

Recently, one of our readers asked if it was possible to add a customized Instagram photo feed to their site?


Specifically, they wanted to customize the Instagram photo feed to only show select photos instead of all photos from their profile.


In this article, we’re going to show you exactly how to create a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress.


Creating a custom Instagram feed for your WordPress site
为什么要在您的WordPress网站上包含Instagram Feed? (Why Include an Instagram Feed on Your WordPress Site?)

Adding an Instagram feed on your WordPress site lets you add fresh content without a lot of work. It also encourages readers to follow you on Instagram.

在WordPress网站上添加Instagram提要,无需进行大量工作即可添加新内容。 它还鼓励读者在Instagram上关注您。

Instead of adding photos manually to your site, you can simply upload them to Instagram, and they’ll appear on your website. You can also include other people’s photos by using a hashtag feed.

无需手动将照片添加到您的网站,您只需将它们上传到Instagram,它们就会出现在您的网站上。 您还可以使用井号标签供稿添加其他人的照片。

This could be a great way to show people using your products, providing valuable social proof that could help you make more money online.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.


如何在WordPress中创建自定义Instagram照片提要 (How to Create a Custom Instagram Photo Feed in WordPress)

To set up a custom Instagram photo feed on your site, you’ll need to install and activate the Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

要在您的网站上设置自定义Instagram照片供稿,您需要安装并激活Smash Balloon Instagram Feed插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

This is the premium version of the free Instagram feed plugin which is used by over 1 million websites.

这是免费的Instagram feed插件的高级版本,已有超过100万个网站使用。

After you’ve installed the plugin, go to Instagram Feed » Settings page in your WordPress admin and click the License tab to enter your license key. You can find this in your Smash Balloon account.

安装插件后,转到WordPress管理员中的Instagram Feed»“设置”页面,然后单击“许可证”选项卡以输入许可证密钥。 您可以在Smash Balloon帐户中找到它。

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom after activating your license key.


Adding your Instagram Feed license

Once you’ve activated your license, go to the ‘Configure’ tab and click the ‘Connect an Instagram Account’ button.


Connecting your Instagram account

You’ll then see a popup asking you to choose whether you’re using a Personal or Business Instagram profile.

然后,您会看到一个弹出窗口,要求您选择使用的是Personal还是Business Instagram个人资料。

Select whether you're using a personal or business Instagram account

If you simply want to display a feed of your photos, you can use a Personal Instagram account. However, if you want to show a hashtag feed, you’ll need a Business Instagram account.

如果您只想显示照片的提要,则可以使用个人Instagram帐户。 但是,如果要显示主题标签供稿,则需要一个Business Instagram帐户。

Tip: Don’t have a Business Account? To convert your Personal Instagram account into a Business Account, you can follow Smash Balloon’s step by step instructions.

提示:没有企业帐户? 要将您的个人Instagram帐户转换为企业帐户,您可以按照Smash Balloon的逐步说明进行操作

It’s free to create a Business Account with Instagram. You can switch back at any time in the Instagram app.

使用Instagram创建企业帐户是免费的。 您可以随时在Instagram应用中切换回去。

When you click the ‘Connect’ button in the WordPress dashboard, you simply need to follow the prompts and connect your account.


After that, you’ll see your account listed next to the ‘Instagram Accounts’ like this:

之后,您会在“ Instagram帐户”旁边看到您的帐户,如下所示:

The Instagram Feed plugin is now connected to your Instagram account

Note: You can connect more than one account. Later in this tutorial, we’ll look at how to show several different Instagram feeds on your site.

注意:您可以连接多个帐户。 在本教程的后面,我们将研究如何在您的网站上显示几个不同的Instagram feed。

在WordPress中显示您的Instagram照片的提要 (Showing a Feed of Your Instagram Photos in WordPress)

If you want to keep your WordPress site looking fresh and up to date, it’s easy to add a feed of your latest Instagram photos. We’ll take a look at the basic method first, then cover how to customize your feed.

如果您想保持WordPress网站的新鲜感和最新性,可以很容易地添加最新Instagram照片的feed。 我们将首先介绍基本方法,然后介绍如何自定义提要。

First, click the ‘Add to Primary Feed’ button next to your connected Instagram account:


Add your Instagram posts to your primary feed

After that, you can open up a post or page where you’re going to add your feed. Alternatively if you prefer, you can add it in a sidebar widget.

之后,您可以打开要添加Feed的帖子或页面。 或者,如果愿意,可以将其添加到侧边栏小部件中。

We’re going to create a new page under Pages » Add New for our feed.

