们在灯箱弹出窗口中展示其AdSense广告。 这也违反AdSense政策,因此您应避免放置此位置。

Ads above pagination – One of the best places to generate accidental clicks is above pagination. We received a warning from Google about this and made a quick change to prevent getting our account suspended.

广告上面的分页 -一个最好的地方产生意外点击以上分页 。 我们收到了来自Google的警告,并进行了快速更改,以防止我们的帐户被暂停。

Also whatever you do, DO NOT click on your own ads. Because that’s a sure-fire way to get your Google account banned.

另外,无论您做什么,都不要点击自己的广告。 因为这是确保您的Google帐户被禁止的肯定方法。

Having that said, let’s take a look at the best Google AdSense plugins for WordPress that can help you increase your AdSense revenue.

话虽如此,让我们看一下适用于WordPress的最佳Google AdSense插件,它们可以帮助您增加AdSense收入。

在WordPress中管理和插入Adsense广告 (Managing and Inserting Adsense Ads in WordPress)

The best way to manage ads in WordPress is by using an ad management plugin. These plugins allow you to insert and manage your ads from one spot without writing any code.

在WordPress中管理广告的最佳方法是使用广告管理插件 。 这些插件可让您从一个位置插入和管理广告,而无需编写任何代码。

Here are some WordPress plugins to optimize your AdSense placements.


1.插入帖子广告 (1. Insert Post Ads)

Insert Post Ads

As the name suggests, Insert Post Ads is a free plugin that allows you to easily insert ads inside your WordPress blog posts.

顾名思义,Insert Post Ads是一个免费插件,可让您轻松地将广告插入WordPress博客文章中。

The plugin allows you to place your ads in between your paragraphs which can significantly boost your revenue.


It is very easy to use and does not require any complicated settings. Simply create a new ad unit and paste the Adsense ad code. Select where you want the ad to appear, e.g. after paragraph 1 and publish the ad unit. That’s all, the plugin will automatically start displaying the ad in your posts.

它非常易于使用,不需要任何复杂的设置。 只需创建一个新的广告单元并粘贴Adsense广告代码即可。 选择您希望广告显示的位置(例如在第1段之后)并发布广告单元。 就是这样,该插件将自动开始在您的帖子中显示广告。

Check out our tutorial on how to insert ads within your post content in WordPress.

查看我们的教程,了解如何在WordPress 的帖子内容插入广告

2. Adsanity (2. Adsanity)


Adsanity is a premium WordPress plugin to properly manage ads on your WordPress site. It works with all advertising platforms including Google AdSense. You can easily create and insert ads on your WordPress site and manage all your ad units from your WordPress admin area.

Adsanity是高级WordPress插件,可正确管理WordPress网站上的广告。 它适用于所有广告平台,包括Google AdSense。 您可以轻松地在WordPress网站上创建和插入广告,并在WordPress管理区域中管理所有广告单元。

You can create ad groups and display ads on rotating basis. You can also display ads using drag and drop WordPress widgets. For more information take a look at our tutorial on how to manage ads in WordPress with Adsanity plugin.

您可以创建广告组并轮流展示广告。 您还可以使用拖放式WordPress小部件来显示广告。 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的有关如何使用Adsanity插件在WordPress中管理广告的教程。

3. OIO发布者 (3. OIO Publisher)

OIO Publisher

OIO Publisher is another ad management tool available for WordPress. It is simple to use and provides you an easier way to manage and insert AdSense ads into your WordPress site. You can create Ad zones for different ad units and use buttons and widgets to insert ads on your site. OIO Publisher also offers stats on how your ad units are doing. Check out our tutorial on how to manage ads in WordPress with OIO Publisher.

OIO Publisher是可用于WordPress的另一种广告管理工具。 它使用简单,为您提供了一种更轻松的方式来管理AdSense广告并将其插入WordPress网站。 您可以为不同的广告单元创建广告区域,并使用按钮和小部件在您的网站上插入广告。 OIO Publisher还提供有关您的广告单元运行情况的统计信息。 查看我们的教程,了解如何使用OIO Publisher在WordPress中管理广告

These plugins work with all WordPress themes, and we highly recommend that you use them for your ad placements.


If you’re about to start a new website, then consider using some of the AdSense optimized WordPress themes.


适用于WordPress的Adsense优化主题 (Adsense Optimized Themes for WordPress)

While you can add Google AdSense to any WordPress theme, there are some WordPress themes that are more optimized for advertisement. These themes either have special designated areas where you can place an ad code or have a layout that allows you to insert ads in optimized locations.

您可以将Google AdSense添加到任何WordPress主题中,但有些WordPress主题已针对广告进行了优化。 这些主题具有特定的指定区域,您可以在其中放置广告代码,或者具有可以将广告插入优化位置的布局。

Here are some Adsense optimized WordPress themes that you can use.


1. ModernMag (1. ModernMag)


ModernMag is an Adsense-ready WordPress theme. It is fully mobile responsive and unlike other premium themes it is easy to setup and totally clutter free. ModernMag works well with all ad management plugins for WordPress. Theme’s layout allows you to easily place different size of ad units any where on your site.

ModernMag是可用于Adsense的WordPress主题。 它具有完全的移动响应能力,并且与其他高级主题不同,它易于设置且完全没有混乱。 ModernMag可以与WordPress的所有广告管理插件完美配合。 主题的布局使您可以轻松地在网站上的任何位置放置不同尺寸的广告单元。

2.杂志专业版 (2. Magazine Pro)

Magazine Pro

Magazine Pro is a fully responsive Adsense friendly WordPress theme by StudioPress. Built on the powerful Genesis theme framework, Magazine Pro comes with a rock solid code foundation optimized for performance. Theme’s layout provides ample space for you to display your Adsense ads anywhere on the site. It is also fully compatible with ad management plugins we mentioned above.

