jetpack_WordPress Jetpack插件的16种最佳替代品


Are you looking for the best alternatives to the Jetpack plugin? Jetpack is a powerful WordPress plugin suite that adds various features to your WordPress website. Recently one of our readers asked us to share possible Jetpack alternatives for WordPress. In this article, we will show you the best alternatives to the WordPress Jetpack plugin.

您是否在寻找Jetpack插件的最佳替代品? Jetpack是功能强大的WordPress插件套件,可为您的WordPress网站添加各种功能。 最近,我们的一位读者要求我们分享WordPress的Jetpack替代方案。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress Jetpack插件的最佳替代品。

Best Jetpack alternatives for WordPress
什么是Jetpack WordPress插件? (What is Jetpack WordPress plugin?)

Jetpack is a plugin suite which combines essential WordPress features into one large plugin. It allows you to manage the features you want to use, and you can turn off the features you don’t need.

Jetpack是一个插件套件,它将基本的WordPress功能组合到一个大型插件中。 它使您可以管理要使用的功能,并且可以关闭不需要的功能。

However as your website grows, you may want to expand beyond Jetpack. You might need advanced functionalities that are offered in other third-party WordPress plugins.

但是,随着网站的发展,您可能希望扩展到Jetpack之外。 您可能需要其他第三方WordPress插件中提供的高级功能。

In these cases, it makes sense to look at Jetpack alternatives for specific features that you need.


Jetpack插件的优缺点 (Pros and Cons of Jetpack Plugin)

Pros and cons of using WordPress Jetpack plugin

Like all things in life, Jetpack plugin comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that you need to keep in mind when choosing Jetpack alternatives.


Pros of Using Jetpack Plugin


These are the advantages of using Jetpack plugin on your WordPress website.


  • One plugin to rule them all. You get all essential features in one easy to manage package.

    一个插件来统治他们。 您可以在一个易于管理的软件包中获得所有基本功能。
  • Jetpack is highly optimized for performance with Automattic’s (company behind Jetpack and powerful infrastructure running in the background.

  • It has a nicer user interface than your typical WordPress plugins.


Cons of Using Jetpack Plugin


Following are the disadvantages of using WordPress Jetpack plugin on your website.

以下是在您的网站上使用WordPress Jetpack插件的缺点。

  • Using Jetpack requires you to create a account.

  • The Jetpack core is free but many of its features require a paid subscription.

  • It has limited email functionality. You cannot email your subscribers without publishing a blog post.

    它具有有限的电子邮件功能。 如果不发布博客文章,则无法向订阅者发送电子邮件。
  • Your website becomes dependent on one plugin which makes it harder to replace in the future.


That being said, let’s take a look at the best Jetpack alternatives that you can install on your website.


1. WPForms Lite (1. WPForms Lite)


WPForms Lite is the best alternative to Jetpack’s feedback form. WPForms is the best WordPress contact form plugin, and it comes with a free lite version that allows you to easily add contact form in your WordPress website.

WPForms Lite是Jetpack反馈表的最佳替代品。 WPForms是最好的WordPress联系人表格插件,它带有免费的lite版本,可让您轻松地在WordPress网站中添加联系人表格。

WPForms comes with a beautiful drag and drop form builder and ready-made form templates. Adding form into your blog posts and pages is simple with shortcode or by using the Add form button in post editor.

WPForms带有漂亮的拖放式表单生成器和现成的表单模板。 使用简码或使用帖子编辑器中的“添加表单”按钮,可以轻松地将表单添加到博客文章和页面中。

We built WPForms to make it beginner friendly while offering advanced functionalities like email subscription, payments, user registration, and more in the Pro version.


2. MonsterInsights (2. MonsterInsights)


Jetpack comes with a built-in stats module. However it’s no where near as powerful as Google Analytics. If you want Google Analytics integration in Jetpack, then you have to upgrade to the professional plan which costs $299/year.

