什么是RSS? 如何在WordPress中使用RSS?

As a blogger, you have likely come across an orange icon labeled RSS feed. If you have ever wondered what is RSS and how you can use RSS to grow your WordPress site, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we will explain what is RSS, what are the benefits of RSS, and how to use it to grow your WordPress blog.

作为博客作者,您可能会遇到一个标有RSS feed的橙色图标。 如果您曾经想知道什么是RSS,以及如何使用RSS来发展WordPress网站,那么您来对地方了。 在本文中,我们将解释什么是RSS,RSS有哪些好处以及如何使用它来发展您的WordPress博客。

What is RSS?
什么是RSS? (What is RSS?)

RSS is a type of web feed that allows users and applications to receive regular updates from a website or blog of their choice. The acronym RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. It is sometimes referred to as the feed or RSS feed.

RSS是一种Web提要,它允许用户和应用程序从他们选择的网站或博客中接收定期更新。 RSS的缩写代表Really Simple Syndication或Rich Site Summary。 有时称为提要或RSS提要。

In the early days of internet, if you wanted to keep track of updates on your favorite website, then you had to bookmark it and then manually visit to see if there were any updates.


RSS feed solved that problem by allowing users to keep track of their favorite websites without having to manually visit the website each time.

RSS feed通过允许用户跟踪自己喜欢的网站而不必每次都手动访问该网站来解决该问题。

RSS allows bloggers and publishers to automatically syndicate their content, so that people can read it in their email, feed reader and other devices.


RSS Feed如何工作? (How Does RSS Feed Work?)

RSS feeds work by publishing your latest content in a structured XML document. This feed contains your full articles or the summary, and metadata for each item like date, author, category, etc.

RSS feed通过在结构化XML文档中发布最新内容来工作。 此供稿包含您的完整文章或摘要 ,以及每个项目的元数据,例如日期,作者,类别等。

This XML document can then be fetched and read with a RSS feed reader. There are many RSS feed reader software available for all operating systems, desktops, and mobile devices.

然后可以获取此XML文档,并使用RSS feed阅读器进行阅读。 有许多RSS提要阅读器软件可用于所有操作系统,台式机和移动设备。

Here is what an example RSS feed looks like:

这是一个示例RSS feed的样子:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Beginner's Guide for WordPress</description>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 02 Dec 2018 14:13:37 +0000</lastBuildDate>
        <title>How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 02 Dec 2018 11:58:18 +0000</pubDate>
        <dc:creator>Editorial Staff</dc:creator>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.wpbeginner.com/?p=10968</guid>
        <description><![CDATA[<p>Description of post goes here...]]></description>
        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Post goes here....]]></content:encoded>

All WordPress blogs come with built-in support for RSS feeds. By default, each page of your WordPress site contains a meta tag that points to your website’s RSS feed location.

所有WordPress博客都内置了对RSS feed的支持。 默认情况下,您的WordPress网站的每个页面都包含一个指向网站RSS提要位置的元标记。

You can disable RSS feeds in WordPress, but continue reading and you might change your mind about disabling them.

您可以在WordPress中禁用RSS提要 ,但请继续阅读,您可能会改变想法来禁用它们。

RSS的好处是什么? (What are The Benefits of RSS?)

RSS makes it easy for users to subscribe to your content. Using an RSS feed, they can receive updates from your blog or website directly in their feed readers, desktop applications, and many other devices.

RSS使用户可以轻松订阅您的内容。 使用RSS feed,他们可以直接在其feed阅读器,桌面应用程序和许多其他设备上从您的博客或网站接收更新。

Subscribers don’t have to remember your website URL because they can bring the content into a central location where they like to read all of their favorite websites at once.


Your content also becomes portable, and your subscribers can even take it with them for offline reading.


RSS feeds help you build and nurture a loyal following around your blog. RSS subscribers are more likely to share your content on social media. Many of our readers automatically tweet every new WPBeginner article using RSS feed and IFTTT.

RSS feed可以帮助您在博客上建立和培养忠实的追随者。 RSS订阅者更有可能在社交媒体上分享您的内容。 我们的许多读者都使用RSS feed和IFTTT自动发布每篇新的WPBeginner文章。

As a user, you can subscribe to your favorite websites and read them all at one place. This allows you to quickly scan through your favorite news and blog sites. If you want to leave a blog comment, then you can easily visit the individual article and leave your comment.

作为用户,您可以订阅自己喜欢的网站并在一处阅读它们。 这使您可以快速浏览自己喜欢的新闻和博客网站。 如果您想发表博客评论,则可以轻松访问单个文章并发表评论。

Most modern feed readers allow you to sort your reading lists into categories and groups. By using RSS efficiently, you can really maximize your reading time.

大多数现代供稿阅读器都允许您将阅读列表分类为类别和组。 通过有效地使用RSS,您可以真正延长阅读时间。

如何使用RSS feed阅读您喜欢的网站? (How to Use RSS Feeds to Read Your Favorite Websites?)

You can subscribe to RSS feeds by using apps called feed readers. There are many free feed readers available on the market for all popular operating systems and devices.

