

Recently one of our readers asked our thoughts on the new domain extensions. As you already know that apart from the popular dot-com extension, there are many new domain name extensions that you can choose from. In this article, we will answer the question: should you choose new domain extensions for your website with pros and cons?

最近,我们的一位读者提出了我们对新域扩展的想法。 您已经知道,除了流行的.com扩展名之外,还有许多新的域名扩展名可供选择。 在本文中,我们将回答以下问题:您是否应该为网站选择具有优点和缺点的新域扩展名?

Should you choose new domain extensions for your website?
什么是域扩展? (What are Domain Extensions?)

Domain extensions or TLDs are the last part of a domain name. These are the letters that appear after the dot and to the right side of the domain name. For example, WPBeginner has a .com domain extension (i.e. wpbeginner.com) and Wikipedia has a .org domain extension (wikipedia.org).

域扩展名或TLD是域名的最后一部分。 这些是字母后面的字母,位于域名的右侧。 例如,WPBeginner具有.com域扩展名(即wpbeginner.com),而Wikipedia具有.org域扩展名(wikipedia.org)。

To learn more about domain name system, see our beginner’s guide on what is a domain name and how do domains work.


The first domain extensions were .com, .net, and .org. They are still the most popular domain extensions.

第一个域扩展名是.com,.net和.org。 它们仍然是最受欢迎的域名扩展。

As time passed, new domain extensions were introduced. These included country specific domain extensions like .co.uk or .com.de, and generic extensions like .travel, .app, .mobi, .photography, and more.

随着时间的流逝,引入了新的域扩展。 其中包括国家/地区特定的域名扩展名(如.co.uk或.com.de)以及通用扩展名(如.travel,.app,.mobi,.photography等)。

Today, there are hundreds of domain extensions available that can be used for starting a website.


Domain name extensions

You can register a domain name from one of these top domain registrars. Some registrars offer more variety of domain extensions than others. The cost for each domain extension will vary, and some of the new ones are quite expensive when compared to the popular .com, .net, and .org extensions.

你可以注册一个域名从这些中的一个顶级域名注册商 。 一些注册商提供的域名扩展范围比其他注册商更多。 每个域名扩展的费用各不相同,与流行的.com,.net和.org扩展相比,其中一些新域名的价格非常昂贵。

Once you have purchased a domain name, you’ll still need web hosting to build a website. For more details see our beginner’s guide on the difference between domain name and web hosting.

购买域名后,您仍然需要网络托管来构建网站。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关域名和网络托管之间区别的初学者指南。

您是否应该为网站选择新的域名扩展名? (Should You Choose a New Domain Extension for Your Website?)

Choosing a domain name with the right domain extension is crucial for the success of your website. The extension part of your domain affects your branding.

选择具有正确域名扩展名的域名对于网站的成功至关重要。 域的扩展部分会影响您的品牌。

The new domain extensions are not as popular because most people are not familiar with them. In fact, some users may not even recognize them as a proper domain name.

新的域扩展并不那么受欢迎,因为大多数人都不熟悉它们。 实际上,某些用户甚至可能不会将其识别为正确的域名。

The .com domain extension has become synonymous with the internet. Nearly 46% of all registered domain names are .com domains. Even most smartphones have a default .com key for quick typing.

.com域扩展名已成为Internet的代名词。 所有注册域名中将近46%是.com域。 甚至大多数智能手机都具有默认的.com密钥,可快速键入。

The dot com extension

This is why we recommend using only the .com domain extension.


The .com domains are easy to remember. Most internet users instinctively use .com when entering a website address in their browser. Due to the popularity of .com domain names, they are easier to brand, promote, and help you grow your business.

.com域很容易记住。 大多数互联网用户在浏览器中输入网站地址时会本能地使用.com。 由于.com域名的流行,它们更易于品牌推广,促进并帮助您发展业务。

A .com domain name can be used to create almost any kind of website and business. This flexibility also gives you the freedom to change your website’s scope or your business while keeping the old brand and domain name.