Magazine Pro是StudioPress的完全响应式Adsense友好WordPress主题。 Magazine Pro建立在强大的Genesis主题框架上,具有针对性能进行了优化的坚如磐石的代码基础。 主题的布局为您提供了足够的空间来在网站上的任何位置展示您的Adsense广告。 它也与我们上面提到的广告管理插件完全兼容。

3. CWP Youit (3. CWP Youit)

CWP Youit

CWP Youit is Adsense optimized WordPress theme for gaming and magazine sites. It comes with easy to use spots for your Adsense ad placements right under the post blocks on the front page. It’s mobile responsive design allows you to use Adsense ads anywhere on your site without worrying about breaking the site’s layout. CWP Youit is also compatible with all popular ad management plugins. It features a flexible design that makes it suitable for all kind of websites.

CWP Youit是Adsense优化的WordPress主题,适用于游戏和杂志网站。 它在首页的文章框正下方提供了易于使用的Adsense广告展示位置。 它的移动响应式设计使您可以在网站上的任何地方使用Adsense广告,而不必担心破坏网站的布局。 CWP Youit还与所有流行的广告管理插件兼容。 它具有灵活的设计,使其适用于所有类型的网站。

4. RedWaves Lite (4. RedWaves Lite)

RedWaves Lite

RedWaves Lite is a free Adsense optimized WordPress theme. It features a minimalist design with a fully mobile-friendly layout. The header area supports a large banner ad unit which adjusts itself for mobile devices. It comes with easy customization options and full support for post thumbnail. It can be used as a multi-purpose theme suitable for any kind of website.

RedWaves Lite是免费的Adsense优化的WordPress主题。 它采用简约设计,完全适合移动设备使用。 标头区域支持大型横幅广告单元,该横幅广告单元可以针对移动设备进行调整。 它带有简单的自定义选项,并完全支持帖子缩略图。 它可以用作适合任何类型网站的多功能主题。

5. MH新闻台 (5. MH Newsdesk)

MH Newsdesk

MH Newsdesk is a fully mobile-friendly WordPress theme for magazines and news websites. The main feature of this theme is that it is fully Adsense optimized theme for WordPress sites. Theme comes with 14 widget ready areas allowing you to place your ad widgets anywhere on your site.

MH Newsdesk是杂志和新闻网站的完全适合移动设备的WordPress主题。 这个主题的主要特点是,它是针对WordPress网站的完全Adsense优化的主题。 主题带有14个准备就绪的小部件区域,可让您将广告小部件放置在网站上的任何位置。

6.数字 (6. Digital)


Digital is a free Adsense friendly WordPress theme. It is a multi-purpose theme with a fully responsive layout. It comes with full support for WooCommerce and an inbuilt slider. Digital can be easily customized with custom header, background, and color options.

Digital是免费的Adsense友好WordPress主题。 这是一个具有全面响应布局的多用途主题。 它完全支持WooCommerce和内置滑块。 可以使用自定义标题,背景和颜色选项轻松自定义数字。

7. MH平方 (7. MH Squared)

MH Squared

MH Squared is a premium WordPress theme optimized for Adsense. It comes with ready to use ad placement areas. Theme layout is fully mobile-responsive and looks equally great on all screen sizes. It comes loaded with custom theme options and it is highly optimized for performance.

MH Squared是针对Adsense优化的高级WordPress主题。 它带有可立即使用的广告展示位置区域。 主题布局完全可响应移动设备,并且在所有屏幕尺寸上均表现出色。 它带有自定义主题选项,并且针对性能进行了高度优化。

8. ProMax (8. ProMax)


ProMax is a beautifully designed free Adsense ready theme for WordPress. It comes with ample spots to prominently display your Adsense ads in above the fold area without compromising user experience. The theme features custom background, header, and social menu.

ProMax是为WordPress设计精美的免费Adsense主题。 它带有充足的位置,可以在折叠区域上方突出显示您的Adsense广告,而不会影响用户体验。 该主题具有自定义背景,标题和社交菜单。

9. TruePixel (9. TruePixel)


TruePixel is a multi-purpose fully responsive WordPress theme optimized for Adsense and SEO. It comes loaded with custom options like prallax scrolling, multiple adsense widgets, multiple layout choices, color variations, fixed menu, and a very comprehensive theme options panel.

TruePixel是针对Adsense和SEO进行了优化的多用途全响应WordPress主题。 它带有自定义选项,例如prallax滚动,多个adsense小部件,多个布局选项,颜色变化,固定菜单以及非常全面的主题选项面板。

10.名义上 (10. Nominal)


Nominal is a fully responsive Adsense ready WordPress theme. It features a soothing colors and mobile respnsive layout. The theme comes with multiple Adsense areas where you can place your ad code to boost your earnings with a higher CTR.

Nominal是完全响应式Adsense就绪的WordPress主题。 它具有舒缓的色彩和移动感应布局。 该主题带有多个Adsense区域,您可以在其中放置广告代码以提高点击率,从而增加收入。

We hope this article helped you optimize your Adsense revenue in WordPress and boost your earnings.


While Adsense is a great way to monetize your site, we recommend all users to diversify their site’s earning potential with affiliate marketing. Take a look at our list of the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress and see how you can boost your affiliate earnings as well.

虽然Adsense是通过您的网站获利的好方法,但我们建议所有用户通过联属网络营销来分散其网站的获利潜力。 看看我们的WordPress最佳联盟营销工具和插件列表,并了解如何提高联盟会员收入。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-optimize-your-adsense-revenue-in-wordpress/


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