wordpress 运行_获得WordPress网站运行状况检查分数100%的12条提示(简易)

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WordPress introduced a site health check feature in version 5.1 which was further improved in WordPress 5.2 to include a site health check score.

WordPress在5.1版中引入了站点健康检查功能,而在WordPress 5.2中进行了进一步改进,以包括站点健康检查评分。

This feature helps website owners keep an eye on the performance and security issues that may affect their site.


Many of our readers have asked us about how to properly utilize the site health feature, and what it can or cannot do.


In this article, we will show you how to get a 100% score in WordPress site health check. We will also answer some commonly asked questions about the site health feature.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress网站运行状况检查中获得100%的分数。 我们还将回答有关站点运行状况功能的一些常见问题。

Tips to get a 100% site health score in WordPress
什么是WordPress网站健康检查分数? (What is WordPress Site Health Check Score?)

WordPress Site Health check score is a feature in WordPress, which looks for common performance and security issues and gives a health check score based on various tests.


You can view your site health score by visiting Tools » Site Health page in your WordPress admin area.


Getting a perfect score in WordPress site health

WordPress powers more than 34% of all websites on the internet. Most people who make a website using WordPress are beginners and non-techy users.

WordPress支持Internet上所有网站的34%以上。 使用WordPress 建立网站的大多数人都是初学者和非技术用户。

Site Health feature runs a series of tests to see if their website is performing with optimal settings and latest server software.

Site Health功能运行一系列测试,以查看其网站是否在最佳设置和最新服务器软件下运行。

How can a good site health score help your WordPress site?


Site health feature runs a series of tests to look for common performance and security issues on a WordPress website.


One example is a test that checks if your website is running the latest PHP version. Using older PHP versions can make your website slow and/or misbehave with many popular WordPress plugins.

一个示例是测试,检查您的网站是否正在运行最新PHP版本。 使用较旧PHP版本可能会使您的网站运行缓慢和/或与许多流行的WordPress插件不兼容。

Getting a better site health check score ensures that your website is running under optimal conditions.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to get a 100% score in WordPress site health check.


1.获得更好的WordPress托管 (1. Get a Better WordPress Hosting)

Nothing impacts a website’s performance more than the web hosting service. This is the most important decision you make for a website.

网站托管服务对网站性能的影响最大。 这是您对网站做出的最重要的决定。

Using an unreliable hosting provider can affect your WordPress site in many ways.


They tend to use older software, do not have all the PHP modules installed, and there is no easy way for users to fix those issues.


Choosing a WordPress hosting company with a proven track record provides you a solid platform to build your website.


We recommend using Bluehost, SiteGround, or Dreamhost. They are all officially recommended WordPress hosting provider and the biggest names in the hosting industry.

我们建议使用BluehostSiteGroundDreamhost 。 他们都是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商,并且是托管行业中的知名人士。

For more hosting recommendations, see our complete guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting for your website.


2.在WordPress中安装SSL / HTTPS (2. Install SSL / HTTPS in WordPress)

SSL protects your website by encrypting the data transfer from server to user’s browsers. SSL enabled websites use HTTPs instead of HTTP in their URLs and have a padlock icon in the address bar.

SSL通过加密从服务器到用户浏览器的数据传输来保护您的网站。 启用S​​SL的网站在其URL中使用HTTP而不是HTTP,并且在地址栏中带有挂锁图标。

SSL Enabled website

To switch from HTTP to HTTPs, you will need to install an SSL certificate on your website. Most of our recommended WordPress hosting providers offer free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate that you can use.

要从HTTP切换到HTTP ,您需要在网站上安装SSL证书。 我们大多数推荐的WordPress托管提供商都提供免费的“让我们加密SSL”证书供您使用。

For more details, see our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate for WordPress with step by step instructions on how to set it up.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何获取 WordPress 的免费SSL证书的指南, 以及有关如何进行设置的分步说明。

3.保持WordPress最新 (3. Keep WordPress Up to Date)

Keep your WordPress site up to date

WordPress is a regularly maintained open-source software. Each new WordPress release brings new features, bug fixes, and improves the security of your website.

