
Choosing your blog name is a very important decision. It plays a crucial role in your blog’s branding, marketing, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

选择您的博客名称是一个非常重要的决定。 它在博客的品牌,营销和SEO(搜索引擎优化)中起着至关重要的作用。

However, with millions of blogs online already, it is a bit hard to find a catchy name for your blog. Luckily, there are several clever blog name generators that can help you find great blog name ideas.

但是,由于已经有数百万个在线博客,很难为您的博客找到一个易记的名称。 幸运的是,有几个聪明的博客名称生成器可以帮助您找到很棒的博客名称提示。

These blog name generators are online tools which generate blog name ideas based on the keywords you enter. They use clever hacks to generate unique blog names that you can use.

这些博客名称生成器是在线工具,可根据您输入的关键字生成博客名称提示。 他们使用聪明的技巧来生成可以使用的唯一博客名称。

In this article, we will share some of the best blog name generators to help you come up with a catchy and brandable blog name.


Best Blog Name Generators
什么使一个好的博客名称? (What Makes a Good Blog Name?)

A good blog name is something that is short, unique, memorable, and contains your main keywords.


Your blog’s main keyword is the primary topic of your entire website. This makes it easy for those who’re interested in that topic to discover your blog.

您博客的主要关键字是整个网站的主要主题。 这使那些对该主题感兴趣的人可以轻松找到您的博客。

For example; our blog name is WPBeginner, which is short, simple, and easy to remember. It includes the keywords ‘WP’ (WordPress) and ‘Beginner’.

例如; 我们的博客名称是WPBeginner,它简短,简单且易于记忆。 它包含关键字“ WP”(WordPress)和“初学者”。

Making your blog name unique can help build a strong brand. Whereas if you pick a generic or common name, then it will be hard for people to distinguish your blog from others.

使您的博客名称唯一可以帮助建立强大的品牌。 而如果您选择一个通用名称或通用名称,那么人们将很难将您的博客与他人区分开。

For example, ‘The Simple Dollar’ blog used a combination of common words to create an easy to remember and catchy blog name.

例如,“ The Simple Dollar”博客使用常见单词的组合来创建易于记忆和易记的博客名称。

If you are creating a personal blog, then you can also use your name as your blog’s name. There are many popular blogs named after the bloggers’ names including Michael Hyatt, Syed Balkhi, and others.

如果要创建个人博客,则还可以使用您的名字作为博客的名称。 有许多受欢迎的博客以博客作者的名字命名,包括Michael HyattSyed Balkhi等。

To learn more about choosing blog names, see our full guide on how to pick the best domain for your blog.


With that said, let’s take a look at the best blog name generators to come up with great ideas for your next blog.


2019年最佳博客名称生成器 (Best Blog Name Generators for 2019)

These blog name generators use random word combinations with your main keyword to help you find available blog names that you can use to start a blog.


1.名童 (1. Nameboy)

Nameboy Best Domain and Blog Name Generator

Nameboy is the oldest and most popular blog name generator available on the market. This free name searching machine is easy to use, quick, and highly efficient.

Nameboy是市场上最古老,最受欢迎的博客名称生成器。 这款免费的名称搜索机易于使用,快速且高效。

All you need to do is to enter your keyword(s) and click the ‘Submit’ button. Then, it will generate tons of creative blog names based on your keywords.

您所需要做的就是输入您的关键字,然后点击“提交”按钮。 然后,它将根据您的关键字生成大量的创意博客名称。

For example, if you want to start a blog about fitness, then, you can search the term ‘fitness.’ Here is how you will see the results.

例如,如果您想开一个关于健身的博客,则可以搜索“健身”一词。 这是您将如何查看结果的方法。

Nameboy Blog Name Search Results

Now, you can pick the best name from hundreds of results. If you don’t find a perfect name, then you can search again using different keyword combinations, synonyms, and more.

现在,您可以从数百个结果中选择最佳名称。 如果找不到完美的名字,则可以使用不同的关键字组合,同义词等进行再次搜索。

Once you have selected a name for your blog, you can click the ‘View Details’ button next to your blog name chosen. Doing so will open the Bluehost website where you can register your blog name and also buy hosting for it.

为博客选择名称后,您可以单击所选博客名称旁边的“查看详细信息”按钮。 这样做将打开Bluehost网站 ,您可以在其中注册您的博客名称,也可以为其购买主机。

At Bluehost, you will get 60% off on WordPress hosting, free SSL, and a free domain name.

