

3-Dimensional printing is the latest technology that deals with creating a physical object from a digital design that has been created using the high-end graphics related software on the system. There exists a wide range of materials that can be used in 3D printing based on the requirement but the basic concept remains the same i.e. a particular blueprint is turned into a solid three-dimensional physical object by adding material layer by layer.

3维打印是最新的技术,用于处理通过使用系统上高端图形相关软件创建的数字设计创建物理对象。 根据要求,可以在3D打印中使用多种材料,但是基本概念保持不变,即通过逐层添加材料将特定的蓝图转变为立体三维物理对象。

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Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/O2thSsQrZUM/maxresdefault.jpg


加工 (Working)

The elementary step in 3D printing is creating the basic design for the object. The design is segregated into thin layers before feeding it into the 3D printer. The choice of printer and the type of technology that is to be employed for 3D printing differs on the requirement basis. For small-scale printing projects, desktop printers can be used which melts down the plastic material and spreads it over the printing platform. For industrial projects, high tech machines that emit laser to melt metal powder is used. The process is highly time-consuming and after printing is over, it undergoes many processes in order to reach the desirable finishing. The choice of material includes plastics, rubber, sandstone, metals, and alloys which is highly specific to the type of printer and process used in the project.

3D打印的基本步骤是创建对象的基本设计。 在将设计输入3D打印机之前,将其分成几层。 打印机的选择和要用于3D打印的技术类型因要求而异。 对于小规模的打印项目,可以使用台式打印机,该打印机可以熔化塑料材料并将其散布在打印平台上。 对于工业项目,使用发射激光以熔化金属粉末的高科技机器。 该过程非常耗时,并且在打印结束后,为了达到理想的加工效果,需要经历许多过程。 材料的选择包括塑料,橡胶,砂岩,金属和合金,这些材料与项目中使用的打印机类型和Craft.io高度相关。

3D打印的优势 (Advantages of 3D Printing)

1) Creating sophisticated designs


The technology can be used to create complex designs which are generally difficult to illustrate using the existing modes of printing. The cost of such printing is obviously on the higher side but considering the high detailing and quality of printing, the cost factor can be little ignored.

该技术可用于创建复杂的设计,而使用现有的打印模式通常很难说明这一点。 这种印刷的成本显然较高,但是考虑到印刷的高细节和高质量,几乎不能忽略成本因素。

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Image source: https://cdn-blog.adafruit.com/uploads/2013/05/dsc07995-chain-mail-as-built.jpg


2) Offers high Customizability


In order to make changes to the item, altering the digital blueprint of the object will be sufficient to reflect them over the finished product without the need for extra manufacturing cost. Thus one can make frequent changes and verify the feasibility of the design or structure.

为了更改项目,更改对象的数字设计图足以将它们反映在成品上,而无需额外的制造成本。 因此,可以经常进行更改并验证设计或结构的可行性。

3) Minimal Wastage


The conventional manufacturing methods require the use of various tools, raw materials, and equipment for preparing the appropriate design. But with the application of 3D printing, The amount of wastage during the process has been greatly reduced. Since it involves generating the product layer by layer hence only the raw materials which are needed for making the particular part of the object is used at a time. The materials used can also be recycled for preparing other 3D models.

常规的制造方法需要使用各种工具,原材料和设备来准备适当的设计。 但是,随着3D打印的应用,该过程中的浪费量已大大减少。 由于它涉及逐层生成产品,因此一次仅使用制造对象的特定部分所需的原材料。 所使用的材料也可以回收以准备其他3D模型。

3D打印的应用 (Applications of 3D Printing)

1) Automobile manufacturing


3D printing is used in the car manufacturing industry so as to create the prototype of various parts to test the durability of the design. It is of great help when creating customized cars.

3D打印用于汽车制造业,以创建各种零件的原型以测试设计的耐用性。 这在创建定制汽车时有很大的帮助。

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Image source: https://3dprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/a3.png


2) Medical


The various medical aids such as hearing devices, prosthetics are largely developed by using 3D printing technology. This has made the production of such devices much easier without much involvement of manual labor.

通过使用3D打印技术在很大程度上开发了各种医疗辅助设备,例如助听器,假肢。 这使得这种装置的生产变得容易得多,而无需大量的体力劳动。

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Image source: https://3dprint.com/wpcontent/uploads/2017/02/fairings_3d_printed_scott.jpg


3) Drone Manufacturing


The drone has always fascinated experts from every field but due to its limited production, difficult repairing and availability of spare parts, the concept was very limited for adoption. The 3D technology has overcome this barrier which allows the users to produce spare parts with just one click from a list of predesigned parts. Hence the users are able to customize their drone equipment with their creativity as per their requirements.

无人驾驶飞机一直吸引着各个领域的专家,但由于产量有限,维修困难和备件供应不足,因此该概念的采用非常有限。 3D技术克服了这一障碍,使用户只需单击一下预先设计的零件列表即可生产备件。 因此,用户能够根据自己的需求定制自己的无人机设备。

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Image source: https://www.3dprintwise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/mini-quadcopters-796x448_c.jpg


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/articles/3d-printing-working-advantages-and-applications.aspx






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