WordPress是定期维护的开源软件。 每个新的WordPress版本都带来了新功能,错误修复,并提高了网站的安全性。

Many beginners fear that updating WordPress could break their website. They ignore WordPress updates and as a result, leave their websites vulnerable to security threats.

许多初学者担心更新WordPress可能会破坏其网站。 他们无视WordPress更新,结果使他们的网站容易受到安全威胁。

You need to make sure that you are always using the latest WordPress version. For detailed instructions see our guide on how to update WordPress with step by step instructions.

您需要确保始终使用最新的WordPress版本。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何使用分步说明更新WordPress的指南。

4.保持WordPress插件和主题的更新 (4. Keep WordPress Plugins and Theme Updated)

Update WordPress plugins

Just like WordPress itself, WordPress themes and plugins are also regularly updated. You need to keep an eye out for the available updates and install them to keep your site updated.

就像WordPress本身一样, WordPress主题和插件也会定期更新。 您需要密切注意可用的更新并进行安装,以使您的网站保持更新。

Plugins and themes use updates to deliver new features, fix bugs, and close security issues. You need to install updates to make sure that your website is not vulnerable to any known security issue.

插件和主题使用更新来提供新功能,修复错误并解决安全问题。 您需要安装更新以确保您的网站不受任何已知的安全问题的影响。

For plugins, see our guide on how to properly update WordPress plugins.


For WordPress themes, you can simply go to Appearance » Themes page to install an update. You can also update a WordPress theme manually.

对于WordPress主题,您只需转到外观»主题页面即可安装更新。 您也可以手动更新WordPress主题

5.使用最新MySQL或MariaDB版本 (5. Use The Latest MySQL or MariaDB Version)

Upgrade MySQL

WordPress stores all your website content in a database. By default, WordPress supports database management software like MySQL and MariaDB (a fork of MySQL).

WordPress将您所有的网站内容存储在数据库中 。 默认情况下,WordPress支持MySQL和MariaDB(MySQL的一个分支)之类的数据库管理软件。

Using the latest version of MySQL or MariaDB ensures that WordPress can safely store your website data. An older version may cause your website to behave unexpectedly.

使用最新版本MySQL或MariaDB可确保WordPress可以安全地存储您的网站数据。 较旧的版本可能会导致您的网站行为异常。

You need to make sure that your website is running the latest stable version of MySQL/Maria. You can find the information about your database software version by switching to the info tab in site health.

您需要确保您的网站运行的是MySQL / Maria的最新稳定版本。 您可以通过切换到站点运行状况中的信息选项卡来找到有关数据库软件版本的信息。

MySQL version

If your website is using an older version of MySQL or MariaDB, then you need to contact your WordPress hosting provider and ask them to update it.


6.使用最新PHP版本 (6. Use The Latest PHP Version)

Upgrade PHP

WordPress is written in the PHP programming language. It is a server-side language, which means it runs on your hosting server to dynamically generate WordPress pages.

WordPress是用PHP编程语言编写的。 它是一种服务器端语言,这意味着它在托管服务器上运行以动态生成WordPress页面。

Using the latest PHP version gives your website a performance boost. It also ensures compatibility with new WordPress plugin features that may require the latest PHP version to work correctly.

使用最新PHP版本可提高您的网站的性能。 它还可以确保与新的WordPress插件功能兼容,这些功能可能需要最新PHP版本才能正常工作。

For more details, see our article on how PHP updates affect your website.


If your website is using an older version of PHP, then you will need to ask your hosting provider to update it for you. Some hosting companies like Bluehost and WP Engine allow you to change the PHP version from the control panel.