在Bluehost,您将获得WordPress托管,免费SSL和免费域名 60%的折扣。

2. IsItWP (2. IsItWP)

IsItWP Blog Name Generator

IsItWP comes with an intelligent name generator tool. It creates tons of clever name suggestions and helps you to pick the best name for your blog.

IsItWP带有一个智能的名称生成器工具。 它提供了大量巧妙的名称建议,并可以帮助您为博客选择最佳名称。

Simply enter your keywords or brand name and then, click ‘Generate Names’ button. After that, it will come up with a list of names based on your keywords.

只需输入您的关键字或品牌名称,然后单击“生成名称”按钮。 之后,它将根据您的关键字提供一个名称列表。

For example, if you are looking for lifestyle blog names, a possible keyword may be ‘happy life.’ If you search that on IsItWP name generator, here is how it will show results.

例如,如果您正在寻找生活方式的博客名称,则可能的关键字可能是“幸福的生活”。 如果在IsItWP名称生成器上搜索,则其将显示结果。

IsItWP Blog Name Generator Search Results

As you can see in the screenshot above, you will see a variety of combinations for your keywords. If you don’t find a suitable name, you can start a new search again.

如您在上面的屏幕截图中所见,您将看到关键字的各种组合。 如果找不到合适的名称,则可以再次开始新的搜索。

3. Domain.com (3. Domain.com)

Domain.com Blog Name Search and Registration

Domain.com is one of the best domain name registrars. It comes with a powerful blog and business name generator, which shows you dozens of blog names with the respective cost for registration.

Domain.com是最好的域名注册商之一 。 它带有一个功能强大的博客和企业名称生成器,可为您显示数十个博客名称以及相应的注册成本。

When you search a keyword, it will first check the availability of the .com domain for the word. If it is not available, then it will reveal other related names for you. It shows both new and premium domain names.

当您搜索关键字时,它将首先检查该单词在.com域中的可用性。 如果不可用,它将为您显示其他相关名称。 它同时显示新域名和高级域名。

For example, let’s try to find a name for a travel blog. If you enter ‘travel notes’ as your keyword, you will see the search results as below.

例如,让我们尝试为旅行博客查找名称。 如果您输入“旅行注释”作为关键字,您将看到如下搜索结果。

Domain.com Blog Name Search Results

The .com domain for this name is not available. The .net version is available for a premium price. And, there are more options with different extensions. Simply scroll down the page to see more blog name suggestions.

此名称的.com域不可用。 .net版本的价格较高。 并且,还有更多具有不同扩展名的选项。 只需向下滚动页面即可查看更多博客名称建议。

Once you pick your blog title, you can proceed to register that. Domain.com is a great place for domain registration.

选择博客标题后,即可继续进行注册。 Domain.com是域名注册的好地方。

Domain.com is offering WPBeginner readers 25% off discount on domain products. All you have to do is either click on the link from our website, or use our Domain.com coupon code: nameboy

Domain.com为WPBeginner读者提供域名产品折扣25%的折扣。 您所要做的就是或者点击我们网站上的链接,或者使用我们的Domain.com优惠券代码 :nameboy

4.域轮 (4. Domain Wheel)

Domain Wheel

Domain Wheel is an awesome blog name suggestion tool. It helps you identify the available domain names for your blog with your desired keyword quickly.

Domain Wheel是一个很棒的博客名称建议工具。 它可以帮助您使用所需的关键字快速确定博客的可用域名。

Simply add one or more keywords to the domain search field and click the ‘Search Domain’ button. Domain Wheel will come up with many top domain names for your search.

只需在域搜索字段中添加一个或多个关键字,然后单击“搜索域”按钮即可。 Domain Wheel将提供许多顶级域名供您搜索。

For example, we searched ‘yummy bites’ to find a name for a food blog.

例如,我们搜索“美味小吃 ”以找到美食博客的名称。

Domain Wheel Blog Name Search Results

If you scroll down the results page, you can find random naming ideas from Domain Wheel. These are short names that it believes can be used to build a good brand.

