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翻译 Java文件类boolean setLastModified(long set_new_time)方法,包含示例

文件类boolean setLastModified(long set_new_time) (File Class boolean setLastModified(long set_new_time))This method is available in package java.io.File.setLastModified(long set_new_time). 软件包java.io.F...

2020-08-04 16:02:22 1153

翻译 python重载运算符乘法_Python | 使用乘法运算符创建一个字符串的多个副本

python重载运算符乘法Given a string and we have to create its multiple copies by using multiplication operator in Python? 给定一个字符串,我们必须通过在Python中使用乘法运算符来创建其多个副本? If you want to create multiple copies of str...

2020-08-04 12:23:19 915

翻译 gcc -pthread_错误-在GCC Linux中使用C程序未定义对'pthread_create'的引用

gcc -pthread 在Linux中修复对'pthread_create'的未定义引用 (Fixing undefined reference to 'pthread_create' in Linux)This is a common error while compiling C program in GCC/G++ Linux. This error occurs when you ar...

2020-08-04 12:12:43 1724

翻译 数字和数字根的总和_使用8086微处理器查找8位数字的数字总和

数字和数字根的总和Problem statement: 问题陈述: Write an assembly language program in 8086 microprocessor to find sum of digit of an 8 bits number using 8 bits operation. 在8086微处理器中编写汇编语言程序,以使用8位运算找到8位数字的位数之和。 ...

2020-08-04 11:12:19 357

翻译 std::vector函数_vector :: front(),vector :: back(),vector :: at()和vector :: data()函数,并带有示例| C ++ STL...

std::vector函数vector::front(), vector::back(), vector::at() and vector::data() functions are the predefined function of vector class, which are used for vector element accessing in C++ STL. vector :: ...

2020-08-04 09:42:22 1128

翻译 css 文本背景色透明_如何使用CSS将文本或图像的背景设置为透明?

css 文本背景色透明Introduction: 介绍: In web development, there are numerous ways by which we can style our websites or web pages. You can make use of lots of properties for creating attractive and responsiv...

2020-08-04 09:32:05 1509

翻译 c语言格式对齐填充_C ++中类的大小 课堂上的填充和对齐| 派生类的大小

c语言格式对齐填充Prerequisite: 先决条件: sizeof() operator in C/C++ C / C ++中的sizeof()运算符 Size of struct in C C中的struct大小 We know that a struct size is not only the summation of all the data members, rather it'...

2020-08-04 08:19:58 458

翻译 mcq 队列_人工智能搜索问题能力问题解答(MCQ)

mcq 队列1) The main Aim of the AI system is to provide a solution for real-life problems by acting and thinking humanly. Whenever an agent is confronted by a problem, what is the first step that it fo...

2020-08-04 08:10:36 397

翻译 ai人工智能_人工智能能力问答中的人工智能不确定性

ai人工智能1) Which of the following is true with respect to uncertainty in AI systems?Uncertainty arises when we are not 100 percent confident in our decisionsWhenever uncertainty arises, there is ne...

2020-08-04 08:01:22 420

翻译 人形机器人正在美国史密森尼博物馆中担任导游的工作

Te article has been removed, please visit IncludeHelp's home page for more articles该文章已被删除,请访问IncludeHelp的主页以获取更多文章翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/News/a-humanoid-robot-is-doing-the-job-of-a-guide-i...

2020-08-04 04:19:39 157

翻译 Java Thread类最终同步的void join(long time_in_ms)方法,带有示例

线程类最终同步无效连接(long time_in_ms) (Thread Class final synchronized void join(long time_in_ms))This method is available in package java.lang.Thread.join(long time_in_ms). 软件包java.lang.Thread.join(long ti...

2020-08-04 01:19:30 109

翻译 node oauth2验证_如何设置和使用护照OAuth Facebook身份验证(第1部分)| Node.js

node oauth2验证In my last articles, we looked at the implementation of the passport-local authentication strategy. We also looked at the various requirements to get started with the login form. 在上一篇文章中...

2020-08-04 01:09:20 292

翻译 c语言100位整数变量声明_C ++程序动态声明一个整数变量并打印其内存地址

c语言100位整数变量声明Here, we will learn how we can declare an integer variable dynamically and how to print address of declared memory block? 在这里,我们将学习如何动态声明整数变量,以及如何打印声明的内存块的地址? In C++ programming, we can...

