
Are you looking for the best WooCommerce alternatives for your website? While WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, it may not be the perfect tool for everyone. Depending on your needs, there are better alternatives that gets the job done faster and easier. In this article, we will show you the best WooCommerce alternatives that you can use to sell online.

您是否正在寻找适合您网站的最佳WooCommerce替代品? 虽然WooCommerce是WordPress上最受欢迎的电子商务插件,但它可能并不是每个人的理想工具。 根据您的需求,有更好的替代方法可以使工作更快更轻松地完成。 在本文中,我们将向您展示可用于在线销售的最佳WooCommerce替代品。

What are the best WooCommerce alternatives
为什么和谁需要WooCommerce替代方案 (Why and Who Needs WooCommerce Alternatives)

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform because it allows anyone to quickly launch an online store. Due to is ease of use, it is hugely popular and powers more than 30% of all online stores.

WooCommerce是最受欢迎的电子商务平台,因为它允许任何人快速启动在线商店 。 由于易用性,它非常受欢迎,并且为所有在线商店中的30%以上提供了支持。

In our opinion, it is the overall best WordPress eCommerce plugin on the market.


However, there are some scenarios where WooCommerce may not be the right tool for the job. It may not have the specific features you need for your business, or it simply might be too complicated to use.

但是,在某些情况下,WooCommerce可能不是适合该工作的工具。 它可能没有您业务所需的特定功能,或者使用起来可能太复杂了。

This is where WooCommerce alternatives come in. These eCommerce platforms offer better solutions for specific needs and would be more suitable for your business goals.


That being said, let’s take a look at the best WooCommerce alternatives and see when they are a better solution for your business.


1. MemberPress (1. MemberPress)


MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market. It allows you to sell paid memberships with multi-level subscriptions, drip-content support, and tons of awesome features. It comes with support for multiple payment gateways, easy pricing tables, and other tools to help you sell and grow your membership community.

MemberPress是市场上最好的WordPress会员插件 。 它允许您出售具有多级订阅,滴灌内容支持和大量令人敬畏功能的付费会员资格。 它带有对多个支付网关,简单的定价表以及其他工具的支持,以帮助您销售和发展会员社区。

When MemberPress is a better solution than WooCommerce?


If you want to create a membership site that offers access to premium content with subscriptions, then MemberPress is made specifically for that. It offers a better experience for you as well as your users.

如果要创建一个会员站点,该站点提供对带有订阅的高级内容的访问权限,则为此专门创建MemberPress。 它为您以及您的用户提供了更好的体验。

You can try and do the same thing with WooCommerce, but it would soon become overly complicated. You will have to use several add-ons to get the same functionality that you get built-in with MemberPress.

您可以尝试使用WooCommerce做同样的事情,但是很快就会变得过于复杂。 您将必须使用多个加载项才能获得与MemberPress内置的相同功能。

More importantly MemberPress works well with WooCommerce, and you can combine both of them together to sell both subscription-based products and physical goods on the same website.


Cons compared to WooCommerce


MemberPress does not have any of the traditional shopping cart features. If you want to sell physical products, then you will need to use it alongside WooCommerce.

MemberPress没有任何传统的购物车功能。 如果您想销售实物产品,则需要与WooCommerce一起使用。

For more details, see our article on how to build a WordPress membership website.


2.轻松的数字下载 (2. Easy Digital Downloads)

Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads is a WordPress eCommerce plugin made specifically for selling virtual goods. This includes software, music, ebooks, movies, etc. You can manage software licenses, accept payments, install add-ons to further extend the platform, and more.

Easy Digital Downloads是一个WordPress电子商务插件,专门用于销售虚拟商品。 其中包括软件,音乐, 电子书 ,电影等。您可以管理软件许可证,接受付款,安装附件以进一步扩展平台等等。

When Easy Digital Downloads is better choice than WooCommerce

当Easy Digital Downloads比WooCommerce更好的选择时

If you only want to sell digital downloads, then Easy Digital Downloads can be a better replacement for WooCommerce. It simplifies the process, allows you to manage licenses, accept payments, manage users, and manage file downloads.

如果您只想出售数字下载,那么Easy Digital Downloads可以是WooCommerce的更好替代。 它简化了过程,使您可以管理许可证,接受付款,管理用户以及管理文件下载。

You can sell digital downloads with WooCommerce as well. However, it includes tons of features for physical goods which clutters the interface. You’ll also need to use several add-ons to manage licenses, file permissions, and other virtual product features.