如果向下滚动结果页面,则可以从Domain Wheel中找到随机命名思路。 这些是公司可以用来建立良好品牌的简称。

If you think you can build a brand, then you can get started with one of these names. Many of today’s popular brands started out with uncommon words, for example, Google, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

如果您认为自己可以建立品牌,则可以从以下名称之一开始。 当今许多受欢迎的品牌都是以不常见的词开头的,例如Google,Facebook,Reddit等。

5. NameMesh (5. NameMesh)

Name Mesh

NameMesh makes it easy to find great blog names by offering name ideas in various categories. Once you search your keywords, it will display naming suggestions in categories like Common, New, Short, Similar, SEO, fun, etc.

通过提供各种类别的名称提示,NameMesh可以轻松找到出色的博客名称。 搜索关键字后,它将在“常见”,“新建”,“简短”,“相似”,“搜索引擎优化”,“有趣”等类别中显示命名建议。

For example, if you are want to start a sports blog with ‘sports lover’ in your blog name. Here is how NameMesh shows you naming ideas for your blog.

例如,如果您想创建一个博客名称中带有“ sports lover”的体育博客。 这是NameMesh向您显示博客命名思路的方式。

Name Mesh blog name generator search results

You will see multiple blog name suggestions for each category. The categories help you choose the perfect name for your blog.

您将为每个类别看到多个博客名称建议。 类别可帮助您为博客选择完美的名称。

Pick a name by clicking; then it will open the GoDaddy website for registration. However, you can also register with other registrars like Bluehost, and SiteGround.

通过单击选择名称; 然后它将打开GoDaddy网站进行注册。 但是,您也可以在其他注册商(例如BluehostSiteGround)中注册。

6.精益域名搜索 (6. Lean Domain Search)

Lean Domain Search - Blog Domain Name Generator

Lean Domain Search is a simple and user-friendly blog name finder tool. It is run by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com.

精益域名搜索是一种简单易用的博客名称查找工具。 它由WordPress.com背后的公司Automattic经营。

After you search your keyword(s), it will display a list of blog name suggestions in seconds.


For example, if you are planning to start a fashion blog, then you may want to use ‘top fashion’ in your blog name. Let’s search for the terms.

例如,如果您打算创建一个时尚博客 ,则可能要在博客名称中使用“顶级时尚”。 让我们搜索术语。

Lean Domain Search - Blog Name Generator Search Results

If you like any name in the list, click on it to check its availability. If it is available, you will see registration options with Bluehost or WordPress.com.

如果您喜欢列表中的任何名称,请单击它以检查其可用性。 如果可用,您将在BluehostWordPress.com上看到注册选项。

Selecting the WordPress.com means using the WordPress.com website builder. If you want to host your blog yourself, then you can register your blog name and buy hosting at Bluehost.

选择WordPress.com意味着使用WordPress.com网站构建器。 如果您想自己托管博客,则可以注册您的博客名称并在Bluehost购买托管。

For more details, see our full comparison on fully hosted WordPress.com vs. self-hosted WordPress.org.


7.潘纳比 (7. Panabee)


Panabee is yet another awesome tool for blog name research. It gives you a simple way to search for blog titles, company name generator, and social media usernames.

Panabee是另一个用于博客名称研究的出色工具。 它为您提供了一种搜索博客标题,公司名称生成器和社交媒体用户名的简单方法。

Similar to other tools above, it gives you a search field where you can describe your idea in two words. Enter your chosen words and click on the ‘Search’ button.

与上述其他工具类似,它为您提供了一个搜索字段,您可以在其中用两个词来描述您的想法。 输入您选择的单词,然后单击“搜索”按钮。

For example, if you are looking for a beauty blog name, ‘beauty buzz’ may be a keyword you want to search. Here is how Panabee generates names for your search terms.

例如,如果您正在寻找一个美容博客名称,则“ beauty buzz”可能是您要搜索的关键字。 这是Panabee如何为您的搜索词生成名称的方法。

Panabee Blog Name Suggestions

It is easy to figure out whether the names are available or not. The names with blue heart icons are available for registration whereas those broken hearts in orange color are already taken. However, some of the taken domains can be purchased as premium domains.

很容易弄清楚这些名称是否可用。 带有蓝色心形图标的名称可以注册,而橙色的那些破碎的心形已经被使用。 但是,可以将某些获取的域名作为高级域名购买。

Once you choose a name, you can click on it to proceed for registration.


要免费注册您的博客名称吗? (Want to Register Your Blog Name for Free?)