如果您的网站使用的是旧版本PHP,则需要请您的托管服务提供商为您更新它。 某些托管公司(例如BluehostWP Engine)允许您从控制面板更改PHP版本。

7.保持WordPress自动更新处于启用状态 (7. Keep WordPress Automatic Updates Enabled)

Automatic WordPress updates

WordPress comes with built-in ability to update itself and install the latest security releases. These are minor releases but crucial for the safety and security of your website.

WordPress具有内置功能,可以自我更新并安装最新的安全版本。 这些是次要版本,但对于网站的安全性至关重要。

However, site-owners do have the ability to turn off automatic WordPress updates. This can be done by using an update manager plugin or by adding code in the wp-config.php file.

但是,站点所有者确实可以关闭WordPress自动更新 。 这可以通过使用更新管理器插件或在wp-config.php文件中添加代码来完成。

These security updates are automatically installed on millions of websites. Make sure that automatic updates are enabled on your WordPress site to keep your site secure with these timely updates.

这些安全更新会自动安装在数百万个网站上。 确保在WordPress网站上启用了自动更新,以通过这些及时更新来确保您的网站安全。

8.删除未使用的WordPress插件和主题 (8. Remove Unused WordPress Plugins & Themes)

Delete inactive plugins

Technically, you can use any number of WordPress plugins on your website as long as they are well-coded.

从技术上讲,您可以在网站上使用任何数量的WordPress插件 ,只要它们的编码正确即可。

You can keep inactive plugins installed on your WordPress site. They are not loaded by WordPress and do not affect your website’s performance or speed.

您可以在WordPress网站上保留未安装的插件。 它们不是由WordPress加载的,不会影响您网站的性能或速度。

However, it is recommended that you delete any inactive plugins that you don’t need. They take up space, can be used to hide malware, increase security scan time, and there is a chance you may accidentally activate them.

但是,建议您删除不需要的所有无效插件。 它们占用空间,可用于隐藏恶意软件,增加安全扫描时间,并且您可能会意外激活它们。

For more information, see our article on why you should delete inactive WordPress plugins.


9.保持启用Rest API (9. Keep Rest API Enabled)


REST API in WordPress allows developers to securely use HTTP requests to perform actions on a WordPress site.

WordPress中的REST API允许开发人员安全地使用HTTP请求在WordPress网站上执行操作。

Many site owners disable REST API to protect their websites against brute force attacks.

许多网站所有者禁用REST API,以保护其网站免受暴力攻击

However, site health does not recommend it because you may need REST API to use third-party apps or some WordPress plugins. Make sure that REST API is enabled to improve your WordPress site health score.

但是,网站健康状况不建议这样做,因为您可能需要REST API才能使用第三方应用程序或某些WordPress插件。 确保已启用REST API,以提高WordPress网站的运行状况得分。

Editors note: We keep the REST API disabled on our sites to prevent against brute force attacks.

编者注:为了避免遭受暴力攻击,我们在网站上禁用了REST API。

10.确保已安装必需PHP模块 (10. Make Sure Required PHP Modules are Installed)

Install PHP extensions

PHP Modules and extensions are additional libraries that extend the functionality of the PHP programming language. WordPress recommends several PHP modules to be installed for optimal performance.

PHP模块和扩展是扩展PHP编程语言功能的其他库。 WordPress建议安装几个PHP模块以获得最佳性能。

You can find a list of extensions on the WordPress website. Some of these extensions are required and others are recommended but not necessary.

您可以在WordPress网站上找到扩展列表。 其中一些扩展是必需的,而其他扩展则是推荐的,但不是必需的。

Now, how do you install a missing module?


You will need to ask your hosting providers to install these extensions for you. Some web hosting providers allow you to install them from hosting dashboard (look for PHP PEAR Packages). However, you would still need to configure them in php.ini file which may not be easier for beginners.

