
Are you looking for the best testimonial plugins for your WordPress site? Testimonials add social proof to your website and help build trust among your users. In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress testimonial plugins that you can use on your website.

您是否正在寻找适合您的WordPress网站的最佳推荐插件? 推荐书可向您的网站添加社交证明 ,并有助于在用户之间建立信任。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了可在您的网站上使用的最佳WordPress推荐插件。

Best testimonial plugins for WordPress
1.推荐旋转器 (1. Testimonial Rotator)

Testimonial Rotator

Testimonial Rotator is an easy to use WordPress testimonials plugin. It allows you create a testimonial carousel and add rotating testimonials anywhere on your website.

推荐旋转器是一个易于使用的WordPress推荐插件。 它使您可以创建推荐轮播,并在网站上的任何位置添加旋转推荐。

You can also create multiple rotators and manually enter customer information such as feedback, job title, and photo. For detailed step by step instructions, see our article on how to add rotating testimonials in WordPress.

您还可以创建多个旋转器,并手动输入客户信息,例如反馈,职称和照片。 有关详细的分步说明,请参阅我们有关如何在WordPress中添加旋转推荐的文章。

2.简单的推荐 (2. Easy Testimonials)

Easy Testimonials

Want to allow customers to submit reviews and display them on your website? Easy Testimonials allows you to add a customer feedback form on your website, so you can collect testimonials. You can also manually enter testimonials from your WordPress admin area.

是否要允许客户提交评论并将其显示在您的网站上? 轻松推荐书可让您在网站上添加客户反馈表,以便您收集推荐书。 您也可以从WordPress管理区域手动输入推荐书。

After that, you can easily display testimonials using a simple shortcode. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add a customer reviews page in WordPress.

之后,您可以使用简单的简码轻松显示推荐书。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加客户评论页面的指南。

3.推荐小工具 (3. Testimonials Widget)

Testimonials widget

Testimonials Widget is another flexible WordPress testimonials plugin. Despite the name, it allows you to add testimonials anywhere on your website.

推荐小工具是另一个灵活的WordPress推荐插件。 尽管有名称,它却允许您在网站上的任何地方添加推荐。

It comes with a sidebar widget allowing you to easily display testimonials in sidebars. Testimonials are displayed in a carousel with a beautiful slide-in and fade effects.

它带有一个侧边栏小部件,可让您轻松地在侧边栏中显示推荐。 推荐书显示在轮播中,具有漂亮的滑入和淡入效果。

4.强烈的推荐 (4. Strong Testimonials)

Strong testimonials

Strong Testimonials is one of the most customizable WordPress testimonial plugins. It comes with multiple display options including testimonial slider, grid layout, masonry layout, single column layout, and more.

强大的推荐是最可定制的WordPress推荐插件之一。 它具有多种显示选项,包括推荐滑块,网格布局,砖石布局,单列布局等等。

It also includes a custom form allowing your customers to easily add their reviews and testimonials. If you have been getting customer reviews on social media, then this plugin can also embed Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

它还包括一个自定义表单,可让您的客户轻松添加他们的评论和推荐。 如果您已经在社交媒体上获得了客户评论,那么此插件还可以嵌入Facebook,Twitter,YouTube等。

5.证明基础 (5. Testimonial Basics)

Testimonial Basics

Testimonial Basics is a complete testimonial management solution for your WordPress website. It includes multiple display styles, sidebar widget, and a feedback form to collect user testimonials.

见证基础是针对您的WordPress网站的完整的见证管理解决方案。 它包括多种显示样式,侧边栏小部件以及用于收集用户推荐的反馈表。

User-submitted testimonials use Gravatar to fetch client photo. However, you can also manually upload photos directly from your WordPress admin area.

用户提交的推荐信使用Gravatar来获取客户照片。 但是,您也可以直接从WordPress管理区域手动上传照片。

6.带有旋转器小部件的WP推荐 (6. WP Testimonials with rotator widget)

WP Testimonials

WP Testimonials is a simple yet highly customizable testimonials plugin. It allows you to easily add testimonials and sort them into categories and tags.

WP推荐是一个简单但可高度自定义的推荐插件。 它使您可以轻松添加证明书并将其分类为类别和标签。

After creating testimonials, you can display them using a shortcode. This shortcode comes with many parameters that you can use to customize the appearance of testimonials. The plugin also comes with a widget with the same options as the shortcode offer.

创建推荐书后,您可以使用简码显示它们。 该简码带有许多参数,可用于自定义见证的外观。 该插件还带有一个小部件,其选项与简码提供的选项相同。

7. BNE推荐 (7. BNE Testimonials)

BNE Testimonials

BNE Testimonials is another easy to use option for adding testimonials to your WordPress site. It comes with a shortcode and a sidebar widget to easily display testimonials.

BNE推荐书是另一个易于使用的选项,用于向您的WordPress网站添加推荐书。 它带有一个简码和一个侧栏小部件,可轻松显示推荐信。

It has a slider and plain list layout for testimonials, which inherits your theme’s style for display.


8.感言 (8. Testimonial)


Testimonial is a straight-forward WordPress testimonials plugin with simple options and the ability to choose your own colors.


It has draggable box items and allows you to choose different fonts, font-sizes, text color, and featured photo. The plugin does not have a slider or rotator, so testimonials will be displayed in grid or list style.

它具有可拖动的框项目,允许您选择不同的字体,字体大小,文本颜色和特色照片。 该插件没有滑块或旋转器,因此推荐将以网格或列表样式显示。

9.推荐滑块 (9. Testimonial Slider)

Testimonial Slider

Testimonial Slider offers a modern WordPress testimonial slider with an improved user experience. It comes with a slider as well as plain list layout. You can also add a front-end contact form to collect customer testimonials.

推荐滑块提供了具有改进的用户体验的现代WordPress推荐滑块。 它带有一个滑块以及普通列表布局。 您还可以添加前端联系表以收集客户推荐。

You can add testimonials anywhere using the shortcode or sidebar widget. The testimonial slider is touch / mobile friendly and works great on all screen sizes.

您可以使用简码或侧边栏小部件在任何地方添加推荐。 推荐滑动条是触摸/移动友好的,在所有屏幕尺寸上都适用。

We hope this article helped you find the best testimonial plugin for your WordPress website. You may also want to see our complete list of must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress网站的最佳推荐插件。 您可能还想查看我们的完整列表,其中必须包含用于商业网站的WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/9-best-testimonial-plugins-for-wordpress/





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