

Ever wondered which WordPress maintenance tasks you should be performing regularly? After starting a blog, often users don’t perform maintenance checks unless something breaks. By running regular maintenance tasks, you can make sure that your WordPress site is always performing at its best. In this article, we will share 13 crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly, and how to do each one of them.

有没有想过您应该定期执行哪些WordPress维护任务? 创建博客后 ,除非出现故障,否则用户通常不执行维护检查。 通过运行常规维护任务,您可以确保WordPress网站始终处于最佳状态。 在本文中,我们将分享13项重要的WordPress维护任务以定期执行,以及如何执行其中的每一项。

Crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly
为什么以及何时执行WordPress维护任务 (Why and When to Perform WordPress Maintenance Tasks)

Your WordPress site is a powerful system made of several parts. This includes your WordPress hosting, WordPress software itself, plugins, and themes.

您的WordPress网站是一个由几部分组成的强大系统。 这包括您的WordPress托管 ,WordPress软件本身,插件和主题。

On top of that, you add your own content with text and images. Together, all of them make a website that is loved by your visitors and customers.

最重要的是,您可以添加带有文本和图像的自己的内容。 他们在一起共同构成了一个深受您的访客和客户喜爱的网站

However, this system needs to be looked after to ensure optimal performance. There are few simple maintenance tasks that you can perform on a regular basis to ensure that your website is working at its best.

但是,需要注意该系统以确保最佳性能。 您可以定期执行一些简单的维护任务,以确保您的网站处于最佳状态。

How often should you perform WordPress maintenance tasks?


If you run a busy website with a lot of traffic, then every three months. For smaller websites with low traffic and content, you need to do these maintenance tasks every six months.

如果您经营的网站流量很大,则每三个月运行一次。 对于流量和内容较少的小型网站,您需要每六个月执行一次这些维护任务。

Now that being said, let’s take a look at the essential WordPress maintenance tasks you need to perform and how to do them.


1.更改所有WordPress密码 (1. Change All Your WordPress Passwords)

Change all your passwords regularly

Passwords are your first defense against unauthorized access to your website. You should always use strong unique passwords for all your online accounts including your WordPress website, FTP accounts, and database.

密码是防止未经授权访问您的网站的第一道防线。 您应该始终对所有在线帐户(包括WordPress网站,FTP帐户和数据库)使用强而独特的密码。

However, even if you are using strong passwords and they are compromised, then it is possible that you wouldn’t even notice it.


That’s why WordPress security experts recommend changing your WordPress passwords regularly. This includes passwords for your WordPress admin area, FTP or SSH accounts, and your WordPress database password.

这就是WordPress安全专家建议您定期更改WordPress密码的原因。 这包括您的WordPress管理区域密码,FTP或SSH帐户以及WordPress数据库密码。

For more details on this topic, see our beginners guide on how to manage passwords for WordPress users.


2.创建网站的完整备份 (2. Create a Complete Backup of Your Website)

Create manual backup

Backups are one of the most important WordPress tool in your arsenal. There are plenty of great WordPress backup plugins that can help you completely automate the WordPress backup process.

备份是您武器库中最重要的WordPress工具之一。 有很多很棒的WordPress备份插件 ,可以帮助您完全自动化WordPress备份过程。

However, sometimes your backup solution may suddenly stop working without you even noticing.


Once in a while, you need to manually run your backup plugin to create a complete backup of your website. After running the backup, you need to verify that your backup files are properly stored at the remote location of your choice (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc).

有时,您需要手动运行备份插件以创建网站的完整备份。 运行备份后,您需要验证备份文件是否正确存储在您选择的远程位置(Dropbox,Google Drive等)。

3.检查并更新所有WordPress文件 (3. Check and Update All WordPress Files)

Check and update all WordPress files

WordPress comes with a built-in system to manage updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes. You should always use the latest version of WordPress and keep all your plugins and themes updated.

WordPress随附有一个内置系统来管理WordPress核心,插件和主题的更新。 您应该始终使用最新版本的WordPress,并保持所有插件和主题的更新。

However, there are some situations when you may miss an update. For example, when a premium plugin or theme’s license expired, and it failed to check for an update.

但是,在某些情况下,您可能会错过更新。 例如,当高级插件或主题的许可证过期时,它无法检查更新。

Go to the WordPress Updates page to manually check for updates. Review all your installed plugins and themes to make sure that they are running the latest version.

转到WordPress更新页面以手动检查更新。 查看所有已安装的插件和主题,以确保它们正在运行最新版本。

4.检查并删除垃圾评论 (4. Check and Delete Spam Comments)

Review spam comments

If you are using Akismet to combat comment spam in WordPress, then it automatically keeps spam away from your comment moderation queue.

如果您在WordPress使用Akismet打击垃圾评论 ,那么它将自动使垃圾邮件远离您的评论审核队列。

However, sometimes Akismet may end up marking a legitimate comment as spam. Once in a while, you need to take a quick look at the spam comments to ensure that there are no real comments incorrectly marked as spam.