Once you have chosen your blog name, you need to be quick to register it before anyone else does. You should also make sure that you are getting the best deal.

选择博客名称后,您需要快速进行注册,然后再进行其他注册。 您还应该确保获得最优惠的价格。

WPBeginner users can now register a blog name for free at Bluehost on purchase of WordPress hosting. The best part of this deal is that you will get 60% off on the hosting as well.

WPBeginner用户现在可以在购买WordPress托管服务的 Bluehost上免费注册一个博客名称。 这笔交易最好的部分是您还将获得60%的托管优惠。

Normally, a domain/ blog name costs $14 per year and a hosting account costs around $7.99 per month. But Bluehost will enable you to start your blog just for $2.75 per month.

通常,域名/博客名称的费用为每年$ 14,托管帐户的费用为每月$ 7.99。 但是Bluehost将使您仅需每月$ 2.75即可开始创建博客。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Deal ←


If you need help in starting your blog, see our step by step guide on how to create a blog for beginners.

如果您在创建博客方面需要帮助,请参阅我们的逐步指南, 了解如何为初学者创建博客

That’s all! We hope these blog name generators helped you to come up with a cool blog name. If you want to make big out of your blog, see our guide on 25 proven ways to make money online with a WordPress blog.

就这样! 我们希望这些博客名称生成器可以帮助您提出一个很酷的博客名称。 如果您想利用自己的博客发大财,请参阅我们的WordPress指南,介绍25种经过实践证明的WordPress博客在线赚钱方法

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/blog-name-generators/

博易的功能特性】 新一代的博客 博易集众多博客的新功能于一体,是一款名副其实的新一代博客的典型范例!无刷新的日历、评论、回访功能无不体现了AJAX在博客中的娴熟运用! 成熟的系统架构 专业的团队用专业的框架开发出的产品。基于微软的.Net 2.0,作者对OOP具有着深入的理解,并对.Net特性有着透彻的研究。博易的系统架构和编码风格不能不说是OOP的设计典范! 方便的内容导入导出 博易后台提供了内容的导入和导出功能,生成一个XML文件。便利地解决了博客搬家的麻烦! 先进的评论体系 评论是博客极为重要的组成部分,博易用AJAX技术提供了一组先进的评论体系!该评论体系支持国别选择、发表评论支持实时预览、个性头像、聚合式评论……所有的这些都可以由管理员在后台做便捷的编辑调整! 无须数据库且支持多种数据库 默认采用基于 XML 的数据存储方式,此种方式提供几乎与静态网页相当的访问效率(避免了数据库并发查询的瓶颈)。同时也可以扩展支持SQL Server、Access等多种数据库存储方式。 独立页面发布功能 除了标准的博客日志,博易还支持在线发布静态页面!这些页面是独立的,对发布各种信息尤为有用! 多用户支持 博易对多用户共同创作、维护博客提供了全面的支持,博易允许多个用户维护同一个博客。访问者可以订阅任意一个博客用户的RSS feed、仅关注他们感兴趣的某个博客用户的日志! 多语言支持 博易支持多语言,您可以在全球任意地区的服务器上运行博易,而不用担心服务器时间和本地时间存在时差的问题。 Trackback 和 Pingback 特性 博易可以对所有链出的链接进行Track回溯和Ping回溯,您的博客链接将自动出现在您引用的博客的评论列表之中!提高您博客的链入指数、在无形之中推广了您的博客!每当创建一个新的日志,博易就会自动完成PingTechnorati、Feedburner、Ping-o-Matic等操作! 灵活易用的插件机制 博易采用了灵活强大的C#开发,架构十分先进成熟,她的插件机制也是如此。系统开放了事件定义,利用订阅事件能够使所开发的插件强大得如同系统程序本身一样! 酷炫主题支持 博易为快速开发主题(模板、风格)提供了支持,用户只需要稍稍懂得HTML和CSS便可进行主题的制作!博易的模板机制是基于.Net2.0的MasterPage的,这样,开发一套新的主题模板只需要修改3~5个文件即可完成!与此同时,博易有专业的设计师为您免费提供更多的个性主题!此外,博易还支持识别移动设备(如手机等)。能分别制定在用这些设备访问和用PC机访问时所用的主题模板! 符合 XHTML 博易所用的控件全部符合XHTML 1.0标准。所有的日志都会在您发表时自动转换成符合标准的格式!




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