扩展林域架构_Com与Net –域扩展之间有什么区别


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between .com vs .net domain name extensions? Choosing the right domain name is crucial because it can have an impact on your branding and search rankings.

您是否想知道.com和.net域名扩展之间的区别是什么? 选择正确的域名至关重要,因为它可能会影响您的品牌和搜索排名。

In this article, we will explain the difference between .com vs .net domain extensions and which one is better for your website.


Difference between Com vs Net domain name extensions
什么是.Com和.Net域名扩展名? (What Are .Com and .Net Domain Name Extensions?)

A domain name is your website’s address on the internet. Our is wpbeginner.com.

域名是您网站在互联网上的地址。 我们是wpbeginner.com

To learn more about domain names, see our beginner’s guide on what is a domain name and how do domains work.


Domain names always have an extension. This is sometimes also called a TLD, which stands for Top Level Domain. For instance:

域名总是有一个扩展名。 有时也称为TLD,代表顶级域。 例如:



You can choose from a wide range of domain extensions when making your website.


Most domain extensions don’t have any restrictions on usage and lots of new domain extensions have been created in recent years.


However, extensions were originally created for different types of websites. They have specific meanings.

但是,扩展最初是为不同类型的网站创建的。 它们具有特定的含义。

You need to choose a domain name extension that fits your business while helping you build a recognizable brand in your industry.


Let’s take a look at the difference between the most popular .com vs .net domain extensions to see which is better for your business.


.Com和.Net域名之间的区别 (Difference Between .Com vs .Net Domain Names)

The .com vs .net domain extension

Com and Net are two of the most popular domain name extensions. If your preferred .com domain name extension is not available, then you might be tempted to use a .net instead.

Com和Net是最受欢迎的两个域名扩展。 如果您首选的.com域名扩展名不可用,那么您可能会想使用.net。

However, .net isn’t a good option for your business in most cases.


The “com” in the .com domain name indicates a “commercial” site. This can cover business websites, websites that want to make money online, personal websites, blogs, portfolios, and more.

.com域名中的“ com”表示“商业”站点。 这可以涵盖商业网站,想要在线赚钱的网站 ,个人网站,博客,投资组合等。

On the other hand, the “net” in the .net domain name extension stands for “network”. It was designed for the internet, networking, and email service providers.

另一方面,.net域名扩展名中的“ net”代表“网络”。 它是为Internet,网络和电子邮件服务提供商设计的。

If you’re wondering about .org, that stands for “organization” and was originally intended for use by nonprofit organizations.


什么时候应该选择.Com域名? (When Should You Choose a .Com Domain Name?)

The extension .com on a bulletin board

The .com domain extension has been synonymous with the internet since the “dot-com bubble” in the late 1990s. Over 40% of all registered domain names are .com domains.

自1990年代后期的“互联网泡沫”以来,.com域扩展一直是互联网的代名词。 所有注册域名中超过40%是.com域。

It’s much easier for people to remember a .com domain name than any other domain extension. It’s familiar and reassuring, plus it makes your site look professional.

人们记住.com域名比其他任何域名扩展名都容易得多。 它既熟悉又令人放心,而且使您的网站看起来更专业。

Also, most mobile keyboards have a dedicated .com button. You won’t find that for .net (or any other extension).

而且,大多数移动键盘都有专用的.com按钮。 您不会在.net(或任何其他扩展名)中找到该文件。

There’s just one problem. You’ve probably noticed that .com domain names are so popular that it feels like all the good ones are already taken!

只有一个问题。 您可能已经注意到.com域名是如此流行,以至于好像所有好域名都已被使用!

However, there are still plenty of clever ways to get the perfect .com domain name. Here are some things to try:

但是,仍然有许多巧妙的方法来获取完美的.com域名。 这里有一些尝试:

  • Check that your domain name represents your business and what you do. For example, stargardeningservices.com is better than starservices.com.

    检查您的域名代表您的业务以及您的工作。 例如,stargardeningservices.com比starservices.com更好。
  • If your preferred domain name is taken, then you can add a word before or after it to make it unique. Your location could work well here. For example, stargardeninghouston.com.

    如果使用了您喜欢的域名,则可以在其之前或之后添加一个单词以使其唯一。 您的位置可以在这里正常运行。 例如,stargardeninghouston.com。
  • Make sure your domain name can be easily pronounced and remembered. Don’t use hyphens or numbers in your domain name.

    确保您的域名易于发音和记住。 请勿在域名中使用连字符或数字。
  • online domain name generators. These free tools will help you come up with clever domain name ideas that are unique and still available. WPBeginner now has an AI-powered 在线域名生成器 。 这些免费工具将帮助您提出独特且仍然可用的聪明的域名建议。 WPBeginner现在拥有一个由AI驱动的free business name generator.免费企业名称生成器

Need more help? We’ve got lots of practical tips and real-life examples in our article on how to choose the best domain name for your website.

需要更多帮助吗? 关于如何为您的网站选择最佳域名的文章中,我们提供了许多实用技巧和实际示例。

什么时候应该使用.Net域扩展? (When You Should Use the .Net Domain Extension?)

The .net extension still makes sense in some cases. You could use it if you offer internet, networking, database hosting, email hosting, or similar services.