但是,有时Akismet可能最终会将合法评论标记为垃圾邮件。 有时,您需要快速查看垃圾邮件评论,以确保没有真实的评论被错误地标记为垃圾邮件。

Once you are done, you can safely delete all spam comments from your website. If you have thousands of spam comments, then you should use this method to batch delete all spam comments in WordPress.

完成后,您可以安全删除网站上的所有垃圾邮件评论。 如果您有成千上万的垃圾邮件评论,则应使用此方法批量删除 WordPress中的所有垃圾邮件评论

It wouldn’t necessarily improve performance, but it will ensure that you don’t miss out genuine comments.


5.测试您所有的WordPress表单 (5. Test All Your WordPress Forms)

Test all your WordPress forms

WordPress form builder plugins like WPForms make it super easy to create beautiful forms on your website.


However due to misconfiguration on your WordPress hosting server or your email service provider, sometimes these forms may suddenly stop sending emails.


You need to check all forms on your website to make sure that they are working properly. If a form is not working, then see our guide on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.

您需要检查网站上的所有表格,以确保它们正常运行。 如果表单不起作用,请参阅有关如何修复WordPress不发送电子邮件问题的指南

6.优化您的WordPress数据库 (6. Optimize Your WordPress Database)

Optimize your WordPress database

WordPress stores most data in your WordPress database. It contains all your content, comments, users, and settings.

WordPress将大多数数据存储在WordPress数据库中。 它包含您的所有内容,评论,用户和设置。

However, overtime your database may gather a lot of unnecessary data. This increases your WordPress backup sizes which may affect uploading, downloading, and restoring backups.

但是,数据库超时可能会收集很多不必要的数据。 这会增加您的WordPress备份大小,这可能会影响上载,下载和还原备份。

Optimizing your WordPress database allows you to clean up clutter, defragment tables, and improves database performance.


For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to optimize your WordPress database with one click


7.运行性能测试 (7. Run Performance Tests)

Run performance tests

Many users optimize their WordPress performance when they first start and then forget about it. Meanwhile you keep adding new content, install new plugins, or may even change your theme. All of them may affect performance of your WordPress site.

许多用户在初次启动时会优化WordPress性能,然后忘记它。 同时,您不断添加新内容,安装新插件,甚至可能更改主题。 所有这些都可能影响WordPress网站的性能。

Faster websites are not just good for user experience, they also improve your website’s performance on search engines. This is why you need to regularly do a thorough performance review of your website.

更快的网站不仅有益于用户体验,还可以提高您的网站在搜索引擎上的性能。 这就是为什么您需要定期对网站进行全面的性能评估。

When reviewing your site’s performance, don’t just limit it to improving your homepage. Also test your most popular content, and all your important pages.

在查看您网站的性能时,不要仅仅局限于改善您的首页。 同时测试您最受欢迎的内容以及所有重要页面。

For best results, follow our step by step guide to boost WordPress speed and performance.


8.查找并修复404错误 (8. Find and Fix 404 Errors)

Fix 404 errors

When a user requests a page that doesn’t exist on your website, then WordPress will show them a 404 error page.


404 errors that occur because a user mistyped an address are normal and nothing to be worried about. However, 404 errors that occur because a page is no longer available can cause bad user experience.

由于用户错误键入地址而发生的404错误是正常现象,无需担心。 但是,由于页面不再可用而发生的404错误可能会导致不良的用户体验。

If you are not already tracking 404 error pages, then see our guide on how to easily track 404 error pages in WordPress and redirect them.


9.查找并修复断开的链接 (9. Find and Fix Broken Links)

Find and fix broken links in WordPress

As your website grows, you will realize that some external websites that you linked to in your older articles do not exist anymore. Some may have moved to new locations, while others may just disappear.

随着网站的发展,您将意识到在旧文章中链接到的某些外部网站不再存在。 有些人可能已搬到新地点,而另一些人可能只是消失了。

The broken links issue is not just limited to external links. You can accidentally add broken images, poorly formatted links, or misspell your own links. This causes bad user experience and affects your site’s bounce rate and page views.

链接断开问题不仅限于外部链接。 您可能会意外添加损坏的图像,格式不正确的链接或拼写错误的自己的链接。 这会导致不良的用户体验,并影响您网站的跳出率和网页浏览量

You need to check your website for broken links as part of your WordPress maintenance routine. For instructions, see our guide on how to find and fix broken links in WordPress.

您需要检查网站上是否有损坏的链接,这是WordPress维护程序的一部分。 有关说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中查找和修复断开的链接的指南。

10.进行全面的内容和SEO审核 (10. Perform a Thorough Content and SEO Audit)

SEO Audit

Next thing you need to include in your regular maintenance tasks is a thorough in-depth review of your content. This is where the data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics comes in.

您需要包括在常规维护任务中的下一件事是对内容进行彻底的深入审查。 这是来自Google Search ConsoleGoogle Analytics(分析)的数据输入的地方。

Google Analytics shows you where your visitors are coming from and what they are doing on your website. This data allows you to discover content on your website where users are coming but are not converting into customers or subscribers.