2020-08-03 23:37:38 1162

翻译 wrf 嵌套网格作用_在网格系统中使用响应列,嵌套列和偏移列 引导程序

wrf 嵌套网格作用 介绍 (Introduction)In the previous article, we have learnt what is grid and grid system and how it works? Now, we will learn about how Responsive column, Nesting Columns and Offset Columns w...

2020-08-03 22:48:03 914

翻译 scanf 输入十六进制_使用C语言中的scanf()在字符变量中输入十进制,八进制和十六进制值...

scanf 输入十六进制Here, we will declare an unsigned char variable and input different format's value like decimal format, octal format and hexadecimal format. 在这里,我们将声明一个无符号的char变量,并输入不同格式的值,例如十进制格式,八进制格式和...

2020-08-03 21:35:56 2394

翻译 java 数字字母进位_使用带有进位的8085微处理器将两个8位数字相乘

java 数字字母进位Problem statement: 问题陈述: Multiplication of two 8 bits numbers using 8085 microprocessor with carry. 使用带有进位的8085微处理器将两个8位数字相乘。 Algorithm: 算法: Load HL pair with initial data using LHLD ...

2020-08-03 20:54:31 251

翻译 网络拓扑 令牌环网 以太网_以太网连接中网络拓扑的类型及其框架 以太网技术...

网络拓扑 令牌环网 以太网A topology explains how physically the network is designed or what is the structure of the network. These designs are both physical and logical. There are many network topologies 4 like B...

2020-08-03 19:25:19 1065

翻译 java中的starts_Java Math类静态double nextAfter(double starts,double direction)示例

java中的starts 数学类静态double nextAfter(双向启动,双向) (Math Class static double nextAfter(double starts , double directions) )This method is available in java.lang package. 此方法在java.lang包中可用。 This method is ...

2020-08-03 19:06:21 184

翻译 将八进制数制转换为二进制,十进制和十六进制数制

1)将八进制数制转换为二进制数制 (1) Conversion of Octal Number System to Binary Number System)To convert octal numbers into binary numbers, we can use the relationship between octal and binary numbers. 要将八进制数转换为二...

2020-08-03 17:56:08 7691

翻译 Python程序查找表示O(1)复杂度的数字所需的位数

Problem statement 问题陈述 Find total Number of bits required to represent a number in binary 查找以二进制表示数字所需的总位数 Example 1: 范例1: input : 10 output: 4Example 2: 范例2: input : 32 ...

2020-08-03 17:36:11 317

翻译 数组重复次数最多的元素递归_使用递归计算链接列表中元素的出现次数

数组重复次数最多的元素递归Solution: 解: Required function: 所需功能: func_occurence ( node *temp) //recursive functionInput: 输入: A singly linked list whose address of the first node is stored in a pointer,...

2020-08-03 16:37:51 387

翻译 JavaScript | 如何为变量分配十进制,八进制和十六进制值?

Just like C programming language, we can assign integer value in the different format to the variable. 就像C编程语言一样 ,我们可以将不同格式的整数值分配给变量。 Assigning decimal value: It can be assigned simply without using...

2020-08-03 16:27:12 407

翻译 shell两个数字相乘_使用8086微处理器将两个16位数字相乘而不带进位

shell两个数字相乘Problem statement: 问题陈述: To perform multiplication operation between 2 16bit numbers with carry using 8086 Microprocessor. 使用8086微处理器在2个16位数字之间进行带进位的乘法运算。 Algorithm: 算法: Load the firs...

2020-08-03 14:37:20 455

翻译 8086简单的指令流水线_在8086微处理器中执行流水线的指令和概念的步骤

8086简单的指令流水线Any computer or machine works according to some instructions. These instructions are responsible for all the work that the machine does. But how does a machine work to understand and execu...

2020-08-03 13:29:06 2441

翻译 单链表遍历_单链表及其遍历实现的基本操作

单链表遍历 单链表 (Single linked list)Single linked list contains a number of nodes where each node has a data field and a pointer to next node. The link of the last node is to NULL, indicates end of list. ...

2020-08-03 13:19:45 11619

翻译 要求用户在Python中输入整数| 限制用户仅输入整数值

input() function can be used for the input, but it reads the value as a string, then we can use the int() function to convert string value to an integer. input()函数可用于输入,但它将值读取为字符串,然后可以使用int()函数将字符串值转...