您也可以通过WooCommerce出售数字下载。 但是,它包含大量物理产品的功能,使界面混乱。 您还需要使用多个加载项来管理许可证,文件许可权和其他虚拟产品功能。

Cons compared to WooCommerce


Just like you can sell digital goods with WooCommerce, you can also sell physical goods with Easy Digital Downloads by using add-ons. However, if you plan on selling both digital and physical goods, then WooCommerce would be a much better solution to manage your file downloads.

就像您可以通过WooCommerce出售数字商品一样,您也可以使用附加组件通过Easy Digital Downloads出售实物商品。 但是,如果您计划同时销售数字商品和实物商品,那么WooCommerce将是管理文件下载的更好的解决方案。

3. Shopify (3. Shopify)


Unlike other WooCommerce alternatives on this list, Shopify is a fully hosted eCommerce platform that does not require using WordPress. This means you don’t have to manage any software, install updates, or manage backups. It allows anyone to easily start an online store and start selling without any technical skills.

与该列表上的其他WooCommerce替代产品不同,Shopify是一个完全托管的电子商务平台,不需要使用WordPress。 这意味着您无需管理任何软件,安装更新或管理备份。 它使任何人都可以轻松地建立在线商店并开始销售而无需任何技术技能。

When Shopify is a better solution than WooCommerce


Normally, you need to manage your shopping cart software like WooCommerce. You will need a WooCommerce hosting account, install software, manage updates, backups, and so on.

通常,您需要管理WooCommerce之类的购物车软件。 您将需要一个WooCommerce托管帐户,安装软件,管理更新,备份等。

Shopify takes care of all that and offers you a fully hosted platform. You can use their drag and drop tools to build your online store within minutes. If you are looking for a completely hands-off platform, then Shopify offers you a better solution.

Shopify会处理所有这一切,并为您提供一个完全托管的平台。 您可以使用他们的拖放工具在几分钟之内建立您的在线商店。 如果您正在寻找一个完全放手的平台,那么Shopify将为您提供更好的解决方案。

Cons compared to WooCommerce


Shopify is a hosted platform, which means you get less control over your website compared to a hosted WooCommerce store. It also charges you transaction fees which means your costs will increase as you start selling more.

Shopify是一个托管平台,这意味着与托管WooCommerce商店相比,您对网站的控制较少。 它还会向您收取交易费用,这意味着您的费用会随着您开始销售更多而增加。

For a side-by-side comparison, see our article on Shopify vs WooCommerce with pros and cons of both platforms.

要进行并排比较,请参阅我们关于Shopify与WooCommerce的文章, 结合两种平台的优缺点。

4. WPForms (4. WPForms)


WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin in the market. Although it’s not a full-featured eCommerce plugin, it comes with payment integrations for both Stripe and PayPal, so you can easily create online payment forms in WordPress.

WPForms是市场上最好的WordPress表单生成器插件。 尽管它不是功能齐全的电子商务插件,但它具有Stripe和PayPal的付款集成,因此您可以轻松地在WordPress中创建在线付款表单。

When WPForms is a better solution than WooCommerce?


If you’re just looking to create a simple order form to accept credit card payments on your website, then WPForms is by far the simplest option in the list.

如果您只是想创建一个简单的订单表以在您的网站上接受信用卡付款 ,那么WPForms是迄今为止列表中最简单的选项。

You can use it for one-time or recurring services like consulting, lawn mowing, etc.


Cons compared to WooCommerce


It’s not an apples to apples comparison. WPForms is not an eCommerce plugin. You can’t use it to handle advanced things like taxes, shipping, etc.

这不是苹果与苹果的比较。 WPForms不是电子商务插件。 您不能使用它来处理税收,运输等高级事务。

It’s a simple payments solution for those who want to sell online without setting up a full-featured online store.


WooCommerce on the other hand is a powerful, full-featured eCommerce plugin.


We hope this article helped you learn about the best WooCommerce alternatives and when they can be a better solution. You may also want to see our list of proven and easy to start online business ideas that actually make money.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解最佳的WooCommerce替代品以及何时可以成为更好的解决方案。 您可能还希望查看我们的列表,这些列表已开始验证并且易于启动 ,可以真正赚钱。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-woocommerce-alternatives-better-solution-for-specific-needs/





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