Jetpack带有内置的统计模块。 但是,它远没有Google Analytics(分析)强大。 如果您想将Google Analytics(分析)集成到Jetpack中,则必须升级到专业计划,该计划的年费为299美元。

MonsterInsights is the top Google Analytics plugin for WordPress with more than 1+ Million active installs, and it has a free version available for all WordPress users.

MonsterInsights是适用于WordPress的顶级Google Analytics(分析)插件,活跃安装量超过1百万次,并且它为所有WordPress用户提供了一个免费版本。

MonsterInsights allows you to easily install Google Analytics in your WordPress website. It comes with beautiful reporting tools that make it easy for beginners to see where their users are coming from and what they are viewing.

MonsterInsights允许您轻松在WordPress网站中安装Google Analytics(分析) 。 它带有漂亮的报告工具,使初学者可以轻松查看其用户来自何处以及正在查看什么。

3. UpdraftPlus (3. UpdraftPlus)


Jetpack offers automated daily backups, but they are only available for paid plans. UpdraftPlus is one of the best WordPress backup plugins in the market and a free alternate to Jetpack’s backup feature.

Jetpack提供每日自动备份,但仅适用于付费计划。 UpdraftPlus是市场上最好的WordPress备份插件之一,是Jetpack备份功能的免费替代产品。

It allows you to easily set up automatic backups for your entire WordPress website.


You just need to set it up once, and then it will automatically create backups. Your backups are stored in remote locations such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and more. You can also restore your website from any previous backups with few clicks.

您只需要设置一次,然后它将自动创建备份。 您的备份存储在远程位置,例如Google云端硬盘,Dropbox等。 您也可以单击几下从以前的任何备份中还原您的网站。

For details, see our guide on how to How to backup and restore your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus.


4. Akismet (4. Akismet)


Jetpack has spam filtering feature for paid plans, but you will need at least the personal plan to access basic spam filtering.


Akismet is the best WordPress spam filtering plugin in the market. It automatically filters all your WordPress comments to catch spam. This significantly reduces the number of spam comments that you’ll have to moderate.

Akismet是市场上最好的WordPress垃圾邮件过滤插件。 它会自动过滤所有WordPress注释以捕获垃圾邮件。 这大大减少了您必须审核的垃圾邮件评论的数量。

For complete set up instructions, see our Akismet guide for WordPress beginners.


5. Sucuri扫描仪 (5. Sucuri Scanner)


Jetpack only scans for malware if you have professional or premium subscription plans. Sucuri scanner provides free malware scanner, blacklist monitoring, file integrity check, post-hacks security actions, and security hardening.

如果您有专业或高级订阅计划,Jetpack仅扫描恶意软件。 Sucuri扫描仪提供免费的恶意软件扫描仪,黑名单监控,文件完整性检查,黑客入侵后的安全措施和安全强化。

Sucuri is the industry leader in WordPress security and website monitoring. It also offers the best WordPress firewall which blocks suspicious activity even before it reaches your website.

SucuriWordPress安全和网站监控的行业领导者。 它还提供了最好的WordPress防火墙 ,即使在到达您的网站之前,它也可以阻止可疑活动。

6. Yoast SEO (6. Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO

Jetpack offers limited SEO functionality even for premium plan users. You will need at least professional plan to access all of Jetpack’s SEO features. Yoast SEO is the perfect alternative to Jetpack’s SEO features, and it is the most popular SEO plugin in the market.

Jetpack即使对于高级计划用户也提供有限的SEO功能。 您需要至少专业计划才能访问Jetpack的所有SEO功能。 Yoast SEO是Jetpack SEO功能的完美替代品,它是市场上最受欢迎的SEO插件。

The free Yoast SEO plugin gives you complete WordPress SEO tools including site verification, XML sitemaps, SEO preview, Facebook and Twitter preview images, title and meta descriptions, and more.