您可以使用称为Feed阅读器的应用程序订阅RSS feed。 市场上有许多免费的供稿阅读器,可用于所有流行的操作系统和设备。

Following are just a few of the top RSS feed reader apps that you can use.

以下是您可以使用的一些顶级RSS feed阅读器应用程序。

We recommend using Feedly. It is available as a browser add-on as well as a mobile app for iOS, Android, and Kindle devices.

我们建议使用Feedly 。 它可作为浏览器插件以及适用于iOS,Android和Kindle设备的移动应用程序使用。

By using Feedly, you can sync your RSS subscriptions across your devices and resume reading wherever you left it. Adding your favorite websites to Feedly is really simple, just enter the URL of the website and click the Follow button to subscribe.

通过使用Feedly,您可以在所有设备上同步RSS订阅,并在离开订阅后的任何地方恢复阅读。 将您喜欢的网站添加到Feedly非常简单,只需输入网站的URL,然后单击“关注”按钮即可订阅。

Subscribe to a website using Feedly

In most feed readers, you can search for topics that interest you and subscribe to popular sources on those topics. You can also categorize your favorite sites into topics. Feed readers such as Feedly come with features to print, share, and email articles that you find interesting.

在大多数摘要阅读器中,您可以搜索自己感兴趣的主题,并订阅有关这些主题的流行资源。 您还可以将自己喜欢的网站分类为主题。 Feed阅读器(例如Feedly)具有打印,共享和通过电子邮件发送您感兴趣的文章的功能。

Organize your RSS feed subscriptions
如何促进您的WordPress RSS Feed (How to Promote Your WordPress RSS Feed)

As a WordPress user, your website already publishes an RSS feed. You can find your RSS feed by simply adding /feed/ at the end of your website’s address. For example:

作为WordPress用户,您的网站已经发布了RSS feed。 您只需在网站地址的末尾添加/feed/即可找到RSS feed。 例如:



Don’t forget to replace wpbeginner.com with your own domain name.


You can encourage visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed by adding an RSS icon to your sidebar or another prominent location. Here is how we do it on WPBeginner:

您可以通过在侧边栏或其他显眼位置添加RSS图标来鼓励访问者订阅您的RSS feed。 这是我们在WPBeginner上的方法:

RSS feed icon on WPBeginner

You can also connect your RSS feed to an email marketing service and allow your users to receive your blog posts directly in their inbox. For instructions, see our guide on how to add email subscriptions to your WordPress blog.

您还可以将RSS feed连接到电子邮件营销服务,并允许用户直接在其收件箱中接收您的博客文章。 有关说明,请参阅有关如何向WordPress博客添加电子邮件订阅的指南。

将您的WordPress RSS Feed提升到新的水平 (Take Your WordPress RSS Feed to The Next Level)

RSS feeds are extremely powerful, and with little effort you can use them to build a loyal following.


1. Use RSS Feed to build an email list

1.使用RSS Feed建立电子邮件列表

If you are not already building an email list, then you need to start immediately. See our guide on why you should start building your email list right away.

如果尚未建立电子邮件列表,则需要立即开始。 请参阅我们的指南,了解为什么您应该立即开始构建电子邮件列表

This is where you’ll need OptinMonster. It is the best lead generation software on the market and allows you to convert website visitors into subscribers.

这是您需要OptinMonster的地方 。 它是市场上最好的潜在客户生成软件,可让您将网站访问者转化为订阅者。

Using OptinMonster to grow your email subscribers

2. Use RSS Feed to grow social media following

2.使用RSS Feed扩大社交媒体关注度


Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter can help you grow your website traffic. However, to keep your social media profiles active you need to regularly post content.

诸如Facebook和Twitter之类的社交媒体网站可以帮助您增加网站流量。 但是,要保持社交媒体资料的活跃性,您需要定期发布内容。

Using RSS feeds with IFTTT, you can automatically share your new blog posts to all your social media profiles.

结合使用带有IFTTT的RSS提要 ,您可以自动将新的博客文章分享到所有社交媒体资料。

3. Cross Promote Your Blog Using RSS Widget


WordPress comes with a default RSS widget that you can add to your sidebar and display latest posts from any other blog. You can use this widget to cross-promote your own blogs.

WordPress带有默认的RSS小部件,您可以将其添加到侧边栏并显示其他任何博客的最新帖子。 您可以使用此小部件交叉推广自己的博客。

Adding RSS widget to your WordPress site

4. Customize your RSS feed

4.定制您的RSS feed

There are some advanced hacks and tricks that you can use to customize your WordPress RSS feeds.

您可以使用一些高级的技巧和技巧来自定义WordPress RSS源。

Need even more tips? See our list of the best tips to optimize your WordPress RSS feed.

需要更多提示吗? 请参阅我们的最佳技巧列表, 以优化WordPress RSS feed

We hope this article explained what is RSS and how you can use RSS in WordPress to grow your website. You may also want to see our guide on how to get more visitors to your WordPress site.

我们希望本文能解释什么是RSS,以及如何在WordPress中使用RSS来发展您的网站。 您可能还想查看我们的指南,了解如何吸引更多访问者访问您的WordPress网站

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-rss-how-to-use-rss-in-wordpress/





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