wordpress插件_什么时候值得购买高级WordPress插件? (说明)


We are often asked by users when is it worth investing in premium WordPress plugins? One of main reasons why WordPress is the popular website builder in the world is because it gives you access to thousands of free and paid plugins (also known as premium WordPress plugins). In this article, we will explain when is it worth buying premium or paid WordPress plugins.

用户经常问我们,什么时候值得购买高级WordPress插件? WordPress之所以成为世界上最受欢迎的网站生成器的主要原因之一是因为它使您可以访问数千个免费和付费的插件(也称为高级WordPress插件)。 在本文中,我们将说明何时值得购买高级或付费WordPress插件。

When is it worth buying premium WordPress plugins
什么是高级WordPress插件? (What are Premium WordPress Plugins?)

Premium plugins are paid version of WordPress plugins that come with additional features, priority support, documentation, and regular updates.


You can learn more about WordPress plugins by reading our beginner’s guide on what are WordPress plugins and how do they work.


WordPress has become the most popular blogging platform in the world because it has a healthy ecosystem of both free and paid plugins. At the time of writing this article, there are more than 55,000 free plugins available in WordPress.org directory. You can use these free plugins to access various features without paying anyone.

WordPress已成为世界上最流行的博客平台 ,因为它拥有一个由免费插件和付费插件组成的健康生态系统。 在撰写本文时,WordPress.org目录中提供了超过55,000个免费插件。 您可以使用这些免费插件来访问各种功能,而无需支付任何费用。

Free WordPress plugins

Often beginners wonder how does WordPress make money if the plugins are free. Well, WordPress does not own all these plugins.

初学者常常想知道如果插件免费,WordPress如何赚钱 。 好吧,WordPress并不拥有所有这些插件。

Since WordPress is open-source, majority of these free plugins are written by third-party developers who want to give back to the WordPress community and build a brand for themselves, so they can get more client-work.


But the issue is that like any other software, WordPress plugins also need to be properly maintained and updated. Although the individual developer is not required to offer support, most of them go above and beyond to help users and even add new features as requested.

但是问题是,像任何其他软件一样,WordPress插件也需要正确维护和更新。 尽管不需要单独的开发人员提供支持,但是他们中的大多数人都可以帮助用户甚至根据要求添加新功能。

As you can imagine, all these things take a lot of time and resources. Plugin authors are often unable to give free plugins proper attention as they grow and get a larger user base.

您可以想象,所有这些事情都需要大量时间和资源。 插件作者随着他们的成长和获得更大的用户群,往往无法给予免费插件适当的关注。

For some plugin developers, it becomes difficult to take time out of their work and personal life to maintain a free product over a long period.


This is where premium WordPress plugins come in.


For a small licensing fee, you get access to dedicated support, guaranteed updates, and premium features. The license fee provides plugin authors steady income, so they can improve the product and dedicate more time to growing their WordPress plugin business.

只需支付少量的许可费用,即可获得专用支持,有保证的更新和高级功能。 许可费为插件作者提供了稳定的收入,因此他们可以改善产品并花更多时间发展WordPress插件业务。

On the other hand, it gives you, the customer, a more refined product with reliable support and updates.


That being said, let’s talk about when you should consider buying premium WordPress plugins.


高级WordPress插件值得吗? (Are Premium WordPress Plugins Worth the Money?)

If you have read our guide on controlling the cost of a WordPress website, then you would know that we are not a fan of unnecessary spending.


We believe that most beginners can control their costs by using free WordPress plugins whenever they can. There are free versions for many of the the best WordPress plugins on the market. Following are just a few examples of great premium WordPress plugins offering free or lite versions.

我们相信,大多数初学者都可以通过使用免费的WordPress插件来控制费用。 有许多市场上最好的WordPress插件的免费版本。 以下只是提供免费或精简版本的优质WordPress插件的几个示例。

However as your website or business grow, you will want access to more features, priority support, and reliable plugins that you can count on for regular updates.


To help you decide, we have added the top reasons that justify investing in a premium WordPress plugin.


1.解决方案特定的WordPress插件 (1. Solutions Specific WordPress Plugins)

Specific features

There are some WordPress plugin categories that cater to very specific solutions. For example, building a membership website or selling online courses are hard work.