免费的Yoast SEO插件为您提供了完整的WordPress SEO工具,包括站点验证,XML网站地图,SEO预览,Facebook和Twitter预览图像,标题和元描述等。

For complete step by step instructions, see our guide on how to install and set up Yoast SEO plugin.

有关完整的分步说明,请参见有关如何安装和设置Yoast SEO插件的指南

7. WP到缓冲区 (7. WP to Buffer)

WP to Buffer

WP to Buffer plugin allows you to connect your WordPress site to Buffer and automatically schedule your WordPress posts to share on your social media profiles. It is the best alternative to Jetpack’s publicize feature, which does the same thing.

WP to Buffer插件可让您将WordPress网站连接到Buffer,并自动安排WordPress帖子以在社交媒体个人资料上共享。 这是Jetpack宣传功能的最佳替代方法,后者具有相同的作用。

Buffer is a social media management platform that allows you to schedule your social media posts throughout the day. This saves you time you would otherwise spend on sharing your articles manually on social media.

Buffer是一个社交媒体管理平台,可让您安排全天的社交媒体发布。 这样可以节省您原本会花费在社交媒体上手动共享文章的时间。

8.另一个相关的帖子插件 (8. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin)

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts plugin is the best WordPress related posts plugin in the market and the perfect alternative to Jetpack’s related posts feature.


It offers more customization options and full control on how and where you display related posts on your website. It even supports custom post types and can add related posts in RSS feeds as well.

它提供了更多的自定义选项,并完全控制了您在网站上显示相关帖子的方式和位置。 它甚至支持自定义帖子类型,也可以在RSS feed中添加相关帖子。

9. De:评论 (9. De:Comments)


Decomments is a paid WordPress plugin, which allows you to transform your WordPress comment area by adding more social features to it. Your users can rate comments, share comments on social media, login with their social profiles, earn badges, and more.

Decomments是一个付费的WordPress插件,它允许您通过向其添加更多社交功能来转换WordPress评论区域。 您的用户可以对评论进行评分,在社交媒体上分享评论,使用其社交个人资料登录,获得徽章等。

This offers a very engaging user experience for comments on your WordPress site. For detailed instructions see our article on how to improve WordPress comments with De:comments.

这为您在WordPress网站上发表评论提供了非常引人入胜的用户体验。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何使用De:comments改进WordPress评论的文章。

10. Envira Gallery Lite (10. Envira Gallery Lite)

Envira Gallery

WordPress comes with a default way to easily add image galleries. However, the default WordPress gallery is quite limited in functionality. If user clicks on a image it loads in a new page.

WordPress带有一种默认方法,可以轻松添加图像库 。 但是,默认的WordPress画廊功能非常有限。 如果用户单击图像,则会在新页面中加载。

Envira Gallery Lite offers the free alternative to Jetpack’s responsive galleries. It allows you to easily create responsive image galleries with carousel popups.

Envira Gallery Lite提供了Jetpack响应式画廊的免费替代品。 它使您可以轻松创建带有轮播弹出窗口的响应式图像库。

11. Pingdom (11. Pingdom)


Pingdom is not a plugin but a website monitoring tool that you can use as an alternative to Jetpack’s monitoring tool. Pingdom’s free account allows you to monitor 1 website.

Pingdom不是插件,而是网站监视工具,可以用来替代Jetpack的监视工具。 Pingdom的免费帐户允许您监视1个网站。

It sends instant email notification when your website is down and notifies you when it is up again. You can also monitor your website’s historic uptime by logging into your account.

当您的网站关闭时,它会立即发送电子邮件通知,并在您再次打开时通知您。 您还可以通过登录帐户来监视网站的历史运行时间。

12. MailChimp (12. MailChimp)


Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach out to your audiences. If you haven’t started it yet, then see our guide on why you should start building your email list right away.

