dolly zoom_什么是Hello Dolly WordPress插件? 您应该删除它吗?

dolly zoom

Recently one of our users asked what does the Hello Dolly plugin do in WordPress? If you just got started with WordPress, then you probably noticed Hello Dolly comes pre-installed in WordPress with an extremely vague description. In this article, we will talk about what is Hello Dolly plugin and why you should delete it?

最近,我们的一位用户问,Hello Dolly插件在WordPress中做什么? 如果您刚开始使用WordPress,那么您可能会注意到Hello Dolly预先安装在WordPress中,描述非常模糊。 在本文中,我们将讨论什么是Hello Dolly插件以及为什么要删除它?

Hello Dolly plugin page on
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什么是Hello Dolly WordPress插件? (What is Hello Dolly WordPress Plugin?)

Hello Dolly is a simple WordPress plugin that comes pre-installed in WordPress. If you activate the plugin, it will display a line from the lyrics of Hello Dolly song which is most famously performed by Louis Armstrong.

Hello Dolly是一个简单的WordPress插件,已预先安装在WordPress中。 如果您激活插件,它将显示Hello Dolly歌曲歌词中的一行,这是路易斯·阿姆斯特朗最著名的表演。

A line from the lyrics of Hello Dolly

If you read the plugin description, it is extremely vague and doesn’t explain the usefulness of this plugin.


This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong.


In case you were wondering, YES this plugin is completely useless for all practical purposes.


So why is it there?


Hello Dolly WordPress插件的历史 (History of The Hello Dolly WordPress Plugin)

Hello Dolly was one of the very first WordPress plugins to be ever created. It came in May 2004 with the release of WordPress 1.2, which introduced the plugin architecture for WordPress.

Hello Dolly是有史以来最早创建的WordPress插件之一。 它于2004年5月发布WordPress 1.2,其中引入了WordPress的插件架构。

Hello Dolly is written by Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress. Apart from Hello Dolly, there were four other plugins pre-installed in the earlier version. Those plugins were:

Hello Dolly由WordPress的联合创始人Matt Mullenweg撰写。 除了Hello Dolly,在早期版本中还预安装了四个其他插件。 这些插件是:

First WordPress plugins screen

Since then Hello Dolly has shipped with every version of WordPress.

从那时起,Hello Dolly随WordPress的每个版本一起提供。

WordPress中的Hello Dolly的目的是什么? (What is The Purpose of Hello Dolly in WordPress?)

Apart from the sentimental values, Hello Dolly has no practical purpose. There have been debates in the community calling for it to be unpackaged from core install however after 11 years it is still part of all default installs.

除了情感价值外,Hello Dolly没有实际目的。 社区中一直存在争论,要求将其从核心安装程序中解包,但是11年后,它仍然是所有默认安装程序的一部分。

The current primary reason/excuse for it’s inclusion is that it helps new developers get started with writing plugins.


However in reality, it’s not a very good example to study WordPress plugin development. There are better resources like the plugins handbook and countless other tutorials / videos.

但是实际上,研究WordPress插件开发并不是一个很好的例子。 有更好的资源,例如插件手册和无数其他教程/视频。

We believe the reason for it’s inclusion as a default plugin is mainly tradition. For many early adopters of WordPress, Hello Dolly is a reminder of the good old days and how far WordPress has come.

我们认为将其作为默认插件的原因主要是传统原因。 对于许多WordPress的早期采用者而言,Hello Dolly提醒着人们过去的美好时光以及WordPress的发展。

我应该删除Hello Dolly WordPress插件吗? (Should I Delete The Hello Dolly WordPress Plugin?)

Yes, you can definitely delete Hello Dolly without any impact on your site.

是的,您绝对可以删除Hello Dolly,而对您的网站没有任何影响。

Often folks leave it installed and deactivated. In our experience, we have found hackers hiding malicious codes in old default WordPress themes and plugins as it’s the last place most beginners look.

人们经常将其安装并停用。 根据我们的经验,我们发现黑客将恶意代码隐藏在旧的默认WordPress主题和插件中,因为这是大多数初学者所看不到的。

Understand while the default themes and plugins are not what caused your website to be hacked, it’s one of the many spots that hackers usually hide their malicious backdoor code.


We strongly recommend that you delete ALL plugins that you’re not using on your site (not just Hello Dolly).

强烈建议您删除网站上所有未使用的插件(不仅仅是Hello Dolly)。

We hope this article answered your questions about the Hello Dolly WordPress plugin. If you are looking for some really great WordPress plugins to install, then check out these 20 must have WordPress plugins for 2015.

我们希望本文能回答您有关Hello Dolly WordPress插件的问题。 如果您正在寻找一些非常好的WordPress插件来安装,请查看这20个2015年必须具有WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。


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