您将需要让您的托管服务提供商为您安装这些扩展。 一些网络托管服务提供商允许您从托管仪表板安装它们(查找PHP PEAR软件包)。 但是,您仍然需要在php.ini文件中配置它们,对于初学者而言可能并不容易。

11.禁用WordPress调试模式 (11. Disable WordPress Debug Mode)

WordPress debug mode

WordPress comes with a built-in debug mode which allows you to see if a plugin, theme, or custom code is throwing some errors. This feature is intended to be used by developers or advanced users.

WordPress带有内置的调试模式,可让您查看插件,主题或自定义代码是否引发一些错误。 此功能仅供开发人员或高级用户使用。

It is not recommended to turn on the WordPress debug mode for a live website. It may show warnings and notices in the WordPress admin area which affect user experience.

不建议为实时网站打开WordPress调试模式。 它可能会在WordPress管理区域中显示警告和注意事项,从而影响用户体验。

For details, see our article on how to turn off PHP errors in WordPress.


12.确保WordPress可以运行预定作业 (12. Make Sure WordPress Can Run Scheduled Jobs)

WordPress cron jobs

Your WordPress website needs to perform scheduled tasks like checking for updates. These tasks use a system called cron jobs.

您的WordPress网站需要执行预定的任务,例如检查更新。 这些任务使用称为cron作业的系统。

Sometimes your hosting environment may block them from running or you may accidentally end up stopping WordPress cron jobs.

有时您的托管环境可能阻止它们运行,或者您可能不小心最终停止了WordPress cron作业

You need to make sure that WordPress can run these scheduled tasks to improve your site health score.


有关WordPress网站健康功能的常见问题 (Frequently Asked Questions about WordPress Site Health Feature)

WordPress site health feature provides excellent suggestions and recommendations. However, there are still some questions that may arise in your mind.

WordPress网站运行状况功能提供了出色的建议。 但是,您的脑海中仍可能会出现一些问题。

Here we will try to answer some of those questions.


Do I need to get a 100% site health check score in WordPress?


No, you don’t need to get a 100% site health check score. Any score above 80% is considered good enough to run a WordPress website without significant issues.

不,您不需要获得100%的站点运行状况检查分数。 任何高于80%的分数都被认为足以运行WordPress网站而没有重大问题。

However, it does feel great to get a 100% site health score. It also ensures that you are not missing out on any of the recommended WordPress suggestions for your website.

但是,获得100%的站点健康评分确实感觉很好。 它还可以确保您不会错过任何针对您网站的WordPress建议。

Which site health checks are more important?


Site health tests are given three status labels:


  • Good (Passed tests)

  • Recommended (changes are recommended but not necessary)

  • Critical (Significant issues that you must consider fixing)


Critical issues are more important, and you should consider fixing them first.


Does the perfect site health score means my WordPress website is secure?


No, the site health score indicates that your WordPress installation uses the recommended WordPress settings. You would still need to improve WordPress security to protect your website against common threats.

否,网站运行状况得分表明您的WordPress安装使用了推荐的WordPress设置。 您仍然需要改善WordPress安全性,以保护您的网站免受常见威胁。

How do I troubleshoot a WordPress site?


Site health feature also provides you debugging information that can be used for troubleshooting. Simply switch to the info tab and from here you can find detailed information about your WordPress install.

站点运行状况功能还为您提供了可用于故障排除的调试信息。 只需切换到信息选项卡,即可在此处找到有关WordPress安装的详细信息。

Site health debug information

For example, you can find which PHP version your site is using or how much memory limit is allowed on your site.


However, if you need to troubleshoot further, then see our guide on how to troubleshoot WordPress issues step by step.


We hope this article helped you learn how to get a 100% score in WordPress site health check. You may also want to see our guide on choosing the best WordPress caching plugin and best WordPress page builder plugin for your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress网站运行状况检查中获得100%的分数。 您可能还想查看我们的指南,以为您的网站选择最佳的WordPress缓存插件最佳的WordPress页面构建器插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/tips-to-get-a-100-in-wordpress-site-health-check-score/

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