在某些情况下,.net扩展名仍然有意义。 如果您提供Internet,网络,数据库托管,电子邮件托管或类似服务,则可以使用它。

You might even want to use a .net domain name if it truly suits your brand.


For example, Behance.net is a popular online design community which uses a .net domain extension for their website. It suits them because they wanted to be a network of artists, designers, and companies looking for talent.

例如,Behance.net是一个受欢迎的在线设计社区,其网站使用.net域扩展名。 之所以适合他们,是因为他们希望成为艺术家,设计师和寻找人才的公司的网络。

Under 4% of all domain names registered are using the .net domain extension.


为什么您可能会倾向于使用.Net扩展名 (Why You Might Be Tempted to Use the .Net Extension)

Have you ever tried to register a .com domain and seen something like this?


The .net domain is being promoted as an alternative to the .com one

Domain name registrars often present .net as the top alternative to .com. This might make you think it’s more commonly used than it actually is.

域名注册商通常会将.net作为.com的顶级替代方案。 这可能会让您认为它比实际更常用。

Even the most well-known internet and network service companies use a .com domain name for their business.


Of course, 4% is still a lot of domain names. Over 13 million, in fact. You might wonder who’s using all those .net domain names.

当然4%仍然是很多域名。 实际上,超过1300万。 您可能想知道谁在使用所有这些.net域名。

In many cases, the .net domains aren’t really being used.


Many businesses register a .net extension so no-one else can take it. They may not use the .net domain, or they may redirect it to their .com. site.

许多企业都注册了.net扩展名,因此没有其他人可以接受。 他们可能不使用.net域,也可能将其重定向到他们的.com。 现场。

Also, some companies started with a .net because they couldn’t get the .com they wanted. Most later transferred to a .com domain extension, often keeping the .net domain name registered for technical and legal reasons.

此外,一些公司以.net开头,因为他们无法获得所需的.com。 大多数后来转移到.com域名扩展名,通常出于技术和法律原因而保留.net域名的注册。

选择.Com与.Net –哪个更适合SEO? (Choosing .Com vs .Net – Which One is Better for SEO?)

SEO - search engine optimization - in letters

A lot of our users ask us which domain extension will help them rank higher.


If you’re looking at either .com or .net, it doesn’t make any difference which you choose from an SEO perspective. Search engines will treat both domain extensions the same.

如果您使用的是.com或.net,那么从SEO角度来看并没有什么不同。 搜索引擎将两个域名扩展视为相同。

Just focus on SEO best practices and create useful targeted content to rank higher.


The important part is your domain name itself, not the extension.


For example, stargardeningservices.com will rank better than starservices.net because it contains a keyword (gardening services) that people are likely to search for.

例如, stargardeningservices.com的排名将比starservices.net更好,因为它包含了人们可能会搜索的关键字(园艺服务)。

如何购买域名 (How to Buy a Domain Name)

There are two ways to get a domain name. You can choose the one that best suits you.

有两种获取域名的方法。 您可以选择最适合您的一种。

1. Get a FREE Domain Name with Bluehost


To make a website, you need website hosting as well as a domain name.


This may seem a bit confusing when you’re new to creating websites. Make sure you’re clear on the difference between domain name and website hosting.

当您不熟悉创建网站时,这似乎有些令人困惑。 确保您清楚域名和网站托管之间区别

Usually, you will pay around $14.99/year for a domain name and $7.99/month for hosting. If you are just starting out, then you may feel that’s quite expensive.

通常,您每年需要为域名支付14.99美元左右的费用,并为托管服务每月支付7.99美元的费用。 如果您刚刚起步,那么您可能会觉得这很昂贵。

Luckily, the folks at Bluehost are offering WPBeginner users a free domain name and a 65% discount on hosting.

幸运的是, Bluehost的人们为WPBeginner用户提供了一个免费域名,并为托管提供了65%的折扣。

→ Click Here to Claim Your Free Domain Name ←


2. Register a Domain Name


If you don’t want to make a website straight away, you can still register a domain name and make a website later.


We recommend using Domain.com for this. They offer features like private registration, easy transfers, easy DNS management, and more. Their search tool shows you premium domains as well as regular ones, too.

我们建议为此使用Domain.com 。 它们提供了诸如私人注册,轻松传输,轻松DNS管理等功能。 他们的搜索工具还可以向您显示高级域名和常规域名

Registering a domain name with Domain.com

To get an exclusive 25% discount on your domain, make sure you go through our link to Domain.com. This will automatically apply our Domain.com coupon code.

要在您的域上获得25%的独家折扣,请确保您通过我们的Domain.com链接。 这将自动应用我们的Domain.com优惠券代码

If you’re looking for Domain.com alternatives, then please see our list of the best domain registrars.


If this is your first time registering a domain name, then you may want to use our step by step guide on how to register a domain name.


We hope this article helped you learn the difference between .com vs .net domain name extensions. You may also want to see our step by step guides on how to start a blog and how to start an online store.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解.com与.net域名扩展之间的区别。 您可能还希望查看有关如何开设博客以及如何开设在线商店的分步指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/com-vs-net-whats-the-difference-between-domain-extensions/






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