Google Analytics(分析)会向您显示访问者的来源以及他们在您网站上的活动。 此数据使您可以在网站上发现用户来访但未转换为客户或订户的内容

Google Search Console shows you Search Analytics which helps you find search keywords where your site appears in the results. You can sort it to show you keywords where your site can easily rank higher by updating those articles.

Google Search Console会向您显示Search Analytics,它可以帮助您找到搜索结果中您的网站所在的搜索关键字。 您可以对其进行排序,以向您显示关键字,这些关键字可以通过更新这些文章轻松地在您的网站上排名较高。

Search Analytics in Google Search Console

If you are using Yoast SEO, then you can set particular keywords as focus keyword, and it will analyze your content for that keyword.

如果您使用的是Yoast SEO ,则可以将特定关键字设置为focus关键字,它将分析该关键字的内容。

Improving SEO score of an article in WordPress

Even with an excellent SEO score, you can still further improve content by adding new information, images, and linking to it from other pages on your website.


For more SEO tips, follow our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

有关更多SEO技巧,请按照我们针对初学者的终极一步一步WordPress SEO指南进行操作。

11.优化您的WordPress网站上的图像 (11. Optimize Images on Your WordPress Site)

Optimize images and media library

Images take longer to load hence they decrease your page load speed. Some of them you’ll discover during the performance checkup of your site.

图片加载时间较长,因此降低了页面加载速度。 您会在网站性能检查期间发现其中一些。

However you will definitely miss those in your less popular articles. If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then some of your authors may not be as careful about image sizes as you are.

但是,您一定会在不太受欢迎的文章中错过那些文章。 如果您运行一个多作者WordPress网站,那么您的某些作者可能对图像大小的关注不如您。

Adding image and media library review to your WordPress maintenance checklist, allows you to stay on top of the issue. You can perform this check to find out images that can be reduced in size or images that are just too large.

将图像和媒体库审阅添加到WordPress维护清单中,可以使您始终处于首要地位。 您可以执行此检查以查找尺寸缩小的图像或太大的图像。

For more information, see our guide on how to save images optimized for the Web.


12.查看WordPress安全日志 (12. Review WordPress Security Logs)

WordPress security review

Some WordPress users don’t realize that their site is under attack until it slows down or their search rankings drop.


We have already mentioned some security precautions like changing passwords, and creating manual backups as proactive measures. You also need to review your site’s access and error logs to see if you can find any unusual activity on your site.

我们已经提到了一些安全预防措施,例如更改密码和创建手动备份作为主动措施。 您还需要查看站点的访问和错误日​​志,以查看是否可以在站点上找到任何异常活动。

We also recommend using Sucuri. It is a website security company that offers website firewall to protect your website against common threats.

我们也建议使用Sucuri 。 这是一家网站安全公司,提供网站防火墙以保护您的网站免受常见威胁。

For a complete security audit of your WordPress site, follow the instructions in our step by step ultimate WordPress security guide.


13.维护任务故障排除 (13. Troubleshooting Maintenance Tasks)


Most WordPress maintenance tasks are quite harmless and wouldn’t affect your website’s normal functioning. However, some may slow down your site, like checking for broken links or running image optimizer plugin.

大多数WordPress维护任务是完全无害的,不会影响您网站的正常运行。 但是,某些方法可能会降低您的网站速度,例如检查断开的链接或运行Image Optimizer插件

If you run a staging site, then you can perform your maintenance tasks on your staging site and then push them live.

如果您运行暂存站点 ,则可以在暂存站点上执行维护任务,然后将其实时发布。

However, most users don’t run a staging site. In that case, you’ll have to expect a temporary slow site and some unexpected errors.

但是,大多数用户不运行登台站点。 在这种情况下,您将不得不期待一个临时的缓慢站点和一些意外错误。

One way to deal with this is by putting your WordPress site in maintenance mode. Alternatively, you can perform these tasks during your low traffic hours.

解决此问题的一种方法是将WordPress网站置于维护模式 。 另外,您可以在交通繁忙时执行这些任务。

If you run across an issue, then see our guide on how to fix common WordPress errors. If the error you are seeing is not listed there, then follow the steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide. It will help you locate the problem and find a solution.

如果您遇到问题,请参阅有关如何修复常见WordPress错误的指南 。 如果您所看到的错误未在此处列出,请按照WordPress故障排除指南中的步骤进行操作。 这将帮助您找到问题并找到解决方案。

That’s all, we hope this article helped you learn crucial WordPress maintenance tasks you need to perform regularly on your website. You may also want to see our list of the most wanted WordPress tips, tricks, and hacks.

仅此而已,我们希望本文能帮助您学习在网站上定期执行的重要WordPress维护任务。 您可能还想查看我们最想要的WordPress技巧,窍门和hack列表

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/wordpress-maintenance-tasks-to-perform-regularly/


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