有一些WordPress插件类别可以满足非常具体的解决方案。 例如, 建立会员网站销售在线课程是艰苦的工作。

Free plugins alone cannot do justice to these complex solutions. Even if you find a free plugin for the job, you will likely have to purchase paid addons to support their business.

单靠免费插件无法解决这些复杂的解决方案。 即使您找到了一个免费的插件来工作,您也可能不得不购买付费插件来支持他们的业务。

If you are building a website that requires a very specific / advanced functionality, then you will be better off with a premium WordPress plugin.


2.高级功能 (2. Advanced Features)

Advanced features

While there are free plugins for most basic tasks, you will only find advanced features in paid plugins. That’s mainly because building and maintaining advanced features take a lot of resources.

虽然有用于大多数基本任务的免费插件,但您只能在付费插件中找到高级功能。 这主要是因为构建和维护高级功能会占用大量资源。

For example, while WPForms Lite is the most beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin, the pro version of WPForms comes with advanced features like user registration form, surveys and polls, payment forms, etc.

例如,虽然WPForms Lite是最适合初学者的WordPress联系人表单插件,但WPForms的专业版具有高级功能,如用户注册表单调查和民意调查 ,付款表单等。

3.插件开发人员的专用支持 (3. Dedicated Support from Plugin Developers)

Dedicated support

Support is not guaranteed with free WordPress plugins because free plugin authors are not required to offer support. If you are new to WordPress with no programming skills, then support becomes crucial for you. Premium WordPress plugins give you faster email responses for your support questions.

使用免费的WordPress插件不能保证支持,因为不需要免费的插件作者即可提供支持。 如果您不熟悉WordPress而没有编程技能,那么对您来说支持至关重要。 高级WordPress插件可为您提供有关支持问题的更快的电子邮件回复。

4.广泛的文档和教程 (4. Extensive Documentation and Tutorials)

Documentation and guides

Premium and paid WordPress plugins provide extensive documentation to help you get started without even contacting support. Many premium WordPress plugins have docs or resources sections where you can find guides, tutorials, and video instructions. These resources help you use the plugin without waiting for someone to help you out.

高级和付费WordPress插件提供了广泛的文档,可帮助您入门而无需联系支持人员。 许多高级WordPress插件都有文档或资源部分,您可以在其中找到指南,教程和视频说明。 这些资源可帮助您使用插件,而无需等待有人帮助您。

5.定期和频繁更新 (5. Regular and Frequent Updates)

Plugin updates

Free WordPress plugins are sometimes abandoned by their developers. This leaves your website open to security vulnerabilities and bugs. Sometimes you might not even realize that a plugin has been abandoned until you see your site behaving strangely after updating WordPress.

免费的WordPress插件有时会被其开发人员抛弃。 这使您的网站容易受到安全漏洞和错误的影响。 有时,您可能甚至没有意识到插件已被放弃,直到您在更新WordPress后看到站点行为异常。

Premium WordPress plugins give you regular updates to address bugs, glitches, and most importantly any security issues. You don’t have to do anything as those updates would automatically appear in your WordPress dashboard, and you can install them with just a few clicks. See our guide on how to properly update WordPress plugins for detailed instructions.

高级WordPress插件可为您提供定期更新,以解决错误,故障以及最重要的任何安全问题。 您无需执行任何操作,因为这些更新将自动出现在WordPress仪表板中,您只需单击几下即可安装它们。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何正确更新WordPress插件的指南。

6.新功能和增强功能 (6. New Features and Enhancements)

Free WordPress plugins usually don’t have an incentive to enhance and improve something that is already working for many websites.


On the other hand, paid WordPress plugins are businesses with competition. In order to stay on top, they continuously work on their products by adding new features and improving existing features. Depending on your license terms, you will get access to those features right away.

另一方面,付费WordPress插件是竞争激烈的企业。 为了保持领先地位,他们通过添加新功能和改进现有功能来不断开发自己的产品。 根据您的许可条款,您将立即访问这些功能。

7.支持WordPress生态系统 (7. Supporting The WordPress Ecosystem)

Premium WordPress plugin companies are small businesses. By purchasing a license, you help them build a sustainable business that provides for their families and even creates new jobs all over the world.

高级WordPress插件公司是小型企业。 通过购买许可证,您可以帮助他们建立可持续的业务,为他们的家庭提供服务,甚至在世界各地创造新的就业机会。

Your small payment helps those developers create killer products for other small businesses like yours and improve the WordPress ecosystem (See: Most influential companies in WordPress).