.com域名可用于创建几乎任何类型的网站和业务。 这种灵活性还使您可以自由更改网站范围或业务,同时保留旧品牌和域名。

Due to its familiarity, flexibility, and potential, we recommend that you only choose a .com domain extension for your new website.


如果我的首选.com扩展名不可用怎么办? (What to Do If My Preferred .com Extension is Not Available?)

Majority of websites on the internet are using a .com extension. This means there are nearly 136 Million .com domain names already registered.

互联网上的大多数网站都使用.com扩展名。 这意味着已经注册了近1.36亿个.com域名。

This would make you feel that all the good domain names are already registered. However, there are still plenty of clever ways to find a good .com domain name.

这会让您觉得所有好的域名都已注册。 但是,仍然有很多聪明的方法来找到一个好的.com域名。

  • Your domain name should represent your business and what you do. For example, starplumbingservices.com is better than starservices.com

    您的域名应该代表您的业务以及您的工作。 例如,starplumbingservices.com优于starservices.com
  • You can try adding small words before or after your preferred domain name to make it unique. For example, starplumbingboston.com

    您可以尝试在首选域名之前或之后添加小词,以使其唯一。 例如,starplumbingboston.com
  • Make sure your domain name can be easily pronounced. Don’t use hyphens or numbers in your domain name.

    确保您的域名可以容易地发音。 请勿在域名中使用连字符或数字。
  • online domain name generators. These free tools will help you find domain name ideas that are still available.在线域名生成器 。 这些免费工具将帮助您找到仍然可用的域名提示。

If you need more help, then see our beginner’s guide on how to choose the best domain name for some more practical tips.

如果您需要更多帮助,请参阅有关如何选择最佳域名的初学者指南, 获取更多实用提示。

That being said, let’s review some other popular domain extensions, their intended purpose, and what kind of websites they are suitable for.


其他可用的域扩展 (Other Domain Extensions That Are Available)

There are hundreds of domain name extensions available. We have tried to pick up some generic and popular extensions to give you an idea of how these domain extensions are intended to be used.

有数百种域名扩展可用。 我们已经尝试了一些通用且流行的扩展名,以使您了解如何使用这些域扩展名。

When should you use .Net domain extension?


The .net extension is the second most popular domain extension. It was intended to be used by networking businesses, internet service providers, or networks of online communities.

.net扩展名是第二流行的域扩展名。 它旨在供网络业务,Internet服务提供商或在线社区网络使用。

Using it for an unrelated business website is a bad idea for your brand. For example, you can use .net if you sell networking devices on your website but not for a clothing store.

对于不相关的商业网站使用它对您的品牌来说是个坏主意。 例如,如果您在网站上销售网络设备,但不为服装店销售网络设备,则可以使用.net。

For more details see our comparison of .com vs .net domain extensions.


When should you .Org domain extension?


The .org was initially launched to accompany .com and .net domain extensions. It is suitable for non-profit organizations, charities, religious, or social awareness websites.

.org最初是随.com和.net域扩展一起启动的。 它适用于非营利组织,慈善机构,宗教或社会意识网站。

Using it for a business or personal website can give your customers a wrong impression. There are organizations that use .org for their non-profit activities and the .com version of the same domain for commercial activities.

将其用于企业或个人网站可能会给您的客户一个错误的印象。 有些组织使用.org进行非营利活动,而使用同一域的.com版本进行商业活动。

When should you .Biz domain extension


The .biz domain extensions are an acronym for business. Similar to .com extension, .biz is intended to be used by any kind of business website.

.biz域扩展名是business的缩写。 与.com扩展名类似,.biz适用于任何类型的商业网站。

However, .biz is a lot less familiar to customers which makes it difficult to remember. It may also affect customer’s perception of your business when you are not using a .com extension.