我们将在Feed的“ 页面»添加新内容”下创建一个新页面。

Click the (+) symbol to add a new block, then select the ‘Instagram Feed’ block from the Widgets section:

单击(+)符号添加一个新块,然后从“小部件”部分中选择“ Instagram Feed”块:

Adding an Instagram feed block to your page

Your Instagram feed will be instantly added to your page, with a Follow button:

您的Instagram feed将通过“关注”按钮立即添加到您的页面:

Viewing your Instagram photos on your site

If you are using the classic editor, then simply enter the shortcode [instagram-feed] where you want your feed.

如果您使用的是经典编辑器 ,则只需在要输入[instagram-feed]地方输入简码[instagram-feed]

You can use the shortcode or the Instagram Feed widget to add your Instagram posts in your sidebar or footer, too. Just go to Appearance » Widgets and drag the Instagram Feed widget to wherever you like.

您也可以使用简码或Instagram Feed小部件在边栏或页脚中添加Instagram帖子。 只需转到外观»小部件,然后将Instagram Feed小部件拖到您喜欢的任何位置。

Adding the Instagram Feed widget to your sidebar
在WordPress中自定义您的Instagram Feed样式 (Customizing Your Instagram Feed Style in WordPress)

By default, your Instagram photos will be displayed in a four column grid. To begin with, users will see 20 photos from your account, but they can click ‘Load More’ to see additional photos.

默认情况下,您的Instagram照片将显示在四列网格中。 首先,用户将从您的帐户中看到20张照片,但他们可以单击“加载更多”以查看其他照片。

The Instagram Feed plugin gives you full control over these settings.

Instagram Feed插件使您可以完全控制这些设置。

To change how your Instagram Feed looks, go to Instagram Feed » Settings » Customize.

要更改Instagram Feed的外观,请转到Instagram Feed»设置»自定义

Here, you can change the width and height of your feed, switch the layout, change the number of photos, columns, and more.


To change the Layout, simply click on the option you want. We’re going to use a Highlight layout for our Instagram photos, with every 3rd photo highlighted.

要更改布局,只需单击所需的选项。 我们将对Instagram照片使用“突出显示”布局,每张第三张照片都会突出显示。

You can also choose how many columns to split the photos into, and how many to display to begin with. We’ve chosen to have 6 photos in 3 columns.

您还可以选择将照片分为几列,以及从几列开始显示。 我们选择在3列中拥有6张照片。

Changing the layout of your Instagram photos

Make sure you click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the screen after making any changes.


Here’s how the Instagram feed now looks on our website:

这是Instagram feed现在在我们网站上的显示方式:

The Instagram photos on the site, arranged in a Highlight layout
在WordPress中显示标签,标签或混合Instagram Feed (Displaying a Hashtag, Tagged, or Mixed Instagram Feed in WordPress)

Instagram Feed defaults to showing the most recent posts from your connected Instagram account.

Instagram Feed默认情况下显示来自您所关联的Instagram帐户的最新帖子。

In some cases, you might want to show something different. For instance, you might want to display Instagram posts from any account so long as they use a specific hashtag. This could be a great way to showcase photos from an event or conference.

在某些情况下,您可能想要显示一些不同的内容。 例如,您可能要显示来自任何帐户的Instagram帖子,只要它们使用特定的标签即可。 这可能是展示活动或会议照片的好方法。

You can change your feed type by going to Instagram Feed » Configure. Under Feed Type, you can switch to a hashtag or tagged feed. You can click the (?) icon next to an option for more information.

您可以转到Instagram Feed»配置来更改Feed类型。 在Feed类型下,您可以切换到主题标签或标记的Feed。 您可以单击选项旁边的(?)图标以获取更多信息。

We’re going to switch to a hashtag feed by using the Public Hashtag option. We’ll order it by most recent posts:

我们将使用“公共标签”选项切换到标签供稿。 我们将根据最新帖子对其进行排序:

Switch to a hashtag feed of posts

Note: You can’t create a mixed feed here. A mixed feed is one that combines different types, such as photos from a user account plus photos from a hashtag. You can follow the instructions in the next part of the tutorial to create a feed like that.

注意:您不能在此处创建混合供稿。 混合供稿是一种组合了不同类型的供稿,例如来自用户帐户的照片加上来自主题标签的照片。 您可以按照本教程下一部分中的说明创建类似这样的提要。

Here’s how the feed now looks on our site:


The #wpbeginner hashtag feed
在WordPress中创建多个Instagram feed (Creating Multiple Instagram Feeds in WordPress)

What if you want to include several different Instagram feeds on your WordPress site? That’s possible as well with few simple configurations.

如果您想在WordPress网站上包括几个不同的Instagram feed,该怎么办? 只需几个简单的配置就可以实现。

First, go to Instagram Feed » Settings and click on the ‘Display Your Feed’ tab.