您的小额付款可帮助那些开发人员为像您这样的其他小企业创建杀手级产品,并改善WordPress生态系统(请参阅: WordPress中最具影响力的公司 )。

有关高级插件的常见问题 (Frequently Asked Questions about Premium Plugins)

We have answered a lot of questions about premium WordPress plugins via email. To help you find the answer quickly, we have compiled the list of the most frequently asked questions.

我们已经通过电子邮件回答了许多有关高级WordPress插件的问题。 为了帮助您快速找到答案,我们整理了最常见问题的列表。

1. Should I only use all premium plugins on my website?


No, there is no need to only use paid WordPress plugins on your website. You should only buy premium plugins when you actually need them. There are a lot of great free plugins that have no premium alternative or are much better than their paid alternatives.

不,没有必要只在您的网站上使用付费的WordPress插件。 您仅应在实际需要时购买高级插件。 有很多很棒的免费插件,它们没有高级替代品,或者比其付费替代品要好得多。

2. How do I find premium WordPress plugins?


Premium WordPress plugins are not sold on the official WordPress.org website. You can buy them from their own websites. Now the problem is that all those websites are scattered, so how do you know which plugin is good?

高级WordPress插件不在WordPress.org官方网站上出售。 您可以从他们自己的网站上购买它们。 现在的问题是所有这些网站都很分散,那么您如何知道哪个插件很好呢?

This is where WPBeginner can help. We are the largest WordPress resource site on the internet. We regularly write how-to’s about different free and premium WordPress plugins. We do the research for you by actually testing the plugin and breaking down their features with pros and cons.

这是WPBeginner可以提供帮助的地方。 我们是互联网上最大的WordPress资源站点。 我们定期编写有关不同的免费和高级WordPress插件的操作方法。 我们会通过实际测试插件并根据优缺点来分解其功能,为您进行研究。

Following are just a few plugin showcases that you’ll find on WPBeginner (they contain both free and paid WordPress plugins).


Need more recommendations? Just type in your keyword in Google and add wpbeginner.com at the end of your search term.

需要更多建议吗? 只需在Google中键入您的关键字,然后在搜索词的末尾添加wpbeginner.com。

Another way to find great premium WordPress plugins is by upgrading to the paid plans of a free plugin that you already love and use.


3. Are all premium WordPress plugins good?


No, not all of them are great. In fact, some paid plugins can be quite terrible. That’s why you need to carefully evaluate them before making the purchase. Find out who are the people behind the plugin, what kind of reputation they have, what other people are saying about the plugin on the internet.

不,不是所有人都很棒。 实际上,某些付费插件可能非常糟糕。 这就是为什么您需要在购买前仔细评估它们。 找出谁是该插件背后的人,他们享有什么样的声誉,其他人对互联网上的该插件怎么说。

Whatever you do, DO NOT buy a paid plugin from an unofficial source like Fiverr. Always buy the plugins from the official author website to make sure that you’re buying the secure version of the plugin.

无论您做什么,都不要从非官方来源(如Fiverr)购买付费插件。 请务必从官方作者网站购买插件,以确保您购买的是安全版本的插件。

4. Do I need to keep paying premium WordPress plugins every year?


Once you purchase a WordPress plugin, you can keep using it for as long as you want. Premium WordPress plugins come with different licensing terms. The most common licensing term is for 1 year of updates and support. If you are on a yearly license plan, then your plugin will continue to work, but you will not get updates and support after your license is expired.

购买WordPress插件后,您可以根据需要一直使用它。 高级WordPress插件带有不同的许可条款。 最常见的许可期限是一年的更新和支持。 如果您采用的是年度许可证计划,则您的插件将继续运行,但许可证过期后将无法获得更新和支持。

If you like the plugin you are using, then you should definitely renew your license when it expires.


We hope this article helped you learn when you should buy premium WordPress plugins. You may also want to see our guide on free vs premium WordPress themes for a similar discussion regarding WordPress themes.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解何时应该购买高级WordPress插件。 您可能还想查看有关免费与高级WordPress主题的指南,以进行有关WordPress主题的类似讨论。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/when-is-it-worth-it-to-buy-premium-wordpress-plugins-explained/






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