

Do you want to add captions to your images in WordPress? Captions are brief text descriptions that you can add to your images. They are typically used to provide additional details about an image.

您是否要在WordPress中为图像添加标题? 标题是简短的文字说明,您可以将其添加到图像中。 它们通常用于提供有关图像的其他详细信息。

WordPress comes with the built-in capability to easily add a caption and other metadata including title and alternative text for each image.


In this beginner’s guide, we will show you how to easily add a caption to images in WordPress.


How to Add Caption to Images in WordPress
在WordPress中为图像添加标题 (Adding Caption to Images in WordPress)

The first thing you need to do is to upload an image. On the post edit screen, click the ‘Add Block’ icon and select the ‘Image’ block.

您需要做的第一件事是上传图像。 在帖子编辑屏幕上,单击“添加块”图标,然后选择“图像”块。

Add Image Block in WordPress

Upon clicking on it, the Image block will be added to your post area.


Image Block Added In WordPress

You can now click on the upload button to select and upload an image from your computer to WordPress. You can also select a previously uploaded image by clicking on the media library button.

现在,您可以单击上载按钮以选择图像,并将其从计算机上载到WordPress。 您也可以通过单击媒体库按钮选择以前上传的图像。

To learn more, see our article on how to add and align images in WordPress.


As soon as you add an image, it will appear inside the editor with a text box labeled ‘Write caption…’ below it.


That’s where you can add a caption for your image.


Add Caption to Image in WordPress post

Once done, you can save your post by clicking on the publish or update button.


That’s all. Wasn’t that easy?

就这样。 那不是那么容易吗?

将字幕添加到图库图像 (Add Captions to Your Gallery Images)

WordPress editor also comes with a Gallery block allowing you to upload multiple images and display them in a grid layout with rows and columns.


Let’s see how to add captions to images in a WordPress gallery block.


To create a gallery, go to your page or post edit screen. Then click the ‘Add Block’ icon and select the ‘Gallery’ block in the Common Blocks tab.

要创建画廊,请转到页面或发布编辑屏幕。 然后单击“添加块”图标,然后在“公共块”选项卡中选择“图库”块。

Add Gallery Block in WordPress

Next, you will see the Gallery block added to your page/post area. Now, you can upload images one by one from your computer or select the pre-uploaded pictures from your media library.

接下来,您将看到Gallery栏添加到您的页面/帖子区域。 现在,您可以从计算机上一张一张地上传图片,或者从媒体库中选择预先上传的图片。

Gallery Block Added to a WordPress Page

If you upload images individually, then you can add a caption after uploading each one. When an image is uploaded, simply click on the image and the ‘Write caption…’ field will appear. You can add a caption by clicking on that.

如果您分别上传图像,则可以在上传每个图像后添加标题。 上载图像后,只需单击图像,就会出现“写标题…”字段。 您可以通过单击添加标题。

Add Caption to Gallery Images in WordPress

If you select pre-added images from the library, you can add a caption to your pictures from the image metadata section on the right. If the photos already have a caption, then you don’t need to add it again.

如果从库中选择了预添加的图像,则可以从右侧的“图像元数据”部分为图片添加标题。 如果照片已经有标题,则无需再次添加。

Select Images to Create Gallery in WordPress
为WordPress媒体库中的图像添加标题 (Adding Captions to Images in WordPress Media Library)

WordPress allows you to upload images directly to the media library without embedding it in a post or page.


Here we will show you how to add caption to images when uploading them directly to the Media Library.


First, you need to visit Media » Add New page in WordPress admin area.

首先,您需要在WordPress管理区域中访问Media»Add New页面。

Add New Media to WordPress

From here, you can upload an image by dragging and dropping or by selecting one from your computer.


Once done, you will see the uploaded image below the Upload New Media box. You need to click the ‘Edit’ link.

完成后,您将在“上载新媒体”框下方看到上载的图像。 您需要点击“编辑”链接。

Edit Image Option in WordPress Media Upload Page

Next, it’ll open the edit media page in a new tab. You may notice that the edit media screen looks similar to the post edit screen. That’s because WordPress treats attachment (for example, image) as a default post type.

接下来,它将在新标签页中打开“编辑媒体”页面。 您可能会注意到,编辑媒体屏幕看起来与后期编辑屏幕相似。 这是因为WordPress将附件(例如,图片)视为默认帖子类型

This allows it to store image metadata like title, description, and caption in WordPress database.


From this screen, you can edit your image title, add image metadata including caption, alternative text, and description.


Image Post Edit Screen in WordPress

Once you add the necessary information, you can update your image. This image metadata will now be saved in your media library.

添加必要的信息后,即可更新图像。 现在,此图像元数据将保存在您的媒体库中。

You can add this image on as many posts as you like without having to add the caption and other metadata again. Whenever you add this image to your post from the media library, it comes with the metadata already saved.

您可以根据需要在任意数量的帖子上添加此图像,而无需再次添加标题和其他元数据。 只要将此图片从媒体库添加到帖子中,它就会附带已保存的元数据。

Select Image to Add in a WordPress Post
使用旧的经典编辑器在WordPress中为图像添加标题 (Adding Caption to Images in WordPress with Old Classic Editor)

If you are still using the old Classic Editor on your WordPress site, then this is how you would add captions to images in WordPress.


Simply click on the Add Media button above the post editor to upload an image or select one from the media library.


Add media button in the old classic editor

Once the image is uploaded you can enter meta data like title, alt text, and a caption of your image.


Adding caption to images using the Classic Editor

Click on the ‘Insert into post’ button to add the image to your post or page.


You will now be able to see the image preview in your post editor with the caption. You can save your changes and preview the post to see how it would look on your live site.

现在,您将可以在带有标题的帖子编辑器中查看图像预览。 您可以保存更改并预览帖子,以查看其在您的实时网站上的外观。

Preview of an image with the caption
使用经典编辑器在WordPress中为图库图像添加标题 (Adding Captions to Gallery Images in WordPress with Classic Editor)

You can also add captions to images when creating a gallery using the Classic Editor. Simply upload and select multiple images and then click on the ‘Create gallery’ link from the left column.

使用“ 经典编辑器”创建图库时,还可以为图像添加字幕。 只需上传并选择多个图像,然后单击左列中的“创建图库”链接。

Create gallery in media uploader

After that, you will need to click on the ‘Create a new gallery’ button at the bottom right corner of the popup.


Create a new gallery with selected images

Now you will be able to add captions directly below each image or click on an image to load its settings in the right column and then add the caption.


You can now click on the Insert Gallery button to add gallery into your WordPress post or page.


Classic editor gallery images with captions

We hope this article helped you to add caption text to your images in WordPress. If you liked this article, you might also want to see our guide on how to fix common image issues in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您向WordPress中的图像添加标题文本。 如果您喜欢本文,则可能还需要查看有关如何解决WordPress中常见图像问题的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-add-caption-to-images-in-wordpress/


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