首先,转到Instagram Feed»设置 ,然后单击“显示您的Feed”标签。

You’ll see a number of different settings that you can use within the [instagram-feed] shortcode.


Tip: If you only want to create one feed for your site, then you can change these settings under the Configure tab, as shown above.


If you have several user accounts connected, you can use [instagram-feed type="user" username="wpbeginner"] to specify an account. Change wpbeginner to the username you want.

如果您连接了多个用户帐户,则可以使用[instagram-feed type="user" username="wpbeginner"]指定一个帐户。 将wpbeginner更改为所需的用户名。

You can also choose to create feeds based on hashtags here. In this case, you’ll need to use [instagram-feed type="hashtag" hashtag="#wpbeginner"] where #wpbeginner is your chosen hashtag.

您还可以在此处选择基于主题标签创建供稿。 在这种情况下,您需要使用[instagram-feed type="hashtag" hashtag="#wpbeginner"] ,其中#wpbeginner是您选择的主题标签。

Another option is to create a feed that has tagged a specific user account. This option is only available if your connected Instagram account in the plugin settings is a business account.

另一种选择是创建一个标记了特定用户帐户的提要。 仅当您在插件设置中连接的Instagram帐户是企业帐户时,此选项才可用。

You can even use shortcodes to create a mixed feed that combines different feed types, such as your Instagram user account plus all photos with a specific hashtag.


If you’re using the Instagram Feed block in the WordPress visual editor, you don’t need to create the whole shortcode. You can simply add your shortcode settings in the block’s settings:

如果您在WordPress可视化编辑器中使用Instagram Feed块,则无需创建整个简码。 您可以简单地在块的设置中添加您的短代码设置:

Adding the shortcode settings for the Instagram Feed block

Make sure you click the ‘Apply Changes’ button after making changes here.


WordPress中其他流行的Instagram Feed设置 (Other Popular Instagram Feed Settings in WordPress)

You might be perfectly happy with the default display of your photos, as Instagram Feed does a great job without any customizations.

您可能会对照片的默认显示感到完全满意,因为Instagram Feed在没有任何自定义的情况下做得很好。

However, there are some common tweaks you may want to make depending on how you want to display your Instagram photos.


For instance, you might want to display just the photos without the captions. This is especially helpful if you’re adding the photos in a fairly narrow sidebar:

例如,您可能只想显示没有标题的照片。 如果要将照片添加到相对狭窄的侧边栏中,这将特别有用:

The Instagram Feed in the sidebar, with captions

You can switch the captions off by adding showcaption="false" to your shortcode. Then, your photos will display like this:

您可以通过在短代码中添加showcaption="false"来关闭字幕。 然后,您的照片将显示如下:

The Instagram photos in the sidebar without captions

You may want to filter posts if you’re using a hashtag feed. For instance, you might want to avoid posts that mention one of your competitors or posts that use rude words in the caption.

如果您使用的是主题标签供稿,则可能要过滤帖子。 例如,您可能希望避免提及竞争对手之一的帖子或避免在标题中使用粗鲁字词的帖子。

You can use excludewords="competitor, rude" in your shortcode. This will exclude any posts that use any of the words within the list of comma-separated words. Change “competitor” and “rude” to whatever words you want to exclude.

您可以在简码中使用excludewords="competitor, rude" 。 这将排除所有使用逗号分隔的单词列表中的任何单词的帖子。 将“竞争对手”和“粗鲁”更改为要排除的任何单词。

Another option you may want to use is to change the text of the Load More button. You can do this adding buttontext="See More Photos" to your shortcode. Simply replace “See More Photos” with the text you want to use.

您可能要使用的另一个选项是更改“加载更多”按钮的文本。 您可以通过将buttontext="See More Photos"到您的简码中来实现。 只需将“ See More Photos”替换为您要使用的文字。

There are lots of other settings you can use. Smash Balloon’s Instagram Feed plugin lets you tweak everything about how your Instagram photos display on your site.

您可以使用许多其他设置。 Smash Balloon的Instagram Feed插件可让您调整有关Instagram照片在网站上显示方式的所有信息。

If you want to see all the possible settings, just go to Instagram Feed » Settings » Display Your Feed to get the full list:

如果您想查看所有可能的设置,只需转到Instagram Feed»设置»显示您的Feed即可获取完整列表:

Instagram Feed Pro's display settings

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a custom Instagram feed in WordPress. You might also want to see our comparison of the best WordPress giveaway plugins to grow your social following, and best email marketing services to increase your website traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中创建自定义Instagram feed。 您可能还想看一下我们对最佳WordPress赠品插件的比较,以增加您的社交关注度,以及最好的电子邮件营销服务,以增加您的网站流量。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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