2020-08-03 12:41:08 12399

翻译 c语言将链表写入二进制文件_通过逐级遍历将二进制树转换为单链表的C程序

c语言将链表写入二进制文件Problem statement: Write a C program to convert a binary tree into a single linked list by traversing level-wise. 问题陈述:编写一个C程序,通过逐级遍历将二进制树转换为单个链表 。 Example: 例: The above binary tree i...

2020-08-03 11:20:16 504

翻译 mcq 队列_人工智能能力问答中的人工智能概率推理(MCQ)

mcq 队列1) Which of the following correctly defines the use of probabilistic reasoning in AI systems?In situations of uncertainty, probabilistic theory can help us give an estimate of how much an ev...

2020-08-03 10:39:34 371

翻译 JavaScript | 声明数组并使用数组索引分配元素的代码

Declare an array, assign elements by indexes and print all elements in JavaScript. 声明一个数组,通过索引分配元素,并打印JavaScript中的所有元素。 Code: 码: <html> <head> <script> ...

2020-08-03 10:19:29 228

翻译 设计一个应用程序,以在C#中的按钮单击事件上在MessageBox中显示TextBox中的文本...

Here, we took two controls on windows form that are TextBox and Button, named txtInput and btnShow respectively. We have to write C# code to display TextBox’s text in the MessageBox on Button Click. ...

2020-08-03 07:55:58 1993

翻译 aes-128算法加密_加密算法问题-人工智能中的一种约束满意问题

aes-128算法加密The Crypt-Arithmetic problem in Artificial Intelligence is a type of encryption problem in which the written message in an alphabetical form which is easily readable and understandable is c...

2020-08-03 06:45:12 537

翻译 哈希表的最差复杂度是n2_给定数组A []和数字X,请检查A []中是否有对X | 使用哈希O(n)时间复杂度| 套装1...

哈希表的最差复杂度是n2Prerequisite: 先决条件: Hashing data structure 散列数据结构 Problem statement: 问题陈述: Given an array and a sum X, fins any pair which sums to X. Expected time complexity O(n). 给定一个数组和一个和X ,对求和为X...

2020-08-03 05:44:59 555

翻译 量词逻辑量词里面的v表示?_代理知识表示中的量词简介(基于人工智能)

量词逻辑量词里面的v表示?As we know that in an AI-based agent, the knowledge is represented through two types of logic: The propositional logic and the predicate logic. In the propositional logic, we have declara...

2020-08-03 03:46:25 634

翻译 标志寄存器_访问标志寄存器,并与寄存器B |交换标志寄存器F的内容 8085微处理器...

标志寄存器Problem statement: 问题陈述: Write an assembly language program in 8085 microprocessor to access Flag register and exchange the content of flag register F with register B. 在8085微处理器中编写汇编语言程序以访问标志寄...

2020-08-03 02:36:27 338

翻译 ruby 变量类中范围_Ruby中的类

ruby 变量类中范围 Ruby类 (Ruby Classes)In the actual world, we have many objects which belong to the same category. For instance, I am working on my laptop and this laptop is one of those laptops which exis...

2020-08-02 21:25:32 145

翻译 python中 numpy_Python中的Numpy

python中 numpy Python中的Numpy是什么? (What is Numpy in Python?)Numpy is an array processing package which provides high-performance multidimensional array object and utilities to work with arrays. It is a...

2020-08-02 21:15:35 397

翻译 scala bitset_Scala中的BitSet

scala bitset Scala BitSet (Scala BitSet)Set is a collection of unique elements. 集合是唯一元素的集合。 Bitset is a set of positive integers represented as a 64-bit word. 位集是一组表示为64位字的正整数。 Syntax: 句法: ...

2020-08-02 20:23:30 608

翻译 qgis在地图上画导航线_在Laravel中的航线

qgis在地图上画导航线For further process we need to know something about it, 为了进一步处理,我们需要了解一些有关它的信息, The route is a core part in Laravel because it maps the controller for sending a request which is automati...

2020-08-02 19:04:05 860

翻译 java awt 按钮响应_Java AWT按钮

java awt 按钮响应The Button class is used to implement a GUI push button. It has a label and generates an event, whenever it is clicked. As mentioned in previous sections, it extends the Component class a...

2020-08-02 17:05:04 1009

翻译 r语言 运算符_R语言运算符

r语言 运算符 R语言中的运算符 (Operators in R Language)Generally speaking, an operator is a symbol that gives proper commands to the compiler regarding a specific action to be executed. The operators are used for...

2020-08-02 15:55:39 7931



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