但是,.biz对客户而言并不那么熟悉,因此很难记住。 当您不使用.com扩展名时,这也可能会影响客户对您业务的看法。

When should you .Info domain extension


The .info extension is an acronym for information and can be used by information portals or similar websites.


Using this extension for a blog or a business website can give users the wrong impression. This would also affect your brand’s reputation, and your website’s goals in the long run.

对博客或商业网站使用此扩展名可能会给用户留下错误的印象。 从长远来看,这也将影响您的品牌声誉和网站的目标。

When should you .Name domain extension


The .name extension is intended to be used by individuals. This new less popular domain extension was created to provide people with another option to register a domain name for personal websites with their own name.

.name扩展名仅供个人使用。 创建此较不受欢迎的域名扩展名的目的是为人们提供另一种选择,以便使用自己的名称为个人网站注册域名。

Due to the unfamiliarity of the extension and its scope, you can only use it for a personal website or blog. You should never use it for a small business website.

由于扩展名及其范围不熟悉,因此只能将其用于个人网站或博客。 您永远不要将其用于小型企业网站

When should you .TV domain extension


Technically .tv domain extension is a country based TLD for websites based in Tuvalu (a tiny island nation in the Pacific ocean). However, the domain is used by tv-related websites around the world.

从技术上讲,.tv域扩展是一个基于国家/地区的TLD,用于图瓦卢(太平洋中的一个小岛国)的网站。 但是,该域名已被世界各地与电视相关的网站所使用。

You should only use this domain if your website or business is about the tv industry. Using it for other businesses or blogs would look odd.

仅当您的网站或企业与电视行业有关时,才应使用该域。 将其用于其他企业或博客看起来很奇怪。

In fact, even if you have a tv related website, we would still recommend you to go with a .com domain name instead. Many popular tv companies don’t use a .tv domain extension. For example, HBO, CNN, CBS, and dozens more.

实际上,即使您拥有与电视相关的网站,我们仍然建议您改用.com域名。 许多流行的电视公司不使用.tv域扩展名。 例如,HBO,CNN,CBS等。

There are dozens of more domain extensions like .photography, .club, .xyz, .blog and more. All of them are too specific, less memorable, and limit your website’s potential in one way or another.

还有许多其他域名扩展名,例如.photography,.club,.xyz,.blog等。 所有这些都太具体,难忘,并以一种或另一种方式限制了您网站的潜力。

国家特定的域名扩展呢? (What About Country Specific Domain Extensions?)

You should only use country specific domain extensions if you only want to target users in that particular country.


The intended purpose of country-specific domain extensions is to be used by individuals and businesses in that region. Many such domains can only be registered if you are located in that country or have a representative there.

国家特定域扩展的预期目的将由该地区的个人和企业使用。 仅当您位于该国家或在该国设有代表时,才能注册许多此类域名。

Country-specific domain extensions are great for creating multilingual websites or creating region-specific websites.


Some websites use country domain extensions to come up with clever ideas for their domain names. For example, bit.ly uses the domain extension for Libya, or goo.gl, the URL shortener service by Google using the country domain extension for Greenland.

一些网站使用国家/地区域名扩展名来为其域名提出巧妙的想法。 例如,bit.ly将域名扩展名用于Libya,或将goo.gl(谷歌使用URL缩短服务),将国家/地区域名扩展名用于格陵兰。

This kind of domain names are called domain hacks. While they look cool, you will need some serious marketing skills to turn them into a recognizable brand and memorable for your users.

这种域名称为域名黑客。 尽管它们看起来很酷,但您将需要一些认真的营销技能,才能将其转变为可识别的品牌,并为您的用户留下深刻的印象。

We hope this article helped answer the question about choosing new domain extensions for your website. You may also want to see our guide on how to make a website with step by step instructions for beginners.

我们希望本文有助于回答有关为您的网站选择新的域名扩展名的问题。 您可能还希望查看有关如何制作网站的指南,其中包括针对初学者的逐步说明。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/should-you-choose-a-new-domain-extension-for-your-website/






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