电子邮件营销是吸引您的受众的最佳方法之一。 如果您尚未启动,请参阅我们的指南,了解为何应立即开始构建电子邮件列表

MailChimp is one of the best email marketing services in the world and the perfect alternative to Jetpack’s email subscriptions. The downside of Jetpack’s subscriptions is that it only emails users when you publish a new post. Unlike a real email list, where you can send users weekly or monthly newsletters.

MailChimp是世界上最好的电子邮件营销服务之一,是Jetpack电子邮件订阅的完美替代方案。 Jetpack订阅的不利之处在于,它仅在您发布新帖子时通过电子邮件发送给用户。 与真实的电子邮件列表不同,您可以在其中每周或每月向用户发送新闻通讯。

MailChimp is a paid service but they offer a free forever plan for upto 2000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month.


13. Cloudflare (13. Cloudflare)


Cloudflare is one of the best CDN services that offers free CDN and basic protection against DDOS attacks.

Cloudflare是最好的CDN服务之一 ,可提供免费CDN和针对DDOS攻击的基本保护。

It improves your website’s speed and performance by serving static content through their global CDN. Cloudflare is the perfect replacement for Jetpack’s CDN service which serves your images through their CDN server to optimize performance. It also provides a free alternative to Jetpack’s brute force attack protection.

通过其全局CDN提供静态内容,可以提高您网站的速度和性能 。 Cloudflare是Jetpack CDN服务的完美替代,该服务通过其CDN服务器为您的图像提供服务以优化性能。 它还提供了Jetpack暴力攻击防护的免费替代方案。

For detailed instructions see our guide on how to setup free Cloudflare CDN in WordPress.

有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中设置免费Cloudflare CDN的指南。

14.轻松更新管理器 (14. Easy Updates Manager)

Easy Updates Manager

Easy Updates Manager allows you to replace Jetpack’s automatic plugin update feature. It helps you easily manage all WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates.

Easy Updates Manager允许您替换Jetpack的自动插件更新功能。 它可以帮助您轻松管理所有WordPress核心,主题和插件更新。

From a single dashboard, you can enable or disable automatic updates. You can set specific or all plugin updates to be automatically installed. It can also automatically install theme updates.

在单个仪表板上,您可以启用或禁用自动更新。 您可以将特定或所有插件更新设置为自动安装。 它还可以自动安装主题更新。

For more details, see our guide on how to better manage automatic WordPress updates.


15. WordPress无限滚动 (15. WordPress Infinite Scroll)

Load More - Infinite scroll for WordPress

WordPress Infinite Scroll is the perfect alternative to Jetpack’s infinite scroll feature. Just like Jetpack, you will need to add a little code snippet into your theme.

WordPress无限滚动是Jetpack无限滚动功能的完美替代。 就像Je​​tpack一样,您需要在主题中添加一些代码段。

It allows you to add a button that users can click to load more posts, you can also choose to automatically load posts as user scrolls down a page.


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add load more posts button in WordPress.


16.共享计数 (16. Shared Counts)

Shared Counts

Shared Counts is one of the best social media plugins for WordPress. It is super fast and only loads a limited number of top social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Stumbleupon, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Shared Counts是WordPress最好的社交媒体插件之一 。 它速度非常快,并且仅加载有限数量的顶级社交网络:Facebook,Twitter,Google +,Stumbleupon,Pinterest和LinkedIn。

It has multiple button styles, social share count, and total share count feature. You can rearrange the button display order and the plugin can automatically insert buttons in your WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types.

它具有多种按钮样式,社交共享计数和总共享计数功能。 您可以重新排列按钮的显示顺序,并且插件可以自动在WordPress帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型中插入按钮。

We hope this article helped you find the best alternatives for the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site. You may also want to see our list of essential WordPress plugins to find other must-have plugins for your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress网站上找到Jetpack插件的最佳替代品。 您可能还希望查看我们的基本WordPress插件列表,以找到您网站的其他必备插件。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。



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